Hello Everyone: The last article was painful enough to read about. This website is to promote the urgent need for Fatima. Therefore, this article is written to inform all those who have a heart for Fatima that the enemy of the Church has even entered into the Basilica at Fatima Portugal and that it can not be overlooked - since we are to offer Reparation for such crimes. This is not easy to read but we are called by Our Lady to OFFER REPARATION FOR THIS. 'Catholic Family News' has been diligent in reporting this January 25th about the sacrilege of a new and improved "crucifix" that has been there since May 2017 for the 100 year celebration in Fatima, Portugal. I have reprinted some of this info from their website. My next article will be on the need for Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus. This Novena starts this Sunday, February 4th. I will include all that is needed for this devotion which is so greatly needed today. It is a Carmelite devotion, therefore, it is appropriate that we pay attention to this and offer our prayers of reparation for the sins committed against God. The new ‘crucifix’ pictured above is on the outside steps of the venerable Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary and is a recent addition that features somewhat of a transgender, unmanly, extremely skinny human figure, with effeminate facial hair and posing features floating away from the cross above and behind the Altar/table. However, these female characteristics are offset by a disproportionately large prominence in a key area of the male anatomy. This is an obscenity; an outrage; and an impious sacrilege – and it is on full display where hundreds of thousands at a time attend outdoor Masses viewing this disgusting spectacle, including during the Papal Mass of May 13, 2017 for the Fatima centenary. Our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, was incarnated as a man; so should He be depicted in art. At the end of this article is a warning from Pope St. Pius X that this was going to be experienced at this time. And then at Christmas - there was a Nativity display that was also gender-neutral. Pilgrims who traveled to Fatima during the Christmas season saw the new Nativity Scene of Paulo Neves, a set of three sculptures, located in the nave of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, near the entrance, on the Epistle side. The installation of the sculptures, commissioned by the Fatima Shrine recaptures the Holy Family, and, in the figure of Mary, the sculptor depicts a heart on the maternal breast of the Virgin Mary. There is nothing masculine in the appearance of Saint Joseph. This gender-neutral or feminist presentation is consistent with numerous other pieces of modern art at Fatima. The attempted depiction of the Divine Child Jesus as an almost formless block of wood is far beyond traditional Catholic sensibilities. Once again, another appearance of Modernist art at Fatima is a clarion call for us to make reparation for the “outrages, sacrileges and indifference” by which Our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, is offended. Conclusion: The following words of Pope St. Pius X issued on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8, 1907) in his Encyclical on the Doctrine of the Modernists (Pascendi Dominici Gregis) are an apt conclusion to this article: “It must, however, be confessed that these latter days have witnessed a notable increase in the number of the enemies of the Cross of Christ, who, by arts entirely new and full of deceit, are striving to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, as far as in them lies, utterly to subvert the very Kingdom of Christ. Wherefore We may no longer keep silence…” (Pascendi, n. 1 – emphasis added) Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Hello Everyone: I wasn't going to use this website as a "news" site. There are plenty of those. I want this website to be filled with inspiration for a renewed vigor toward prayer and reparation in the spirit of Carmel and Fatima. This article in a way will invigorate those who have a heart for Truth to want to make reparation after they wipe away the tears as I did. For our 25th wedding anniversary (12 years ago), we went to the Canadian shrines in Montreal. It was beautiful but at the same time sad. We had processions with our group but it was obvious that faith had grown cold in these parts. It is a sad day for Canada and the faith of the people! What has happened? Catholic World News on January 23, 2018 reported that the number of Quebec parishes fell from 130 to 64 [and eventually to 37] as “reorganization” continues. This seems to be the new "springtime" the Church is experiencing all over just as the Freemasons had hoped for well before Vatican II! (look at the "Alta Vendita" under "Devotions - Latin Mass" of this website - it is their blueprint of destruction which is now coming to fruition but will not succeed because God still has a remnant and Our Lady will crush the head of the serpent before he devours us! Prior to a reorganization announced in 2011 by Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, the Archdiocese of Quebec had 216 parishes. On January 1, the number of parishes serving these 216 “local communities” was reduced from 130 to 64. In 2020, the number of parishes will fall to 37. What a nightmare and this is happening EVERYWHERE! If this does not make one weep - what will! What has happened to the Church? Well, I was led to study Freemasonry about four years ago and bought a number of books and did a lot of research on the internet. Freemasonry is appropriate to report on since we are in the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success and she told Mother Mariana that Freemasonry would infiltrate all the sects of the world - including the Church. Pope Leo XIII wrote against it in the encyclical Humanum Genus - which you can read -- In this encyclical - he asks that we teach the youth about Freemasonry so that the new generations will recognize and resist it! THIS NEVER WAS OBEYED! It never even happened in the seminaries - could it be that those who were teaching in them were Freemasons? Do your own study! Regarding the old picture at the top of this article - the Ursuline Sisters Monastery of Quebec is now closed as of July, 2017 and it is now a museum. Yes - it is a museum that you and I can visit, cry and reminisce. The history of the Ursulines in Quebec dates back almost 400 years. Their superior, Saint Marie de l’Incarnation, crossed the Atlantic in 1639 to start a school for the education of girls. The monastery has a history of being a refuge during the battle of 1759 when it housed soldiers for both the English and the French sides. The sisters tended to the wounded and this allowed them rations of food that would not have been otherwise obtained during the war. Until the late 1960’s, the Catholic Sisters of the Ursulines were cloistered from the rest of the world. Last July the few sisters left went to an assisted living facility not far from the monastery with the youngest sister at age 60. What happened to our sisters - our cloistered nuns? Why did they update their Constitutions and throw away their habits and then begin to see the "New Springtime" of lost vocations? Below you can read the book "The Nun In the World". This was written by Cardinal Josef Suenens during the time of the Second Vatican Council. In a nutshell it is written like a true Freemason - total Catholic Truth on one page and lies on the next. He tells the sisters that we "need you OUT of the convents and in the world" - and please - take off those habits - people can communicate better to someone dressed not so archaically. So if you want to know how the nuns in the world got the idea to strip themselves of their habits - well here it is for you to read. This PDF is the revised edition - he had to revise it a bit when there were complaints - he had to revise the fact that this was not meant for the contemplatives - only the active sisters - not true but a step to save himself from the backlash. I bought a hard copy of this book because I could not believe something like this could be written by a prince of the Church (but he was ONE of the many Freemasons then and there are even more now) but it is available on a PDF for you --- notice the date of his forward -- September 15th - the Feast of the Sorrows of Mary! HOW SAD FOR THE HEART OF MARY!! CONCLUSION: If you are told that Vatican II was inspired by the "Holy Spirit" - there is proof - MUCH PROOF - 50 some years of proof that it was not! Just look at the above numbers for Quebec churches - this is worldwide! Give this serious thought. Cardinal Josef Suenens was one of the four moderators of the Council. I pray that a holy nun who read his book - offered her life for the salvation of his soul. May all of us daily offer prayers of reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary without neglect! We do not want to be lukewarm in this - we must be warriors for Jesus and Mary - We must be militant against the destructive enemy that has crawled over the walls of the castle of the Church and are now within. May we recognize and resist - do not be sleepy or we will have to answer to God for our lack of diligence. May the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - reign in the Church and in the world!! May Our Lady of Good Success help us - please help us and pray for us!!
* Hail Mary Most Holy, Beloved Daughter of God the Father Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request)... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Michael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Admirable Mother of God the Son Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Saint Gabriel, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Saint Raphael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity. St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us. Our Lady of Good Success, thou who art the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request, so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. Hail Holy Queen... Where is peace to be found? We see nothing but chaos all around – even in the Church itself! Seeing this lack of peace can only mean one thing – we have not found our peace. St. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:13, “It is He Who is our peace.” Why then are we not at peace? What makes us fight outside and within? We must begin to do what He did, as St. Paul said, “making peace through the Blood of His cross”, (Col 1:20). He was born into the world as a baby and stays hidden among us under the appearance of bread. Through the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ present in the Most Holy Eucharist is where we make peace. It is at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where we make peace through the Blood of the cross as St. Paul tells us. If we want peace, we must go to as many Masses as we can, to receive and spend time with Him, truly Present in the Blessed Sacrament! If we cannot physically be at Mass, we can send our guardian angel and/or make a Spiritual Communion. At Christmas ,He was born a man; today He is present sacramentally. St. Therese’s sister, Pauline, wrote to St. Therese just before her First Communion in a letter the following words: “Just think, my Therese, barely three months and Jesus will come into your heart for the first time! Who is this little Jesus? The very same Child whom the Blessed Virgin held in Her arms, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in the manger, cuddled on Her lap! The same exquisitely beautiful Child Who is now the delight of Heaven…” Also, St. Peter Julian Eymard wrote, “The Eucharist began at Bethlehem in Mary’s arms. It was She who brought to humanity the Bread for which it was famishing, and which alone can nourish it. She it was who took care of that Bread for us and it was She who nourished the Lamb whose life-giving Flesh we feed upon.” The little town of Bethlehem is taken from two Hebrew words which mean “House of Bread”. He, Who called Himself ‘the Living Bread come down from Heaven,’ was born in the “House of Bread” and was laid in the place for food – a manger. The little baby Jesus that was born of Mary is the same Jesus in the Host. This amazingly loving God become Man had only one thought (and still has this one thought) – to give Himself to you and to me. He wants to share His very Being in an infinite manner. His Mother Mary knew all of this. She knew of His Flame of Love burning endlessly in His Most tender Heart and also of His tender yearning to give of Himself. It is because of Her perfect union with God that She united Herself to this very Flame of Love. Her constant desire is ALWAYS to give Her Prince of Peace to the world in order to fulfill His thirst to be received. Unfortunately, the reason the world may not know peace is because it takes the humility of a child to seek Him and the world seems filled with pride. It is difficult for a proud man to contemplate the greatness of God’s desire to be close to all of us! A proud man would never turn to a Sacred Host for peace. He would never turn in prayer to His Holy Mother to guide him there. He would turn to negotiations, peace treaties, sanctions, wars and all of its warfare. The answer to peace is as mysterious as the Infant Birth. The humbling of a God come down from Heaven to be one of us. He came as a sweet little Babe in order that we would not be afraid to approach Him. The Sacred Host is that same Divine Tenderness of the Incarnation. He is so gentle, humble, loving, small and vulnerable. Jesus is saying “Come to Me… for I am gentle and humble of Heart (Mt. 11:30) Only the humble hear His voice. Only those with a childlike heart such as our Queen and Mother’s seek His Heart. “Let the children come to Me; do not prevent them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” (Mk10:13). Could this be the reason there is no peace – are we not humble? Are we not humble enough to trust in a God Who would give Himself to us in a small white Host? We are still in the season of Christmas until The Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd. It is not too late to ask St. Joseph to pray for us that we may humble our hearts to beg our Mother Mary to come into our souls before receiving Her Son when we go up for Communion at our Masses. When Jesus sees His Mother in our soul - He will be anxious to come in! Let us pray: Dear St. Joseph, pray that we may honor, adore and love this Most Tender Heart of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. May the Prince of Peace dwell in our hearts so that peace may reign in the world through the intercession of Our Mother Mary. Dear Queen of Peace, it was from You that He took the flesh and blood with which He feeds us in the Sacred Host. You are the perfect model of adorers of the Blessed Sacrament. You adored Jesus in the little white Host with the same faith, reverence and wonder with which you adored Him on the first Christmas night and during all the years you lived with Him. Teach us not to forget that the small white Host is truly our God, infinite, eternal and omnipotent. Teach us that to bring peace to the world, all of us must invite the Prince of Peace into our own hearts with each Communion. If we all did this, there would be peace! St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, pray that all of us may make room for the Prince of Peace to sit on the throne of our hearts now and throughout our entire lives so that peace may be given to the world and His Church through the only source of peace –Jesus Christ, the Son of God, truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament! Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament - pray for us! Hello Everyone:
This coming Tuesday, January 16th, is the Feast day of Blessed Father Marie-Eugene. He wrote, "I Want to See God" which is the formation book that we follow to learn about Carmelite spirituality. He put together this book and "I Am A Daughter of the Church" for the Secular Institute that he founded called "Notre Dame de Vie" in France in the 1930's. It is still going strong today although it is not Traditional. We were using his book, "I Want to See God" for our formation for the "Traditional Lay Carmelites of Fatima" and while we were using his books, his beatification took place in November of 2016. To me, this was a sign that he was praying for us and that God was blessing us. We use his books because they were written pre-Vatican II and take all the treasures of the Carmelite saints and put them in laymen's terms for us to live by. If you are interested in this. There is a blog under Formation on this website with a study guide posted each month covering a new chapter. I wrote a little biography for all to read below. God bless! PS - Please say a prayer for my daughter, Margaret, whose birthday is on this feast day - January 16th - she is a Consecrated Woman with the Order of Miles Christi. Thank you! Life of Blessed Fr. Marie-Eugene of the Infant Jesus Henry Grialou was born Dec. 2, 1894 and died on Easter Monday, March 27, 1967. He was beatified on Nov. 19, 2016. He was born in a mining town in Aubin, France. His father died when he was only 10 years of age but this allowed him to go to a Catholic boarding school for free and thus helped nurture a vocation to the priesthood. He entered major seminary in 1911 but leaves to go to WWI for a time and returns to the seminary in 1919. In December of 1920, he read the life of St. John of the Cross and felt called to become a Carmelite. On Feb. 2, 1922, he was ordained a priest. On Feb. 24, 1922 he enters the Carmelite Monastery and is given the name Fr. Marie-Eugene of the Infant Jesus. While a Carmelite priest, he is approached by three women for spiritual direction and three years later, Notre Dame de Vie is born. This is a Secular Institute for lay people that is very similar to a Third Order. This is still in existence today. He was named Prior at Agen from the years 1936-39. He was elected member of the General Council of the Order in Rome from 1934 – 1955 (during the years of WWII he never left France). He wrote the books “I Want to See God” and “I Am a Daughter of the Church” in 1948-1951. In 1955 he was appointed the Provincial of the Carmelites of his area. He was graced to die on Easter Monday which he would celebrate the feast of “Our Lady of Life” for his apostolate. This was March 27th that year of 1967. He was fortunate to die before the “New Mass” was imposed upon all priests which was promulgated in 1969. PRAYER TO BLESSED FR. MARIE-EUGENE Fr. Marie-Eugene, you have said, “The love of the Three Persons is watching over us: the Father’s love, the Son’s love, the ever-present and luminous love of the Holy Ghost. All of Heaven lives within my soul. By keeping me in the company of the Holy Trinity who dwells there, silent prayer is more than a preparation for eternal life; it is a real beginning of that very life beneath the veil of faith.” Father Marie-Eugene, pray that we may be devoted to the Most Holy Trinity. Pray for us to have the love and dedication to never say another “Glory Be” without profound love. As we pray this prayer in the Rosary, may we always think of the greatness of our God and King. Pray for us to be guided by the Holy Ghost in doing the Will of God in imitation of Our Lady of Fatima. Hello Everyone:
What I am about to talk about may seem like rushing things - after all we are still in the Christmas season until February 2. On the other hand, January is a time for most to make resolutions, but as we all know, without true motivation, they soon fade away . Below is a little suggestion on trying to grow in virtue for the next six weeks before Lent begins on February 14th. If we concentrate our efforts to grow in these good habits each week, this may be a way to prime the pump for Lent and at the same time do something constructive for the New Year. Below is a weekly schedule to create some good habits in preparations leading to Ash Wednesday. Each week, add the new suggestion while continuing the prior - all can be done without contradiction to the joyous spirit of the Christmas season. Week 1: Jan 7 - 13th On Sundays, explore related passages from Scripture for the liturgical day Take just 5 minutes each Sunday, open the Bible or collection of sermons, and find a passage to reflect on which corresponds to the day. This past Sunday's feast of the Holy Family is rich for reflection. The Gospel is taken from Luke 2:42-52, dealing with the loss of Our Lord in the Temple. On the topic of Jesus and the doctors in the temple, one could read from the Psalms, 118:97-104. Or on the moral beauties of a united family, Exod. 20:12, Deut. 5:16; 26:16, Proverbs 17:6; 23:22-25; 30:17; 31:10-31. Week 2: Jan. 14-20th Practice Generosity Beyond the precept of the Church that requires us to give of our fruits, generosity is more than money. Sometimes the greater generosity is that of time. This week, make one act of generous time that you ordinarily would not do. For husbands and fathers, perhaps go into work early, so you can leave a bit early in order to spend extra time with children. For mothers, perhaps it’s an unsolicited offer to help another mother watch her children for the afternoon or simply 15 minutes of meditation during the week in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Week 3: Jan. 21 - Jan 27th Practice Purity of Intention This Third Sunday after Epiphany also coincides with the feast of St. Agnes, who is venerated for her purity. But purity can go beyond the mandates of the 6th and 9th commandment. Let us also reflect on our intentions during this week before we take an action – is this task, conversation, or recreation I am about to undertake done for the greater glory of God, or is it self-serving? Week 4: Jan 28th -Feb. 3rd Practice Silence In Lamentations, and throughout scripture, the preference for us to be silent in prayer and meditation is a recurring theme; “It is good to wait with silence for the salvation of God” (Lam. 3:26) This week, make an effort once a day to allow another to speak, or to refrain from an idle comment. You may be surprised at the frequency this happens. Being silent enough to truly engage in deep prayer may be something you can also do. Week 5: Feb. 4th - Feb. 10th Practice Gratitude This week make it a practice to find ordinary things throughout the day to be grateful for. It could be gratitude to another for something that was done for you. Or it could be a small prayer of thanksgiving to God for the gifts of health, family, a Catholic education for your children, or stable employment. And as we come closer this Sexagesima Sunday to Lent, let us be especially grateful to Our Lord and his priests for the Sacraments. Week 6: Feb. 11th - Feb. 14th Say the Angelus In churches and priories, the practice of praying the Angelus is common. In homes and our daily lives, it is less so. On this Quinquagesima Sunday, also the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, let us fall into the good habit of praying the Angelus. It is recommended at 6 AM, noon and 6 PM, but you can start with just one and work your way up. Even finding time for one a day is a great way to unite ourselves to Our Lord and Our Lady! May these practices help us to prepare for a very holy Lenten Season and may it be a great way to create good habits at the start of this New Year. God bless you through the prayers and intercession of Our Queen and Mother! Hello Everyone: Lifesite News just posted an article about the horrors that are going on with our children in schools with their phones. They are losing their innocence at an earlier age and at risk of losing their souls for all eternity. Boys are being marked as sex offenders if convicted (this record stays with them for life and getting jobs will be difficult) Girls are losing their innocence. Taken from the above article is this prophecy of Our Lady warning us of the dangers to our children and the dangers of authority (parents & pastors) not acting and thus guilty of these crimes:
"Moreover, in these unhappy times, there will be unbridled luxury which, acting thus to snare the rest into sin, will conquer innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost.Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women. In this supreme moment of need of the Church, those who should speak will fall silent." OUR LADY OF GOOD SUCCESS - PRAY FOR US! Hello Everyone: Happy and Blessed New Year! We are already 2018 - where are the years going? I was reading an article on Tradition In Action regarding an image that Sr. Lucia claims better resembles Our Lady who appeared to her. She stressed that Our Lady was serious. I read this before that the children said - she never smiled at the six visits to the Cova. This should give us something to think about today where we are always looking for "happy feelings". I am not one to like crying but there is a time to grieve over the loss of Faith and the loss of souls - and there are plenty. I believe it is a deception of the devil to not even focus on such things - this is a tragedy because we are then not motivated to sacrifice and suffer for the salvation of those falling each day. I encourage you to read this article as it talks about the sufferings of sweet little Jacinta in the hospital. May God bless us with many more Jacintas! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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