Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Happy Feast Day! I am repeating this article from last year. In the end - The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph! Our hope! Our Lady is such a good Mother in giving us so much help during these stormy days. And of course this is the will of the Eternal Father that she should crush the head of the serpent! We have to be reminded constantly not to look down at the turbulent waters of the world but at the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We are reminded with the Fatima message these words spoken earlier to St. Dominic...... “By means of the Holy Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world.” (Pray the Daily Rosary wear the Brown Scapular) This is the promised Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, a promise ratified by Heaven by the miracle of the sun which is a public miracle recognized by the Church and represents Heaven’s seal upon Our Lady’s promise. These tremendous events did not just occur ‘out of the blue’. In retrospect, we can see a long preparation for the time when the foes of the Church would seem victorious, when both “throne and altar would be overthrown” by the Jacobins:- Robspierre, Garibaldi, Lenin and Trotsky in the revolutionary command of the Masonic sects. To the challenge of the Revolution inaugurated in 1789, Our Lady has answered on behalf of the Church. Her entrance to this battle was long prepared and anticipated by the Saints of the Church. St. Louis de Montfort stated: “God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honored than she has ever been.” This accords with the statements of the Sacred Heart messages. The peace of Christ, the King, the conversion of Russia has been entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lord will only give us this victory through Our Lady, to His glory. This desire of God pre-eminently marks the time of our Counter Revolutionary era and the Great Apostasy – a time of most critical danger for all souls. For when the ordinary means of grace which our Lord wills for His Church is being extinguished, when the power of the antichrist would be given strength over the continual sacrifice of the altar, how then do we conquer our natural tendencies to sin ...... by developing a devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! In the consecration to Jesus through Mary, St. Louis de Montfort laid the foundation stone of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart, a devotion uniquely reserved for our time and revealed at Fatima. On July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima told the children: “You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world, devotion to My Immaculate Heart” and “To those who will embrace this devotion to My Immaculate Heart, I promise salvation.” As Sister Lucia explained to Father Fuentes (Dec. 26, 1957) “The holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (which the Brown Scapular signifies) are our two last recourses, and so this means there will be no others…With a certain trepidation, God offers us the final means of salvation, His Most Holy Mother.” The following also needs to be repeated so that we understand the greatness of Fatima. Sometimes one hears that the message of Fatima is referred to as “merely a repetition of the requests for prayer and penance in the Gospels”. Actually, Fatima is immensely more significant than that. We are living in a confused time inside the Church as well as in the world. It is in helping to clear up this confusion that Fatima is immensely important. The revelations at the Cova da Iria in Fatima Portugal made by Our Lady to three shepherd children give us, in addition to the vital message, a compendium of the major doctrines of the Church. In an age when many doubt the Real Presence in the Blessed Eucharist, we find the Angel who appeared to the three children leaving a Host and Chalice suspended in the air while he prostrates himself and prays the prayer: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore You profoundly! I offer You the Most Precious Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation For the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences committed against Him; and through the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary – I beg for the conversion of poor sinners. Not only does the vision of the angel adoring the Host and Chalice reassure us in our belief in the beautiful doctrine of the Real Presence, but the drops of the Precious Blood falling from the Host into the Chalice confirm what the Church has always taught, that Christ is present, whole and entire, in either species. Could it be that the Eucharistic Reparation Prayers taught at Fatima were mainly for our time when Jesus is received in the hand, when some priests take the liberty to make up their own Eucharistic Prayers in the Novus Ordo Mass, when unconsecrated extraordinary ministers are distributing Our Lord and purifying the vessels? If you think the answer is yes - I advise you to please consider memorizing these prayers and say them constantly throughout your day! Another doctrine of the Faith brought forward at Fatima is the doctrine on hell. How many so-called theologians, in this sad age, have taken it upon themselves to dismiss the doctrine of a hell of eternal fire as “not suitable for the mentality of modern man”? At Fatima, the children were given a terrifying vision of that same hell of fire, proving that the magisterium has not erred. These children of 7, 9 and 10 were told by Our Lady that this is where the souls of poor sinners go because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. Our Lady urged the necessity of compassion for our neighbors when She said this, telling us that we are all in some sense mediators of intercession for souls, many of whom we can save if we pray and do penance for them. Upon hearing and seeing this, the children spent their days making little sacrifices and prayers so that souls would not fall there, leaving us with this heroic example. How many funerals have you gone to where the priest and faithful say this person is now resting in peace and is in a better place? The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady was clearly implied in the references to Her Immaculate Heart. Therefore, by inference, the doctrine of Original Sin, so often challenged today, is confirmed. If Our Lady is immaculate, then the rest of us are conceived in sin as the Church has always taught. The doctrines of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, of the existence of angels and devils, of the need for prayer and penance to attain salvation are all brought to the notice of the modern world at Fatima, and of course, are confirmed by the great Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917. This happens to be the only miracle predicted to happen, day and hour, which actually did happen as predicted. This makes this a public revelation and NOT a private revelation as many brush it off saying that it is! Shouldn’t this make this message significant? Shouldn’t we study what the message is and live it? We need to live the Fatima message of Reparation, daily Rosary, wearing of the Brown Scapular and believing in the traditional sound teachings of the Catholic Church! May we pray for the Reign of the Immaculate Heart to come into our hearts so that Jesus can Reign there as He does in the Immaculate Heart of Mary! For where ever She is....He is! Our Lady of Fatima pray for us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of Your flame of Love to all of mankind!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary. The Feast of the Assumption is August 15th. Mary is assumed into Heaven! May the Reign of Mary become a reality soon on earth so that She may bring us that She may bring us Jesus because the world is growing so very very cold. May we meditate on the great glory of one day being with Our Lady and Our Lord in Heaven for all eternity. Below is a link to a very beautiful little talk about how fleeting this world is and how we need to meditate on Heaven......our true Home! Have a blessed day! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Happy August .. the Month dedicated to the Immaculate Heart! I have been busy in my garden and when canning is over...there will be a celebration! I do thank God for the harvest and His GREAT BLESSINGS!! Now to the article, there is so much suffering in the world and I know many of you have heard of the World Youth Day craziness. MAY WE OFFER REPARATION! I am not going to write on it because the World Youth Day has always been a sore spot for me. It has never been done well! Well, Papa Bergoglio is causing more destruction in the Church outside of WYD. This seems to be not new news (2021) but SERIOUS... they’re preparing to preemptively stop all future warnings from heaven from being taken seriously. We know they have never taken Fatima seriously and the 3rd Secret was so painful for human ears to hear that they decided to not reveal it. Below is a video revealing this info by Anthony Stine on Return to Tradition, who has just discovered this piece of info. It is regarding what Papa Bergoglio is doing in Rome regarding the "doom and gloom" messages of Our Lady in relation to the Pontifical International Marian Academy. The same falsehood of Marian theology that was discussed by the Carmelites before the Catechism on the Brown Scapular was changed in 2000....has obviously been spreading all through Rome. This falsehood is that Mary is "to be understood by the TRUE Gospel"....(which means she has been misunderstood for the past 2000 years) SSSSOOO for 2000 years we have been misunderstanding Who the Blessed Mother is until these modernists showed up????? Let us remember what the incorrupt St. Pope Pius X stated; "Modernism is the synthesis of ALL heresies!" WE CAN NOT MODERNIZE TRUTH! They want to use this new Pontifical International Marian Academy to teach CHILDREN and FAMILIES ...."THE TRUE THEOLOGY OF MARY"!!! WWWHHHAAATTT!!! This is pathetic to the highest degree....and if we can't see that what is going on in the Church and in the World right now is leading us to a well deserved chastisement ....we truly have our heads in the sand. REPARATION>>>>>>>REPARATION>>>>>>>REPARATION!!!! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! May the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary come to bring all hearts to Jesus Christ! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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