Hello Everyone: There is good news for England. On March 29, England will be formally rededicated to Mary at Westminster Cathedral in London, at Walsingham, at all the other cathedrals of England, and in many parishes and homes and will once again becomes Mary's Dowry! (God willing) Nestled in a Norfolk village, was once one of the major places of pilgrimage in the whole of Christendom. During the Middle Ages, the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham ranked alongside Rome, Jerusalem, and Santiago de Compostela. It was the principal shrine to the Blessed Virgin, the place above all others that Christians flocked to pay homage to the Mother of God. English monarchs made pilgrimages there and pilgrims arrived from all over Europe. In the mid 1500’s, before King Henry VIII led his subjects into apostasy, King Henry VIII was given the title “Defender of the Faith” by Pope Leo X for his treatise Defense of the Seven Sacraments, which he wrote as a rebuke to the Lutheran heresy. After declaring himself the “Supreme Head of the Church of England” in 1538, Henry VIII, publicly burned the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham and the abbeys clustered around it. After three centuries of brutal persecution, Henry’s legacy was the destruction of the Faith itself in England. Only the recusant remnant remained: a few thousand noble souls whose families had passed on the Faith, generation to generation, during these centuries of religious persecution. Today in England there was something known as the Dowry Tour, in recognition of England’s traditional title as Our Lady’s Dowry. Since the coronavirus, I am not sure how successful this Tour has been but there are articles in Crisis Magazine (links below) that the re-dedication will go forward on March 29th. It was planned that the Queen’s pilgrimage would take place to all four corners of her realm in England. There was a proposed invitation to all Catholics in England to renew their personal consecration to Our Lord and Our Lady. They were planned to do this in their local parishes through communal acts of preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary, accompanied by pledges to go to regular Confession and to pray the Angelus and Rosary, in communion with the saints and martyrs of England through their invocation. Maybe in more articles to Crisis Magazine in this coming week, will we see how this worked out for England. Now more than ever do we need to do this and I hope they saw and acted on the urgency of the day and did not pass up the opportunity just because of the coronavirus! On February 21, England’s Catholics began a personal 33-day consecration to Jesus through Mary following the method of St. Louis de Montfort, which concluded on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. Four days later, on March 29, England will be formally rededicated to Mary at Westminster Cathedral in London, at Walsingham, at all the other cathedrals of England, and in many parishes and homes. This ceremony follows the original dedication of England to Our Lady by Richard II in 1381, a high point in English history depicted by the famous Wilton Diptych, one of the masterpieces of late mediaeval art. Today in the Catholic Church, we are experiencing ecumenism or inter-religious dialogue which as we know is not the same as declaring Christ King and Mary Queen. This ecumenism or inter-religious dialogue will not bring peace. Only the Prince of Peace can give us peace for the social upheaval we experience daily. This fraction in the Church began to show in 1517, when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg; they became fatal, perhaps, in 1534, when Henry VIII declared himself “Supreme Head of the Church of England.” We pray that the entire world will look to England and follow course in turning back to their Catholic Faith by this example of rededicating their country to Our Lady for protection and guidance back to Her Son Jesus Christ!! Let us all pray that this will truly happen on March 29th for England in order to have a true restoration of Catholicism and the protection of Our Lady upon England and therefore a means of grace for the entire world! Below are some articles to read (or listen to – there is an audio to click into once you reach the Crisis Magazine article.) You are encouraged to read as this is beautiful history and is so needed today as we are already suffering religious persecution with this virus pandemic. May we pray for this ceremony to happen in England and may we pray that all nations wake up and ask Our Lady for protection and guidance back to Her Son Jesus Christ - Prince of Peace, during these trying times. We pray this restoration begins in England and will be as contagious as this virus is throughout the entire world of Christendom! (PS - Just a note of thanks to my Dad's sister, dear Aunt Eleanore, who is 91 and active on the computer, for bringing this piece of news to me! God bless her!)
Hello Everyone: Happy Feast Day! So sad we can not receive a Sacramental Communion today. We must all make many Spiritual Communions and make it our constant thought to be united to Jesus spiritually -- now that we are deprived of Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. Today we celebrate Our Blessed Mother's "yes" to God in sharing in the plan of the Eternal Father in giving us His Son Jesus. This is beyond our comprehension - it is just so much a mystery. Our Lady was chosen from all eternity and prepared with no original sin to be a holy and immaculate vessel for our Lord and Savior. Her position was a singular honor and this is why from the moment of her own conception, She was conceived Immaculate and endowed with supernatural gifts and grace immeasurable beyond those of any creature on Earth or in Heaven. She is the Immaculate Conception for the Church. It was God’s Will for Her to be the Mother of God and the Mother of us all; but She had to give her consent and She did of her own free will to this holy duty as well as choose to remain spotless always. Eve was spotless but chose to sin. Mary was never tainted with sin – NEVER! Mary responded to the angel, “He that is mighty has done great things to me… and from henceforth all generations shall call Me blessed.” Does anyone believe that God could be born of a woman who was for an instant the slave of the devil? She was kept spotless and pure with singular graces so that His Tabernacle could be pure. We are talking about God – the same God that people think they can receive in their hand at Holy Communion! Only the anointed hands of a priest can touch the Sacred Host! It makes no sense to think that anyone would imagine that Mary was a woman born with original sin. God is all holy! I thank the Eternal Father for giving us this perfect Mother and for Her yes and for Her constancy in perfection which was her own will. This is why we honor Our Lady in a particular way. She was not only chosen to bring Him into the world physically. St. Louis deMontfort says that She continues to bring Christ into the world to us spiritually. It is the will of God that all graces flow to us through Her. It is a teaching and Tradition of the Catholic Church taught by the doctors of the Church. She occupies a special role in the work of redemption. She is intimately beside her divine Son in waging war against the powers of darkness. Their Hearts beat together. Her will is perfectly in union with God. For more information on our Lady - there is a beautiful encyclical written by Pope St. Pius X - Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum. It is encouraged that you read it. May we thank the Eternal Father for this great gift of Jesus’ Incarnation and for the gift of Our Queen and Mother who suffered with Christ then and continues to suffer now over the sins of mankind. May we unite ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in our continued prayers of reparation. Holy Mary, Mother of God - pray for us now and at the hour of our death! (If you are renewing or making your Consecration today, the prayer and review of these last 33 days is under Formation - Consecration to Jesus thru Mary.) Hello Everyone: Tomorrow is the feast day of the Annunciation. I have posted the information about the Consecration to Jesus thru Mary - under Formation for all to find. The prayer for the Consecration is there as well. When we were told that all Masses are suspended, I knew it would not be for two weeks. Since this began, my constant sadness is over the loss of Holy Week Services From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, it has been a constant battle for me to surrender this realization to the Heart of Jesus. I LOVE HOLY WEEK!! How can we not go to Mass on Easter Sunday??? I found a beautiful article regarding these same lamentations over this fact. The article is in the link below for you to read and pray over. May we pray that something happens to allow us somehow during the span of the entire Easter Week (from Easter Sunday to Divine Mercy Sunday) to maybe get a schedule of Masses offered each of those 8 days within the Octave - where we can congregate in groups of 20 to 50 spread apart in the Church to attend a Mass and receive Holy Communion. Let us ask our priests to beg their bishops for this permission. Here is the article but this above idea came to me as I read it - May Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament intercede for us!! Hello Everyone: We just celebrated St. Joseph's Feast Day yesterday. He is the patron saint of the dying. While we are all stuffed in our homes and no where to go, there is so much time for prayer and reflection during this time of Lent. As written in one of my previous articles, this is truly an act of Mercy by God to give us this time to turn to Him in prayer and make this truly a fruitful Lent. The world needs to return back to God. We, who know and understand this, can pray for all hardened hearts to return back to their Lord and Master! It looks like things are only going to go from bad to worse and I am not saying that as a pessimist but a realist. Look at China and Italy. We are behind them and there is no light in sight. I have a link below of an article from Epoch Times claiming that there are still infected people in China. There are still people getting it or the recovered are getting reinfected. China used portable incinerators to "bury" their dead and (half-dead). They burned quarantine buildings down with live people in them to mitigate the disaster but still they are infected. We need to pray that God will give us the ways and means to allow our dead to be properly buried. I have a Facebook post below in a link as well, of what is going on in Italy. Very disheartening about not getting proper funerals and family members are not even allowed to give their last respects to their loved ones if they die in a hospital for fear of infection. This is tragic and we must be praying for all of us to be prepared spiritually now and know that this can happen to any of us. If confession is offered to you - take this opportunity for it. Make amends and get your family ready as well. Many will make it through this - but others may not and we need to pray for those who are dying. "JESUS, MARY, AND ST. JOSEPH - I LOVE YOU - SAVE SOULS! We need to include St. Joseph in this prayer because it is for the dying and those who will die that they may get the spiritual help they need in order to obtain salvation. Use holy water if you have some or try to obtain some. Pray with blessed candles lit. Pray the powerful prayers of the Rosary with your families. Make Spiritual Communions and attend Live Masses on - line! May we keep each other in prayer and be sure to click below to view these links. God bless all of you and remain hopeful as we know that God has already won the victory and that we need to be like little St. Jacinta who died in the Spanish Flu pandemic and was willing to suffer whatever for the sake of souls! Our lives are to only glorify God and to win Him many souls! Keep strong and Love God above all things! Live each day united to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and you will find joy in carrying this cross - this Lent! Hello Everyone: Ite ad Joseph - Go to Joseph, he has the treasures of Jesus in his hands!! Blessed St. Joseph Day! St. Joseph pray for us!! There is so much to ask St. Joseph for today and always. We all knew this chastisement was coming but now that it is here --- it is hard to endure. Who knows where this will take us. I will save that for tomorrow's article - today we will talk about good St. Joseph. Reasons for honoring St. Joseph: Holy Church honors St. Joseph through a special devotion in his role as Spouse of Mary and adoptive Father of Christ. In those days, God charged him to provide for the various needs of the Holy Family, and that is the reason why the faithful confidently recommend themselves to him in their temporal necessities. Since St. Joseph was the Head and Protector of the Holy Family, he was proclaimed Patron of the Universal Church by the Blessed Pope Pius IX on the 8th of December 1870. We especially invoke St. Joseph on account of his admirable purity in order to obtain or partake of this beautiful virtue. He is patron of the interior life because he spent his life in the company of Jesus and Mary: a life of union with God, a life of faith, of humility and of work thus is he the patron and model of workers. He is moreover, the patron of a good and holy death, since he had the blessing of dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary. As there are so many in need right now in the Universal Church with virtually no Masses except to go on-line, we are in great need of St. Joseph! Also, there are so many dying in the world of this virus - may we invoke him for a holy death - a repentant death - one that will lead to eternal salvation. May we ask St. Joseph to intercede for all those who have died, are dying and about to die from this virus. Below is a beautiful prayer and also there is a link for a 7 PM Mass tonight Live from St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit, MI - God bless and Happy St. Joseph Day!! PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH OFTEN RECITED AFTER THE ROSARY To you, O blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and, having implored the help of your thrice holy spouse, we now with hearts filled with confidence earnestly beg you also to take us under your protection. By that charity, where you were united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which you did cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech you and we humbly pray, that you will look down with gracious eyes, upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and will aid us in our need by your power and strength. Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving father, all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high, O most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness. And even as of old you did rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, so now defend God's holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Shield us ever under your patronage, that, following your example, and strengthened by your help, we may live a holy life, die a happy death, and attain to everlasting bliss in Heaven. Amen. Hello Everyone: On the website - Rorate Caeli, they have posted a prayer to Our Lady which was found by a journalist out of New York that informed Rorate Caeli of this ancient prayer. I will have a link to this article which gives its details as well as a Word Document that you can print at home to use with your family. If you have somone musically inclined you may want to copy from the Rorate Caeli website the actual Gregorian Chant for this prayer which would be very beautiful if played on the piano or another instrument at family prayer time. Also, please remember all sacramentals at this time. Your brown scapular, your rosary, holy water, relics if you have them. Please open up those Bibles and read daily while we are stuck in our homes with your family to ease the stress and anxiety of all. Make Spiritual Communions - I have one posted on the article below this. May we stay close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as we cope through this storm. May we pray to Our Lady Star of the Sea to guide us safely through this. May God's will be done in all our lives and may we embrace that will. God bless all of you!! Mother Mary, Star of the Sea, pray for us! St. Patrick, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Hello Everyone: It is Sunday, the Third Week of Lent and there are hardly any Masses to go to. Bishops are suspending Masses to prevent an outbreak when our souls and country are dying from so many spiritual diseases that we can't even count them all. My brother drove to a Cloister Monastery near him thinking he could get in for Mass there this morning and there were others with the same idea. The priest sent them all home and screamed three times, "IT IS NOT MY FAULT - I HAVE TO BE OBEDIENT TO THE BISHOP!" A little uptight I would say!! My brother called me on the phone and said - This is the one time I wish there were no stained glass on the windows so I could smash my face up against the outside window to participate from out here! Such a sweet brother! God bless him!! Well people - what to say! Pray - pray - pray!! There is a LIVE Latin Mass option on-line from The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. I am not sure if they will be doing Mass today. Time will tell. I did click into Fribourg Switzerland this AM and they did - Thanks be to God have a Live Mass WITH NO PEOPLE IN THE PEWS!! But at least there was a Mass to be at in our home. I will post the link below as well as a link for the readings of the day and a Spiritual Communion Prayer. The Live Mass for USA is in Sarasota Florida - High Mass at 10:20 AM for today, Sunday - I hope! May we keep each other in prayer during this trying time and may Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament pray for us and the world! St. Joseph Pray for us! St. Patrick Pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! God bless all of you and offer all up to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for reparation of the sins of the world and all of mankind during these trying times!! Postnote for future Masses: I was on the live stream and had difficulty with it. Possibly too many going on at once - not sure. If you had the same problem. It is now recorded for today. You will just have to watch the recording and not be present at the live if this problem persists. Hello Everyone: Wow - How to begin! Here we are in the second week of Lent and many are prepping for a very different kind of Lent and a different kind of life actually. America as we knew it is over. The dominoes are falling - quarantines, suspended concerts, gatherings and yes MASSES (Italy has already declared it!), police state, postponed or cancelled elections, job loss, income loss, lives lost, monetary system colapse - ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT by the globalists in a year or so when all has calmed down - - But there is hope - an eternal one! Read on! The pandemic is here and it looks like either Americans are so complacent that they think nothing bad can ever happen to them or there is a blatant deep state attack on the US of A. There are many reports that we do not have enough people tested. I have heard first hand reports from hospital workers that flu like symptoms are not being tested for this virus - ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! Looks like the test kits are coming in this week to many areas FINALLY!! But I am afraid a bit too late. Someone dropped the ball and poor President Trump was told by officials that everything is under control - he needs to come clean with America and help them the best he can at this point. So very sad for him and this country. We need to pray and fast like we have never done before. It is here folks - no stopping it now and this is no prediction - it is now a reality. I will leave you to search the internet for info - I use Brighteon for info as the others sensor or ban real news. I do believe we will soon have a police state like China when the quarantines come into effect and we will have blatant chaos and civil unrest. They have always blamed Trump for everything so this is a given. Who knows if we will even have an election. It is real and it has got to be given to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now for the spiritual side of this mess - Many souls are sick and many are dying. Let us turn back the clock to the 1918 flu pandemic. The so called Spanish flu was not man made like this one but it was just as deadly. I truly believe God allowed both to happen - obviously - He is God! He never wills this but He did allow it. If you remember the story of Fatima, the three children saw Our Lady six times and once she showed them Hell and asked that they pray for the souls falling into Hell each day because there is no one to pray for them. She asked that they pray for these souls. Sweet little Jacinta was very moved, as they all were. Her tender heart was so moved that she prayed constantly for these souls and offered up many sacrifices. Our Lady told them that they were to go to Heaven and this sustained them when they saw the horrors of Hell. Little Jacinta and Francisco were told that they would die very soon. In fact, they both died during this 1918 flu pandemic. They both offered up their sufferings and pain for the souls that were in danger of being lost. Little Jacinta was told by the doctors that she would need an operation in Lisbon. Our Lady came to her and asked her for a heroic death of dying alone in this hospital and that it would be painful. She of course agreed but cried to Lucia that she wanted her mother to be with her. Lucia reminded her that Our Lady would be with her and that she would not be alone in a spiritual sense. This comforted her. Little Jacinta offered much and she is now an incorrupt saint!! This story should be told to our family and we should imitate this love and dedication for suffering and dying souls that are in danger right now of being lost for all of eternity. We are seeing the numbers climb and we do not know what the end figure will be but like I said in my last article - THIS IS AN ACT OF GOD'S MERCY! We could have died in a nuclear holocaust (which still may happen - who knows). May we cling to Our Lady like little Jacinta. May we asked for the Fatima saints intercession. May we pray the prayer -- JESUS MARY I LOVE YOU- SAVE SOULS! May we say this throughout our days - until we are called home. May we pray all the Fatima reparation prayers. May we trust that God is in charge and know that our time to go home is already determined. May we live as little St. Jacinta - offering and giving our love to God and for the salvation of souls. God bless all of you and May our Good Mother and Queen pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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