Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Hello everyone...I hope all of you are well and had a blessed feast day yesterday. I should not write about this so quickly, after all, we are still 2021 and we are still the Christmas season of joy and hope! I have read the writings of this Romanian woman who came to America a few decades ago. Her name is Ileana Johnson Paugh. She has written extensively on her experiences of communism and has seen early on that we were heading toward the same fate as soon as she stepped onto our soil. Well, here we are 2022 - almost - and we have been seeing it unfold ever since they told us to stay home for two weeks to slow the spread of this plandemic..ha ha.... There are so many scenarios for 2022. I will focus on communism because that is what Our Lady of Fatima warned us of. Here is an article from Ileana Johnson done this past October, 2021.....It is something to think about....As you read what she had written about her experience, please think about our lockdowns, our loss of freedoms, the censoring of our doctors and those who speak the truth against the narrative, our vaccine mandates and what we get with that, think about global warming threats and the carbon footprint they clamor about, think about losing our Latin Mass or even our churches. think about how you need to show your papers to get into certain places, the loss of our economy, the closing of restaurants, the coming food shortages.....WOW - WE ARE GOING INTO FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM!! Please take note of how she survived mentally - we will have to do the same! PS... (Websites like this or people speaking against this ideology are not just cancel cultured....they are exterminated) I have also posted some videos below for more food for thought .... take care and may we continue our prayers of our Rosaries and our Masses (while we still can)... "What I learned from the Communist Party which ruled my country with an iron fist and a heavy boot on our necks and thin, hungry bodies, can fill a lifetime of horror stories. Twenty years living under such depressing ideological, mental, and physical prison surrounded by barbed wire and heavily armed and guarded borders is enough to fill endless books. But will Americans listen or read about our collective and individual experiences? Apparently not, as they are marching full-steam ahead into communism and, by the time they wake-up from their ignorant stupor, it will be too late – there will be nobody left to caution them and they themselves will not remember what it was like to live free and make personal choices in life without government interference and forced mandates. So they will comply out of fear and cowardice. The U.S. Constitution is already just a museum piece that the government is ignoring openly and deriding on a daily basis in their kangaroo courts. Law and order only exists for the benefit of Congress and the corporate oligarchy in control of 330 plus million people. Medical tyranny walks in lock step with government tyranny at all levels. What did I learn from the Communist Party? If I wanted to eat, I had to keep my mouth shut and get up early every day to stand in endless lines in order to buy enough food for the day if I was lucky and had enough coupons left on the rationing card If I wanted to enter a church, I had to wait until someone got married, got baptized, or died. Church was another arm of the Communist Party’s indoctrination machine. If I wanted my parents to remain free and not be disappeared, I had to keep my mouth shut around everybody, including the closest relatives who could turn us in for a loaf of bread. If I wanted to go on vacation, I was not allowed to because my parents were too poor to afford a train ticket or a hotel. They were receiving the Communist Party-decided equity pay young Americans and Democrat Socialists are clamoring for and demanding in this country. If I wanted to go to summer camp, I had to join the youth communist brigades first and be subjected to more indoctrination before I was deemed re-educated in the communist ideological “think” and “speak.” But my parents had to be Communist Party members as well. The Communist Party membership had to have the right pedigree – the more uneducated and stupid, the better. They could be brainwashed easier and bought off with an extra loaf of bread or a pound of meat weekly. And the neo-communists of today are still buying off the stupid and the useful idiots. There is never a shortage of them. If I wanted to go to the movies, it had to be in an approved group of other students and the tickets were sold as a group ahead of time. Only party members could individually go to the opera, ballet, or theater. Their tickets were practically free. I learned at an early age that individuality, creativity, speaking out, asking questions, and free thinking were unapproved and dangerous. If I wanted to go inside a restaurant or hotel in my hometown, I was told no. I could only watch the sumptuous and luxurious inside from the street through the well-lit windows. It was dark at home as electricity was cut off and turned on only a few hours a day in order to allow us to do housework and school homework. Cooking was done with a gas stove and even that was cut off every day. Bathing was once a week with hot water that only came on for two hours. We had to schedule baths or showers around that time. If I was cold, I had to wear many layers of clothes as heat was a rare commodity in our homes. The higher up you lived in the concrete and tiny high-rise apartments, the less steam circulated through the heater coils. I learned to disregard the propaganda lies of equity, equality, and abundance we were fed in class by day-dreaming and imagining that I was traveling to and living in a beautiful country with plenty of food, no heavy armed police everywhere, beautiful colored clothes, plenty of doctors, medicine, clean hospitals without rust and blood oozing from the walls and dirty floors, fully stocked stores, and no bread lines. I was smart enough to see the bleak reality outside, totally opposite from the communist dogma fed to us by elites who lived in comfort and confiscated wealth from the masses. I learned to cherish loneliness and nature in my grandparents’ village. The simple and hard life in the country was so much more exciting than the urban imprisonment and desolate life. I learned to seek refuge in books from the local library. So many good leather-bound tomes had escaped the strict censorship of the Communist Party indoctrinating goons who never read anything except the communist ideology pamphlets and Karl Marx’s dangerous ideas. I learned to enjoy small things in life and to cherish immediate family – we never knew when we would see them for the last time before they were disappeared for their thoughts of freedom and for their dissenting opinions. I learned that aunts, uncles, and friends who worked hard and saved and acquired too much property beyond what the Communist Party deemed necessary, were sent to hard labor camps. Some survived, some did not. They built the roads, the bridges, and other public works while in captivity, existing on meager rations each day. If they survived their sentence, they emerged like walking skeletons, their physical health and minds scarred for life. I learned that one childhood friend’s father was a communist apparatchik which explained why they always had food, her mom always cooked desserts, and they wore nice clothes, not the faded and old ones we wore. Their daughter threw away all the communist propaganda in her father’s possession when he passed away. She is definitely anti-communist now but it is a bittersweet “conversion” as the world is turning into a globalist tyranny of the communist oligarchical elites. I learned so much from my experience and life under the Communist Party boot that I am devastated at the communist turn my adopted country is taking now and so rapidly. The land of the free because of the brave is fast becoming a communist tyranny of the government, the corporate oligarchy supporting it, and the medical professionals who swore to do no harm and are doing harm daily with no remorse. And the people comply silently."
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed Christmas to all. May the light of Jesus be within each and every person through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother Mary! A message from Archbishop Fulton Sheen..... Sanctity is not giving up the world. It is exchanging the world. It is the continuation of that sublime transaction of the Incarna- tion in which Christ said to man: “You give Me your humanity, I will give you My divinity. … You give me your nothingness, I will give you My all.” This requires not much time but much love. May we all not invest in the tinsel of this world but in the gold that will last for all eternity. May we truly seek Jesus (born in Bethlehem which means house of bread) present among us in the little white Host - our Gold found on this earth! Blessed Christmas to All! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Well, we are nearing the last week of Advent. I have posted the devotion of the "O Antiphons" under "Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary", if you would like to practice that beautiful devotion this season...this is highly encouraged! (link below) If you are keeping up with the news in the Church and in the world...we are nearing full blown world-wide communism as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 as a consequence of turning away from God. Talks of WW3 (which truly already began) are circling many websites. Tensions in Russia, China, Taiwan, and the Middle East are escalating. Talks of another plandemic (possibly smallpox) and cyberattacks and blackouts are also circulating. And last but not least, the failed "vaccines" are causing more COVID this year than last... not all good news for us who would like to celebrate Christmas with our families. I just spoke to a friend who works at U of M Hospital and they are now getting COVID patients who have taken the boosters. Anyone want to line up for more boosters??? This post will be about prayers to cry out to Heaven for help. As we know, the Fatima prayers were given to us for this exact time and place. We must continue daily to offer up the taught prayers of reparation as well as the daily Rosary for Our Lady's help.....knowing that in the end .... Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. We must live in this hope because She has promised it! Unfortunately, we must suffer until that day comes for the sins that have accumulated over time since WW2....and there are many!! Since we are about to start the "O Antiphons", I would like to stress (as in the past) that devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus is very powerful! We can contemplate the love and joy of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the three wise men as they gazed upon the beautiful Infant Face of our Lord and King! Let us make this one of our daily meditations throughout the Christmas season. As an act of reparation, let us offer many Holy Face prayers....I have included one here...but there are many as well as the Golden Arrow. These prayers are in reparation for the sins committed against the first three commandments which include Freemasonry and Communism. Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus Eternal Father, as we gaze upon the beautiful Infant Face of Jesus, we would like to offer Thee His Precious Face that was once covered with blood, sweat, dust and spittle during His Passion, in reparation for the crimes of communists, blasphemers, and for the profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day of Sunday. ALSO LET US BEG OUR LADY OF FATIMA TO BRING PEACE BACK TO OUR WORLD AND INTO OUR CHURCH......MAY HER IMMACULATE HEART REIGN AND MAY WE BE INSTRUMENTS OF PEACE WITH OUR REPARATION PRAYERS FOR THIS REQUEST.... Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima against Communism O Queen of Fatima, in this hour of so many dangers for the Americas and the world, turn away from us the scourge of atheistic communism. Do not allow communist regimes, which deny all the Commandments of God, to be established in the many countries born and formed under the sacred influence of Christian civilization. Therefore, O Lady, send forth the graces of Your Flame of Love which is Jesus into the hearts of all people so that the reign of Your Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ may come to the entire world. Help us always to remember that: 1. The Ten Commandments commands us, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart,” “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,” and “Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day”; whereas atheistic communism does everything to extinguish the Faith, to lead men to blasphemy, and to create obstacles to the normal and peaceful celebration of worship; 2. The Ten Commandments commands us, “Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” Now communism strives to break the ties between parents and children, turning their education over to the State. Communism denies the value of virginity and teaches that marriage can be dissolved for any reason, at the mere wish of one of the spouses. 3. The Ten Commandments command us, “Thou shalt not steal,” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” Communism denies private property and its very important social function; 4. The Ten Commandments command us to “not kill.” Communism employs wars of conquest as a means of ideological expansion and promotes revolutions and crimes all over the world; 5. The Ten Commandments command us to “not bear false witness,” whereas communism systematically uses lies as weapons of propaganda. Intervene, holy Mother Mary, so that all the peoples of the entire world may receive the necessary graces to resolutely hinder the steps of communist infiltration, in order that the glorious day of victory which Thou didst predict at Fatima with these words so filled with hope and sweetness will be fulfilled: IN THE END, MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! St. Therese, pray for us! Holy Face of Jesus, have mercy upon us! BONUS TALKS..... Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Happy Advent everyone....getting ready for the birth of our Saviour is such a beautiful time. We can couple this anticipation with the Second Coming of Christ as well. It gives us great hope to know that Jesus has already defeated Satan with His Life, Death and Resurrection! We can walk in great confidence that we are on the winning side even though God is allowing such evil to exist today in order to give the world chastisements for its crimes and more importantly from turning away from loving and giving Him His just honor and glory! Sins against the first three commandments. I wanted to share the beauty of the Miraculous Medal which I have posted about in the past. It was first known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. The prayer inscription on the medal is: "Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee." Since there have been many miracles attached to this devotion it soon throughout Europe was known as the Miraculous Medal. I have posted a link below of John Henry Westen from Lifesite News. He speaks about the evils that have permeated our Church and our world. He brings us information of St. Maximillian Kolbe and his Militia Immaculata. Although this is a Franciscan origin, we can learn much from it today for those of us who want to draw closer to Our Lady. His writings are very controversial among some; as well as St. Louis deMontfort. Both of these saints speak highly of a True Devotion to Mary in consecrating ourselves to Her Immaculate Heart. This is relevant to this website and charism as we too want to be consecrated to Our Lady as She had asked of us at Fatima and it is promoted in the Old Carmelite Rule for the Laity. (Some modern Carmelite Friars have denounced this devotion - as well as priests from other orders. I mention this because you must be aware of them and please seek a priest who is more Marian and understands the power and position Our Lady has from God. She is the one appointed to crush the head of the serpent. In the end...Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. God wishes it so because Satan is pure pride and evil...a humble handmaid of the Lord filled with the love of God is the remedy against Satan. It is more humiliating for him to be crushed by Her than by God directly. We know that Our Lady's will is FULLY united to the will of God and therefore can not lead us astray nor do anything against the Will of God....we can be confident of this. I ask....If Our Lady of Fatima came to warn us of the future which we are living in now and told us the remedy which is Eucharistic Reparation, wearing the Brown Scapular, praying the Rosary and consecrating ourselves, our loved ones and the world to Her Immaculate Heart......why are we afraid to do this? Only Satan can deceive us into thinking that this is a silly remedy for evil....that it is not something everyone is called to do. If the Catholic world united in following these requests of Our Good Queen and Mother....we would not be in the mess we are in. We can do our part and at least live as She requested. Be strong and united in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament if possible. Wear your Scapular and attach a blessed Miraculous Medal to it. Get some blessed this Christmas and attach them to your Christmas cards with a little bit of info about it. I will not write on the Feast day in a couple of days. This is my post for Our Lady. Remember to please place flowers before Our Lady on this Feast. Please pray and make reparation for the sins of our Church and the world. Get spiritually ready for Jesus. Holy Mother Mary, conceived without sin...pray for all of us...we love and need You! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Bonus...John Henry Westen mentions the devotion of the Holy Face as being a devotion given to us by Jesus through a Carmelite nun at a time when reparation was greatly needed. It is a devotion that makes reparation for the Freemasonic crimes we see today. Learning the Holy Face prayers is a great Carmelite is greatly encouraged!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed Advent to all. I pray all of you are in a Novena to Our Patroness of this land...The Immaculate Conception. This is why we have a shrine in Washington DC for her. We need Our Lady to protect this nation against Satan and his cohorts!! We are living in WW3 at the case you have been asleep. It is being decided now in the Supreme Court if we are going to continue the 62 million plus babies being aborted since Roe v Wade. A reminder that World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population. At least 233,207,582 people or 71% of the population have received at least one dose of these mRna injections just in the USA. Overall, 197,058,988 people or 60% of the population have been fully injected. I have some videos done by two doctors below that should be shared. What is happening and what is it that Our Lady of Fatima had come to warn us about? I know this is a repeat...but even for myself...I need to review this. She came at the close of WWI and told us that if we continue to offend God and do not pray the daily Rosary...we will have a second and worse world war. History proves, statistics was the worse war! She also said that if Russia is not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart as God so wishes in order to crush Satan...then the world would be chastised with the spreading of its errors and that various nations would be annihilated. (could that be happening now?) With the above figures of the injected (only USA), what is happening all over the world? According to the doctors below...this is a holocaust. Could this be what Our Lady was talking about...nations would be annihilated? Or is there more? Time will tell. As I try to do...I like to leave my posting on a spiritual note. What to do! We are to listen to the Fatima messages. Pray the prayers of Reparation. Do as Our Lady had asked of us in frequenting Mass, believing in the Real Presence, confession, Adoration and acts of Reparation. CONSECRATE OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES, OUR COUNTRY, OUR WORLD TO HER IMMACULATE HEART DAILY!!! Only then can the Sacred Heart of Jesus pour forth His love and mercy through His Mother's Heart upon our sick and sinful world!! God wishes it so! In my conversations, many of us are beside ourselves. We want control. We want to stop the death and destruction that we see all around us and closing in upon all the nations in various forms of mandates. We can pray the prayer.... Jesus, Mary, We Love You...Save Souls! Let this be the prayer that never leaves our lips when we are idle. May we pray this from the heart, knowing what is going on and that at this moment....souls are being lost that are dying from this manufactured crisis by the globalists who want a world takeover. Remember that Our Lady opened the earth to show the Fatima children Hell...She stated, "This is Hell where the souls of poor sinners go because there is no one praying for them." We can make a difference...we can pray....we can save souls during this war that is taking thousands of lives daily around the world- INCLUDING OUR CHILDREN. May we pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. May we never leave the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and may we pray for the necessary graces to endure. Keep praying to the Immaculate Conception for peace to come to the world! God bless all of you through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother Mary!! Bonus Article --- Please Pray for the Church! After reading this article on Papa Francis...may we each offer Our Lady a bouquet of flowers on Her Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th either at your Church or in your private chapel before Her image in thanksgiving, petition and reparation....along with our prayers. Thank you and God bless all of you!
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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