Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed Feast day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. May he intercede for us as we struggle to keep the faith during these very trying times in history. I am writing today about our children. This time in history is perpetrating the most evil upon our offspring. If the baby is fortunate to make it through the gestational period without being slaughtered by the abortionist, then the child has many more hurdles to pass before entering into adulthood. On the first day of life, the medical world of the USA will inject you with a Hepatitis B vaccine whether you need it or not....whether your little immune system can handle it or not. By the age of 12, our CDC recommends 72 injections which contain all kinds of poisons and toxins that will weaken your immune system and give you all kinds of ailments and allergies. As a young baby, many parents who were brought up Catholic or Christian are opting out of Baptism for their infant; so they live without the proper graces. If this happens, they most likely will not be given the faith through catechism and not taken to Mass for more sacramental graces...leaving them vulnerable to the spiritual attacks of the enemy. If the parent must work, the child is sent to daycare or public school where it will be indoctrinated into all kinds of immoralities including.....same sex parenting, homosexuality, pornography, transgenderism, godlessness of all forms, brainwashing and propaganda through social(ist) media, immodest fashions, movies and games that encourage all of the above. Currently... we have recently introduced mutilation of children as young as NEWBORN to change their sex. Children have had to wear face masks for the past two years with bad science behind matter....we want them to be indoctrinated into slavery...if they die or get sick all the decrease the surplus population. Now the injections for this overblown disease that does not even prevent one from getting causing myocarditis in children. Some are dying and some are permanently damaged from it. Is there no wonder that suicide is at an all time high with our youth! This website is for the warning messages of Fatima and the instructions of Our Lady in offering reparation. Correctly interpreted, Fatima opens our eyes to the panorama of world history. The grandeur is apocalyptic. It is of faith that Almighty God sent His Son to found His church on the earth for the salvation of souls. He wanted to establish in the hearts of all men the reign of Christ the King through the teaching of the Church. This is the blueprint for a happy, caring and prosperous society willed by God, "Who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (I Tim. II:4) But Satan, to spite God, wants the damnation of souls created in God's image, and man, through the fall, is weak and prone to sin, needing God's grace to achieve his salvation. For all of us, this is usually obtained only by humble prayer. Our Lady of Fatima came to instruct us to turn back to God and to pray the Rosary daily and offer sacrifices and prayers of Reparation for the sins of the world in order to mitigate the suffering man is running to with his sins. Below are some videos to prove the above mentioned sins and to alarm all of us that REPARATION is needed on a large scale. Never before in all of history have children had to put up with so much evil .... in such a short space of time as their childhood. Also included below is a beautiful Litany invoking the Holy Wounds of Jesus which is so powerful to help us in our Reparation prayers...God bless everyone! Our Lady, Queen of our children, pray for all of us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... The Epoch Times just posted this documentary yesterday on the "RAID" ... All need to see...I hope this link is available to you. I am a subscriber to Epoch Times so I hope you can still access this... THIS IS TELLING....WE NO LONGER HAVE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...THIS IS COMMUNISM AT ITS FINEST. Holy Mother Mary pray for us... WE NEED TO PRAY AND BE ACTIVE IF POSSIBLE!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA! More on Voting Treason......
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed St. Bartholomew feast day! A martyr to pray to today! Well, are you ready? How do we get ready for the global coup d'etat (communist takeover of everything and everyone)? We consecrate ourselves and our families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and beg her to pray for us and to lead us so very close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that she places us within His Most Sacred Heart to receive all the graces we need to endure what is coming.... May we remain faithful to God and love Him above all things! May we spread that love to others. May we not lose hope because God is in charge and is allowing this as a chastisement for the world's sins. May we trust in Him and may we place ourselves and our families in the care of our good Mother and Queen! She will see us through! Our Lady of Fatima....pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! PRAY YOUR ROSARIES....GO TO LATIN MASSES...KNOW YOUR BIBLE!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... In the end - The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph! Our hope! Our Lady is such a good Mother in giving us so much help during these stormy days. And of course this is the will of the Eternal Father that she should crush the head of the serpent! I have to be reminded constantly not to look down at the turbulent waters of the world but at the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We are reminded with the Fatima message these words spoken earlier to St. Dominic...... “By means of the Holy Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world.” (Pray the Daily Rosary wear the Brown Scapular) This is the promised Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, a promise ratified by Heaven by the miracle of the sun which is a public miracle recognized by the Church and represents Heaven’s seal upon Our Lady’s promise. These tremendous events did not just occur ‘out of the blue’. In retrospect, we can see a long preparation for the time when the foes of the Church would seem victorious, when both “throne and altar would be overthrown” by the Jacobins:- Robspierre, Garibaldi, Lenin and Trotsky in the revolutionary command of the Masonic sects. To the challenge of the Revolution inaugurated in 1789, Our Lady has answered on behalf of the Church. Her entrance to this battle was long prepared and anticipated by the Saints of the Church. St. Louis deMontfort stated: “God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honored than she has ever been.” This accords with the statements of the Sacred Heart messages. The peace of Christ, the King, the conversion of Russia has been entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lord will only give us this victory through Our Lady, to His glory. This desire of God pre-eminently marks the time of our Counter Revolutionary era and the Great Apostasy – a time of most critical danger for all souls. For when the ordinary means of grace which our Lord wills for His Church is being extinguished, when the power of the antichrist would be given strength over the continual sacrifice of the altar, how then do we conquer our natural tendencies to sin ...... developing a devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! In the consecration to Jesus through Mary, St. Louis de Montfort laid the foundation stone of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart, a devotion uniquely reserved for our time and revealed at Fatima. On July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima told the children: “You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world, devotion to My Immaculate Heart” and “To those who will embrace this devotion to My Immaculate Heart, I promise salvation.” As Sister Lucia explained to Father Fuentes (Dec. 26, 1957) “The holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (which the Brown Scapular signifies) are our two last recourses, and so this means there will be no others…With a certain trepidation, God offers us the final means of salvation, His Most Holy Mother.” The following also needs to be repeated so that we understand the greatness of Fatima. Sometimes one hears that the message of Fatima is referred to as “merely a repetition of the requests for prayer and penance in the Gospels”. Actually, Fatima is immensely more significant than that. We are living in a confused time inside the Church as well as in the world. It is in helping to clear up this confusion that Fatima is immensely important. The revelations at the Cova da Iria in Fatima Portugal made by Our Lady to three shepherd children give us, in addition to the vital message, a compendium of the major doctrines of the Church. In an age when many doubt the Real Presence in the Blessed Eucharist, we find the Angel who appeared to the three children leaving a Host and Chalice suspended in the air while he prostrates himself and prays the prayer: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore You profoundly! I offer You the Most Precious Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation For the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences committed against Him; and through The infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary – I beg for the conversion of poor sinners. Not only does the vision of the angel adoring the Host and Chalice reassure us in our belief in the beautiful doctrine of the Real Presence, but the drops of the Precious Blood falling from the Host into the Chalice confirm what the Church has always taught, that Christ is present, whole and entire, in either species. Could it be that the Eucharistic Reparation Prayers taught at Fatima were mainly for our time when Jesus is received in the hand, when some priests take the liberty to make up their own Eucharistic Prayers in the Novus Ordo Mass, when unconsecrated extraordinary ministers are distributing Our Lord and purifying the vessels? If you think the answer is yes - I advise you to consider memorizing these prayers and say them constantly throughout your day! Please! Another doctrine of the Faith brought forward at Fatima is the doctrine on hell. How many so-called theologians, in this sad age, have taken it upon themselves to dismiss the doctrine of a hell of eternal fire as “not suitable for the mentality of modern man”? At Fatima, the children were given a terrifying vision of that same hell of fire, proving that the magisterium has not erred. These children of 7, 9 and 10 were told by Our Lady that this is where the souls of poor sinners go because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. Our Lady urged the necessity of compassion for our neighbors when She said this, telling us that we are all in some sense mediators of intercession for souls, many of whom we can save if we pray and do penance for them. Upon hearing and seeing this, the children spent their days making little sacrifices and prayers so that souls would not fall there, leaving us with this heroic example. How many funerals have you gone to where the priest and faithful say this person is now resting in peace and is in a better place? The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady was clearly implied in the references to Her Immaculate Heart. Therefore, by inference, the doctrine of Original Sin, so often challenged today, is confirmed. If Our Lady is immaculate, then the rest of us are conceived in sin as the Church has always taught. The doctrines of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, of the existence of angels and devils, of the need for prayer and penance to attain salvation are all brought to the notice of the modern world at Fatima, and of course, are confirmed by the great Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917. This happens to be the only miracle predicted to happen, day and hour, which actually did happen as predicted. This makes this a public revelation and NOT a private revelation as many brush it off saying that it is! Shouldn’t this make this message significant? Shouldn’t we study what the message is and live it? We need to live the Fatima message of Reparation, daily Rosary, wearing of the Brown Scapular and believing in the traditional sound teachings of the Catholic Church! May we pray for the Reign of the Immaculate Heart to come into our hearts so that Jesus can Reign there as He does in the Immaculate Heart of Mary! For where ever She is....He is! Our Lady of Fatima pray for us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of Your flame of Love to all of mankind! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Happy and Blessed Feast of the Assumption of our Queen and Mother!! Below is some info from previous articles on Our Lady. The following truly needs a repeat! The Most Holy Trinity had assumed our Blessed Mothers Immaculate Soul and Body into Heaven upon Her Dormition. What a great grace from God given to His most perfect creature and so very deserving! We will only come to know how much She has done for all of us in the eternal life. How beautiful it will be to see Her in Her splendor and radiance seated upon Her rightful throne as Queen of Heaven (and Earth)! How She has been so misunderstood and so little loved here on this earth! Her importance is about to be revealed though as we inch closer and closer to the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart here on this earth which was promised at Fatima. What a glorious day to live in hope for! How we need a renewal of love - of Christian spirit! It must be evident to anyone who reflects upon the sad state of things that what the world needs more than anything else is spiritual regeneration. The fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of mankind, love and charity, peace and happiness, holiness in the family, all the good things which Christ brought down from Heaven have practically disappeared all because Our Redeemer has been banished from His rightful throne....our hearts!! He has been driven from government, from education, from the home, from the lives of men and women and from all human relations. The social body is no longer vitalized by the life of the spirit of Christ. It is because Our Savior has been dethroned that the peace of the Holy Ghost no longer rests upon the world. Since there is no name under Heaven in which there is salvation for man except the Name of Jesus, the world must be reborn in Him, and, Mary must be the Mother of its regeneration! When the world sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, it was She who gave it its Redeemer; and to the end of time, She will remain our Life, our Sweetness and our Hope! How beautiful and how this fact expresses the love of God the Father in giving us so great, so loving, so beautiful, so self sacrificing a Queen and Mother. Her divine motherhood has made Her the Spiritual Mother of all men and never has it been known that anyone who fled to Her for help was left unaided. If men and nations would return to Her love, they would be as safe as the Infant Jesus was when He rested in Her arms. The Lord is with Her; and if we want Him to be with us, we must love Her whom He has made the Mother of our salvation. This insistence on Mary’s role in the Church for the salvation of all mankind brings us back to the Magnificat, the song of Mary expressing her gratitude: for “the Almighty has done great things for me” (Lk 1:49) In this song, St. Luke expressed, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the interior life of Mary, her love for God, and her dedication to His Holy Will. We could say that he became the first interpreter of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Fatima prayer said at the end of each decade: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy,” is said to Jesus through Mary in the Rosary. Mary has an essential role in God’s plan in the achieving of the salvation of the human race. It is to this Queen of Heaven that the Church should have recourse in all of its difficulties. It should entrust all its plans to Her because in praying to Her and loving Her, it can respond to the wish expressed by the Savior on the Cross, and it is certain it will not be disappointed in its prayers. We in no way will take anything away from Jesus by doing this but on the contrary we will be giving all to Him through Her hands -- and it is a sure way to Him! St. John Bosco taught his boys the advice of St. Bernard which was the following: “When the storms of temptation burst upon you, when you see yourself driven upon the rocks of tribulation, look up at the star, call upon Mary. When buffeted by the billows of pride, ambition, or hatred, or jealousy, look up at the star, call upon Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or carnal desires violently assail the little vessel of your soul, look up at the star, call upon Mary. If troubled on account of the heinousness of your sins, confounded at the filthy state of your conscience, and terrified at the thought of the awful judgment to come, you begin to sink into the bottomless gulf of sadness and to be absorbed in the abyss of despair, oh, then think of Mary! In danger, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not Her name depart from your lips. Never suffer it to leave your heart that you may more surely obtain the assistance of Her prayers, neglect not to walk in Her footsteps. With Her for your guide, you will never go astray. While invoking Her, you will never lose heart so long as She is in your mind, you are safe from deception. While She holds you in Her hand, you cannot fall. Under Her protection, you have nothing to fear. If She walks before you, you will not grow weary. If She shows you favor, you will reach your goal – Heaven!” These are encouraging words for such a dismal world that seems to be imploding. She is Queen of all the empire of which He is King; all that He possesses as Son of God, She possesses as the Mother of Jesus. May we pray daily: May His Kingdom come through Mary! Queen of Heaven and Earth pray for us now and at the hour of our death! Mary we love You - please lead us to Jesus so that we may all be with You in Heaven...our true Home! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I pray all are well. I am posting a link below that will give you info on the actions happening behind the idea of the Great Reset. This is a global coup and only God can intervene. The prophecies of Our Lady told us about the world going completely Communist. This is happening now. May we pray that God intervenes soon and that many people wake up and turn to God and resist these changes. This link is an interview of Catherine Austin Fitts....some of her comments... She says, “We are at war and we need a war strategy. . . . The ‘Great Reset’ will turn into the ‘Great Resist.” She contends the good news is people are waking up and this evil criminal system can be stopped. She also says, “Saint Paul said in Timothy, ‘Just stand and watch the divine go to work.’ They can’t do this. Did you see what just happened in Ireland? They tried to go all digital, and they had so many people cancel their accounts, they had to walk it back. . . . One thing the Bible makes clear is it will at times look hopeless, but it won’t be. That’s why you have to stand.” I wanted to share this with all of you...may you share with others! God bless!! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Below is a video to show that the Truth is getting out and that the United Nations run by the CCP is not happy. As Catherine Austin Fitts says in the above video....they will start arresting "conspiracy theorists" like they lock up people falsely testing positive for viruses. This is important in a communist world where their narrative is the only one we are to believe. This article below shows the first step in marginalizing and penalizing "conspiracy theorists" who question the narrative with "critical thinking"...CT's.....
You may think what does this have to do with a religious website. This is a threat to our religion....our lives....our freedom to worship God. We need to be aware of what is happening and be prepared with prayer and being physically ready for the upcoming possible arrests. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". – George Orwell 1984 The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as "worrying and dangerous". UNESCO has teamed up with Twitter, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress to launch the campaign dubbed #ThinkBeforeSharing: Stop the spread of conspiracy theories. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth counters the propagandists' claims while thoroughly debunking their peer-reviewed paper "On The Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs". We must ask.....WHERE WILL THIS GO! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary...
More sad news. We are living in very trying times but it is a time to be a soldier for Christ. As St. Teresa of Avila has stated...because Jesus has so few friends...we must be good ones! Time to be a hero! The only way to do this is to have a prayer life; an intimate relationship with God. Unfortunately, the actions of our current leader in Rome is a public apostasy. The Church will go into apostasy before the chastisement. This is happening before our eyes. Many are either too busy or just too numb to react to all that is happening in the world and in the Church right now...BUT we are entering into a chastisement at lightening speed. The latest is an attack on a Novus Ordo group of nuns who pray! Yes, their crime is that they pray before the Blessed Sacrament. If this isn't a public manifestation to the world that Rome is in apostasy...then we are truly blind. There was also the pagan worship of Papa Bergoglio which happened last week in Canada and I am sure you saw the priest in Italy that was offering Mass on an blow up mattress in the water because they were camping and it was too hot to offer Mass on the land. (pictured above) did the priests stand the heat in many parts of the world for the past 2000 years? (And the cold, our Bishop Baraga in Upper Michigan would travel in deep snow in the mid 1800's to get to the churches in his diocese) It is time for all of us to read the Church history that Papa Bergoglio is so against. It is time to gain inspiration from their lives of heroic love and sacrifice. Below is a video related to these poor nuns and what the mind of Rome is right now. I also have a video of a hero which should always be coupled with these tragic bits of news we hear each day. The saints that have gone before us are still with us....we can ask their help and intercession before the throne of God. We need to pray and make similar sacrifices at a time when prayer and sacrifice are all but gone from this earth. Let us be true friends of Jesus Christ and live in imitation of our Dear Blessed Mother and all the saints who have gone before us. CONTINUE TO PRAY AND DRAW NEAR TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR WITH THE PRESENCE OF HIS MOTHER!!! Please pray for all the Orders of the Church as they are being attacked by Rome for being Catholic! God bless these sisters, the Carmelite sisters in Pennsylvania and the ICKSP in Chicago....may they be given strength to be soldiers for Jesus Christ! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints, pray for us! Dearest Lord Jesus, have mercy upon us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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