Hello Everyone: Tomorrow is the Feast of Christ the King! What does this mean? As Catholics, we know that we are under the leadership of Our Lord and King and there WAS a time in history before the Protestant Revolution when Catholic Europe was a Catholic society where all decisions by those in nobility and power based laws on Catholic morality and teaching. Luther ushered in the “I will not serve” of Satan with his revolt against Catholicism. It was the beginning of individualism and naturalism where man is put before God since Christendom existed. We then have the French Revolution with the “Declaration of the Rights of Man”. Fr. Denis Fahey CSSp summarized the Declaration as a formal renunciation of allegiance to Christ the King of the supernatural life, and of membership in Christ’s Mystical Body. He states: “The French State thereby officially declared that it no longer acknowledged any duty to God through Our Lord Jesus Christ, and no longer recognized the dignity of membership of Christ in its citizens. It thus inaugurated the attack on the organization of society under Christ the King which has continued down to the present day.” The principle that all authority comes from the people is now all but universally accepted throughout the West. The basis of public morality is whatever the contemporary consensus of citizens is prepared to accept. It would be very hard to convince the average Catholic today that his country should not be governed by the will of the people or that our elected representatives are anything more than delegates of the people who voted them into power. Especially since the Second Vatican Council and its documents and its own “government” of the new idea of “synods” which sprang up with Pope Paul VI. We now have a democracy of contemporary consensus of bishops among whom many are not even walking with God! What do we as Catholic do with such a crisis within our country and within our “Church”? According to Hilaire Belloc in his essay “The Church and the Modern State” published in 1931 he states: “Where there is a conflict between the civil law and the moral law of the Catholic Church, members of the Catholic Church will resist the civil law and obey the law of the Church.” This is also true now WITHIN the Catholic Church. As mentioned previously on this site and by many ----- there is the infiltration of the Freemasons within the Catholic Church – we are to RESIST! We are to KNOW our Faith in order to know WHAT to resist. Our Pre-Vatican II Faith is what we live by. WHY? Because the new catechism and teachings of the Second Vatican Council are tarnished with modernism which is the synthesis of ALL HERESIES and we are called to KEEP the teachings of the Church that contain the perennial Truths of Tradition. God does not change. Truth is immutable! 1 + 1 will always equal 2 ---- in this century and 20 centuries from now. If we continue to change the teachings of our Tradition that has been handed down through the ages – we get chaos – it will evolve into something unrecognizable. How to restore the Kingdom of Christ! Well, this website was created to share the best kept secret in the Catholic Church and that is Mary! St. Louis deMontfort stated that Christ is not known and loved because His Mother is not known and loved. We need to pray for the reign of the Immaculate Heart in men so that She can usher in the reign of Her Son within our hearts and homes and world. This is a perennial teaching of the Church. Notice how during the Second Vatican Council, Our Lady was given a back seat. Proof it was going in the wrong direction. We need to consecrate ourselves and our families to Her Immaculate Heart during this time in history when Satan and his cohorts are running loose seeking the ruin of ALL OUR souls! How will you protect yourselves otherwise? She came to ask for this at Fatima! I will base my next talk on how Our Lady is even removed from the Carmelite Order. Why – Infiltrator – Traitors! And why not - the Carmelite Order belongs to Our Lady! If you were the enemy and you knew She had power to crush your head - would you leave it untouched? Until next time – Have a blessed Feast day and place Jesus and Mary on the throne of your heart! Pray your rosary and wear your scapular as a sign of consecration to Her Immaculate Heart. Sacred Heart of Jesus may Thy Kingdom come through Mary!!
KINGDOM OF MAN OVER GOD -Abomination to Occur on the Feast of Christ the King - REPARATION NEEDED10/25/2018 Hello Everyone: This Sunday in the Traditional Calendar is the Feast of Christ the King! This is a glorious feast and I can’t wait to see the day when the world will truly honor Christ as King! This is a sad day we are living in at the present moment and it continues to grow worse with each passing day. Satan and his cohorts have deceived many into philosophies that contradict the true teachings of the Catholic Faith. Many are true sheeple! Again, we can turn to Freemasonry which Our Lady has prophesied that it would penetrate every aspect of living (Our Lady of Good Success). I talk frequently about Freemasonry and for good reason. It shows its ugly head everywhere we turn. Freemasonry promotes naturalism. What is naturalism? “Naturalism is the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted. In a nutshell – placing man before God. This was plainly stated in Pope Paul VI closing speech at the end of the Second Vatican Council. Read it! I studied Freemasonry when my son was 13 and he is now 21. We chose it for study as a report for his home school assignment of a research report. We studied papal documents and current events – even Vatican II which at the time I had never associated with Freemasonry – Let me tell you folks – do your homework! Actually, at this point in time, there is no need! It is in our face now. Look at the loss of faith, churches, seminaries, convents and schools which are lost – truly lost! Why? Did you know that at the time of the Second Vatican Council, Catholic numbers just in America alone were growing by leaps and bounds. God's instruments of grace, those who placed God first and got on their knees for guidance and grace such as Bishop Sheen, the school sisters, holy priests and many lay associates which do not exist today -- had everything to do with our fervor and growth. The Freemasons panicked and had to do something QUICK! As soon as Vatican II came forward – the numbers dropped DRASTICALLY! The Freemasonic goal – to kill the faith and especially faith in the Real Presence! The pastoral documents were not enough - the true goal was to kill the Mass in order to kill the Faith! The Mass has always been attacked throughout the centuries and for those who know nothing of its history, the Novus Ordo Mass seems to be just a legitate change for the good of the Church! Not quite – it contains every attempt made against the Mass throughout the ages all rolled up in one massive blow to the faithful under the guise of obedience! Wow – pretty sly! Do your homework and then find yourself and your family a pre-Vatican II Latin Mass! We live in an unprecedented time of history. Never before — never before our time— have Catholic authorities willfully invited pagans to worship their false gods in Catholic churches and Shrines. Never before have we seen a Pontiff carry a Wicca stick for his papal ferula. Not even during the Arian heresy in the 4th Century, which was the worst crisis of Faith in Church history before our own day, not even during the Protestant revolt in the 16th Century would Christian churches be turned over for pagan worship of idols. It is reserved for our time for Catholics to be tearful witnesses of this abomination of desolation. Many have decried Francis’ liturgical offenses over the years: offering Masses with giant puppets, balloons, and tango dancing in the sanctuary; omitting genuflections before the Blessed Sacrament; withholding the Papal Blessing at audiences, but publicly blessing psychotropic herbs for pagan rituals; displaying profane items like beach balls on high altars; employing sacred vessels, furnishings, and vestments of novel design or illicit material; and a lengthy record of communicatio in sacris that has united this Pope in worship with – even bestowed on him the formal “blessings” of – heretics, schismatics, Muslims, Jews, and witch doctors. Still, these past deviations pale in comparison to what’s coming. After wielding what appears for all the world to be a Wiccan stang at the opening Mass of the Synod, the Pope has announced that he will celebrate a new form of Mass at its conclusion: a liturgy that priests, bishops, cardinals and theologians are denouncing as barely recognizable as a Catholic rite. (Concluding Day of Synod - Oct. 28th - Feast of Christ the King) Sacred Scripture tells of the coming of the Antichrist, the man of sin who will persecute Catholics worldwide, who will not allow anyone to buy or sell in the whole world without his permission; the Antichrist who exalts himself above all holy things, even above God Himself. He is called the son of perdition. He is the most evil man that will ever exist in the entire history of mankind — worse than Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, worse than anyone else you can think of currently living or who has lived in the past. I am not claiming that Pope Francis is the Antichrist but I am declaring that he is part of a great Apostasy. And the coming of Antichrist is preceded by the Apostasy. The Antichrist will set up pagan worship in the holy place, the abomination of desolation; that is, the worship of satan himself. Obviously this abomination of desolation is preceded by setting up idol worship, and this is done in the holy place. We are thus at a most frightful historic moment. We are beginning to see this apostasy before our very eyes. Again – what do we do? We remain faithful to Catholic teaching. Study our faith (pre-Vatican II)! Teach it to our children. Find a Latin Mass. You bear the first duty of rendering God that worship befitting His glory, that which He has given to the Church over centuries: the Traditional Latin Mass. Consecrate yourself and your loved ones to the Blessed Mother for prayers and protection from the enemy. Pray your Rosary and wear your Scapular. Use Epiphany Holy Water daily and pass it out – at least traditionally blessed holy water. Be heroic and brave – know that God is God and that we are living in an amazing time of history. Know that Christ is King – at least of our hearts if not in the entire world! Our Lady of Good Success - pray for us!! (I have included a clip below on the Synod - this was a creation of Vatican II to bring the Church to a form of government where the people rule and NOT GOD with His perennial teachings of the Catholic Church! God help us!) Hello Everyone: There was a new post by Father Heilman who wanted the Coast to Coast Rosary Rallies to pray for our country. He also wanted the 54 Day Novena for our country. A modern day saint! We need more like him. My pastor knows I came with 4 gallons of water to be blessed last Epiphany - January 6th. It is a holy water that receives exorcisms that are not normally done on holy water. This is done in the Old Rite. Read about it here in this copied article by Father Richard Heilman - worth noting and marking your calendars to remind yourself to bring GALLONS to be blessed this next January 6th and PASS IT OUT and most importantly - USE IT! Many are buying guns, food and ammunition for what lies ahead. I say - go to as many Masses as possible, triple your rosaries and stock up on Epiphany Water! Here is his article - God bless!! "On the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7), a monumental prayer event occurred with people gathered around the USA on more than 1300 sites, while 57 nations from around the planet joined us to pray the Glorious Mysteries in unison, as a world. The anchor point for all of this was Washington, DC. We learned that some scoundrels planted an Arch of Baal on the grounds of our Nation's Capital just nine days prior (read about it here). I knew we needed to reclaim surrendered territory, and we did. First, we had an exorcist with us who did an "exorcism of place" over all of our Nation's Capitol. He told me he did it twice, for good measure. Then, at the conclusion of the National Rosary Rally in front of our nation's Capital, I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors, present, to accept this mission .... I brought out 100s of bottles of very powerful Epiphany Holy Water & Salt that was exorcised and blessed by Fr. Zuhlsdorf (fr. Z) in an hour-long ritual on the Vigil of the Epiphany (read about it HERE). Exorcists claim this is especially powerful stuff. This is from Auxilium Christianorum: Holy water: the use of old rite holy water is more efficacious than new rite holy water, based upon the nature of the prayers of the blessing. This does not mean that the new rite holy water is inefficacious; it simply is not as efficacious. In the absence of holy water blessed using the old ritual, one should make use of holy water blessed using the new ritual. Holy water may be used to spread around everywhere in houses, on people and on things; it may also be consumed by those who are having problems. Epiphany water is even more efficacious because of the fact that it undergoes a twofold exorcism. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf writes: The Enemy really hates holy water. One of the explicit purposes of holy water is to put demons to flight wherever it is sprinkled. In exorcising and blessing the salt used for holy water, the priest says: "may [it] rid whatever it touches or sprinkles of all uncleanness and protect it from every assault of evil spirits." In exorcising and blessing the water: "I exorcise you so that you may put to flight all the power of the Enemy, and be able to root out and supplant that Enemy with his apostate angels". In blessing the combined water and salt: "Let whatever might menace the safety and peace of those who live here be put to flight by the sprinkling of this water." St. Teresa of Avila in chapter 31 her autobiography explains how she was being tormented by demons. She used holy water against them and wrote: "From long experience I have learned that there is nothing like holy water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again. They also flee from the Cross, but return; so holy water must have great virtue." Demons can tell the difference, even if we can't. Fr. Zuhlsdorf writes about Holy Water blessed with the newer rites vs. old rites HERE Also, I brought 100s of Green Scapulars, to Washington, DC, touched to a Relic of the True Cross that was rescued during the 1944 Normandy D-Day invasion (read about it HERE). The Mission: I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors there in Washington, DC to take these and go about the Capital grounds, blessing with Holy Water and Blessed Salt and hide the Green Scapulars everywhere. We reclaimed surrendered ground!! Since this momentous day, many have inquired whether the Epiphany Holy Water and Green Scapulars are available. By the grace of God, I "happen" to have enough for the first 1000 people to receive - free of charge - a bottle of Epiphany Holy Water and 3 Green Scapulars. To order your free bottle of Epiphany Holy Water and 3 Green Scapulars, go HERE. I ask those who order these free very powerful sacramentals to consider the same mission I gave to those in Washington, DC. Please take the Epiphany Holy Water and sprinkle drops in places you discern need to be reclaimed surrendered ground back to God. Please use the Green Scapulars for those in need of conversion or healing. Let's call upon the power of God to put demons to flight and bring blessing to our nation. Make America Holy Again!! I'M GOING IN!! GOD BLESS THIS HOLY PRIEST AND ALL THOSE WHO FOLLOW! THANK YOU ETERNAL FATHER AND DEAREST BLESSED MOTHER FOR GIVING GRACES TO THESE HEROIC PRIESTS - LET US PRAY FOR MORE AND MAY GOD BLESS THEM THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF OUR GOOD QUEEN AND MOTHER!!! Hello Everyone: Today, October 15, is the feast day of St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila). There is so much to learn from this heroic lady. She was a mystic that gave herself to God and His service. She said yes to Him in imitation of Our Lady and in turn He gave Himself to her through her faithful life of prayer and self sacrifice. St. Teresa was a woman who suffered intensely many illnesses both body and soul. She had many attacks from the devil because she was always striving to obtain union with God through prayer. She was very faithful in her daily prayers because she knew this time belonged already to God. Her faithfulness led her to be the great mystic that she is. She is a Doctor of the Church on Prayer and Contemplation. Because the ways of God are unchanging - her teachings are also timeless. Therefore, we need to study her wisdom which was given to her by the Holy Spirit and implement this into our lives. This is not as easy as it sounds. St. Teresa warned us about the enemy. She said Satan was constantly active against Christians, especially the contemplative who was trying to achieve union with God by trying intensely to block them from their goal of achieving this absolute union with Him. Although the Devil is powerless against the defense that Christ builds up in a faithful soul, he will rush in at the person’s weakest moments to suggest things that appear reasonable and good but invariably result in feelings of confusion, worthlessness and disgust. He puts forward ingeniously devised temptations: he encourages self-righteousness and false humility and discourages us from prayer; he causes us to feel guilty for having received God’s grace and to labor under the impossible burden of trying to earn it; he makes us ill-tempered toward others; he creates illusions and distractions in the intellect; he inspires the doubt and fear that the understanding that we are granted in contemplation is an illusion. Sometimes we feel that we have lost control of our souls, as if demons are tossing us back and forth like balls. Sometimes we feel that we have made no progress, but even when the boat is becalmed, God is secretly stirring in the sails and moving us along. We must be brave and fight the good fight. We all know that this is a battle - a spiritual battle each day that we wake up. Nothing comes easy and especially if we trust in man rather than God. Let us look at her famous prayer and memorize it. There is Truth in it. Happy Feast Day and God bless you! May Our Lady pray for us! Good St. Teresa and all Carmelite saints pray for us! ST TERESA'S PRAYER Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. Hello everyone: I have had a busy week this week and almost did not post this article. Today is a great day in the history of the message of Fatima - the Miracle of the Sun - 101 years ago today. Wow - how time flies - I would have thought something related to this great miracle would have happened to the earth by now. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen would always comment about a nuclear war as the possible message of the Miracle of the Sun which he was always wary of since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This analysis would make perfect sense that the message of Fatima was a warning of such a disaster since she came to also warn us to amend our lives or there would be a great chastisement. This same message was again repeated and approved at Akita Japan (the place of nuclear disaster). She also stated that even though the First World War was about to end - a Second and worse World War would break out if people continued to offend God and did not pray the Rosary. We saw the Second World War - are we about to see a world-wide destruction by fire for a world steeped in sin??? The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, which took place exactly a century ago, on October 13, 1917, was the first public miracle since the Resurrection of Jesus and is the most astounding event of the 20th century. And yet it is hardly known outside the Church, and not well enough known within it. This is worth sharing with all those you know! The people who braved the terrible rainstorm which struck Fatima that day had gone there because of the promise of a miracle. Exactly what sort of miracle they didn’t know, but they knew that something exceptional was going to happen. Many skeptics and unbelievers were also drawn there in the hope of a fiasco in which the Church would then be turned into a laughing stock. The previous July, Our Lady had told the three Fatima children that she would perform a miracle in October, and this sensational report spread throughout Portugal, ensuring that a huge crowd which numbered around 70,000 was present on October 13, despite the appalling weather. At noon, Our Lady appeared to the children, and after repeating her requests for the daily rosary, and promising that World War I would soon end, she said to them sadly: “Do not offend the Lord our God any more, because He is already so much offended.” Then, while the three seers saw visions of the Holy Family, the crowd of at least 70,000 people were mesmerized as the Miracle of the Sun unfolded. What happened was so incredible that even non-believers couldn’t deny it, as this report, which appeared in the secular Lisbon paper O Dia, indicates: "The silver sun … was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds. A cry went up from every mouth and the people fell on their knees on the muddy ground. … The light turned a beautiful blue as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands. The blue faded slowly and then the light seemed to pass through yellow glass. … People wept and prayed with uncovered heads in the presence of the miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they." This wasn’t the only unexpected response from a secular source. The journalist Avelino de Almeida had previously published a satirical article about Fatima in the anti-religious newspaper O Seculo, which had succeeded in drawing great attention to the apparitions. But when he witnessed the miracle first hand he adopted a very different tone and truthfully reported what he saw, even though he was violently criticized for this by fellow journalists. Meanwhile, José Almeida Garrett, a young lawyer, reported that “The sun’s disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight.” Eyewitnesses to the miracle said that the sun danced in the sky, the color of the whole landscape changed successively, and the sun seemed to come down towards them, so that many of the crowd thought it was the end of the world. It was also seen at a distance by various people, undercutting the idea that it was simply a collective hallucination. Something else that suggests that the miracle was genuine is that the people at the Cova felt the heat of the sun as it approached them. Their clothes and the ground – which had been soaked by the torrential rain – were dry at the end of the miracle. Still, “freethinkers” continued to oppose what they regarded as a “despicable reactionary superstition”, fostered by the devotion of the ordinary Portuguese people at Fatima. Their opposition included an attempt to blow up the little chapel which had been built at the site of the apparitions in March 1922. Although the roof of the chapel was blown off, the tree where Our Lady appeared was undamaged. A point worth focusing on is that many of the witnesses thought it was the end of the world, so terrifying was their experience. So we can also see the Miracle of the Sun as a foreshadowing of what will actually happen at the end of the world or at least at a chastisement, and also as an indication that we are living in a time of crisis, of judgment, when we are called to stand up for the Church and for the truth. Let us pray the Rosary for our leaders in the Church and for the world which is steeped in sin - not only today but always. May we live the Fatima message in order that souls may be saved and that we can avert a disaster of this magnitude for the world. Our Lady of Fatima - pray for us! Hello Everyone: Today is a glorious day!!! We have a new Supreme Court Justice on the bench that will uphold Life and the Constitution! We need to thank God for this GREAT FAVOR to this nation that is in moral decay. Here is a copied article from OLRL.org regarding the family rosary. If you need to keep up the family rosary - this article will help boost your incentive. Also - there is more on the Rosary under my other title: "Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary". This entire article seems too good to be true but KNOW THAT THE ROSARY IS POWERFUL - God Wills that we say it and Our Lady has asked for it - need we say more! But there is more! It helps us to embrace the life of Christ through its mysteries and we are continually pleading for the "Woman, appointed to crush the head of Satan" to PROTECT US! Put on your Scapular - say your Rosary or you will perish - not because you didn't do these things but because you did not get the proper help in keeping the faith during this turbulent storm! Get in the Ark with Our Lady or you and your family with perish from your loss of faith! Have a blessed day and don't forget to participate in the Coast to Coast Rosary rally today. If you do not know where to go--- the site is posted in the article below this one. God bless your day! The Importance of the Family Rosary This article is taken from the booklet "Our Glorious Faith and How To Lose It" written by Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J. It contains different stories of how we can lose our faith but this article will deal only with the Holy Rosary. Fr. Thwaites' words on this subject are as follows: "Without delay now, I want to talk about my theme. It seems to me that a principal cause of the loss of faith is the dropping off in the practice of the family rosary . In Austria, after World War II, there was a complete collapse of vocations. One year, apparently, no one at all entered the seminaries. So the bishops held a synod, to find out how it could be that this had happened. The conclusion they reached was that the war had so disrupted family life that the centuries-old practice of the rosary in the home had stopped, and had just not started up again. This is my experience, too; when the rosary goes, the faith soon collapses. I remember someone telling me of a friend of his, a great Catholic, the pillar of the parish, whose children had all lapsed, one after the other. They had all fallen away from the sacraments and from attending Mass. So I said to him, "I wouldn't mind betting that your friend had been brought up to recite the family rosary when he was a boy, and that his children haven't." The next time I saw him, he said that this was indeed true. His friend had recited the family rosary at home when he was a boy, and when he had got married and started his own family they all said the rosary. But then, one evening when they were about to start the rosary, one of the children switched on the television, and that was that. The custom of the family rosary was dropped, and in due course, they gave up the practice of the faith. After this life, that one unrebuked action will be seen to have affected the eternity of many people. God sent His Mother to Fatima to tell us that we had to say the rosary every day. There were no other prayers She asked us to say. Accordingly, we should do what She asked. A layman I met once who did not say his rosary told me that he read the breviary every day. That is fine. It is what priests have to do. It is the prayer of the Church. So in a way it is better than the rosary. But it is not what Our Lady asked for. She asked for the rosary. If a mother sends her child to the shop for a bottle of milk, and he comes back instead with ice cream, is she pleased? In a way, ice cream is better than milk, but it is not what she asked for. In that most holy home at Nazareth, do you think that Our Lady had to ask for anything twice? If we want in any way to be like Jesus, we must do what His Mother asks. If we do not, can we expect things to go right? We cannot with impunity disobey the Mother of God. She knows better than we the dangers of this spiritual warfare. She sees more clearly than we do the dangers that beset us. She warns us: You must say your rosary every day. If the garage mechanic warns you that your car needs repairing or else it will break down, surely you would heed that warning. If the gas gauge warns you that you need more gas, do you do nothing about it? And if Our Lady comes to Fatima and tells us, not just once but six times, that we must say the rosary every day, do we disregard that warning? If we do, we have only ourselves to blame when we find that our children have lapsed from the faith. I know that Fatima is only a private revelation, but nevertheless the Church has endorsed it, and that makes it rash for us to disregard it. If the Church informs us that Our Lady really did come to Fatima and tell us these things, then we must harken to her words. It really seems to me that those Catholics who do not take Fatima seriously and say the rosary every day in their homes are very akin to the Jews who laughed at Jeremiah. If God sends us His prophets and we do not take them seriously – well, we have the whole of the Old Testament to tell us what happens as a result. But at Fatima, God sent us, not His prophets, but His Immaculate Mother. So I think that the abandonment of the family rosary is a main reason why so many Catholics have lost the faith. It seems to me that the Church of the future is going to consist solely of those families who have been faithful to the rosary. But there will be vast numbers of people whose families used to be Catholic. In my work of going round visiting homes, I have seen this conclusion borne out time and again. Homes can be transformed by starting the recitation of the daily rosary. I remember a woman telling me that she could not thank me enough for having nagged her into starting it; it had united her family as never before. And I remember another home where I called. There was a strange tension there: the children were silent and the wife seemed withdrawn, but the husband was willing to start the family rosary. When I called back again a couple of months later, the atmosphere was quite different. The children were chatty and the wife was friendly, and the husband walked down the road with me afterwards and said how amazing it was that the home was so much happier. One reason, I think, why the daily rosary makes for a happy home, is this. From what some possessed people have said, and from what some of the saints have said, it seems certain that demons fear the rosary. It makes their hair stand on end, so to speak. Holy water certainly drives them out, but they come back again. The daily rosary drives them out and keeps them out. It is rather like living in an old house where there are mice everywhere. The only way to get rid of them is to bring cats. If you get a couple of cats, after a week or two there simply will not be any more mice. Mice fear the very smell of cats. And in a home where the rosary is said every day, after a time the demons realize they are impotent in front of Our Lady, and go elsewhere. This must be one reason why, as they say, "the family that prays together stays together." In that home, utterly free of evil spirits, there is an atmosphere one does not find outside. In a demon-infested city like London, where I live, such a home is an oasis of God's grace, and people find a comfort and peace there which they enjoy greatly. We human beings are not meant to live in the company of demons, but with God and with the angels and saints in heaven. So, as I see it, in this effort we are making to keep the faith and pass it on, the practice of the rosary is absolutely indispensable. Whatever else a person may do, even though they go to Mass every day, they still need to say the rosary in their home. It is the medicine our Mother has told us to take, to keep our faith strong and healthy." Hello Everyone: I apologize for not posting something special for the Feast of St. Therese - I am glad I did for the days preceding it!. I care for my dad some days during the week. He is 87 and alone but does pretty good for his age! I was with him that day and we went to Mass at St. Joseph Oratory at noon in Detroit and then a trip to Greenfield Village since it was 76 degrees and sunny. He thoroughly enjoyed himself! He loves it there and has not been there for awhile. Needless to say, I came home late after eating dinner with him and doing my normal cleaning that did not get done because we were out. I came home late. I pray everyone had a beautiful Feast Day!! Here we are - three weeks longer than we should be for a confirmation of a new Supreme Court Justice. I pray with all my heart that Our Lady will pray for a miracle and get him confirmed today or tomorrow! We are in the Novena before the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary. I pray all of you will be at a Coast to Coast Rosary Rally this Sunday! If you do not know where they are here is a site - Another topic to talk about and pray about is this Youth Synod. If you were wondering which direction it will take us - wonder no more! When this Pope was first appointed - I did a little research and declared he would be an Anti-Pope. One of the Third Order Carmelites at our meeting when I made this statement claimed that can not be - the Holy Spirit would not allow it!
Well, we have grieved the Holy Spirit a while ago and Our Lady told us in Quito Ecuador - (Our Lady of Good Success) that Freemasonry would penetrate everywhere including the Church! This is what happened. Below is an article regarding the Youth Synod and the tolerance of Pope Francis in received gifts from Satan himself. Any Pope that existed pre-Vatican II would refuse such things! Even Pope John Paul II is guilty of these compromises! This is NO EXAMPLE and tells us where we are in this Post Conciliar Church - - Have no fear though -- We will come back - Our Lady promised it - In the end Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. When it looks completely hopeless - She will step in - ITS BEGINNING TO LOOK THAT WAY FOLKS! Get ready! Have a blessed Novena and a very holy First Friday, Saturday and Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning, is now and every shall be world without end. Amen Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary -- pray for us! Hello Everyone: We are Oct. 2 - the Feast of the Holy Angels and tomorrow is the Traditional Feast of St. Therese - Oct. 3. If you are practicing this Old Rule, today would be a fast day before this great feast tomorrow. We are so in need of the angels and we do not talk about them nor do we call upon them as often as we should. Did you know that we not only each have a special angel but there are angels for each country as well. Boy, do we need to call upon the angel for this country! I do not like to use this site for political reasons or current news but this is related to religion. Satan's minions, the Democrats are obstructing the Kavanaugh vote because they do not want a conservative on the bench making it tilt in favor of sanity, lawfulness and respect for life and traditional marriage. I just read this today - I have to share it because it is hilarious (but sad because it is not far from the truth). Here is a comment on one of the Youtube presentations about this present day circus we are seeing about how low the Democrats go: "Just breaking news shows the FBI investigation has doomed Kavanaugh's nomination. It has been determined that in 2nd grade he infected another child with cooties. His pre-k teacher has came forward with the sad sad FACT that Kavanaugh colored outside of the lines. A separate allegation that Kavanaugh colored Santa Claus "black" has been disproved. Based on these terrible new revelations, should we demand that the FBI review his life from birth to pre-k?" This is so much what they want - to stall over ANYTHING - absolutely anything! They are actually stating that we should not put him on the Supreme Court because he is belligerent! WOW! Is that all they can come up with after their smear tactics failed??? This is spiritual war people -- and it is a spiritual battle that needs God's grace! Thanks be to God we are in the novena before the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary. May we pray to our Guardian Angels today and to our dear Blessed Mother to give us a miracle and put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court! We will also have to pray that the democrats do not get more lawless and start killing the Republicans as they try to keep Roe v. Wade, same sex marriage and the like. By the way, for the record, Senator Feinstein, age 85 - yes 85! God help us! She actually voted against John Roberts along with 5 other democrats in 2005 and voted against Neil Gorsuch as well. Is it any wonder we are seeing this circus with her in charge!! What a farce! We are in war against principalities and demons. Those who give themselves over to Satan are his minions. May we pray for them and pray for this country. Holy Guardian Angels and Holy Saints - pray for us!! Our Lady of the Americas, pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
August 2024
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