Hello Everyone: I am back from retreat and it was very enlightening. Thank you for your prayers! We are now into the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success and if you are not familiar with this devotion or these approved apparitions -- it would be wise to do so because they pertain to our age NOW even though the messages were given in the 1600's. One of the evils talked about was how Freemasonry would infiltrate EVERYWHERE! We have talked about this in many articles on this website because it is the enemy of the Church and has brought us modernism and humanism and many other isms that are set to destroy Christian society and the Catholic Church. We need to know of this and fight against it. I have included a piece of history below because we have just passed the 227th anniversary of the death of King Louis XVI in France (Jan. 21, 1793). Our Lord Jesus Christ came one hundred years earlier to St. Margaret Mary to give her a message that was to get to the King (his grandfather) that France was to be consecrated to the Sacred Heart. DID NOT HAPPEN! Almost 100 years later -- to the day - the King's grandson (King Louis XVI) is dethroned and the Catholic monarchy is no more and Catholic persecution during the Freemasonic French Revolution takes hold - killing Catholic priests, bishops and laity. History books do not focus on this but give it a different twist to make it NOT look like a Catholic cleansing of this country. Below is the Last Testament of a Catholic King - some info good for us at a time when our own religious freedoms are at stake and soon to vanish (for the same reason). Also, below that is a link to a very wonderful family DVD on the "War of the Vende" done by home-schoolers to give the history of a Catholic region in France that fought for God and King in France under the banner of the Sacred Heart. Great history - please share! God bless all of you and may Our Lady of Good Success pray for us! LAST TESTAMENT OF LOUIS XVI In the name of the Very holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. To-day, the 25th day of December, 1792, I, Louis XVI King of France, being for more than four months imprisoned with my family in the tower of the Temple at Paris, by those who were my subjects, and deprived of all communication whatsoever, even with my family, since the eleventh instant; moreover, involved in a trial the end of which it is impossible to foresee, on account of the passions of men, and for which one can find neither pretext nor means in any existing law, and having no other witnesses, for my thoughts than God to whom I can address myself, I hereby declare, in His presence, my last wishes and feelings. I leave my soul to God, my creator; I pray Him to receive it in His mercy, not to judge it according to its merits but according to those of Our Lord Jesus Christ who has offered Himself as a sacrifice to God His Father for us other men, no matter how hardened, and for me first. I die in communion with our Holy Mother, the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church, which holds authority by an uninterrupted succession, from St. Peter, to whom Jesus Christ entrusted it; I believe firmly and I confess all that is contained in the creed and the commandments of God and the Church, the sacraments and the mysteries, those which the Catholic Church teaches and has always taught. I never pretend to set myself up as a judge of the various way of expounding the dogma which rend the church of Jesus Christ, but I agree and will always agree, if God grant me life the decisions which the ecclesiastical superiors of the Holy Catholic Church give and will always give, in conformity with the disciplines which the Church has followed since Jesus Christ. I pity with all my heart our brothers who may be in error but I do not claim to judge them, and I do not love them less in Christ, as our Christian charity teaches us, and I pray to God to pardon all my sins. I have sought scrupulously to know them, to detest them and to humiliate myself in His presence. Not being able to obtain the ministration of a Catholic priest, I pray God to receive the confession which I feel in having put my name (although this was against my will) to acts which might be contrary to the discipline and the belief of the Catholic Church, to which I have always remained sincerely attached. I pray God to receive my firm resolution, if He grants me life, to have the ministrations of a Catholic priest, as soon as I can, in order to confess my sins and to receive the sacrament of penance. I beg all those whom I might have offended inadvertently (for I do not recall having knowingly offended any one), or those whom I may have given bad examples or scandals, to pardon the evil which they believe I could have done them. I beseech those who have the kindness to join their prayers to mine, to obtain pardon from God for my sins. I pardon with all my heart those who made themselves my enemies, without my have given them any cause, and I pray God to pardon them, as well as those who, through false or misunderstood zeal, did me much harm. I commend to God my wife and my children, my sister, my aunts, my brothers, and all those who are attached to me by ties of blood or by whatever other means. I pray God particularly to cast eyes of compassion upon my wife, my children, and my sister, who suffered with me for so long a time, to sustain them with His mercy if they shall lose me, and as long as they remain in his mortal world. I commend my children to my wife; I have never doubted her maternal tenderness for them. I enjoin her above all to make them good Christians and honest individuals; to make them view the grandeurs of this world (if they are condemned to experience them) as very dangerous and transient goods, and turn their attention towards the one solid and enduring glory, eternity. I beseech my sister to kindly continue her tenderness for my children and to take the place of a mother, should they have the misfortune of losing theirs. I beg my wife to forgive all the pain which she suffered for me, and the sorrows which I may have caused her in the course of our union; and she may feel sure that I hold nothing against her, if she has anything with which to reproach herself. I most warmly enjoin my children that, after what they owe to God, which should come first, they should remain forever united among themselves, submissive and obedient to their mother, and grateful for all the care and trouble which she has taken with them, as well as in memory of me. I beg them to regard my sister as their second mother. I exhort my son, should he have the misfortune of becoming king, to remember he owes himself wholly to the happiness of his fellow citizens; that he should forget all hates and all grudges, particularly those connected with the misfortunes and sorrows which I am experiencing; that he can make the people happy only by ruling according to laws: but at the same time to remember that a king cannot make himself respected and do the good that is in his heart unless he has the necessary authority, and that otherwise, being tangled up in his activities and not inspiring respect, he is more harmful than useful. I exhort my son to care for all the persons who are attached to me, as much as his circumstances will allow, to remember that it is a sacred debt which I have contracted towards the children and relatives of those who have perished for me and also those who are wretched for my sake. I know that there are many persons, among those who were near me, who did not conduct themselves towards me as they should have and who have even shown ingratitude, but I pardon them (often in moments of trouble and turmoil one is not master of oneself), and I beg my son that, if he finds an occasion, he should think only of their misfortunes. I should have wanted here to show my gratitude to those who have given me a true and disinterested affection; if, on the one hand, I was keenly hurt by the ingratitude and disloyalty of those to whom I have always, shown kindness, as well as to their relatives and friends, on the other hand I have had the consolation of seeing the affection and voluntary interest which many persons have shown me. I beg them to receive my thanks. In the situation in which matters still are, I fear to compromise them if I should speak more explicitly, but I especially enjoin my son to seek occasion to recognize them. I should, nevertheless, consider it a calumny on the nation if I did not openly recommend to my son MM. De Chamilly and Hue, whose genuine attachment for me led them to imprison themselves with me in this sad abode. I also recommend Clery, for whose attentiveness I have nothing but praise ever since he has been with me. Since it is he who has remained with me until the end, I beg the gentlemen of the commune to hand over to him my clothes, my books, my watch, my purse, and all other small effects which have been deposited with the council of the commune. I pardon again very readily those who guard me, the ill treatment and the vexations which they thought it necessary to impose upon me. I found a few sensitive and compassionate souls among them - may they in their hearts enjoy the tranquility which their way of thinking gives them. I beg MM. De Malesherbes, Tronchet and De Seze to receive all my thanks and the expressions of my feelings for all the cares and troubles they took for me. I finish by declaring before God, and ready to appear before Him, that I do not reproach myself with any of the crimes with which I am charged. Made in duplicate in the Tower of the Temple, the 25th of December 1792. LOUIS (Archives Nationales, Paris, dated 25 Dec 1792; given by the King to M. Baudrais, a municipal officer, on 21 Jan 1793, a few moments for he left for his place of execution. Baudrais immediately signed his name to authenticate it and deposited it with the commune, where it was signed and certified by Coulomneau, the secretary, and Drouel, the vice-president).
* Hail Mary Most Holy, Beloved Daughter of God the Father Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request)... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Michael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Admirable Mother of God the Son Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Saint Gabriel, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Saint Raphael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity. St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us. Our Lady of Good Success, thou who art the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request, so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. Hail Holy Queen... Hello Everyone:
We are in a new year and we see lots going on around us in the Church, in the government, in the world and in our homes which greatly saddens our hearts. We cannot deny the fact that Satan is unleashed like never before. I should put this article under ‘Total Consecration’ but somehow I feel ‘Talks’ gets more frequented and so I am putting it here. Also, please pray for me, I am going on a six day retreat and returning on January 24th. Therefore, I will not post another article until I come back. (Please always go back into the archives and read what was once written) Talking about trouble, there is turmoil in my family since my Dad’s passing - as there is in many families when an estate is being liquidated. Please say a little prayer that we may focus on eternity and forgive each other for wrongs that seem unforgivable. We are being put to the test – at least I am. We have a family meeting the end of February. Hopefully everyone will be praying for God’s guidance in this mess and seek and give forgiveness where needed. It is my desire today to talk about remodeling our hearts by consecrating ourselves to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. I am friends with a family that came from Columbia. The 11 year old daughter was talking to me about the book of Revelation. It is complex for all of us not to mention an 11 year old. She asked – “How do we protect ourselves from what is to come? I pulled out her scapular from her blouse and said – keep wearing this and trust in God. Yes, wearing our scapulars is a sign of our consecration to the Immaculate Heart. What does that mean? Genuine consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary includes a change of life, a remodeling of our heart and interior after the Immaculate Heart of Mary and surrendering the authority to Her to make this transformation within ourselves. If I am genuinely devoted and dedicated to the Immaculate Heart, the love and intercession of Mary will gradually influence my thoughts, my desires, my way of thinking and acting, my inclinations and my habits. She will transform us into the likeness of Her Son ---- and reprimand us when we have gone astray. She is not only the Mediatrix of All Graces but there is bound to be a good influence, even a powerful influence of the Woman who is the sworn enemy of Satan, the Woman whose Son, Jesus, has come to earth to undo what the devil has done. “The man who lives sinfully takes his character from the devil; the devil was a sinner from the first… If a man is born of God, he does not live sinfully, he is true to his parentage; He cannot be a sinner, if he is born of God.” (1 John 3, 8-9) As sons of God we are born of the Immaculate Mother of Jesus. We must be true to our parentage. We will not keep sin in our heart. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! It is not difficult to remodel the home of my heart, when I can look upon the Heart of my own Blessed Mother as the Model Home, and copy the traits that make it so. By remodeling my home, I repair it along the lines of Mary’s. That is the “reparation” Mary wants from me. What plan does she give us --- “Pray the Rosary devoutly every day.” That is Mary’s simple plan for us. If our Blessed Mother found no better remedy to offer the world than those three short words, we will not presume to discard them thoughtlessly. Of course we also need to frequent the sacraments for sacramental graces. May we pick up our rosaries and transform the world through Mary’s intercession. God bless and may we keep each other in prayer. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – pray for us! PS - Someone had commented on an old article regarding Epiphany Water. If you put your question to the contact on this website - I can answer you instead of in the comment section. Thank you - hope to hear from you - God bless!! Hello Everyone:
We are in January and this is the month when many March for Life. We have had legalized abortions since 1973. Since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade, an estimated 61,628,584 unborn babies have been killed in legal abortions, according to a new analysis by the National Right to Life Committee. Estimates for the total casualties of World War II, Most suggest that some 60 million people died in World War II, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians. Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide. Roe v. Wade allows unborn babies to be aborted up to birth and strictly limits states’ rights to protect the unborn. The U.S. is only one of seven countries in the world that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Yet, today, it is scientifically accepted that unborn babies are unique, living human beings from the moment of conception. What is happening to our society to promote such atrocities? Our women have been deceived! What our daughters are being told is that success is measured by the amount of money you make, how high you go up in the company, how expensive an automobile you drive, or how big a house you are able to afford. The pursuit of fame, power, prestige and of course a college degree are the things that really matter. The mothering of children and the dedication to the husband are completely absent in the secular education, unless it is a to degrade and demean it. Is there any wonder why we are aborting our babies and increasing our divorce rates! If our young girls were to ignore all the stereotypes, both from the left and from the right and look only to Holy Scripture, how would she conduct her life? If they get degrees from universities but fail in life because they were not educated in Christian principles - is this success? With virtually no one defending the beauty and dignity of being a wife and mother, there is little wonder our daughters are rushing headlong into lifestyles and careers that will not only destroy their chances of ever having a happy family, but is likely to cause them to lose their immortal soul. We allow our children to be exposed to every kind of evil and danger, justified by saying, "You can not protect them from everything." However, when it comes to something good and holy, then all of a sudden we change our wordings to something like, "You can't force your opinion on someone else." or "You can't live your children's life, they have to decide these things for themselves." If we think this way, we will be leading our daughters toward worldly thinking and not Godly thinking. They may embrace a lifestyle that will lead them down a road on which heartache and suffering await them. We as parents, need to lead our young women toward being educated in the authentic traditional way of life, the way of life that the Church has encouraged for centuries through its interpretation of Holy Sacred Scripture. I realize I started this article on the subject of abortion but this is one of the ways women choose abortion. I know that poverty is also a reason women choose abortion. But even poor women of every race can be taught the holiness of life and respect it from the beginning - realizing that there are eternal consequences for the destruction of life. Suggestions could be of course to live holy lives -- Read daily Scripture with the family. Pray the daily Rosary. Encourage daughters to have families and be sure to tell them about the lie of an overpopulated world. If your daughters have gone to college, as mine have, they WILL have been brainwashed. Be sure to encourage a practice of a holy life and remind them that this life is short and the next is eternal. Hello Everyone: I know this is a new year and this message is not a happy one - but a warning is better than no warning! We want to be ready - We want to repent - we want to pray for the salvation of souls with our rosaries! We are at the precipice of war. Anyone who has a shred of common sense can see this. We are so very far away from God. With the present news of Iran - this message is needed to listen to again. We need to take this message seriously and spread it to all those we love to wake them up before they are taken from this world in the state of sin - without the chance of repentance. Here is a video to remind us of the consequence of sin, the reality of war and the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Hello Everyone - We are now in a new year and one that cries out to all of us to be Church Militant! At a time in history when our Holy Father Pope Francis is concerned about climate change and introducing pagan idols - we are witnessing attacks on European Christianity. On the website - ZeroHedge.com is an article posted about the Anti-Christian movement in Europe with over 3000 acts of violence. I have posted their list below - it will make this the longest article on my website - could have put a link but this was more eye opening. Much is due to open borders and religions that view Christians as hate crimers. COMING TO AMERICA IN A BIG WAY IF WE DO NOT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT - Read below and share with others this great need for Reparation Reparation Reparation! Gatestone Institute reviewed thousands of newspaper reports, police blotters, parliamentary inquiries, social media posts and specialized blogs from Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The research found that approximately 3,000 Christian churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments were vandalized, burned, looted or defaced in Europe during 2019 — at more than five a day, a record year for anti-Christian hostility on the continent. Suspicious Fires at Churches in Europe in 2019:
The French government recorded 1,063 anti-Christian attacks in 2018, compared to 1,038 such attacks in 2017 and 949 in 2016. Overall, the number of attacks surged by 245% between 2008 and 2016, according to the Interior Ministry, which noted that attacks on Christian sites account for approximately 90% of all attacks on places of worship in France. The trend shows no signs of abating. There were more than 1,000 anti-Christian attacks in France during 2019, according to data compiled by Daniel Hamiche, Editor-in-Chief of the blog, Observatory of Christianophobia. Hamiche has been an indefatigable chronicler of the destruction of Christian heritage in France. Gatestone Institute also consulted hundreds of national and local newspapers, as well as dozens of blogs, specialized websites and police blotters. Following are a few examples of anti-Christian attacks in 2019:
In Northern Ireland, churches and cemeteries are attacked, on average, every other day, according to police statistics obtained in August 2019 under the Freedom of Information Act. A total of 445 crimes were recorded as criminal damage to religious buildings, churchyards or cemeteries across Northern Ireland's 11 policing districts during the last three years, according to data obtained by Christian Action Research and Education (Care NI) from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). Incidents in 2019 include:
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Categories |