Greetings in Jesus and Mary… Today is the Feast of Christ the King (in the Traditional Calendar)! What does this mean? As Catholics, we know that we are under the leadership of Our Lord and King and there WAS a time in history before the Protestant Revolution when Catholic Europe was a Catholic society where all decisions by those in nobility and power based laws on Catholic morality. Luther ushered in the “I will not serve” of Satan with his revolt against Catholicism. It was the beginning of individualism and naturalism where man is put before God. We then have the French Revolution with the “Declaration of the Rights of Man”. Fr. Denis Fahey CSSP summarized the Declaration as a formal renunciation of allegiance to Christ the King of the supernatural life, and of membership in Christ’s Mystical Body. He continued: “The French State thereby officially declared that it no longer acknowledged any duty to God through Our Lord Jesus Christ, and no longer recognized the dignity of membership of Christ in its citizens. It thus inaugurated the attack on the organization of society under Christ the King which has continued down to the present day.” The principle that all authority comes from the people is now all but universally accepted throughout the West. The basis of public morality is whatever the contemporary consensus of citizens is prepared to accept. It would be very hard to convince the average Catholic today that his country should not be governed by the will of the people or that our elected representatives are anything more than delegates of the people who voted them into power. Especially since the Second Vatican Council and its documents and its own “government” of the new idea of “synods” which sprang up with Pope Paul VI, we now have a democracy of contemporary consensus of bishops who are not even walking with God! This latest synod on synodality is a great example….we are traveling far from Catholic teaching with each new synod which means FAR FROM THE KINGSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST!! One of the most important books you could read is Fr. Fahey’s book, “The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism”. Fr. Fahey masterfully details the contrast between the Church’s social teachings and organized naturalism, which is nothing more than Freemasonry and the work of other groups which are always striving to make what is now called “Secular Humanism” the dominant ideology ruling the world. They have succeeded to a large degree; but, by reading this book you will not only be better able to recognize their errors, you will be inspired to reverse the gains they have made and help advance the Social Reign of Christ the King! What do we as Catholic do with such a crisis within our country and within our “Church”? According to Hilaire Belloc in his essay, “The Church and the Modern State” published in 1931 he states: “Where there is a conflict between the civil law and the moral law of the Catholic Church, members of the Catholic Church will resist the civil law and obey the law of the Church.” This is also true now WITHIN the Catholic Church. If Papa Bergoglio says we are to accept same sex marriages and allow women priests and deacons.....we are to resist! I have previously written about Freemasonry and there is much written outside this blog about the infiltration of the Freemasons within the Catholic Church – we are to RESIST! Unfortunately, we have uneducated Catholics who believe that if a Pope says it is now true....we are to believe the Pope and NOT Tradition....NO WE ARE TO RESIST!!! We are to KNOW our Faith. Our Pre-Vatican II Faith. WHY? Because it is untarnished and it is the teachings of the Church to maintain the perennial Truths of Tradition. God does not change. Truth is immutable! 1 + 1 will always equal 2 ---- in this century and 20 centuries from now. If we continue to change the teachings of our Tradition that has been handed down through the ages – we get chaos – it will evolve into something unrecognizable......and FAR FROM THE KINGSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST!! How do we restore the Kingdom of Christ? Well, this website was created to share the best kept secret in the Catholic Church and that is Mary! St. Louis deMontfort stated that Christ is not known and loved because His Mother is not known and loved. We need to pray for the reign of the Immaculate Heart in men so that She can usher in the reign of Her Son and our King...Jesus Christ within our hearts and homes and world. This is a perennial teaching of the Church. Notice how during the Second Vatican Council, Our Lady was given a back seat. Proof it was going in the wrong direction. It was a PERFECT time while the Bishops were there to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as She asked at Fatima....but NO...instead it was not done and the Third Secret that was to be revealed to the world was put on a shelf. Pope John XXIII stated that he felt ... it WOULD NEVER BE READ TO THE WORLD. In order for the Reign of Christ the King, we need to consecrate ourselves and our families to Mary's Immaculate Heart during this time in history when Satan and his cohorts are running loose seeking the ruin of souls! How will you protect yourselves otherwise? How is Jesus to reign on the throne of our hearts if Mary does not intercede for us during these days of intense trials? She came to ask for this at Fatima because She knew we would be facing war and punishments for NOT amending our lives and living under the Kingship of Her Son and Our Lord! BUT IN THE END HER IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH.....JESUS WILL REIGN! Have a blessed Feast day and place Jesus and Mary on the throne of your heart! Pray your rosary and wear your scapular as a sign of consecration to Her Immaculate Heart. Love Jesus in the Holy Eucharist....where He is truly present!! Sacred Heart of Jesus may Thy Kingdom come through Mary!!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary! "Millions may hurry along the streets of great cities absorbed in their business or pleasure or sorrows, with never a thought of God. yet the only True God is no less real. It is He Who sustains them in their existence. Men must be brought to be conscious of the fact of God's existence, of their utter dependence on His power and love and mercy, and of their MORAL OBLIGATION to shape their daily lives according to HIS MOST HOLY WILL." Quote taken from a radio address of Pope Pius XII to the members of the Eight National Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in Boston Oct. 26, 1946. The above quote was given 77 years ago and still holds true today! Many people have desired an intimate relationship with God but struggle to acquire it even after being faithful to prayer and following the commandments of God. Practicing the Presence of God is something I propose today....and especially today because we are living in trying times and are tempted to give in to the enemy. If we practice this on a continual basis throughout our day....the Presence of God....we are less likely to sin and grow cold in our faith and love. Try to keep God company throughout the entire day...all that you see....all that you say and do. The exercise of the presence of God is for all men at all times. If we find it difficult to keep His Presence in our minds then there is the added option or added exercise of keeping holy cards, images and prayer cards scattered around your surroundings. One can put them in our car, rooms of the house, at the entrance of doorways and on our personage. This is why wearing the Brown Scapular and holy medals is so is always a reminder to us of who we are, Who we belong to and where we are truly going. I bring this subject up today because we are getting into serious waters of conflicts in the world. If we are not totally connected to God at this time with our thoughts and will be difficult to navigate through these days. WW3 is in its beginning days with more intensity to come. As Our Lady of Fatima said at Fatima, war is a chastisement allowed by God for the punishment of the sins that both you and I know are escalating daily. Our own Papa Bergoglio is on a path to serving Satan rather than God We are in need of a Great Reset and it will happen by God .....not by Klaus Schwab and WEF! All of this will end with a Restoration which will be for His greater glory and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! I have included two videos by NYPrepper who I believe gives the best updates on the details happening in this war around the world...Below is his latest update. I highly recommend you click into him daily if you want detailed updates. Also, there is a video about this WW3, the 3 Days of Darkness and the Restoration. I believe this priest does an excellent job on this presentation and covers most of what we need to know ..... and more importantly WHAT WE NEED TO DO!! PLEASE SHARE!! Bottom line is that we need to get right with God, trust in His love and mercy, know that He is in charge. We all know that throughout human history, God has had to chastise the world with war in order for them to come back to reality; and it is a mystery that sin needs reparation for the crimes done. If we are called to be martyred at this time...God's Will Be Done! If we are to live to see the Restoration...God's Will be Done! Keep up the Sacraments and the prayer life, keep up the Fatima prayers of Reparation and repeat often....Jesus, Mary, I love souls! OUR LADY OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY ......PRAY FOR US! Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... This post is a repeat from one that I have done in the past with some minor changes. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Carmel. She is known as the great reformer which she is. At her time, the Carmelites were lax and not as disciplined as in previous times. Our Lord wanted her to make reforms to bring it back to prayer and austerity for His greater glory and for the salvation of souls. Below, I have included a clip on her vision of hell. This was more of a means of inspiration for her to take on all the sufferings WHICH WERE MANY in order to achieve what God had intended for her to do in order to reform the Carmelite Order and draw souls to Him and to help Him and Our Lady win many many souls through their prayers and sufferings. Do we need another reform???? NOW MORE THAN EVER - not just disciplines but practices of devotion as well. This makes it more important and more dire than in the days of St. Teresa!! We are being denied the very principles that the Carmelite Order was built upon. Needless to say - this is the reason for this website. We are living in a time when it is difficult in the Novus Ordo Church to allow such a reform to happen - The friars that are in charge want to go forward and modernize like our Papa Bergoglio. Tradition is looked upon as backward. I have met with resistance in the Carmelite Order to any notion of going back to Tradition. I believe it will happen in time - until then -- we have to deal with the modernists and do what we can behind closed doors. St. Teresa pray that we may have determined determination to draw close to God and unite ourselves to His Holy Will in imitation of our Blessed Mother! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us. St. Teresa pray for us. NOTE: This vision of hell is to help all of us endure all the sufferings in this life so that we can be with our Lord and our Lady in the next. May we strive to do the Will of God and nothing else as St. Teresa did. Greetings in Jesus and Mary! WAR IS ON! Taken from MEMRI...(posted link below)On October 10, 2023, Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mash'al published an announcement calling on the entire Islamic ummah (nation) to join the jihad battle for Al-Aqsa Mosque and to provide economic aid to the Gaza Strip. He stressed that this call was addressed first and foremost to all the Arab countries closest to Israel, with an emphasis on Jordan. "By Allah, when the world, America, the West, and the Zionists see that the nation has come to the support of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that convoys of mujahideen are on their way to shed their pure blood on the land of Palestine, the battlefield will change, the balance of power will change." News from the Gaza front.......(taken from Natural News posted below)A Gaza health official announced Wednesday, "We are suffering … and the world is not moving a finger. This is an SOS to the whole world… you must help us," and further confirmed Gaza’s sole power plant has run out of fuel. Israel had already cut all external electricity and water supply sources. Al Jazeera has cited its correspondent to say Gaza residents are "trapped in a cage" with nowhere to exit amid the unrelenting Israeli airstrikes: Gaza has been completely locked up by Israel, and it was already in a deteriorating humanitarian condition for many years because of a long-lasting blockade. But these five days have been extraordinary. A complete blockade, no power, no water, no food supply, no medical supply and on top of all of that, continuous bombardment. All supplies are running out since there are no open emergency or humanitarian corridors for any kind of aid to enter the Gaza Strip. The people are trapped in a cage with no access to help from the outside." Please pray before the Blessed Sacrament your Rosary, use Holy Water and your Sacramentals such as Brown Scapulars, Relics, Blessed Candles..... and Trust in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! This war is allowed by God as a punishment for the sins of the world. May we pray for the mitigation of suffering and pray for the souls of those dying and about to die. REPEAT OFTEN....."Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls!!! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! It is not a secret that we are all with heavy hearts today and it was this time in history that was in the mind of Our Lady when giving the messages to the three could She smile at this? There is trouble every which way we turn. The world is at war. The society is at war with its many divisions. Families are at war with each other. Mothers kill their unborn through abortions. The world has grown very very cold with only flickers of Love here or there. And now we have the Synod on Synodality in the Catholic Church being at war with TRUTH that is unchangeable! When Our Lady came to Fatima, She came to give us a message that if we do not pray and repent of our sins.....there would be suffering. Sin causes suffering. It is a mystery but one we can see is real. The Mother of Jesus is such a good and loving Mother, yet, this Fatima message (and others that She gave) are considered by the world as "religious trauma". The fact that there is a Hell is "religious trauma". The fact that homosexual acts are condemned and even punished in the Bible is "religious trauma". The fact that all sins are punishable if not repented of is "religious trauma". So what do worldly minded souls do with this "religious trauma"?? They CHANGE it OR IGNORE IT to fit their needs....their feelings...their lifestyle. If you ask them, "What will happen to you when you die?" The answer is....I will return to nothing like before I was born. SSSSOOOO Why were you born on this planet then? TO EAT, TO DRINK, AND TO BE MERRY! That is the LIE that MOST people are living and believing from Satan who wants all souls to embrace the same lies WITHOUT GOD....WITHOUT HIS RULES...WITHOUT HIS LOVE....AND ULTIMATELY WITHOUT ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN. We are seeing the consequences of that now in the world, in our families, in society; and NOW we are about to experience a chastisement that humankind has never seen before. When we rebel against our Creator..... destruction is only JUST. But His Mercy is available for all those who repent of their sins and pray for reparation and conversions. We still have time to mitigate SOME of the suffering that is falling upon the world and will continue to! Sr. Lucia is known to share the fact that Our Lady never smiled when giving her messages to the three Fatima children. She was so distraught over the direction humankind was going in that She came to warn us and to give us a remedy of praying the Rosary, frequenting the Sacraments and consecrating ourselves to Her care with the Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart and with enrollment into the Brown Scapular to show Her...we want to be Hers....we want Her care! All of this is necessary so that we can be protected from the enemy. Have the Church Leaders done their part in spreading this message and promoting its efficacy during these troubling times? NO..THEY HAVE HIDDEN IT.....THEY HAVE NOT EVEN PROPERLY CONSECRATED RUSSIA WITH THE POPE AND ALL THE BISHOPS CAUSING THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, IN A HUGE WAY, IS TO BLAME FOR THIS MESS!! They have ignored Our Lady and took things into their own hands....even to the point of getting involved with the United Nations and its One World Order...AND NOW A ONE WORLD RELIGION. (Pray for the Synod) This Friday is October 13th. The below video shows that this date is significant. Our Lady Herself chose this date to reveal important messages and also gave the miracle of the sun in 1917....could this be a sign of what is to come? God only knows but Our Loving Mother wants to warn us.... may we take heed. DURING THIS MONTH OF THE ROSARY....PLEASE PRAY IT...PLEASE SHARE IT...PLEASE PROMOTE IT....GET PEOPLE EDUCATED ON THE MEANS OF PRAYER AND REPARATION FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR FAMILIES AND THE WORLD. THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO BE ALIVE.....GOD IS IN CHARGE....LET LOVE ENVELOP YOU THROUGH YOUR SURRENDER TO GOD'S HOLY WILL AND THE PROTECTION OF OUR GOOD MOTHER. Fear is useless....what is needed is TRUST! Pray the Reparation Prayers taught at Fatima....they will bring peace to you and the world! OUR LADY OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY , PRAY FOR US! Extra...Update on current events...
Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Blessed Feast of the Most Holy Rosary and it is also The First Saturday of the month of October! Below is a short eight minute video of the messages that Fr. Fuentes took away from his interview with Sr. Lucia in 1957. Worth noting...."Our Lady has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary....She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples or nations that cannot be solved by the Rosary." May we pray the Rosary with great love knowing that Our Lady is listening to our prayers and that She is a good and tender Mother. Be sure to thank the Most Holy Trinity for the gifts of Our Mother and all the graces that She bestows upon us. Below is the link to these messages and also a link found on this website regarding the miracles that have occurred with the praying of the Most Holy Rosary! May these stories give us hope and increase our faith and love during these trying times. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! The enemy is all around us! We are now in the month of October and it is dedicated in the Church to The Most Holy Rosary. May we be fervent in praying as many rosaries as we can until we are finally in our eternal home! Well, faithful Traditional Catholic, is is my regret to inform you that you are now considered a domestic terrorist! yes, no joke, the USA has turned so upside down that good is evil and evil is good. But take heart....your reward will be great in Heaven for your persecution...thanks be to God! Below are some videos to show the state of our country (and the world) right now. (There are many more you know) Fr. Fuentes interviewed Sr. Lucia in the 1950's and she told him that communism would take over the world because we have not obeyed Our Lady in Consecrating Russia and offering the First Saturday devotions in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father asked her if that included the great USA....she said yes....communism even in the USA. We are here folks. It is here and rightly so because we are so far away from God and deserve a chastisement......which is coming. May we pray the Rosary to mitigate as much of the suffering as possible but it is too late to stop it from happening (it is here). May we remain strong and faithful. May we keep our eyes on Jesus and pray the Rosary as Our Lady taught us to do and asked us to do during these times. She told St. Dominic, one day through the Rosary and the Brown Scapular.... I will save the world. She is the one appointed to crush the head of Satan and we need to believe that and do all we can to be on Her side and in Her Blue Army. Remember, in the end....Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph! Share the article and the videos below to inform your fellow Americans. Take care and God bless America. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Today is the Feast day of St. Francis of Assisi....a GREAT saint! Papa Bergoglio who chose the name Francis (I think to be a climate voice for the globalists) has just dropped us a new Apostolic Exhortation named......Laudate Deum regarding the man-made climate crisis and technologies used to fix it. This obviously seems to be a bigger crisis for Papa Bergoglio than sin, same sex marriage, divorce rates, broken families, pedophile priests, lack of belief in the Real Presence.....etc. In other words, the things that a Pope should focus on are not being focused on. He was pushed into his position for one help the globalists! I read it. It is short and we all need to read it. Laudate Deum is only 73 paragraphs but is clearly CALLING for MORE GLOBAL TYRANNY YET AT THE SAME TIME HE TALKS ABOUT THE DANGERS OF TECHNOLOGIES AND WHO IS BEHIND THEM!!! The one good thing that I could take from it is in the following paragraphs taken from Laudate Deum (link with full text below)........ 21. In recent years, we have been able to confirm this diagnosis, even as we have witnessed a new advance of the above paradigm. Artificial intelligence and the latest technological innovations start with the notion of a human being with no limits, whose abilities and possibilities can be infinitely expanded thanks to technology. In this way, the technocratic paradigm monstrously feeds upon itself. 22. Without a doubt, the natural resources required by technology, such as lithium, silicon and so many others, are not unlimited, yet the greater problem is the ideology underlying an obsession: to increase human power beyond anything imaginable, before which nonhuman reality is a mere resource at its disposal. Everything that exists ceases to be a gift for which we should be thankful, esteem and cherish, and instead becomes a slave, prey to any whim of the human mind and its capacities. 23. It is chilling to realize that the capacities expanded by technology “have given those with the knowledge and especially the economic resources to use them, an impressive dominance over the whole of humanity and the entire world. Never has humanity had such power over itself, yet nothing ensures that it will be used wisely, particularly when we consider how it is currently being used… In whose hands does all this power lie, or will it eventually end up? It is extremely risky for a small part of humanity to have it”. 28. We need to rethink among other things the question of human power, its meaning and its limits. For our power has frenetically increased in a few decades. We have made impressive and awesome technological advances, and we have not realized that at the same time we have turned into highly dangerous beings, capable of threatening the lives of many beings and our own survival. Today it is worth repeating the ironic comment of Solovyov about an “age which was so advanced as to be actually the last one”. [22] We need lucidity and honesty in order to recognize in time that our power and the progress we are producing are turning against us. [23] These paragraphs that show truth in the dangers of technology are a glimmer of hope for his conversion. Even though he has caused alot of destruction and continues to, may our prayers give him a final repentance before God ever calls him from this life into the next. May we pray for his conversion and for God's mercy to be on his soul! Eight years after his landmark thesis (Laudato Si) warning of the devastation of man-made climate change, Pope Francis published this update to take stock and propose actionable steps. The Pope has argued that wealthy countries, being the primary contributors to the climate crisis, must take responsibility and extend aid to poorer countries. ‘Laudate Deum’ is expected to continue this discourse, emphasizing the moral and ethical imperative of global solidarity to protect our shared home. My Conclusion....As usual, his writings rarely mention God although he put Him in the title. Through his writings, I have come to the conclusion that this man has little faith in prayer and the power of God. He completely thinks man is at the wheel. MAY WE PRAY FOR Papa Bergoglio on this his patron's feast day and for his final repentance and conversion. May he place the needs of the soul above the physical which is his duty before God. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us! St. Francis, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Happy Feast Day of St. Therese! She was a Victim of Merciful Love! What is a victim soul? A person chosen by God with special graces to offer their daily sufferings, and who generously accepts these sufferings in union with the Savior and after the example of Christ's own Passion and Death. The graces of a victim soul is a great love of God and the desire to make reparation for the sins of mankind. Therese, at the time of entering Carmel, began to see around her that God was not loved. She felt the need and the urge to offer all to God in "reparation" to the God of Love. Therese said to herself, "God has so much Love to give, and He can not do it, people present only their own merits, and these are so paltry". She therefore presented herself before God, saying, "Give me this Love, I accept to be a victim of Love, that is, to receive all the Love which others do not receive because they will not let you Love them as you wish." Such was her confidence in Mercy which exceeds His Justice. She then proceeded to make an offering to Merciful Love not to just receive His Love but to "please God". It was an opportunity for God to give of Himself as intensely as He desired. She would be a victim of Love, she accepted to be consumed by Love, if only God could have His way. Her object was to please Him. She wanted to delight God, to give Him joy and to let Him Love. So, my question is.......Do we see this anywhere in today's cold world? Do we need more victims of Merciful Love? Has the world on all fronts grown cold? Below is St. Therese prayer ...Her Offering to Merciful Love....please read it slowly and make a practice of praying it and ask the Blessed Mother to please send forth the graces of Love to all of mankind! (which is Her Son....we must pray for this in order to see this coldness replaced with the fire of Christ's Love!) Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! St. Therese, pray for us! St. Therese's Offering to Merciful Love O My God! Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to Love You and make You Loved, to work for the glory of Holy Church by saving souls on earth and liberating those suffering in purgatory. I desire to accomplish Your will perfectly and to reach the degree of glory You have prepared for me in Your Kingdom. I desire, in a word, to be a saint, but I feel my helplessness and I beg You, O my God! to be Yourself my Sanctity! Since You loved me so much as to give me Your only Son as my Savior and my Spouse, the infinite treasures of His merits are mine. I offer them to You with gladness, begging You to look upon me only in the Face of Jesus and in His heart burning with Love. I offer You, too, all the merits of the saints (in heaven and on earth), their acts of Love, and those of the holy angels. Finally, I offer You, O Blessed Trinity! the Love and merits of the Blessed Virgin, my dear Mother. It is to her I abandon my offering, begging her to present it to You. Her Divine Son, my Beloved Spouse, told us in the days of His mortal life: "Whatsoever you ask the Father in my name he will give it to you!" I am certain, then, that You will grant my desires; I know, O my God! that the more You want to give, the more You make us desire. I feel in my heart immense desires and it is with confidence I ask You to come and take possession of my soul. Ah! I cannot receive Holy Communion as often as I desire, but, Lord, are You not all powerful? Remain in me as in a tabernacle and never separate Yourself from Your little victim. I want to console You for the ingratitude of the wicked, and I beg of You to take away my freedom to displease You. If through weakness I sometimes fall, may Your Divine Glance cleanse my soul immediately, consuming all my imperfections like the fire that transforms everything into itself. I thank You, O my God! for all the graces You have granted me, especially the grace of making me pass through the crucible of suffering. It is with joy I shall contemplate You on the Last Day carrying the scepter of Your Cross. Since You deigned to give me a share in this very precious Cross, I hope in heaven to resemble You and to see shining in my glorified body the sacred stigmata of Your Passion. After earth's Exile, I hope to go and enjoy You in the Fatherland, but I do not want to lay up merits for heaven. I want to work for Your Love alone with the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart, and saving souls who will love You eternally. In the evening of this life, I shall appear before You with empty hands, for I do not ask You, Lord, to count my works. All our justice is stained in Your eyes. I wish, then, to be clothed in Your own Justice and to receive from Your Love the eternal possession of Yourself. I want no other Throne, no other Crown but You, my Beloved! Time is nothing in Your eyes, and a single day is like a thousand years. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before You. In order to live in one single act of perfect Love, I OFFER MYSELF AS A VICTIM OF HOLOCAUST TO YOUR MERCIFUL LOVE, asking You to consume me incessantly, allowing the waves of infinite tenderness shut up within You to overflow into my soul, and that thus I may become a martyr of Your Love, O my God! May this martyrdom, after having prepared me to appear before You, finally cause me to die and may my soul take its flight without any delay into the eternal embrace of Your Merciful Love. I want, O my Beloved, at each beat of my heart to renew this offering to You an infinite number of times, until the shadows having disappeared I may be able to tell You of my Love in an Eternal Face to Face! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Happy October...I think? Yes, tomorrow is the Traditional Feast day of St. Therese and I will post something tomorrow. Today, we have exciting news that five Cardinals have stepped forward to confront Papa Bergoglio on his "Make a Mess" Synod. Yes, this Synod will make a mess and most likely cause a great schism in the Church. Below are the highlights of this dubia (doubts) and article links below with more details and a video. May we keep Papa Bergoglio and his synod in prayer because if this Synod and all that it brings becomes reality in the Catholic can be sure God is going to answer if the Pope does not ..... regarding this synod and its dubia. Taken from "The signatories to the new dubia are German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, American Cardinal Raymond Burke, Mexican Cardinal Sandoval Íñiguez, Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Cardinal Joseph Zen, the former Bishop of Hong Kong. Both Brandmüller, 94, and Burke, 75, were among the signatories of the dubia presented to Pope Francis in 2016. Burke recently authored the preface to a booklet published by conservative organization Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) calling the synod “schismatic.” None of the five cardinals who submitted the new set of dubia are among the roughly 400 participants in the synod, which opens Wednesday morning and is scheduled to meet until Oct. 29. Their decision to submit the dubia “is not out of fear of dialogue with the people of our time, nor of the questions they could ask us about the Gospel of Christ.” “The concern that moves us is another: We are concerned to see that there are pastors who doubt the ability of the Gospel to transform the hearts of men and end up proposing to them no longer sound doctrine but ‘teachings according to their own likings’,” they wrote. “We are also concerned that it be understood that God’s mercy does not consist in covering our sins, but is much greater, in that it enables us to respond to His love by keeping His commandments, that is, to convert and believe in the Gospel,” they said. To this end, they said the pope’s answers did not resolve their doubts, and asked him to respond to five rephrased questions in a yes-or-no format:
In their letter to the faithful, the cardinals said, “Given the gravity of the matter of the dubia, especially in view of the imminent session of the Synod of Bishops, we judge it our duty to inform you, the faithful, so that you may not be subject to confusion, error, and discouragement.” Rather, the said faithful must “pray for the universal Church and, in particular, the Roman Pontiff, that the Gospel may be taught ever more clearly and followed ever more faithfully.” EXTRA NEWS ON WORLD SCALE.........
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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