Greetings in Jesus and Mary... May I begin with..Blessed Feast day of St. Louis DeMontfort! May we always use and honor his direction of Total Consecration! Also, I am sorry that I have been away from this site since Easter day. I have had company for Easter week and I have been trying to get things started for my garden for the first time in Northern Michigan....WHAT A CHALLENGE! We woke up to snow yesterday on the ground but it soon melted by noon...still a sadness knowing we are in Spring...GOD'S WILL BE DONE!! (Something to offer up!) This Sunday is the first day of May and it is time for Spring flowers and May Crownings and First Holy Communions and Mother's Day! All so very welcomed after a long cold hard winter! There is so much to pray to Our Lady about and to beg Her the necessary graces that we and the entire world need so much right now. We are in the beginning stages of WW3....even if some are still asleep to the fact. All the more reason to ask Our Blessed Mother's help and protection. I just received a request from a viewer asking for the necessary procedure in order to be enrolled in the Brown Scapular. This request was my inspiration to write about THE BROWN SCAPULAR for this month of Mary. I wrote about it during a Novena in July 2020 and I will repeat some of that here for 2022 in this month of May. We, as Carmelites, can not stress enough the importance of the Brown Scapular. This and the coming articles should prove that to you. Now more than ever do we need to wear it and pray the Rosary daily to receive the necessary graces to remain faithful during this very troubling and trying time in all of history. Everyone should know that the Brown Scapular is the great gift that associates so many faithful to the Carmelite Order. By being enrolled (link below on enrollment to be taken to your priest) one shares in all the good works of the Carmelite Order. How beautiful. Why would anyone refuse so much protection and so many gifts? We will start out with some important reasons of why anyone would want to feel a need to wear one. The main reason - She wants us to wear it! Are we not ALL called to be obedient to The Mother of God and Mother of us all! I have some homeschooled adult children who have since received so much worldly wisdom as to choose not to wear it. I feel very saddened by this because I see the refused graces and I know that while growing up they learned about the fragility of our souls while living in the world. I realize many Americans have a false sense of security and that unfortunately is ALL about to end...very soon. But God in His infinite wisdom knows how to bring His children back to Him. We need to realize that we carry our treasure of divine grace in earthen vessels of a fallen human nature which is easily broken. In our redeemed human nature, there is an inherent weakness which places sanctifying grace in CONSTANT DANGER of being lost! This moral weakness has led to the formation of bad habits and inclinations to sin which have their roots deep in our nature. Bad habits are not easily rooted out and while they remain, the state of grace is in peril. We also do not know when the state of death will come upon us. We are not sure we will die in the state of grace unless we are diligent with our confessions and continually guarding our senses from falling into sin; but we can not do that on our own. God is good and He knows that the clay of which we are formed from is fragile, and therefore; He has promised us that if we rely on Him - we will not be tempted above our strength. Moreover, He has given His word that if we use the means of salvation which He has left, the crowning grace of final perseverance will be ours. We are not always diligent enough to pray - especially during times of temptation. God the Father is so good in giving us a great aid -OUR BLESSED MOTHER..JESUS' MOTHER! It is the constant teaching of the Church that devotion to God's Mother is not only a means but a pledge of eternal salvation. WHY? Her Heart is a tower of strength for the weak. St. Bernard says, "The Eternal Father made Her "full of grace" that her love might bestow it where justice would deny it. She is our Mother of Mercy." How Beautiful! "The men of the world," says St. Ambrose, "have as many masters as they have passions. Immodesty comes and says to them, you are mine, because you covet sensual pleasures. Covetousness says, you are mine; for the gold and silver you possess are the price of your liberty. All the vices come and say, you are mine." Every man born into this world serves some master and offers his life on some altar. And if our master is not God it is bound to be some low passion that makes us its slave. By wearing the Scapular, we are renouncing Satan and all his ways. It is a way of giving ourselves to the Mother of God for Her care of our soul. We must be conscious of that and not just wear it and intend to remain in sin. St. Paul says, "If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is not His". Romans 8:9. The same applies to Mary: if we have not Her spirit in us, which is to live in union with Her Son Jesus Christ; then we have no part with Her and our Consecration to Her loses its meaning. By wearing our Scapular, Our Lady watches over our soul and helps us when we may not even be aware of it because by putting Her Scapular on, we are ASKING HER - "Mother, please help me!" There are many many miracles recorded over the centuries to prove this. ( I may include some this May) She is the Mother of us all. She witnessed the death of Jesus for US! She wants our salvation because it was bought with the price of Her Son! SHE LONGS TO HELP US AND SHE WILL HELP US! We must have confidence in this - especially now - so live in faith, hope and love! In this life of tempestuous seas, let us put on the life jacket of salvation -- the Brown Scapular that will help us get to the port of Heaven. May we choose safety and not put ourselves at risk of getting lost at sea! The next life is eternal which means it will never end....let us make wise decisions! Let us humble ourselves to put on the garment of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to ask Her for protection during this time when Satan is unleashed and seeking the ruin of many many souls. At this chaotic time of so many satanic happenings, we ask .... where are our earthly leaders? Do you feel abandoned? It may be that God is allowing this so that we will turn all the more to Him! There is no better refuge right now than the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that She Herself may place us constantly into the Heart of Her Son Jesus - NEVER TO BE LOST! WEAR HER SCAPULAR AND PRAY HER ROSARY...YOU WILL FIND PEACE! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Pray for us!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Here we are at Good Friday! The day Jesus offered up His whole being for the sins of the world and to open the gates of Heaven for us to live with Him for all eternity! My focus today will be on Mary during this great time of suffering in being at the side of Her Son Jesus. The image I chose is to depict Our Lady holding up Her Son to the Eternal Father for us. This is what was in the Heart of Our Dear Blessed Mother....She is His Mother....She suffered His Death in Her Immaculate Heart since the sight of Her Babe in Bethlehem....for She knew what lied ahead for both of them. At Christmas, we hear the song, "Mary Did You Know". It is a moving song but not accurate. Mary had to have known what was ahead for both of them or Her fiat to being the Mother of God would not have been honest. God allowed Her to know the future in order for Her fiat to be be be sincere. She knew what was ahead for Jesus and for Herself. Fr. Faber quotes from "City of God' by Mother Mary Agreda which many saints have read from and it is approved. He mentions that Jesus actually went to Her for Her blessing before His Passion commenced because both knew this was the time of His Sacrifice. In all humility, She fell to Her knees to receive His instead. The two knelt in prayer together and each blessed the other. HOW BEAUTIFUL! In my readings last night, I decided to share Her love with all of you at this time. I went to Mass at a Carmelite Monastery last night. These nuns have no chaplain and are waiting for a chaplain replacement (I pray they get one). Temporarily, they are having diocesan priests fill in until this blessed day happens, if God so wills it. These nuns need so much in the way of spiritual guidance and the Church can not supply that because of the shortages. The homily yesterday was an effort but not even close to what those sisters need to hear. The Carmelite spirituality is all about love and reparation. Holy Thursday is all about love and reparation. I will say no more....but this could have been the focus. My article today will be thoughts taken from Father Frederick Faber's book..."The Foot of the Cross". I highly recommend all of his books but this one covers all seven of the Blessed Mother's dolors in a very deep and poetic way. Fr. Faber wrote books, hymns and poems and died at a fairly early age....I was astounded that he had accomplished so much before he was called home. Father Faber explains that with each dolor...there is a distinct grace and love that increases in the soul of Mary. Each dolor as it comes, falls upon greater love, and also upon love that has suffered more, and therefore gives Her a great capacity for suffering because of that increased LOVE. Because of the many mystical gifts the saints have experienced over the ages, we can be certain that by a miraculous grace Mary assists, in spirit, at the Agony in the Garden, sees our Lord's Heart unveiled throughout, and feels in Herself, and according to Her measure, a corresponding agony throughout His entire Passion. What does God allow Her to see... physically... spiritually...... She sees the treachery of Judas, in spite of Her intense prayers for him. She hears the voice of Jesus, She hears also the blows given to Her Beloved. She hears the sound of the scourging, She sees Him at the pillar, and the people around Him sprinkled with His Blood. She sees the guards of Herod mock the Everlasting. She has beheld the ruffians in the guard room celebrate the cruel coronation of the Almighty King. She heard Pilate say, "Behold the Man". She heard the wild blasphemies against Jesus by His own people which still rings in our ears and echoes down through the centuries. Fr. Faber beautifully says, "Never had maternal love sat on such a throne as that one in Mary's Heart." When the moment has come for the meeting on the way to Calvary. Jesus halts for a moment. He lifts the one hand that is free, and clears the blood from His eyes. Is it to see Her? Rather, that She may see Him. His look of sadness, His look of love. She approaches to embrace Him. The soldiers thrust Her rudely back. Oh, misery... and She is His Mother! For a moment She reeled with the push, and then again was still, Her eyes fixed on His, His eyes fixed on Hers; such a link, such an embrace, such an outpouring of love, such an overflow of sorrow. She follows Him all the way to Golgotha and witnesses the falls, the jeers, the kicks, the trampled on Precious Blood, the insults; ALL the pain and suffering of His Way of the Cross. Fr. Faber ends with a message to all of us. He states the following...."Would it not be an unproductive day in which we did not meet our Lord? For is not that the very meaning of our lives? If the day is meant for the sun to shine, it is but half a day, or rather it is night, if only the material sun shall shine, and the Sun of justice also rise not on us with health upon His wings. We go out to meet Jesus in every action of the day; but we require this fourth dolor to admonish us that we must rarely expect to meet Him except with a Cross, and that a new one. It is always with the Cross that we encounter Him. Why, then, are we so amazed when crosses come??? When it has happened thus so often, do we not see that it is a law, a law of the kingdom of grace, and that not to perceive it is to lose half its blessing, by missing the promptitude of obedience? What cross we shall meet today we know not and sometimes we cannot guess. But we know that if we meet Jesus we shall meet a cross, and evening will find us with the burden on our backs but with Jesus at our side. Some men meet Him, and turn away. Some see Him far off, and turn down another road. Some come close up, and leap down the precipice at the side, as if He were a destroying angel blocking up the way. Some pass by, pretending they do not know Him. He has been walking cross-laden in thousands of earth's roads today; but He has had a few honest greetings. Some follow in the sullenness of servile obedience, and drag their cross, and it jolts upon the stones, and hurts them all the more, and they fall, but their falls are not in union with those three of His upon the old Way of the Cross. Few kneel down and kiss His feet, and take the cross off His back and shoulder it and walk by His side, singing Psalms and smiling with the knowledge of mingling their love and reparation with their Lord and Savior. Oh the beauty of that day's sunset to such as these! So let us embrace our cross as Mary, Our Mother did, and follow Jesus to Heaven...our true Home! No one's face is toward Heaven when it is not toward Calvary....but it must be done in union with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the spirit of LOVE and REPARATION! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... We are now entering into what the Church calls “the holy triduum”. These are the three days with all of its mysteries that we have been preparing for all of Lent. In the liturgical rites of Holy Thursday, the Church helps us to relive the last parting hours of our sweet Jesus in the Upper Room, the hours of great love and importance in giving us Himself in the Holy Eucharist, the great gift of the priesthood and at last -- his agony in the garden before He is arrested. I do not cover them in this article – in that order. I was privileged to read as a teenager, St. Alphonsus’ great works of “The Glories of Mary” and “The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ". I realized Jesus wants us to be with Him at this time on Holy Thursday evening. (St. Margaret Mary honored every Thursday night of the entire year with Reparation) Since then, by the grace of God, I have honored this time from the Holy Mass till Midnight on Holy Thursday – to be with Jesus in His agony – to pray with Him. If we were truly lovers of our Lord and Master, we would all be there on Holy Thursday not only at the service but during the time of Adoration between the Mass and Midnight, when Our Lord is in His Agony in the Garden. His own apostles fell asleep and one of his apostles betrayed him. It is the time when His entire Passion and Death are presented to Him and He views all of our sins and sees how little His sufferings would help poor mankind for the sole reason ------ they will reject and spurn His love. He suffered enough to save us all – but MANY will be lost for the sole reason – MANY will REJECT HIS LOVE! Don’t you want to be with Jesus at this moment? Don’t you want to console His aching Sacred Heart? There is no measure of time with God. We can be like St. Mary Magdalen and offer our constant love and adoration. We can be like St. John and tend to the sorrows of Our Lady all the way to the cross. We can be like St. Veronica who wipes His face by offering our love and reparation as He Himself asked for in the Golden Arrow Prayer. And most of all, we can be imitators of our dear Queen and Mother who was always present to Jesus with Her prayers. Another great gift is the gift of the Holy Eucharist which also demands our reparation as we have learned at the apparitions of Fatima. Jesus gives of Himself, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. He did not have to do this. He gives Himself in an unbloody way at Mass but does He suffer any less?? NO – absolutely NOT. He makes Himself vulnerable – as a little white host FOR CENTURIES – to be loved yes by some but He is subjected to MANY MANY SACRILEGES by priest and people alike! We all know what those are – I do not want to list them here. May we pray the Fatima Reparation Prayers today especially! May we pray them always to console the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! (These can be found on this website) Finally, we cannot forget the great gift of the priesthood. Today more than any time in history is the priesthood scorned, mocked and scandalized! POOR POOR JESUS!! We have many Judases and for those dear priests who are faithful – they are suffering as Our Lord and Master. If we all knew what a priest truly is – we would have greater reverence and we would encourage our boys to beg Jesus to call them there and to at least offer their lives and to ask if it truly is God’s Will for them – but no – Satan has caused such havoc to the priesthood that many would never dare recommend this to their sons. POOR POOR JESUS! What is a priest? A priest walks in “persona Christi” – he is another Christ! He brings us Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He brings us the sacraments that we all need – Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders and Extreme Unction. Without a priest we would not have Jesus truly present in the Eucharist – they are inseparable! There are many things to be upset about that came about during the Second Vatican Council but this is truly despicable – the loss of love for the priesthood. To raise the people up and to lower the priest was intentional by the ecclesiastical Freemasons who infiltrated the Church. One of my friends just told me that her granddaughter was the only one in the class that could explain the difference between the priest and the rest of the laity that help serve at the Mass. This is where the Second Vatican Council has brought us and where the present Vatican regime wants us. In conclusion – we need to make Reparation, Reparation, Reparation! May we spend time today with our sweet Jesus in His Agony in the Garden. May we watch with open eyes and open hearts to the sacrileges that have caused such sadness to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. May we offer up to God ourselves, as the saints of old have done in order to love Him with our whole heart, mind and soul! Oh Most Holy Trinity, My God, My God, how I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament! Thank you Jesus for Your love for us – we are sorry for lack of love in return. Give us the grace to love You always and then do with us as You will. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Mother of priests – pray for us!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Here we are in Holy Week with war in the world and a definite war in the Church! The Passion of Jesus Christ is felt everywhere in the world! Tomorrow is my favorite Holy day! I love Holy Thursday when Jesus gives us the Holy Priesthood and His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist to sustain us all these years since His Death and Resurrection some 2000 years ago! It is truly an act of tremendous Love for God to give us these precious gifts! I will give an article tomorrow related to this! Today, we are focusing on the evil threat of communism that Our Lady of Fatima has come to warn us about. I have written extensively on this topic already but things are unfolding before our eyes that we need to see for what it is.....communism...totalitarianism...complete dictatorship that has no room for GOD! I have included some links below to show the direction of the world. Michael Matt on the Remnant just posted a great video on the successful elections in Hungary...and how we need to be careful TO NOT LISTEN to the world's propaganda right now pushing a New World Order which is nothing more than communism. We have seen so much being taken from us in this country and around the world. Our US Constitution and Bill of Rights completely trampled on and we as citizens respond by compliance with standing in line for the experimental injections and remain silent as our country is being systematically destroyed. They have taken everything...our lives....our businesses...the mental health of our children...our resources...our food...our free speech....our religion...our freedom. We have LOST so much of our military either from this injection or because they were let go for not taking it. Do you not think that was by design?? Do you not think we are vulnerable for attack with open borders and no military left to defend us? Those responsible are guilty of TREASON! Who is running this country anyway....not the senile puppet you see that is only capable of spewing gaffes. We need to wake up to the fact that a complete takeover of this country is happening! Now let us focus on the Pope who was not canonically elected and is a destroyer of the Catholic Church. He is not our Pope but the chaplain for the New World Order and is pushing their agenda each and every day. Do we not have problems in the Church that he needs to spend his time and precious energy on .... such as the 20 year celebration "Mass" of Cardinal Marx in Germany of the LGBT community (note he is on the Council of Cardinal Advisers to this "Pope"...but he has energy to attack the traditional cloistered Carmelite nuns?) We need to wake up before it is all taken from us. Archbishop Vigano is finally coming forward to say we need an investigation on this Pope...WOW....I have been saying this from the start....WHERE ARE THE MEN?....WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP IN THIS CHURCH??? ARE WE GOING TO JUST WATCH THIS DESTRUCTION AND BE OBEDIENT LIKE THEY WERE WHEN VATICAN II WAS IMPLEMENTED AND ARE WE GOING TO REPEAT THE TIME WHEN OUR PARENTS WATCHED THEM SLEDGE HAMMER OUR HIGH ALTARS TO PUT IN TABLES???? Link below with info on how Papa Bergoglio is taking away the chaplains to our contemplative orders. Why? might ask. Well, if you work for the enemy, you would want to kill all sources of grace that could stop their evil would kill the Traditional Latin would kill the contemplative orders that are powerhouses of prayer to keep graces flowing against their evil would cause division in the entire Church with its laity so they can squabble amongst each other instead of getting on their knees in humble Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament begging for God's mercy. We are experiencing the Passion of Jesus Christ in His Bride the Church right now. We are soon to experience the crucifixion and yes that means everything taken from us! Get ready for a halt on all religious practices and death for those who are caught practicing! But we will soon see a Resurrection to follow! The Church will rise triumphant like it has never been in all of history. Our Lady will intervene at the opportune moment and Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph ushering in an era of peace! Until then, as Archbishop Sheen says.....there is no resurrection without the cross! May we truly spend these Holy Days of this week in serious prayer and in thanksgiving for these services we are about to experience....These may be the last for awhile so be thankful for the moment! Pray for the heroism of our good priests and laity who will give their lives for this renewal! Pray that we will all die holy deaths! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Tomorrow is the Friday of Passion Week. We meditate on the sorrows of our dear Blessed Mother. I hope all of us have had some great reading of the Passion of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during this Lent...there are so many great books as well as of course Scripture for us to meditate on all that transpired for us. My favorite each year is the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich. I learn so much each time I go through it and it always brings me closer to Jesus and Mary! I have included some words of Mary and Jesus below...I have posted them in the past because they are my favorites. I pray you have a blessed Feast Day and a Holy Palm Sunday this weekend.....God bless! In the 4th Chapter of "The City of God – The Incarnation" by Mother Mary Agreda, Our Lady has stated in the instructions these following words: “When I turned from the consideration of this most liberal condescension of the Most High, to the perception and understanding of the foolish hard-heartedness of the sinners, my soul was pierced with an arrow of mortal anguish – which remained for life. Many times the Most High in order to heal the affliction and consternation of my heart in this sorrow, sought to console me by saying, “Accept Thou, my Spouse, the gifts which the blind and ignorant world in its unworthiness despises and is incapable of receiving and understanding.” "Be now my companion in the sorrow which I suffered and which is so little noticed by the living. In order to imitate me, you must deny yourself, forget yourself entirely and crown your heart with the thorns of sorrow at the behavior of mortals." "Weep in seeing them laugh at their eternal damnation, for such weeping is the most legitimate occupation of the true sorrow of my Most Holy Son." And from the Sacred Heart of Jesus we have the words from Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary: “And He showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin into which Satan hurls such crowds of them, that made Him form the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure for Him all the honor and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which this Heart is the source. He should be honored under the figure of this Heart of flesh, and its image should be exposed…He promised me that wherever this image should be exposed with a view to showing It special honor, He would pour forth His blessings and graces. This devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan which He desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them into the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.” Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed Passion Sunday! Passion Sunday is the fifth Sunday of Lent, marking the beginning of Passiontide (two week period to focus on Jesus' Passion before Easter). In 1969, the Vatican removed Passiontide from the liturgical year of the Novus Ordo, but it is still observed in the Extraordinary Form (Traditional Latin Mass). This is one of the changes to de-emphasize the Passion of Jesus by the Novus Ordo innovators of Vatican II. Passion Sunday is now given to Palm Sunday when we read the Passion from the Holy Gospels. Passiontide is started with a custom of veiling religious images as a way of focusing on the penitential aspect of this liturgical season. The tradition is often practiced during the last two weeks before Easter, starting on Passion Sunday (now called the fifth Sunday of Lent) and ending on Good Friday. It reminds us in a visual way that our faith in all its glory is made possible only through the work of Christ in his suffering and death on the cross. When we cover or remove these holy and sacred images that we are so accustomed to, we focus on the Passion of Jesus...His Sufferings, His Death and then finally when all is unveiled...His Resurrection. Temporarily veiling the crosses and religious images in the penitential color of Lent is a beautiful custom that helps us to reflect on the deeper theological meaning of the liturgical season. Then, as in a dramatic unveiling, the holy images are again revealed for the Easter Vigil to mark the end of the penitential season. The joy of the Easter season and the hope of the Resurrection then comes to the forefront. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Being that we are beginning Passiontide....talking about the coming famine is appropriate..... Many Government Leaders around the world are giving a heads-up on the coming famine WHICH HAS BEEN ALLOWED BY GOD BUT PERPETRATED BY THE ELITES TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER...BE PREPARED! This week Mr. B has announced to the United States that there will be food shortages. We may not see much of it just yet but it is slipping away. REMEMBER at the start of this plandemic ..... we were limited on certain items .... WHY? The crisis had just could we have supply chain breaks already? was to get us use to the rationing. Food and gas rationing are coming and most likely with a digital system to keep track of it all...this is complete communist control that is all by design....including this war to give justification to all of this mess. (Allowed by God as part of our chastisement for turning away from Him!) I have included three videos below....there is more for you on the internet to search for yourselves. These two sources are worth watching as they give updates. Please prepare for your families....not sure exactly to what extent....this could be a few years long so .. .how does one prepare for that? We can only do the best we can and pray for God's protection and grace. God bless all of you and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Have a very very holy Passiontide!!! Keep close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! Our Lady of Fatima ...pray for us!! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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