Greetings in Jesus and Mary: Today is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. Mary is the greatest masterpiece of God! Her Son Jesus Christ crowned Her in Heaven and exalted Her virtues for all to see. Mary is Mother of Christ the King and stood beside Him at the crucifixion – participating in a spiritual way all that was endured by Christ for our Redemption. Even though she is crowned in Heaven as she deserves – she still remains at work in Her children on Earth. What a great consolation it is for us to know that she is both Mother and Queen to us all. Even from her throne covered with glory, she always has her glance fixed on Earth - especially upon those consecrated to her. May we consecrate ourselves and our loved ones each day to her so that she may watch over us and guide us to Her Son Jesus. We must place ourselves under Her Mantle for protection from a cold and dreary world. Let us make a resolution to always unite ourselves to Mary. Her glory does not separate her from us because she is always our sweetest Mother. In the seventeenth century, St. Louis Mary de Montfort speaks often of Mary as Queen and Mother. St Therese of the Child Jesus stated, “Mary is more Mother than Queen”. Pope Leo XIII frequently called her “Queen of the Universe”. Pope Pius X taught: “Christ stands at the right hand of the Majesty on high… Mary as Queen stands at His right hand.” The Church proclaims Her as Our Lady, as Queen of angels and saints, of patriarchs and prophets, of apostles and martyrs, of confessors and virgins, and proclaims her the Glorious Queen of Heaven and Earth. Holy Mother Church calls upon us to implore Mary’s aid day and night, in sighing and weeping which is what we experience in this our exile on Earth. Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope is the cry we make each day in our Rosaries. Let us honor Our Queen and Mother today and place ourselves in Her motherly arms for protection. Let us beg Her for the graces to love Her Son with all our hearts, mind and souls. Let us thank the eternal Father for so great a gift as Our Queen and Mother! Our Lady expressed to Mother Mary of Agreda in the "City of God" that to always thank the Father for all that He has given to us through her intercession is the most pleasing prayer she wants from all of us. Thank you eternal Father for the gift of our good Queen and Mother and for the supreme gift of Your Son Jesus Christ, Who came and died for our sins! We adore You - Oh Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Holy Mother Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death so that we may live with You for all eternity giving praise to the Most Holy Trinity!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... We are almost done with May and we are approaching the date of our renewal of the Consecration to Jesus through Mary (new post under Formation for the actual prayer). Today is the Feast of a great Carmelite saint - St. Mary Magdalene dePazzi of the late 1500's in Italy and her message below is very relevant for our commitment to our Consecration. Also, today is an Ember day: a day of prayer and fasting. We can offer this day in prayer and fasting for the Church and its priests as St. Teresa of Avila said is our greatest concern. There are two videos below to explain this a little - I encourage you to search more on this. St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi passed away to her Spouse, on the twenty-fifth of May, in the year 1607, having completed the forty-first year of her age. Many miracles having been wrought by her merits, both before and after death, she was canonized by Pope Clement XI. Her body is, even to this day, preserved from corruption! Incorrupt saints are a great gift to us because it helps us to seek these chosen souls out and to see what it was that God so loved in their lives that He would grant them this grace of incorruption of their body. I believe that God allows this in order for their works or writings to be sought after so that we could find greater knowledge of the love of God and gain grace from it. I have written on her in the past but felt it appropriate to repeat this today........ She was a mystic who fell into ecstasy for two hours after her morning Communion. She wrote about these ecstasies and here is one I chose written below for today from the First Volume of her collected works. Of course this message is always needed because this sums up why we exist. With all the craziness going on in the Church and in the world AGAINST GOD - especially present in the Holy Eucharist, we must remain focused and cling to God, truly present among us - as long as we are in the state of God's grace. We must truly appreciate receiving Holy Communion and unite ourselves to Jesus. truly present, as St. Mary Magdalene dePazzi did. May we pray to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and to the great saints who went before us to remain focused on our true reason for existence - which is to love LOVE (JESUS) now and for all eternity - Amen!! Taken from: The Compete Works of Saint Mary Magdalene DePazzi Volume I "I saw that LOVE stood continually at the gate of our heart, waiting to enter therein; and in this circumstance there came to my mind those words of Jesus: "I stand at the gate and knock," (Rev. 3:20) But he cannot enter therein as long as the soul is filled with self-love, yet once self-love is removed, then He enters in. And I understood that the soul that has LOVE within itself and shares in the merits of the blood of Jesus cannot bear to partake of any created thing, but wants only to partake of pure love and of this blood. And (it wants this) in such a way that it cannot (bear to) see God in any modal manner; that is, I mean that it does not tolerate seeing Him powerful or wise, rich or beautiful, or in any other way, but it knows Him only as pure God, God in Himself, loving Himself purely and infinitely, and loving creatures with a pure and infinite love. And I seemed to see that our interior man, without this LOVE and without this blood, was like a dead body, with all its senses dead; but one who has this blood and this love is like a living man who has all his senses alive and active... I seemed to understand also that LOVE united a soul with Himself so closely for three reasons: first -- because the soul was created for LOVE second -- so that the soul would do that for which it was created, namely, to love LOVE third -- because the soul is to enjoy that same LOVE eternally and to be united inseparably with Him. And I saw that no creature whatsoever can be capable of this union, wherein all become as one; but only God and that same Unitive LOVE, Who is the Mediator between the soul and God (can be capable of it)." St. Mary Magdalene dePazzi, pray for us! Holy Mother Mary, pray for us! Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, our true LOVE, have mercy on us! Hello Everyone (Church Militant)... Tomorrow is Pentecost and it also ends the dispensation for NOT GOING TO MASS BECAUSE OF "COVID". Now it once again becomes a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday. Oh how we need to pray and make sacrifices for this new Modern Church - that it may return back to Tradition!!! It has been more than a year that many Catholics have neglected their duty to go to Mass and not receive the Bread of Life to sustain them in these trying times in the Church. One of the most tragic times in Church history!! If you recall...our Pope halted Easter and Christmas Public Masses at the Vatican....put a stop to the traditional Latin Mass at St. Peter's in Rome. If we do not see the writing on the wall that Religious Freedom is under attack and soon we are to go back to the catacombs, then we truly are asleep. Who knows when that will actually be but I do know that less Catholics, those that were only going because it was an obligation, have been away and may STAY AWAY! We must pray that many see the threat that looms in the horizon and come to their senses to take their religion more seriously...before it is completely taken away. There is no doubt the world is growing colder and colder and God is putting the world to a test of faith. Many are not paying attention and are complete sheeple doing exactly as told by the increasingly totalitarian states of government. May we pray for our family and friends who have turned away during this trying time in the Church and in the world that they may be ignited with the Flame of Love (which is Jesus) by the Holy Spirit through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother to return back to Jesus with more vigor and love! "Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your Flame of Love to all of mankind." This Monday is the last week of study for our renewal or for the first time in making our Consecration to Jesus through Mary. This last week is on the Knowledge of Jesus. Posted under Formation - Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is the information needed for this week's study. May we keep each other in prayer! Immaculate Heart of Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit...pray for us! Hello Everyone who is Church Militant.... I just watched a couple of new videos posted today and felt I needed to share these with all of you can see from my old posts 2019 and 2020 --- I could see this all unfolding from what I have read and compared these world events to the prophecies of our Blessed Mother. Our Lady came to Fatima just before the Bolshevik Revolution. She knew communism was allowed by God as a punishment to all of us who have turned against God. She asked for our daily Rosary, First Saturdays and much Eucharistic reparation for the sins committed against God and His laws. Did we listen? Well, She said that if we do not listen to Her and if we continue to sin and do not pray and repent, there will be a Second and worse World War and that if Russia is not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, the Holy Father would have much to suffer and certain nations would be annihilated. Thus the prophecies predicted by Our Lady of Fatima are being fulfilled. Yet, as Our Lord told Sister Lucy, “It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.” It is not too late. God still awaits the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He still wants us to work to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and to make reparation to Her through the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. When the Consecration of Russia is finally performed, the persecutions will end and we will witness the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. We will have a period of peace. This will not come about, however, until enough people pray and make sacrifices. Therefore, in our present tribulation, we have no choice but to turn in hope to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her holy Rosary, for as She explained at Fatima, “only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you.” Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us! Feast of St. Simon Stock - May 16th and the beginning of Week for Knowledge of Mary - May 17-235/16/2021 Hello Everyone: Today is the Sunday after Ascension but if this feast fell on any other day - it would be the Feast of St. Simon Stock for Carmelites - May 16th. In the post-Vatican revision of the liturgical calendar, the memory of Simon Stock -- which was earlier celebrated with explicit mention of the vision -- was totally suppressed. However, in 1979, a Spanish Carmelite monk fought to put it back and once again the Carmelites were permitted an optional memory on condition that no mention be made of the “ problematic scapular vision.” How we need the promotion of the Brown Scapular now more than ever and it should be always promoted side by side with the Rosary as Sr. Lucia had stated. Our Lady came at the last vision of Fatima as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel with a Scapular. The last vision of St. Bernadette was July 16th, Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Yet, we have bought the Freemasonic lies that it is no longer needed and should NEVER have been promulgated! WOW - the lies of the devil are rampant because it is efficacious at bringing souls back to God through the prayers and intercession of Our Good Queen and Mother....she sees her Scapular and she runs to help ---why? --- She is our perfect Mother with perfect love who wants our salvation! Why would anyone want to throw this sacramental away? Only an agent of Satan would! The Devil to Father Velasco: ‘Take it off! Take off that Habit which snatches so many souls from us! All those clothed in it die piously and escape us!’ They then cried that three things particularly torment them: the first is the name of Jesus; the second the name of Mary; the third, the Scapular of Carmel.” St. Alphonsus had a very special devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and while alive wore his brown scapular faithfully. Many years after his death his grave was opened; the body and priestly vestments in which he was buried had turned to dust! But his scapular was found PERFECTLY INTACT! St. Alphonsus Liguori's Brown Scapular is still miraculously intact and on exhibit in his Monastery in Rome. Regarding our Preparation for Total Consecration, we begin the Week for the Knowledge of Mary tomorrow and I will post under the Formation title, Consecration to Jesus Through Mary the information needed for this study. May Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us! Good St. Simon Stock, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Hello Church Militant: Today starts the Novena to the Holy Spirit through and with Mary. We are in the middle of our preparation of Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary but adding this Novena will be beneficial. For our preparation, we already have the Litany of the Holy Spirit to gain the necessary graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am also including a talk by Archbishop Vigano regarding the state of the Church today. I feel this is very pertinent for this Novena to the Holy Spirit. May we be conscious of the fact that we are truly in a battle and may we seek the graces necessary to combat all the evils within the Church and outside the Church that we are facing now and into the future. He is asking us to pray in a Rosary Crusade (especially with little children) in particular to ask for the help and intercession of Mary against the Deep State and Deep Anti-Church and its New World Order so that all things may be renewed in Christ and that Christ may reign in our hearts and that more will wake up to participate in the true Traditional Latin Mass. At the present moment God and His Holy Bride the Church are being humiliated by the evil forces and we must create an army - A Rosary Crusade - to fight against this enemy! Holy Mother Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us! May the Holy Angels and Saints pray for us! PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE TRADITIONAL LAY CARMELITE: (DIFFERENT NOVENA IN LINK BELOW) O Holy Spirit, You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are the Spirit of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and equal to them. I adore You and love You with all my heart. Teach me to know and to seek God, by whom and for whom I was created. Fill my heart with a holy fear and a great love for Him. Do not let me fall into sin. Increase faith, hope, and charity in me and bring forth in me all the virtues proper to my state of life. Help me to grow in the four cardinal virtues, Your seven gifts, and Your twelve fruits. As a Traditional Lay Carmelite, give me the grace to offer prayer and reparation in imitation of Our Lady. Please guide us toward doing the Will of God and seeking to give Him all the glory and honor by living the Fatima message as Our Lady had requested. Help us to know what we should do each step of the way. We ask the help and intercession of Blessed Fr. Marie-Eugene. We, as Traditional Lay Carmelites of Fatima, want to do the Will of God in all things. We want Our Lady of Fatima’s message to get to others in order to win for God more souls and to offer the Hearts of Jesus and Mary the reparation that is needed in this fallen world. We beg your intercession to ask God through Our Lady to give us the guidance we need to proceed further with our love and commitment to this calling. We ask you to take our little work of living the Fatima message by way of Carmelite Spirituality and present it to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and beg them for the graces of discernment of our future steps. Pray for us to be guided by the Holy Spirit in doing the Will of God in imitation of Our Lady of Fatima. Hello Church Militant: I hope you are persevering through this first 14 days of the 33 day Preparation of Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary. We are almost at the next step which is Knowledge of Self. These instructions are posted under Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary under Formation on this website. I thought I would post on why do this consecration....why Mary... We should all know that we are called to be saints to please God and win for Him many souls. Many think this is too difficult a task and that we are ALL not called to it. Not so. St. Francis de Sales says that we are not saints because we do not want to be. Being a saint for Jesus Christ does not have to be difficult if we know and understand the easy way to Jesus. We know that this easy way is effective because it is so hidden by the enemy who does not want us to grow closer to Jesus. THIS SECRET IS MARY. All who have wanted to enter on the narrow way of perfection, all who are desirous of living true, holy Christian lives, have need of many helps, many assistances; we have much to overcome; we have many hindrances in the way of perfection; we have many stumbling blocks, old habits, predominant passions, selfish inclinations, so very much opposed to the reign of Jesus Christ. It can be overwhelming to walk this narrow way by ourselves. God knew that and therefore He gave us His Mother. She is the Mother of God. She is a model, our guide and our help during this trying time on earth. St. Louis deMontfort from his book, “Love of the Eternal Wisdom” states that there are four means of obtaining possession of this wisdom needed to identify ourselves with Christ:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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