Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Today is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. Now more than ever do we all need to be on our knees begging our Good Queen and Mother for intercession for our families and the world. Let us always remember....that in the end....Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. We must trust in God's plan and not be frightened by the globalists. Satan has his hour...God has His day! Let us remain firm in faith, prayer and fasting as we go day by day into the future. Below is a post I did in 2019 for Our Queen....I hope you enjoy it....happy Feast Day!!! Queen of all the Angels and Saints - Pray for us!! Below was excerpted from St. John Eudes, "The Admirable Heart of Mary", Part Six, chapters I and II. Infinite goodness compels God the Holy Spirit to disclose to us the inestimable treasures hidden in the marvelous Heart of Mary and to proclaim them through Sacred Scripture, the inspired word of God. The first significant text that I shall point out is taken from the 44th Psalm: "All the glory of the king’s daughter is within" (Ps. 44:14), where the Holy Spirit reveals that the admirable Heart of Mary is a source of benefactions without number and of every kind. To explain this truth, I shall stress three thoughts that are most glorious for the magnificent Heart of our great Queen and founded on these divine words: "All the glory of the king’s daughter is within," and from her Heart. Who is this daughter of the King? We know full well that she is the Queen of Heaven and earth, the daughter of the King of kings. But why does all her glory proceed from her Heart? It is because her Heart is the source and principle of all the grandeur, excellence and prerogatives that adorn her, of all the eminent qualities that exalt her above every creature namely her position as eldest daughter of the Eternal Father, as Mother of the Son, as Spouse of the Holy Spirit, as the Temple of the most Holy Trinity, as Queen of angels and men, as the Mother of Christians, and as Empress of the universe. It also means that this most holy Heart is the source of all the graces that accompany the privileges bestowed on her, of the holy use she made of those graces, and of all the sanctity of her thoughts, words, works, sufferings and of the other mysteries of her life. It means, finally, that her Heart is the source of the eminent virtues she practiced on earth, of her perfect exercise of the faculties and powers of her soul and of her body, and of the glory and felicity she now enjoys in heaven. How is her Heart the source of all these things? In the following ways. We know that the humility, purity, love and charity of her Heart have rendered her worthy to be made Mother of God, and consequently have enriched her with all the advantages and privileges that belong to so high a dignity. We know further that the Heart is the seat of love and charity, and that love and charity are the principle, rule and measure of all the sanctity on earth, and therefore of all glory in Heaven. Hence, God, Eternal Truth, tells us in the Gospel that, as the heart of man is the origin of all evil, so it is also the source of every good. The Son of God teaches us that from the heart proceed evil thoughts, homicides, and blasphemies (Mt 15:19). Our Savior further tells us that the heart of the good man is a treasure from which He draws all sorts of good things, and the heart of the wicked man a treasure from which He draws all evil things (Lk 6:46). We may conclude therefore that the supremely good Heart of God’s most loving Mother is the source of all that is great, holy, glorious and admirable in her. I say further, and this is the second of the three thoughts I promised you, that Mary’s Heart is the source, after God, of all the excellence, sanctity, glory, felicity and other great and precious marvels to be found in the Church Militant, Suffering and Triumphant. The reason of this is clear. We all agree that every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness and glory that abide in her, on earth as well as in Heaven, are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "All graces," says the learned and devout Abbot Rupert, "every gift that the world has received from Heaven, are as streams which issue from that sacred fountain, as fruits belonging to that holy tree". "It was decreed by God in His eternal counsel," writes St. Bernard, "to give nothing to anyone except through Mary’s hands. Through her He was pleased to give us every good. Yes, indeed, because through her He gave the first principle of every good, Jesus Christ, Our Lord". But how did Mary make herself so holy and so pleasing to the divine Majesty, that He should choose her to be the intermediary of this infinite gift, from which are derived all the other gifts ever made to His Church? It was by the sanctity of her most humble, pure and charitable Heart. Let us acknowledge, then, that her Heart is the origin of everything noble, rich and precious in all the holy souls which form the universal Church in Heaven and on earth. We can therefore say of her marvelous Heart, and with greater reason, what St. John Chrysostom says of the heart of St. Paul, when he calls it the fount and principle of numberless graces: Fons et principium innumerorum bonorum? Shall we stop here? No, we must go further and explain the third that I promised you, which is that the Heart of the Mother of the Savior is, in a certain sense, the fountain and source of all that is holy and admirable in the life and the successive mysteries of our Divine Redeemer Himself. Was not this represented by the river described in the second chapter of Genesis, which came out of the fountain created by God at the beginning of the world. This fountain is a figure of the Holy Heart of Mary, and Jesus, the Son of Mary, is designated by the river springing from the fountain. Do we not hear Eternal Wisdom, that is, the Son of God, saying: "I came out of paradise," out of the Virginal Heart of Mary, which is the true paradise of the new Adam, "like a channel of a river," (Sir 24:41) that is, like the river that flowed out of the earthly paradise. Let us acknowledge, then, that her admirable Heart, being the fountain from which that great river originated, is the miraculous source of all the treasures of the great and priceless wonders contained in that divine stream. We must conclude that Our Lady’s Heart is the fountain principle of numberless goods: Fons et principium omnium bonorum. St. Irenaeus asking why the mystery of the Incarnation did not take without Mary’s consent, answers that it was because God sought her to be the principle of every good. What does he mean by that, if not that the Son of God wished the Heart of His Blessed Mother to be the source and origin of all the blessings and graces derived from the Incarnation, and that He wished to become man only by her consent? "She is the perennial fount of every good," declares St. Andrew of Crete. O most loving Heart of Mary, O abyss of miracles, who can tell the unfathomable marvels that God has worked in and through thee! O boundless Sea, God alone can know the inestimable riches hidden in thee! O Heart most Holy, thou art Heaven’s own heaven, for, after the Heart of the Eternal Father, thou are the most magnificent and glorious abode of Jesus, who is Himself the highest Heaven: "The Heaven of heaven is the Lord’s" (Ps 113:16). Next to the Heart of Jesus, thou art the highest throne of glory and majesty of the Blessed Trinity. What honor and praise should be rendered unto thee! Oh, may every human and angelic heart recognize and honor thee as its Sovereign after the adorable Heart of our Savior! Dearest Jesus, what thanks we owe thine infinite goodness for having given thy Blessed Mother to us, and for having endowed her with a maternal Heart so full of love and tenderness towards her most unworthy children! Grant, dear Savior, that we may have truly filial affection for so good a Mother, and may the hearts of her children bear the image and likeness of the love, charity, humility and all the other virtues that reign in the Heart of their most loving Mother! BONUS VIDEOS - Regarding the last article.....
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I pray all of you had a beautiful Ascension Thursday! Please keep our little grandson in prayer, born prematurely May 11th. He had surgery yesterday for some fluid on the brain. Pray that God will grace this little one with good health! His name is Owen Ray. Thank you! I just read this article related to the meetings going on now in Europe about what the technocratic globalists want for the world. It is very well written so I will post most of it here and copy it at the bottom. I hope you will take the time to read it as it is very telling of what the next year or so brings us....that is if God does not intervene and change their course. We do know that no matter what ...GOD ALLOWS EVIL to exist...and He can make good of may be that the world must suffer to bring itself back to Him. Here is the article written on May 26, 2022 by Mr. Leo Hohmann for Technocracy. This was a big week for the globalists. They feel it’s their time, go time, to launch the most difficult phase of the Great Reset so they can get on with what they call the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as explained by World Economic Forum guru Klaus Schwab, will lead to a “fusion” of every human being’s physical, biological and digital identities. It’s basically the dawning of a new era based on transhumanism and technocracy, something akin to what was laid out in the novel Brave New World. But they can’t get there until they reset everything. Kill off the old. Bring on the new. Resetting the world isn’t something you can pull off by just pushing a button. It requires a series of well-designed global crises, as Schwab and his chief advisor Yuval Noah Harari have said on more than one occasion. So the globalists have been meeting this week in Geneva at the World Health Assembly and they have been meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum summit. The two cities, Geneva and Davos, are both located in Switzerland, about three hours apart by car. Between these two meetings, the globalist predator class will be getting their instructions on what to do and what to expect over the next 12 months. I am calling this 12-month window the opening salvo in the kill phase of the Great Reset. Schwab opened the meeting at Davos by saying “the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, by a powerful community, as you here in this room.” Schwab said “we must prepare for an angrier world,” which I take as a bad sign that the globalists are getting anxious, feeling that if they don’t take drastic action soon all their plans to erect an end-times global government could be wasted. Schwab added that, “We have the means to improve the state in the world, but two conditions are necessary: “The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities. “And second is that we collaborate.” My question for Klaus is this: Collaborate on what? And what does he mean, exactly, by “improve” the state of the world? Improvements for whom? I believe he’s referring to improved conditions for the 1 percent who run the big banks and corporations and their minions, which might jack it up to 3 or 4 percent. For the rest of us, they have an agenda of misery. Time for a culling If we look at the WEF/UN agenda, which is supported wholeheartedly by the governments of the U.S., U.K., E.U., Canada and Australia, it’s all pointing to a mass culling of the human population. They have triggered the kill phase. As they see it, we can surmise from their rhetoric, the culling is needed in order to save the planet and its resources for they, the globalist elites represented this week at Davos and Geneva. They have told us their plans ahead of time. They always do. We will own nothing, we will have no privacy and we will learn to like being totally dependent on the government and its corporate partners for our very survival. David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations World Food Program, spoke at Davos and had cheery news. In his formal address to the WEF, Beasley explained that the global food situation was already bad before the Ukraine war, but that the situation has since escalated to become what he called the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. Then there’s the creepy cover of the Economist Magazine. (image for this article) This is the Rothschild owned publication that caters to the elite globalists. It pictured a field of wheat, with the kernels of wheat represented as skulls, with the title being “The Coming Food Catastrophe.” Conservative Playlist reports that the Rockefeller Foundation, another globalist club with ties to Bill Gates, Schwab and the WEF, recently warned that a global food crisis of biblical proportions is scheduled to arrive at our doors within five to six months. Rockefeller Foundation president Rajiv Shah described what is soon to unfold as a “massive, immediate food crisis” that will strike the entire world, leaving no country untouched. This is not communism because, if it were, the big corporations would not all be in on it. This is technocracy, using the power of data collection and advanced surveillance technology, which they leverage at every point of contact – in the medical field, media and social media, science, education, at the retail level, the military and biosecurity levels. But how, people ask, will they make it so we will own nothing and just rent everything from the billionaires and multi-millionaires? I tell these people that if they were awake they would see the answer to their question playing out in real time. By creating more and more money and deliberately driving down the value of the dollar, the Federal Reserve and the banking system force you to pay more for less. To survive, whether you are in the lower middle class, the middle-middle class, or the upper middle class, you will pay more for the same gallon of gas, the same groceries, the same clothing as you had before. You can get by for a while by just buying less and cutting out waste, but after a while you will be looking to downsize your cars, your houses, your food intake, everything. This is why Mayer Rothschild said “I care not who makes a country’s laws as long as I control its money.” The plan is to price you out of everything to the point where you are renting a small apartment in the city next to a rail line, replacing your SUV with a mini electric car (if you can afford that) or even a bicycle. Look at China. That’s the future they have planned for us. The more pain that is caused, the closer the elites get to being able to implement their Great Reset, with digital QR codes attached to every human being containing all your health records on a cellphone app and connecting that app also to your bank account and your ability to log onto the internet. That’s the goal. Now here’s the catch. The billionaire globalist elites know their plan is unpopular. They know that at least half the population in wealthy countries will never go along with this plan willingly. They will have to be coerced in a time of horrific crisis like war or a wave of “public health emergencies,” and the extreme deprivation that such crises cause. Because the vast majority of Americans suffer from extreme normalcy bias, they can’t see what’s coming. They will be caught completely off guard. The sporadic shortages they see in the grocery stores now, these folks believe that’s just a temporary glitch that will soon iron itself out. Nothing to worry about. They don’t see that war and famine are right around the corner. So when it arrives, they will be ruled by fear and confusion. Anxiety levels will be off the charts. Most will submit to the beast system that’s being erected on the backs of these pre-arranged crises. Because of the rule of thirds, somewhere between 25 and 30 percent will never submit to this kind of a system. We saw it last year with the vaccines, when approximately 70 percent of Americans capitulated to the pressure of “get your shot” but 30 percent stood strong and resisted. Now, Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, admits nobody wants his vaccines and he’s having to throw them away, 30 million doses to be exact. He’s very sad. The bottom line for the elites is this: The population is just too big and unmanageable for the type of resource-based, total control society required by their dystopian technocracy, and if there’s anything a technocracy simply cannot tolerate it’s a sizable population of people who don’t know their place. They still believe in free speech, the First and the Second amendments, that people are born male or female, old-fashioned stuff like that. They must be eliminated. The kill phase: How will they cull the population? For that reason, we have entered the kill phase of the Great Reset. Everything they are engaging in right now, these so-called stakeholders, is causing people to die prematurely in certain key countries where we have large middle-class populations who are accustomed to living relatively free lives. They’re not a good fit for the total surveillance society where your movement is monitored in real time, your spending habits are monitored and assessed, your eating habits are monitored (meat will be a “rare treat” says the WEF). All of your life activity will be monitored in order to calculate and track your carbon footprint and assess your overall social credit score. Let’s take a look at the points of friction in society right now that are being fomented by the globalist elites who run everything, from the monetary and banking systems to the major corporations to the media, Big Pharma and Big Tech.a
All of the above policies are driving at one thing, mass depopulation. I revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. several years ago. Deagel is a military contractor that in 2014 published a forecast of massive population reductions out to the year 2025, when America would be down to just 99 million people from over 330 million in 2014. Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, would see similarly drastic decreases in population. Based on the Deagel calculations, assuming they turn out to be even close to accurate, the most unsafe places to live over the next three years will be the United States and the U.K., followed by Germany and then the rest of the E.U. nations. This population forecast was so controversial, showing population reductions of 80 percent in the United States and between 50 and 80 percent for almost every Western European country, that the study mysteriously disappeared from Deagel’s website post-Covid in March 2021. Until the impact of the Covid “pandemic” and resulting mass vaccination campaign, many researchers were scratching their heads as they reviewed the Deagel spreadsheets. But now it’s beginning to make more sense. Researcher Craig Paardekooper recently released his report on predictions of global depopulation based on an updating of the Deagel numbers. You can see his updated predictions for every country. He shows the U.S. losing 70.2 percent of its population and the U.K. losing 78.5 percent by 2025. Deagel’s predictions seemed so far-fetched in 2014 that some folks accused Deagel of engaging in a psy op. But maybe Deagel had good sources to back up its analysis. After all, the Rockefeller Foundation had published its “Lockstep” analysis in 2010, all but guaranteeing that major pandemics would wipe out tens of millions of people, and Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, was well into his vaccine phase by 2014 as well, having shifted his focus a few years earlier away from computers and into vaccines. Of course we know that the first ‘guideline’ etched in the Georgia Guidestones monument states “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature,” representing a reduction of more than 90 percent of the earth’s people. That’s a goal that seemed outrageous until the full scope of the poison death shots and then the prospect of global famine and World War III started coming into view just beyond the horizon of the daily news headlines. Bottom line: We live in strange times, and I believe it’s the end times. We all need to focus on hardening ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally for what is coming to America over the next three years, while realizing that the most important realm is to harden ourselves spiritually. God bless you all as you go about your preparations. Greetings in Jesus and Mary... May 24th is the Feast of Mary Help of Christians. Another beautiful devotion to ask Our Dear Blessed Mother for her help and assistance during these crazy days on the planet. Things are getting crazy! On 24 May the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China and the Feast of Mary Help of Christians and, for China, Our Mother of Sheshan. We are asked to pray for Hong Kong and Cardinal Joseph Zen. May Our Lady pray for all those being persecuted in these Asian countries and may communism be suppressed in the world through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother! Appropriately during these Rogation Days, we are being made aware of food shortages and crop failures due to poor weather throughout the world but especially in the USA. We are in the Rogation days before the Feast of the Ascension. Here is a little history of what these days mean. Also, there is a link at the bottom to help all of us with praying the Litany to ask for the help of Heaven for our crops and our health during these summer months. With food shortages, crop failures, and poor weather...this may be something we all want to participate in this year!!!! The word "rogation" comes from the Latin word rogare meaning "to ask." The three Rogation Days are over 1,500 years old. They began in the fifth century at Vienne, France, when, in the year 470, there had been crop failures--due to earthquakes and bad weather--with resulting great food scarcity and destitution. St. Mamertus, bishop of Vienne, ordered a triduum of prayer and penance on the three days preceding the Ascension. The clergy and the people made penitential processions calling upon God to help and asking the intercession of His saints. Other communities took up the custom and from France it soon spread throughout the world. At the end of the eighth century, Pope St. Leo III introduced the practice into the universal Church. Thus, it has become a tradition in the Church that each year on the feast of St. Mark, April 25, and on the three days before Ascension a special Rogation Days' service is held. The purpose of the Rogation Days' service is to implore the mercy of God that He may keep us from all evils of soul and body, and give to the plants of the field an increase. In the spring, when the fields are becoming green and there is promise of a good harvest--but also the possibility of destruction through frost, hail, or rainstorms--the prayers and processions are a reminder to feeble man to turn with humility and confidence to the Giver of all good. For, it is not the earth alone which brings forth fruit, and not alone the busy hand of man on which the increase depends; but it is God who gives the increase. Merciful Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Hello Everyone...I'm sorry I have been away for awhile. First, I would like to ask for your prayers for my daughter Bernadette. She delivered her baby boy on May 11th. He was born a number of weeks early at 3 lbs. 3 oz. They seem to be doing well and we truly would appreciate your prayers as the baby gains in his weight and strength. Also, I received COVID as a Christmas present on Christmas Eve., 2021 and now I get another bout of COVID for a Mother's Day gift that started on May 13th., Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. I can only feel that it was meant to be. For all those who may not have had the fun of getting it is a great much so that I truly wanted to get on a plane to DC and share this joy by hugging and thanking the mad scientist who worked so hard at the gain of function in creating this "virus". Sorry - I had to share that! (truthfully, I do not think this time will be as long as the first!.....thanks for your prayers!) Since I missed an article for Our Lady of Fatima day; I am writing this for Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. We are always in need of words on the greatness of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Real Presence of the Eucharist! We get familiar, complacent and forgetful of how amazing a miracle and sacrament this is. I realize many parishes have already had their First Communions. This should be a time for us to reflect upon The Real Presence as well as during the great Feast Day of Corpus Christi which is next month. Fatima is all about the Holy Eucharist...Prayer, Reparation and Love...all bring us to the reality of Jesus truly present. We also have the great Reparation Prayers taught to the children...These are all very Eucharistic. May we pray each day of May with the intentions of Our Holy Mother Mary in our Hearts which is always to offer love and reparation to the Heart of Her Son truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament for all the sins and sacrileges done against Him. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Pray for us! Prayer Virgin Immaculate, perfect lover of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we ask you to obtain for us the graces we need to become true adorers of our Eucharistic God. Grant us, we beg of you, to know Him better, to love Him more, and to center our lives around the Eucharist, that is, to make our whole life a constant prayer of adoration, thanksgiving, reparation, and petition to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen. V. Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. R. That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ may come among us! (St. Peter Julian Eymard) Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I just came back from Mass at a Carmelite Monastery. The Chaplain gave a beautiful homily of how it is of a higher honor to be the Spiritual Mothers that these sisters are over a mother who gives birth to another human being! Why? Because unless that earthly mother prays for that soul to have eternal life, their duty and love as a mother remains earthly and not Heavenly! This is very beautiful for these nuns to hear as they live their lives in imitation of Our Blessed Mother offering prayers and sacrifice for the salvation of souls. One day, we pray, God will draw back a curtain upon their judgement and show them the many souls that they brought with them! Let this be our meditation today. May we realize that in the eyes of God -- our true duty as a mother is to love with a Heavenly love in order to help souls get to Heaven. It is the beautiful love of a true mother that urges them to make sacrifices and offer prayers for their children to one day experience TRUE JOY---ETERNAL HEAVEN. May we pray that all of us will show love and respect to Mothers and especially to Our Blessed Mother who suffers daily over the crimes committed by humanity. She has sacrificed so much and offers us so many prayers and immeasurable love....She is a TRUE MOTHER...May all mothers live in imitation of Her Love.....which comes from a LOVING GOD! Holy Mother Mary, please pray for all of humanity so that one day we may be with the Good God Who created You and all of us.....for all ETERNITY! Blessed Mother, Dispenser of God's graces, please send forth the graces of Your Flame of Love to all of mankind! Thank you for your LOVE! We LOVE You!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Blessed First Friday in May! We are to offer up sacrifices and much prayer for the WW3 we are in right now. I found this image that I have posted from WW2....we may not have rationing books...but more like a digital pass/social credit score. There is a Propaganda series available right now ...posted below to show all of us how they have used propaganda and lies since the Second World War to present. The censorship has picked up to silence the truth. This series being posted for free now and to be purchased later is time consuming but SO NECESSARY...Please share because this is warfare on all of us! Below is also a link with the truth of what is happening to our food supply chain and as I posted before...they need to replace real food with the synthetic food they have in store for the transhumans that will be left to feed after their depopulation efforts. SOUNDS CRAZY --- BUT IS HAPPENING! Do your homework..... This is all part of the chastisement....keep safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and offer up your prayers and sacrifices this First Friday and Saturday...KEEP THE FAITH! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary… You may think…oh no…another sad article. This is a bittersweet article. We are in the Easter season and we are a few days away from Mother’s Day which is not a feast in the Church but we usually choose this day to give Our Blessed Mother greater honor and even a Crowning! This article I felt was needed after the last article which expressed all the suffering we are enduring and about to endure in the world because of its crimes. This article is about the REDEMPTION OF JESUS CHRIST FOR ALL OF US! The fruits of the Easter season!! But it will be bittersweet because we cannot talk about Easter without the cross. There would be no Easter Sunday without Good Friday. The state of our world has brought Our Blessed Mother to tears. There are many apparitions and many statues in the past few decades where Our Lady is found weeping. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are breaking over the lack of love in the world. As Carmelites and as Catholics, we are called to unite our sufferings and our tears with that of Our Lady and offer all in reparation for sin. We, too, should be weeping! In order to accept suffering, we need to have a true understanding of suffering. I have a book, “This War is the Passion” written by Caryll Houselander during the Second World War. You would think it is written for today because we are in a war….a different kind of war. She was very well known in her day and wrote a number of books. She had a special gift for writing about, and helping people with, psychological suffering. She herself, had a life of suffering but also a great grasp on the true meaning of it. We should all have the basic understanding of the cause of suffering … that it is the result of Original Sin. This is where many modernists throw everything out the window because they do not believe in Original Sin or Adam and Eve…but I will save that for another article. Suffering and death entered the world as the result of, and punishment for sin. Caryll explains suffering as follows: “Suffering is the result of sin: poverty, pain, sickness, death and all the torments of the mind, all are the result of sin.” “When Christ was born, the world was already full of suffering. He did not bring the cross into the world. It was there already. The cross was a dead weight, it was the result of sin and it punished sin, it offered no hope. Suffering was not a punishment planned, so to speak, by God. For God desires not the death of a sinner! GOD LOVED THE WORLD, BUT MAN HAD MADE FOR HIMSELF THE MISERY THAT WAS HIS PUNISHMENT. When Christ became man, He uplifted man’s nature together with all its vital activities. He changed man’s suffering into His Passion. Man’s suffering became redemptive. By himself, no man can atone for sin, not all the united suffering of the world could atone for one small venial sin, because sin is against God and so only God can atone for sin. But because Christ is God and He has given His own life to be man’s life, man’s sorrow has become Christ’s sorrow and everything is reversed. Now the cross, which was a dead weight, bears flower! The world’s tears, which were cold and sterile, are changed to strong life-giving wine, like the water of Cana. And now, one small suffering of the most insignificant human creature can atone for sin. When Christ’s earthly life ended and He ascended into Heaven, He did not remove His life from man. He left Himself on earth, in the Sacred Host and in the heart of man. Man’s sorrows continue to atone for sin. All the suffering we see today, all the suffering we know in our own lives, is the Passion of Christ. If He had not changed our suffering to His Passion, we should still have suffered, but suffering would have been futile, destructive and useless. (“This War is the Passion, p. 156-157) She also states…..”Suffering is the result of sin. It is not God who allows it. It is you and I. God did not give us our free will to sin with, but to love with. Loneliness, poverty, sickness, death, these things are not God’s will but against it. They are the things and all the other agonies of human nature that we consent to when we sin. In her book, “The Mother of Christ”, she states….”But as we have brought suffering into the world, God does all He can, without taking away our free will and so taking away our humanity, to change suffering from something that bruises and destroys us into something that exalts and renews us.” So therefore, ”man’s punishment is made by man but changed by Christ .. it is through Christ that suffering has become not an evil to be avoided at all costs, but a thing to be accepted willingly, even joyfully as a means in the Redemption of the world”. (This War is the Passion, p. 159) We are called to unite our suffering with that of Jesus and Our Blessed Mother and bear it lovingly to help save souls. Throughout this chastisement we will have opportunities to share in the work of Redemption by suffering with love as part of the Mystical Body of Christ. “In my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body” (Col. 1:24) To encourage us, the Beatitudes tell us that those who suffer, mourn or are persecuted will be blessed and comforted. Through our sins, we cause suffering; but Jesus has come to this earth in order to make that suffering fruitful through His cross which He calls us all to pick up daily in imitation of Him….and now our suffering united to His can bring Redemption to the world. May we pray especially the Rosary and make voluntary sacrifices to decrease the suffering which will come to this world for its many crimes. Our Lady has asked for the five First Saturdays. May we begin them this Saturday or repeat them again for the graces that this world so desperately needs. The Immaculate Heart is united to the Sacred Heart, let us ask Her to help us to suffer well! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Greetings in Jesus and Mary..,. There is so much happening at lightening speed right now that yes - we need to hold Our Blessed Mother's hand through this or we will be taken up in the storm! Many people today cannot see the truth because they have left God and therefore no longer walk in His grace. Their actions are an attempt to justify their false beliefs and bad habits. At least we have some people waking up about Disney! Their stocks are going down and that must mean we are on to their agenda! Nothing is more heinous and evil than the intentional corruption of the young, yet, that is what is happening with every encounter that our poor youth are experiencing and suffering today. Their parents are no longer living out their Christian Faith; there are video games; social media; peer pressure; all forms of evil entertainment. At this point, the blessings of God have been removed from our country due to grievous sin over the past few generations since WWII. As a nation, we are no longer under His “hedge of protection” (Job1:10). Thanks be to God, there are many God-fearing believers and patriots still left and still praying. Our leadership in the Church and in the Government are very corrupt right now. Our nation generally accepts fraud with much complacency today; although a few are fed up and waking up. The Deep State along with the Deep Church of all denominations, are heavily infiltration by secret societies and have been wrecking havoc and causing much destruction for decades. They perpetuate their ideology through many systems of society and kill all dissent from their evil plans of a total communist takeover of the world known as The Great Reset. It is an ideology of godless people where its fruits are chaos, confusion and death. It is the rotten fruit of Satan’s I will not serve (non serviam). It is the goal of a person who wishes to resist the grace of God. It is the battle of the ages, Satan v. God, good v. evil. Through every century… it always plays out in the same way. God in every form must first be removed from all societies and all organizations because it is the single biggest impediment to the execution of their agenda. They have succeeded to remove it from education, from the judicial system, from the medical system, from the government system and finally from the family. The term The Great Reset is about restructuring the world in a new image of the global elites to totally control the affairs of people, and ultimately give us all a social credit score and put us in a digital cage….namely a technocratic communism! The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, secret societies, the world’s largest banks, managed funds larger than the GDP of most all nations on earth, governments, tech giants, multi and transnational corporations are working in unison, and could pull the switch any day to create a dystopian nightmare for citizenry of the world that is barely believable. If a nation bucks the community of nations by stepping out of bounds with independent practices, they will be cut off from trade and bank funds, sanctioned, vilified, and excommunicated and treated as an outcast. Many countries have already experienced it. The globalists have a simple but powerful formula. If a country will not be under globalist-approved central bank control, it will be invaded and dissolved as a country. Being in unity with the community of nations is the preeminent and primary rule for sovereign survival today. The piracy of our climate and the push for green energy is one very big avenue of the globalist plan to institute carbon credits and force digital technology surveillance for all people of the world; creating a communist world that forces us to depend on them while forcing God out. Technology and government are in lockstep on the methodology and the programs to implement this Great Reset. The plan was hatched decades ago. They want to rule on communist terms—by any means necessary. If you disagree, they will cancel you, and thus crush you into obscurity, poverty, and oblivion. There will be one winner and one loser in this fight. The USA is no more….the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Christianity are obsolete and have no place in this modern new world. The communist globalists claim that these documents and all religions are outdated and have been a huge failure, and their goal is to destroy them by any means. To facilitate the destruction of America, millions of migrants are illegally crossing because their plan is an open border to weaken our economy, bring in crime and destruction and to destroy our nation’s sovereignty. Western Civilization is intentionally being deconstructed in real time. It is on such a scale few can even believe it is thinkable, never mind happening. Marriage and family have also been under attack since WWII with a pagan godless agenda as well. Moral relativism over the years has allowed the venomous cancerous destruction of families at the legislative level. It is the communist way and found in their manifesto to create division. They not only want to divide families but also want to divide whole societies with their maniac push for Critical Race Theory (CRT) to indoctrinate youth, to become global citizens and servants of the state. If you are anti-God….you are anti-life! They claim that there are too many people in the world. This idea helps push the concept of sustainable development: thus the need to depopulate by limiting growth. The Great Reset began its vigorous momentum with the virus in order to lockdown the world and instill fear among the people, and take away basic human rights. We have seen many dominoes fall against our freedoms since the big C virus! They will continue for as long as God allows this chastisement to go on! As we progress into the near future, we find ourselves presently in the mother of all battles. You will either be in on their demonic plan or out of it by standing with God and His Laws depending on your response to government dictates. Tough decisions will need to be made by families. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). We are strangers living in a strange land. Navigating in these times for a believer will be difficult, so we must remain faithful to God and His Teachings for peace of soul….and eternal salvation! This will become paramount to maintain the mental stability and equilibrium to function. Yes, there is great hope, and we need to hold the hand of Our Lady with many Rosaries and continue to wear Her Brown Scapular in order to weather this tremendous storm on the world right now. Let us remember that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph and there will be an era of peace….until then…we must endure pain and suffering and possibly death for the world to be chastised for its many crimes…and there are many. Let us pray for the chosen ones that will live through this and enjoy the era of peace before the time of Great Tribulation that will follow in these end times of the world. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be our refuge and our hope! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Bonus Video on why the push for the vaccine..... All of this is from Hell.....Satan has his hour.....God has His day....TRUST IN GOD AND KNOW THAT HE WINS IN THE END....All of this is to help us be aware and to PRAY! Especially pray for the Reign of the Immaculate Heart---SHE NEEDS TO CRUSH him!!!!
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
August 2024
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