Hello Everyone: I usually have something posted by now for the week but I have been busy around the house and garden. If you have ever had a garden - you know that the weeds grow like crazy and your flowers and vegetables get attacked by bugs, disease and drought. Everyone needs to tend a garden at least once to see that vices in our soul are like weeds and that virtues get attacked and are hard to develop like your veggies and flowers. The weeds are ferocious and grow where ever they can! Well - to switch to something not exactly different but on a different plane - our country is filled with vice and certainly not virtue! Where are the leaders of this nation? We are watching so much destruction happening. Could this be part of the the "Great Reset". Well, just search for "the Great Reset" on your computer and you will find that those who gave us the plandemic wanted to use it for this "new normal" - "great reset". We need to pray and make reparation for the sins of this country and the world. Before you know it - it will be taken from us if we do not wake up!! We can at least make reparation and prayer for the protection that we need to remain free to at least publicly worship the Triune God. Like I mentioned before - take advantage of the opportunity we have now of going to Mass because it looks like a dismal future for us and the world! Below are some links to see what is going on and what exactly is a "Great Reset". The same World Economic Forum who hosted the "Event 201" to see how the plandemic would play out in the world is now talking about the "Great Reset". Was that their intent when they were planning this plandemic? Lots to learn and prepare for in order to get ourselves prepared for a tremendous takeover of America and the world ---- especially if they do everything to make sure President Trump is NOT elected. Oh and by the way, good luck in trying to find a display of fireworks! We can protest in the thousands in the streets but we can not gather in the hundreds to celebrate our country. Not a coincidence. It goes hand in hand with the taking down of our monuments and statues. The history of the United States is to be forgotten and replaced. At least we should offer a Holy Hour for our country on that weekend! Here is a link of commies entering into the Democratic Party a couple of years ago - there is plenty of info on this but the first link below is one article of why we have Democratic leaders betraying this nation............. Our Lady of Fatima was trying to warn us but we did not listen nor did we consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. May she watch over us and pray for us! Take care and may God bless America!
![]() Hello Everyone: I extend my love to our fathers, to our priests, and most importantly to our Heavenly Father in Heaven who has given us EVERYTHING! Our Blessed Mother in the Mystical City of God by Mother Mary Agreda expressed that the prayer which delights her the most is our prayers of thanksgiving to the Eternal Father for all that He has given to us. In order that I do not forget to do that, I have put that into my intention on the Crowning of Mary when praying the Rosary. I ask that we offer that decade in thanksgiving to the Eternal Father for all that He has given to us through Mary! It is an amazing meditation to be made often - one of thanksgiving to the Father for all the good that we see around us! Without God - we would not be given life or an eternal one hereafter! He has given us His only begotten Son. He has given us an amazing Heavenly Mother to take care of us and to love His Son like no other. So when we are deficient in our love for Jesus Christ - Mary is there giving Him homage and love eternally without fail! This is so needed because we are so frail and so unpredictable but not Mary and her love for God! She is a prime example to us and we all need to invoke her assistance and her holy spouse, St. Joseph, today in giving our men - fathers and priests - all the necessary graces they need to be the men that they need to be. We need to pray for them so that we have the leadership through them to get to Heaven. It is patently obvious that our society suffers from a lack of virtuous men. Our ‘politically correct’ culture does much to denigrate the goodness of masculinity. Many men lack strong and healthy relationships with their fathers and often grow up without good male role models. Few would argue against the reality that we are plagued by a grave crisis in fatherhood. There are many vices that men fall into today, including deplorable addictions to alcohol and pornography. Regrettably, pornography is more readily available than ever due to the internet and ‘smart phones.’ This horrible vice enslaves many males at a very young age. It also devastates marriages. As a result of this crisis in masculinity, women and children suffer the most. Now, it is not enough for us to recognize these issues. We must go further and diagnose the root of the problem in order to provide a solution. It is for this reason that Kennedy Hall wrote a book called Terror of Demons. This book of course is written with St. Joseph in mind and he is to be sought for help, guidance and protection in a world that is against fatherhood. It is his hope that the book may serve as a spiritual and moral manual for men to grow in heroic virtue. Imitation of and prayer to St. Joseph will, in turn, help fashion a Church and a society with Christ-like men willing to carry their cross. Here is a link at the bottom of this article to obtain your copy or to buy one for your father, husband or son. Also a podcast link is supplied regarding the book. Have a blessed Father's Day! Good St. Joseph pray for us! Holy Mother Mary, pray for us! (Remember to check out "Consecration to Jesus thru Mary" as I write an article on the Demonic manifestation going on all over the world but especially today for those who honor Lucifer.) ![]() Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! If all of us truly knew what this day was - the world would be a different place. His Heart contains EVERYTHING the world needs to be holy! WOW! How sad is that - that the world is a mess when it could have been avoided! Even the loss of one soul to hell is an immense tragedy - it should never have happened! Why did it? One word - pride. I should have said sin but no it takes pride to sin. When we have true humility - we love, we obey, we are in union with God. This pride has caused the world to grow so cold. The devil has deceived us and we have thrown away opportunities of love. We surely do not know the intensity of the Love of God. It is a mystery. When the saints meditated upon it - they came to the conclusion that God loves us to folly. Meaning that we do not deserve it. We squander His love, we reject Him, we despise Him, we ridicule Him, we mock Him, we disobey Him. Yet---- He still loves us??? How can this be?? It is truly amazing!!! The image of the Sacred Heart is so beautiful. He is shown with a Heart burning with Love - surrounded by a crown of thorns showing that He is willing to suffer and die for us. The flames coming from His Heart show that His love never dies. His burning furnace of Love never extinguishes! This should bring us intense joy even in the midst of all this chaos! There is so much hatred and coldness today and there should not be. Where have we gone wrong? We don't even fully understand the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. He humbles Himself to be our food and He understood that He would be mistreated in that state. He would be received sacrilegiously. He would be treated like a dead object. He would be trampled upon. Yet He still subjects Himself each day to this in order for us to receive Him truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. He loves us to folly! We, who understand this, need to make reparation for this ingratitude and try to comfort Him in imitation of our Blessed Mother. His Sacred Heart is found in the Most Holy Eucharist and is the powerhouse of grace! There is enough grace to transform the world! Why is it not transformed? St. Francis deSales says that we are not saints because we do not desire to be. We are not aware of His Real Presence or His Real Love for us. We need to spend more time in prayer, adoration and reparation for the world today. May we trust in His goodness and love. May we pray to be transformed in Love! May we ask to be His Light in a cold dark world! May we ask Our Blessed Mother to pray for us! "Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus": Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof; call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism; refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy toward the children of that race, once Thy chosen people: of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life. Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be glory and Honor forever. Amen Immaculate Heart of Mary please pray for us that the world may be transformed with the divine Light and Love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! ![]() Hello Everyone: I hope you are enjoying the month of June (the best you can) and praying to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to give us strength to make it through the many threats to our world right now. The virus was a start as I posted earlier, as a beginning stage to this power grab to take over the world with a new government. Below I have the last link using Scripture to make some sense of this. This gentleman does a good job with graphics using the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation which all Christians agree on. How coincidental all of this seems to be happening? Poor Seattle, one of the first places to pass the most liberal laws in America is now the center of chaos. Is it a wonder - they would be the first to fall. Below is a video explaining how ridiculous this is and how it will gain nothing but a vaccuum for another authority to take over ---- The United Nations police! Why the toppling of our historic statues? History must be erased in order for a New World Order to take its place. And this is not happening only in our country. This is a more contagious virus than the plandemic. The steps are being carefully laid out and we will slowly be seeing ourselves in a totally transformed world. The only advice any Catholic can give is to repeat often: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - I place all my trust in you!! Go to as many Masses as you can because - the chances of our religious liberties being taken again from us are VERY HIGH! There will be no room for God in this New World Order. Pope Francis is working on a New World Religion. Ever since he was announced our Pope, he has dismantled the papacy. We saw him take away the Catholic Faith from the people of China and give them the government controlled Church --- he will have no problem in doing the same for all of us in our New Religion run and operated by the New Government. Remember - he gave us an opening ceremony last Fall before the plandemic with pagan Pachamama to ask her blessing upon this New World (this "new normal") we are about to enter into. I did not want to write about all of this during the Novena to the Sacred Heart but I felt it was necessary as we need to place ourselves and our families WITHIN the Sacred Wound of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus NOW! We need to get serious about this consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and renew it daily --- to acquire our strength to KEEP THE FAITH and ultimately die in the state of grace for eternal salvation. May we keep each other in prayer and know that the craziness you see before you is the chaos that must come before the transformation into a New World Order. Take care and God bless!! May the Hearts of Jesus and Mary pour forth their choicest blessings upon all of us to remain with the One True Triune God! ![]() Hello Everyone: During this Octave of Corpus Christi and the Novena to the Sacred Heart, we must keep our focus on the eternal life and know that this life is just a journey to the next. Each day we encounter a spiritual battleground in making the choice to accept the darkness of this world or the Light of Christ. If we keep this in perspective – we can make it through the toughest time – even to martyrdom if it is God’s Will. During this constantly changing world (and now within the Church), we must remember that God is unchangeable. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow – for all eternity. That should bring such comfort to us in a world that is constantly evolving and in constant turmoil. The sun that brings us warmth on this earth is ever changing. It is affected by the seasons, the time of day, clouds, etc. It brings us warmth and we desperately need it but……it is of the earth. Not so with God, as St. James says (1:17) "Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration." He repeats what the Psalms teach us: “In the beginning thou did found the earth; And heaven is the work of thy hands. They shall pass away, but thou shall abide, And all things shall grow old like a garment. Like raiment thou changest them, and they are changed; but thou art the same, and thy years have no end.” (Ps 101:26-28) God’s wisdom is unfailing, His holiness unchanging and His power is eternally limitless. His love and happiness eternally undimmed and always burning bright from the flames of His Most Sacred Heart. God never fails; His goodness is unchangeable. Men fail. Men turn away from the light of Jesus Christ and choose the darkness and close their hearts to God’s grace and love. Like prideful Satan, they want to be self-sufficient (God themselves). It would be wise to be humble instead of prideful. St. Teresa of Avila says that humility is truth. We are creatures and God is the creator – plain and simple truth. God the Creator’s realm of love and grace comprises innumerable wonders incomparably surpassing those of the world of nature. Why would anyone want to trade those in for what man or nature can procure on their own? All the miracles, the entire Church Militant and all the sacraments and their affects on the soul are gifts of the wonders and love which come from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...... He loves us to folly, say many of the saints! We can go beyond God’s earthly wonders and think of Heaven. Many do not think upon Heaven or hunger for it but this is not the Will of God for He wants us to hunger and long to be with Him for all eternity in the glorious city of Heaven. It would do us all good right now to think of how all the citizens of Heaven are forever freed from tribulation and showered with countless blessings! Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor human heart understood what it is that God has in store for those who love Him. He has opened Heaven for all of us with His Most Precious Blood on the Cross. We are only called to humble ourselves to obey Him in all things and to Love Him with our whole heart mind and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves. The intense Love of the Most Sacred Heart is the reason for our being and the reason He died for our sins so that we could be with Him for all eternity. We will never merit Heaven – it is a gift but it comes with a condition – to Love Him! St. Augustine says, “Heaven and earth and all things contained therein, cease not to tell me that I should love my God.” Do we love our God? Do we love Him above ALL things? Do we keep His Presence throughout our day so that we give Him thanks and glory for EVERYTHING and at all times. This would bring us great joy and great graces during a time in history when the world is growing stone cold. How foolish to think we can do anything without Him – yet that is what the New World Order is all about. Our technology is “so great” that they want to replace God with it. God created us and loves us. The computer did not. Our life can only have true meaning and grace if we give God EVERYTHING – our love, our possessions, our family, our wealth, our career – our life! He will give us eternity with Him! We have to make a choice – do I want to be ruled by man and be forced to give him homage or do I want to be ruled by God’s grace and love and only give Him thanksgiving and love? I pray we make the right eternal choice . May we pray for our children that they make the right decisions with their free will. May we love God above all things and LONG for our life with Him in the Eternal City of Heaven! Cheer up!!! We are almost home!! May we pray to help others to get there as well! Immaculate Heart of Mary – pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for You! ![]() Hello Everyone: Thursday, June 11th is the Feast of Corpus Christi. Some Traditional Orders will celebrate this great feast on this day with the proper Mass and Procession -- others will celebrate it this Sunday which was started after Vatican II for what reason I do not know - I can guess that it will make it easier for people to get to Mass and not miss the feast day. Tomorrow starts a Nine Day Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The feast day falls this year on Friday, June 19th. I have links below to the prayers, novena and promises of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I have also posted a letter by Archbishop Vigano which is posted on The Remnant site. It is very telling as to where we are today in the Church and why. It is easy to see now the damage that resulted. After reading this, I beg all to pray for the Mystical Body of Christ during this Novena. We are seeing our world being transformed right before our eyes and it is only the beginning. Our own Archbishop here in Detroit has announced "Parish families" to begin at Advent 2020. This means the 200 parishes remaining will be consolidated into families of only 70. What will 10 more years bring? Will there be a parish for our children or grandchildren to go to? Our Lady of the Rosary Library website is a great site and I posted it below. There is a link for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart for our homes and this is very critical - very critical today to have EVERY home consecrated - our own homes, children's homes and extended family and friends. We are living in critical times and this consecration brings tremendous graces. Let us keep the faith and pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus during this trying time in history so that we can remain faithful and true soldiers of Christ! May we keep each other in prayer. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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