Hello Everyone: We are in the Novena of St. Therese - a great lover of God and of souls. She had an amazing understanding of God's love because she understood the Little Way to God's Heart and that is littleness - humility. Humility is Truth - knowing who we are in the eyes of God. We are the creature and He is the Creator. The gardener can sow the seeds and water them but only God can make them grow. She realized that all comes from God and goes back to God. In the passage below we see this and we see that she feels called to give herself as a victim of His love. This is very similar to St. Louis deMontfort in his teaching of holy slavery - to give all in order to receive all. She states the following: "O Jesus! Let me in the excess of my extreme gratitude, let me tell you that Your love is utter foolishness... How can You not expect my heart to throw itself upon You? How could my trust have any bounds? I am too little to do big things... and my particular folly is to hope that Your love will accept me as a victim. Some day, my adored Eagle, I know You will come and fetch your little bird and, carrying it off with You to the Fireside of Your love, You will plunge it for all eternity into the burning abyss of that Love to which it has offered itself as victim... O Jesus, how I wish I could tell all little souls how ineffable is Your condescension...I feel, were it not impossible, that if You found a soul weaker, lowlier than mine; it would please You to fill it with still greater favors provided it abandoned itself with complete confidence to Your infinite mercy." "Jesus takes pleasure in showing me that the only pathway that leads to this Divine Furnace, that pathway is the abandonment of the small child who falls asleep without fear in the arms of the Father." Isn't it so sad that as short as life is - many do not seek God as we should. We could find Heaven on earth if we just knew that if we humble ourselves into His hands - we could receive an infinite - unending LOVE! This is why Therese and many of the saints claim that God's love is foolishness - it is not just - we do not deserve this gift and yet He is willing to give us His Kingdom as His heirs! Can we even comprehend this Love? Do we know what He suffered by humbling Himself and taking upon His shoulders our cross? He was GOD!! --and yet we dare to be filled with pride - an enemy of our soul that we should do all in our power to keep out! Do we even try - or are the tinsels of this life in the way - distracting us from the true Treasure? We give away our Precious Gold for tinsel! I would call that foolish! I will end with St. Therese's remark claimed to have been made around the age of six! "I loved God very much and offered my heart to Him very often, making use of the little formula Mother had taught me." This prayer was: "My God I give You my heart; take it please so that no creature may possess it, but You alone Good Jesus!" May we pray for this Love - May we pray for this Love to be given to ourselves, our spouses, our family and our friends! May we pray for our country and the world as we teeter on the brink of a Third World War and an Economic Collapse that the world has never seen before. May we trust in the love of God and know that it is our final destiny as things get heated up in the world and we begin to go through the trial of losing hope. May we not lose hope in God - He is All - what more do we need!! Our life is a grain of sand against all the sands of all the beaches of the world - and even that doesn't equal eternity! Know where you are going and Who has offered His Life and Kingdom to you! Accept this Precious Treasure now and share it with others. This is the gold we should be investing in - the government will only confiscate the real gold so many are storing up for this great Chastisement allowed by God Who is so greatly offended by the pride and hate that fills so many! Our Lady of Mt Carmel - pray for us! St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face - pray for us!!
Hello Everyone: We are still in the Novena to sweet little St. Therese who is ever so real and so willing to help us with her prayers. All the saints in Heaven are looking down on this pitiful world just waiting for our prayers so that they can intercede for us. Those are the conditions. We have all the help we need at our side - throughout our life and to its final end! God is so good. We must not get discouraged with Satan's minions. We have the saints to cry out for us and we have Our dear Blessed Mother to watch over us and guide us as She has done throughout the centuries and at times with great miraculous intervention. We must not give up hope. God is God! Two great saints that knew of this love and Heavenly help were St. Joan of Arc and St. Therese. St. Therese loved St. Joan of Arc and for good reason. Not because both were from France; but because St. Therese saw the heroism of this little 14 year old Joan. Of all the people in France, including generals, soldiers, men and women, God chose little 14 year old Joan to lead the army of France to victory from the English. WHY? It seems a huge mystery but for true contemplatives - it is not. In all of France, God had to stoop down to a 14 year old girl because she PRAYED! Yes, she already had a divine union with her God and had already experienced mystical gifts which only come from advanced prayer. He could trust her to listen and to give ALL TO GOD! Wow - that seems easy enough - not really!! Do we listen? Do we take heed ? Have we obeyed Our Blessed Mother's commands for this century? Do we give God all glory --- or do we pat ourselves on the back or worse - pat someone else's back. No - ALL BELONGS TO GOD because ALL COMES FROM GOD. Saint Joan of Arc rallied the soldiers with these words, "Men will fight and God will give the victory!" Can we use these words again? WE BETTER!! St. Therese was enamored by St. Joan's love, obedience, trust and courage and prayed that she too could have these virtues! All of these can apply today in our spiritual battles we live in and encounter each day. St. Therese looked up to St. Joan and actually prayed for and received also these same virtues from God to acquire the same goal ---- The glorification of God by accomplishing His will! I feel in my heart that St. Therese accomplished more than St. Joan. She won for Jesus not a mortal crown such as King Charles received in France through St. Joan but St. Therese crowned our Lord and Savior with many souls for His Kingdom! He will pull back the veil of time at the Final Judgement and show Little St. Therese all the souls she has helped with her prayers and intercession and her example. Will we have souls to present to Jesus at the final Judgement? Let us imitate these two great saints and have tremendous courage, trust and love in the face of these difficult times we now face. God is God - He already won the victory which is why St. Joan went on the battlefield with such confidence! We must be like these two humble saints and not count on ourselves but trust solely in God! St. Teresa of Avila describes humility as truth - truth that we are the creatures and God is the creator. We must live each breath knowing that these little breaths are gifts from God. Everything around us is from God and belongs to God. Having this knowledge and entering into our daily battlefield will help us to offer ALL to God. And as we get wounded in this spiritual battle between Good and Evil, let us not lie on the ground wounded and motionless; but let us be like St. Joan and demand to take up our banner with the names of Jesus and Mary and get back on our horse and march right back into battle and fight until our final breath is taken from us! I will end with the great piece of wisdom that God's ways are not our ways. The example of these two young women as examples of great courage and strength go against worldly ways. In the face of the problems we see in the Church - we need today more heroic souls. Let us pray that God will let rise the most incredible saints that the Church has ever seen. Let us pray for our Pope and all the men in our Church, for President Trump and this country, for Judge Kavanaugh and our Supreme Court, for our families and friends. May we all stand before God someday knowing we were always soldiers on God's side. Let us fight for souls for His Kingdom! If it takes crucifixion or a burning at the stake - let us know who went before us and where we are going! God bless!! Our Lady of the Rosary pray for us. Good St. Therese pray for us! Heroic St. Joan pray for us! Hello Everyone: Today is the feast of St. Padre Pio but since it falls on a Sunday - it will not be observed. Nonetheless, we will look to him for prayers and guidance during these times of great trial in the Church. He was first and foremost a victim soul who suffered for the Church and shared in the sufferings of Christ. We look to him for encouragement in our call to make and offer reparation for our sins and the sins of the world. I have used the letter posted below once before but we will look at it again because it shows the seriousness of the crimes committed in the Church. This proves that they are not new but I believe today that they are more prominent because of the lack of grace that exists in the Church today. We have fewer priests, fewer nuns and fewer holy Catholic families. The world has grown cold. Not to mention the 50 year old banal New Mass that has been celebrated everywhere instead of the Latin Mass. Here is the letter of St. Padre Pio for all to read and meditate upon. May we too be called to make reparation - reparation - reparation! God bless and may Our Blessed Mother help us to be great saints by giving us a share in the sufferings of Christ. Hello Everyone: I hope all are well. The news each day gets more dismal. I just checked "LifeSite News" and every one of the articles is so very depressing. What is happening to people. The light of God is growing dimmer by the day. I can not help but think of St. Therese during these times, not only for the priests but for the people as well. She had in her heart a strong desire to set the world on fire for the love of Christ. She wanted to plant the cross of Christ on every soil of the earth so that we may be a giant flame of love for God and His Goodness. It saddened her sweet little innocent soul to read in the book - "The End of the Present World" by Father Charles Arminjon (Available on Amazon) that the love of God would grow very cold in the end times. It makes sense that she should be known as saying: "WHEN I DIE, I WILL SEND DOWN A SHOWER OF ROSES FROM THE HEAVENS, I WILL SPEND MY HEAVEN BY DOING GOOD ON EARTH.” Here is a Novena to St. Therese to use each day starting Sept. 22 until October 1st - Her Feast Day. This novena is the 24 Glory Be Novena (honoring the years of her life) which I find beautiful. If we were to meditate on just this little prayer - it would be enough! Say each one with reverence for all those who do not give love to God - it will bring tears to your eyes! I will try to post as much as I can about this amazing saint until her Feast Day. God bless and may we pray that she will ask the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to send down trillions of roses so that this cold earth may be imbued with God's Love! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Therese - pray for us!! Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. I thought I would present something regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in light of all the scandals regarding the priesthood. A holy priest to focus on is Padre Pio. We celebrate 100 years since Padre Pio's Stigmata this month. He received it in September of 1918 and he suffered with the stigmata for 50 years. It is quite interesting that he dies in September of 1968 and in April of 1969 the "New" Mass is introduced into the Church. I have never read anything correlating the two but it makes sense that he suffered 50 years for this apostasy. It would be an interesting theory that in the year 2019 - the "New" Mass will cease and hopefully leave us with the Tridentine Mass (although sadly this may possibly have to be celebrated underground). Considering the possibility of certain dioceses going bankrupt with these scandals as well as resignations of certain priests, bishops, cardinals and possibly Pope - this could be a possibility. God only knows. Here is a talk regarding the Holy Cross and Padre Pio. Have a blessed Feast Day. Hello Everyone: Today is Mary's Birthday and a day we can all celebrate! I would like to start with the joyful news that my little grand-daughter was born yesterday - September 7th, the vigil of such a beautiful feast, and we are greatly blessed to be given this date by God. God has already favored this little one by giving her such a date. Her name is Noelle. Thank you for the prayers that were asked for, both mom and baby are doing well - just a bit tired. In the Angelic Salutation we address Our Lady by saying, "Holy Mary"! We repeat the words day after day and even hurry over them, but do we think of the true meaning and the sublime force of these words as we are addressing the most highly-favored of the children of God! Who can appraise the holiness of the one chosen to be the Mother of God? What must have been the sanctity of Her who would be the only near relation of the Blessed Trinity? What graces must have adorned the soul of Her who was divinely chosen to care for the Divine Child as He grew in wisdom and grace! Our Lord Jesus Christ is Mary's Son. Our Lord's human actions possessed a special sanctity because they were the actions of One Who was God Himself. And all of Mary's thoughts, words, and actions, all of Her desires and longings of Her Immaculate Soul were influenced by Her Immaculate Conception and Her union with Her Divine Son. Her entire life, as well as its various details, take their value from this union. She is God's Mother! We can not comprehend the richness of grace and sanctity that must have been and still is Hers. No wonder She was honored with Her Assumption! No wonder She was exalted by being crowned Queen of both Heaven and Earth with a crown of twelve stars! During Her entire life, She has been asked to intercede for us. What words can tell the full force of Mary's power of intercession? Mary gave to God His human nature. Christ, Our Lord, was born of Her; flesh of Her flesh; blood of Her blood; bone of Her bone. Our Lord is Mediator by His own right and merits; but we have secondary mediators - that of the saints and God has given Mary a special rank among those saints as being their Mother as well. She has been appointed by God to be the Mediatrix of all grace. She intercedes for us. She pleads for us. May we thank God for such a beautiful Mother and for being an All Wise God Who knew we needed Her! It is only right that we should on Mary's birthday talk about the privilege and reason for Her birth. She would want it no other way. Jesus was Her life. The sublime fact that She gave God everything including Her virginity is so sublime. God is so good that He could arrange for Her to offer Her virginity and still allow Her to be the Mother of God. We read in Holy Scripture that there is a song which is sung only by the virgins in their Heavenly home. We are told that they "follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. They are purchased from among men, the first fruits to God and to the Lamb." (Apoc. 14, 4) This is so beautiful to meditate upon in light of the scandals that we see plagued in the Church today. May we pray especially for the Church! St. Bernard writes: "No one will doubt that this song shall be sung by Her who is the Queen of Virgins, and that in this singing She will take the lead. But it seems to me, that, besides this song in which all the virgins join with their Queen, there is another more sweet and more sublime with which she alone shall gladden the City of God. No one else, even among the virgins, shall be found worthy to utter the melodious modulations of this second song. This is a right which belongs to Her alone who, alone among virgins, rejoices in being a mother, and in being the Mother of God. But She does not glory in herself; rather only in Him to Whom She has given birth. She glories in the Lord Who has made Himself Her Son, and Who, having prepared a singular glory for His Mother in Heaven, willed also to endow Her on earth with a singular grace whereby, in an ineffable manner She might conceive and bring forth without prejudice to Her virginity. For the only nativity worthy of God was that which made Him Son of the Virgin, as the only Motherhood worthy of the Virgin was that which made Her Mother of God." (Super Missus Est, Hom, 2, 1) Thank you St. Bernard for your love of God and Our Lady! What an example you are for today and may none of us Catholics lose hope and find ourselves despairing over what is happening in the Church today. We have the saints - they are real and they hear our prayers. We were made for Heaven not this earth. Let our hearts and minds be lifted to Heaven. God will not be defeated. We are living in amazing times. It is time for true heroism and we are called to be those heroes. Let us lift our hearts and minds to God and beg Him through the intercession of our Queen and Mother and all the great saints before us to help our Church, its priests and its laity. May we rise from this calamity and seek holiness for ourselves and the Church. Happy Birthday sweet Mother of God, continue to intercede for us and to pray for us. May God preserve the virgins today and call more to virginity - O Holy Virgin Mother of God - we love You and we thank our Heavenly Father for You! Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of Pope St. Pius X. Here is a great article on what he did for the Church taken from Crisis Magazine. This is too good to pull it apart - here it is in its entirety. Enjoy and God bless. (There is another article newly posted under this one.) May Our Lady and All the Saints pray for us! Hello Everyone: I just came back from a week of vacation in the Upper part of Michigan. God's beauty is very great. We see this beauty and wonder how any human being can not believe that a Greater Power created all of this. We are now in the month of September already. Another year is slipping away and it will soon be December - God willing! This is the month of Our Blessed Mother's Birthday (8th), the Most Holy Name of Mary (12th) the Exaltation of the Cross (14th), The Sorrowful Mother (15th), St. Matthew (21st) and we can add St. Padre Pio whose feast day is Sept. 23rd. (During this great month, I am also expecting a new grand baby - due date Sept. 8th - Please pray for my daughter Theresa and her husband Alex as this is their first baby) I chose to write on Fatima - again! This website and our Carmelite apostolate is to promote this message - so needed today. It is a great mystery - Fatima. Why did She come? What was Her message? Did She ask us to live this message daily? Yes. We are to live the Fatima message daily. The future of the world and the salvation of souls depends upon it. No, it is not just a private revelation. The public miracle of the sun places it before ALL of us to open our hearts and minds to this message. There are so many threats in the world and in our country for socialism which may very well become hard core Communism as Our Lady predicted would happen if we do not say our daily Rosary and amend our lives. What greater peace than to find 20 minutes with your family and turn off the devices and pray the Rosary. It will bring peace to our homes so that this peace can then be experienced in the world. The eloquent but godless philosophies of today have everywhere produced a skeptical view of the value of prayer. At Fatima, Our Lady reproached us for our laxity and commanded us to pray for the conversion of sinners. Prayer is a communication with God, thoughts enlightened by the Wisdom of the Holy Ghost. It should not end with our exit from our Sunday Mass but rather permeate our very existence. There are so many little opportunities to practice the presence of God at home, in the car, at school, at the workplace, at the store. This kind of praying along with little daily sacrifices is what Our Lady requested at Fatima. This type of living will appease the just wrath of Almighty God. The power of prayer is our only protection against the fury of Satan and the threat of communism to the world. We have a great deal of work to do with Our Lady, for She looks pleadingly to those who enjoy the grace of Her special protection. This special protection is promised in the wearing of the Brown Scapular which is always part of the Fatima message since She came as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on October 13th extending this Scapular to the world. Sister Lucia proclaimed that the Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable. We must use them together - always! There is a beautiful poem written by a Father Joachim Smet, O Carm that relates the Brown Scapular to the very flesh of Jesus and His seamless garment that He wore. This is so beautiful a thought that I wanted to share it. Here it is: OUR LADY'S GARMENT Beneath the dripping cross the soldiers pause In wonder at the work of Mary's hand; The God She clothed with Her own flesh had caused No comment, but his cloak was in demand. For only She could make a robe so fine--- Without a seam from top to bottom spun; In all the length and breadth of Palestine No man was clothed as well as Mary's Son. Mother, I know that you remember still The little human ways of making things, And in the Father's home above, your skill Fills with surprise those that are clothed like kings. Sweet thought! This blessed day I stand arrayed Like Jesus, in a cloak my Mother made! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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