![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... Hello Everyone! We are nearing the end of June and our great celebration of this free land of America is coming upon us. Are we free? Do we still have a Constitution? Do we still have law and order? Do we have the morals and values of the founding fathers or early Americans? Do we have the faith of our ancestors who came to America to practice that faith? Well...this article is not exactly about all of that but I must say that the answers to all the above questions is no. And because it is no...Judgement is on America and Judgement is on the world. I will post the craziness going on in the Catholic Church later; but at the moment... I felt it was important to share this. In the below links...this is what the globalists who have a "Climate" crisis are doing....well, some of what they are doing. I would cause you to pass out if I included it all. This is only the land aspect, not the food, not the water, not the air, not the plants, not the humans, not the animals.....AND NOT THE FAITH....just the land in this article. I hope you view the below links as I have them posted and possibly share these with people (sheeple) who may have their heads in the sand. May we repent of our sins and turn ourselves back to God and pray for those who WILL NOT! Judgement is already upon this world....but in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph and the world will love God again. We may have to experience a chastisement and much suffering but we must always live in great hope and love! Continue to offer prayers of reparation and acts of love to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for yourselves, your families and the world! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... We are still in the month of the Sacred Heart....June. Satan and his minions have declared it something different....in fact the opposite...something very evil with grave consequences. Reading reports from some exorcists; when a person is about to perform a perverted sexual sin...even the demons look away because it is so grotesque! This is where we are folks. We are being attacked LIKE NEVER BEFORE! What does that mean for us?? Do we comply? Do we roll up our sleeves to the next experimental injection to get on a plane? Do we buy the propaganda fed to us by the media? Do we watch Trump get thrown into prison while Fauci and Biden continue in their crimes? Do we watch voting around the world get stolen and given to criminals that will fulfill the UN and WEF agendas for world dominance? On and On we can go.....and there is more! Below is a powerful speech done by a powerful lawyer trying to wake up the masses. I think we all need to listen and take heed BUT ALSO TRUST IN JESUS! HIS SACRED HEART HAS ALL THE GRACES NEEDED TO MAKE ALL OF US SAINTS.....WE JUST NEED TO ASK HIM....AND ASK HIM THROUGH OUR BLESSED MOTHER WHO CAN ACQUIRE MORE THAN WE DESERVE!!! May we continue to honor the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and trust in His Love and Mercy because we need to be brave and we need to stand up against tyranny. THINGS ARE GOING TO GET WORSE! We can only prepare ourselves by placing ourselves into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and doing our share when the time comes. MAY WE NOT BE COWARDS! (Homily and talk below to encourage us!) We should do the following..... Enthrone the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in our homes Have a prayer life/rosary/meditation/spiritual reading Go to Mass and/or make Spiritual Communions Penance, Acts of Reparation (Fatima Prayers) and Sacrifice Night Reparation of one hour (9 PM - 6 AM) Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Appearing to St. Margaret Mary, Jesus solemnly declares the unspeakable love of His Heart, and says, “My Divine Heart is so passionately in love with men, and with you in particular, that not being able to contain in itself any longer the flames of its ardent charity, it must pour them out through you…Behold this Heart which has loved men so much, which has spared nothing, going so far as to exhaust itself and consume itself in order to show them its Love…” Most of the complaints made by our Lord refer to the Holy Eucharist. “And instead of thanks, all I get from most men is ingratitude, scorn, irreverence, sacrilege and coldness that they show me in this sacrament of Love. What is still harder to endure is that this comes so often from hearts consecrated to me.” “I thirst, I so ardently thirst to be loved by men in the most Blessed Sacrament, that this thirst devours me and yet I find no one who tries to slake my thirst by giving me some little return of love for Love.” The saint says, “I felt much sorrow at the thought that this Bread of Love was eaten unworthily, particularly after He showed me the degrading treatment He received in a certain soul, where I beheld Him as though bound, gagged and trampled upon. He said to me in a sad voice, “See how sinners mistreat and despise me.” “My daughter, I have come into the heart which I myself gave to you, so that by your fervor you might make up for the injuries I receive in so many tepid and cowardly hearts which dishonor me in the Blessed Sacrament.” We also see in the words of Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary, His dismay for the lack of reverence in His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus reproached St. Margaret Mary most severely for her lack of respect and attention when she was in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, especially during the time assigned for the Office and for mental prayer. We too are all guilty of talking in Church. We show little reverence in His Presence in the Church….especially when we are there for sacraments such as First Holy Communion and weddings. When we show up for funerals, everyone is congregating with each other and not with Our Lord Who is in their midst. When we receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, are our souls clean? Do we make an act of Contrition and frequent the Confessionals? Do we treat Him like a dead object after receiving Him in Holy Communion or do we converse with Him and give Him acts of Love and Reparation immediately following the act of receiving Him? We have so much to make reparation for. There is so much going on in the world and in our country against the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the transgenders and human trafficking and blasphemies that we see all around us. This post today is a focus on ourselves. Are we not part of this sorrow toward the Heart of Jesus. Do we treat Him like King ALWAYS! Let us examine ourselves and make reparation and make it often. May we, like our Blessed Mother, offer ourselves and all that we do as an act of Reparation for the sins of the world! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Happy Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! Thanks to all of you for prayers for my daughter Margaret and her now husband Levi. Their wedding day was beautiful and may God richly bless their marriage with many graces! Jesus has shown His Love by giving us His Most Sacred Heart as a symbol of that Love. Our first Valentine! I will write more on this tomorrow but for today, I will list the 12 Promises of His Most Sacred Heart. May we meditate on these today. May we give our hearts in return for His Love! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You, have mercy on us! 12 PROMISES OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS!!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I am posting this before the feasts of Corpus Christi and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. My daughter is getting married out of state on June 10th so I will be away from writing on this website. Please pray for Margaret and Levi! Thank you! This Wednesday, June 7th starts the Novena to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (below). This is one of the most powerful means of reparation we can make for the sins committed against His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist and at the same time is toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is very sad that these sins are happening but at least we have a means to make reparation as best we can for these sins which are.....but not exclusively......receiving and distributing Jesus with indifference and not love, people receiving in mortal sin, politicians promoting abortion, receiving in the hand, distributed by the unconsecrated, priests who are in grave mortal sin, Black Masses, desecration of the Host in many many ways over the centuries. It was to a Visitation nun named St. Margaret Mary who was given the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and also the request to make a Holy Hour each Thursday night in reparation for all the ingratitude and sins of the world. Thursday is the day chosen by Christ to give us the gift of Himself in the Most Holy Eucharist and also the ministerial priesthood (His victim souls for the Church), These are so related to each other. This Thursday, June 8th, is the Corpus Christi Feast day in which we celebrate Jesus truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament with Mass and Processions! Please try to find one near you! It is a great opportunity for us to celebrate this great gift of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of Love. The Holy Eucharist and the Most Sacred Heart are one and the same. The act of devotion to the Sacred Heart is one of love and atonement. The love of Jesus is dishonored by the ingratitude of men, as He Himself declared in the third great apparition to St. Margaret Mary: “Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself, in order to testify its love. In return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrileges, and by the coldness and contempt they have for me in this Sacrament of Love.” Then He asked her to atone for these acts of ingratitude by the ardor of her own love: “My daughter, I come into the heart I have given you in order that through your fervor you may atone for the offenses which I have received from lukewarm and slothful hearts which dishonor me in the Blessed Sacrament.” This Novena to the most Sacred Heart is very powerful. This feast always falls within the Octave of Corpus Christi and therefore falls on a different calendar day each year. The relation of the Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi are one and the same. Therefore, Jesus specifically asked that this feast of the Sacred Heart be placed where it is to St. Margaret Mary in order to show mankind that the love He bears for mankind is found in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. This is very beautiful and should increase our love for the Sacred Heart and for Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist. May we increase our Holy Hours especially on Thursday nights if possible. May we participate in this Novena to the Sacred Heart and spread the devotion of the Most Sacred Heart with this Novena, our Holy Hours of Reparation, our participation in the 9 First Fridays, as well as wearing Sacred Heart Badge if possible. God bless all and may we keep each other in prayer (and Margaret and Levi). May Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us to draw closer to Her Son's Most Sacred Heart with intense fervor and love! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... June is upon us! We are truly in a crisis state in the world and in the Church! I am not going to list all the issues going on because I think most of us know them. The world is about to enter into a Great Chastisement by God. How God will inflict it upon the earth such as in the days of Noah or in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah is unknown...but we can sense they are near. Regardless....Reparation for all of these crimes needs to be made. I have just been meditating on the fact that the scourging of the Body of Christ....His Church....is very similar to the actual Scourging of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Passion. We are witnessing His Church being mutilated. The Blessed Mother and all those who followed Her were in a state of prayer and reparation at the time of our Lord's Passion. We too, need to be in a state of prayer and reparation at this time......especially during this month of June which we will be witnessing blasphemous actions against the Hearts of Jesus and Mary because the devil has reign today with so many souls buying into his deceits.....including some of our own loved ones. We also need to remember that the month of June is usually the month where we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi. The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus falls within the Octave of Corpus Christi. Reparation for sins committed against the Holy Eucharist are sins against the Sacred Heart because they are one and the same. This is why He has given us these two feast days within an octave of each other. Because of this; we need to be mindful to also think about the reparation needed against the sins committed against Jesus truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament which our daily Fatima reparation prayers address. Also, I have always promoted the devotion to the Holy Face and so does Veronica Brandt in the video below. I have put a link below done by Veronica Brandt asking for prayers of reparation and giving some other suggestions as well as the Holy Face Devotions...I will list them here below. Of course, we are not expected to do all of these but please choose what will fit into your schedule and please be conscious of all the sins and blasphemies that need reparation today. May we all live in imitation of our Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary by living a life of prayer, penance and acts of reparation. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! LIST OF MEANS OF PRAYER AND REPARATION.... Litany of the Sacred Heart Fatima Prayers of Reparation Apostles Fast -Mon. after Pentecost Octave Jun 5 thru feast of St. Peter & Paul Jun 29 Holy Face Prayers A prayer to add to our collection of prayers... Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and all of the instruments of His Holy Passion that Thou mayest put division in the camps of Thine enemies for as Thy Beloved Son has said, "A kingdom divided against itself shall fall." |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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