Hello Everyone: I hope all had a great Corpus Christi Feast day whether you celebrated it on the traditional day of Thursday or yesterday. Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament should be celebrated always. I spoke to my sister yesterday about my Dad's condition and in conversation, she mentioned that the Church she went to in the northern part of Michigan did not have any special celebration for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and in fact she said that the priest who distributed the Sacred Host to her was very irreverent in the way he did so. Very very sad!! We are truly living in a cold and tepid time of history for our Catholic Church! Below is an article about a saint who lived in America and is now incorrupt for his love and dedication to Our Blessed Lord. I hope you enjoy it. Many have never heard of him. Oh how we need to dig up the history of these priests and present them to a crying America and to the priests out there who need a boost in their own faith. I am leaving for Washington DC tomorrow and will be back next Sunday. I will not be adding anything to this website. I hope you choose to frequent my archives for articles posted last year. There are many. Someday, I will update the website so that it is easy to navigate according to subject matter. I am going to see my dying friend of so many years. Pray that Our Good Lord Jesus will grace her with eternal life this Friday - the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!! (I am not asking much - but if you do not ask - you do not get! - Please pray with me. Thank you - thank you and God bless!!) Today I would like to share with you the life of a heroic priest found here in the United States. He was born in Germany on the feast of Our Lady Aug. 15th, 1867 and received the Franciscan Habit and took his simple vows on Dec. 8th, 1887. He was ordained on July 26th, 1891. Father Heinrichs was first assigned to Croghan, New York where a large fire destroyed church buildings. Within two years a church, a monastery, a school and a convent stood where there had been but ashes. By God’s grace and donations of $200,000, Fr. Heinrichs saw to it that the buildings were replaced. When that was accomplished, he was sent back to Paterson NJ as pastor and vicar of the monastery. In 1907, he soon became superior of the monastery and pastor of the parish of St. Elizabeth in Denver, CO. He had already been a priest for 16 years. On the Sunday morning of February 23, 1908, an Italian immigrant that was a member of a secret society of anarchists named Giuseppe Alia entered St. Elizabeth’s Church in Denver, with a revolver hidden under his coat. The 6 o’clock Mass was being offered. Alia waited until time for Communion, then went to the rail with the others. When the Host was placed on his tongue, Alia spat it out, then shot the priest in the heart. Still conscious, Father Leo swayed for a moment, reached the foot of the altar of Our Lady and managed to place the ciborium safely upon it. Then he fell to the floor, helpless. Some of the Particles dropped from the ciborium, and the dying priest made an effort to pick them up, though he had not sufficient strength. In a few moments, two other friars came running in. One gave Extreme Unction and the other gathered the other two hosts that Fr. Leo could not reach. Only a few days before his death he had declared in a sermon to the young ladies of the Blessed Virgin’s Sodality: “How sweet it is to die at the feet of Mary!” He died at the foot of Her altar. Not until after his death did even his confreres realize what a holy man he had been. He practiced remarkable penances. He knew he had a quick temper; to control it he wore leather pronged bands around his arms and waist as reminders of charity. Nobody knew this until he was prepared for burial. It was discovered that he did not use his bed, but instead slept on a plain board hidden in his room. He slept little, spending most of his nights translating spiritual books from German into English. They, too, were found after his death. Children and the sick were his constant concern. As a pastor, he insisted that the utmost care be given to the proper training of children. During a small-pox epidemic, he virtually moved into the quarantine world and spent endless hours comforting the sick and assisting the dying. But it was later that the most unusual events occurred. In 1911, his remains were transferred to a new grave at Paterson, N.J., and it was found that though the coffin, its trimmings and his garb had all decayed in three years, he himself was untouched by the passage of time. Then reports arrived from people who claimed their prayers had been answered directly through his intercession. The reports increased and in 1926 preliminary investigations toward Father Heinrich’s beatification were begun. There are some forty cures attested to have been gained through the invocation of Father Leo but he is still not canonized. HERE IS A FORGOTTEN AMERICAN PRIEST WHO IS GREATLY NEEDED TODAY – BOTH HIS PRAYERS AND HIS EXAMPLE!! MAY WE SPREAD THE WORD AND BEG HIS INTERCESSION AT A TIME WHEN HIS OWN ORDER (Franciscans) HAS GONE CRAZY! OUR LADY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT- PRAY FOR US! GOOD ST. FRANCIS – PRAY FOR US AND YOUR ORDER! At a funeral on Friday, Feb. 21, 1908, Father Leo offered this thought in his eulogy — "Death may come at any time and under peculiar circumstances. We must live so that when the end comes we will be at peace with God, and then to us death will have no terror, but will be merely the transition to a happier life."
Hello Everyone: It is already the middle of June! My Dad is making progress. I thank you so much for your prayers. God is so good. I also have a 90 year old friend in Washington DC that I met on a retreat to a Visitation Monastery in Bethesda MD when I was a senior in high school. We have remained friends for the past 40 something years. How old I am!! She is now in her last hours and is suffering so much. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Edmonia and she has loved God so much and now He is asking her to offer up so much suffering to His Most Sacred Heart. Please pray that she will have the grace to offer all to Him during this month of June. I pray that He will take her on one of the beautiful Feast Days found in this month of His Most Sacred Heart. It was a Visitation nun named St. Margaret Mary that was given the devotion of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of a Holy Hour each Thursday night to make reparation for all the ingratitude and sins of the world. Tomorrow starts the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a very powerful Novena before the Feast Day which is June 28th, Friday. This feast always falls within the Octave of Corpus Christi and therefore falls on a different day each year. The relation of the Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi are one and the same. Therefore, Jesus specifically asked that this feast of the Sacred Heart be placed where it is to St. Margaret Mary in order to show mankind that the love He bears for mankind is found in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. This is very beautiful and should increase our love for the Sacred Heart and for Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist. May we increase our Holy Hours, participate in a Novena to the Sacred Heart and spread the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart with this Novena, Holy Hour as well as the Sacred Heart Badge which I will post again on this site. God bless!! Hello Everyone: The Feast of the Holy Trinity is tomorrow. This is a beautiful feast. The Glory Be is a prayer that is taken for granted. It is one of the most beautiful prayers if truly said with profound faith and love. Another is the Fatima prayer: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners. I am posting another treasure of a talk by Bishop Sheen. Here is a talk by Bishop Sheen on the Holy Trinity. Enjoy and God bless. ALSO: Thank you for your prayers. My Dad is home from the hospital. He is still not 100 percent but we are happy he is home. Thank you again and a Blessed Father's Day to all those who are fathers. Holy Mother Mary - please give our Heavenly Father a message of love and appreciation from your dear children here on earth. Give us the grace to love Him above all things. Hello Everyone: Hope all are well! I wish to ask for your prayers again for my Dad. He is back at the hospital with a bad respiratory virus and it is affecting his heart. Thank you! We all know that this country is becoming Godless as each day passes. I have posted previously an article on the Crisis in Christendom by Bishop Sheen. This article will be regarding our children. As we celebrate graduations and receiving of diplomas in this month of June - this talk by Bishop Sheen is pertinent for our crisis in education today. As we see so many church closings, the loss of teaching sisters and the loss of Catholic schools, we see a deterioration of the faith. Even for us that have home schooled, we send our children off to college and the devil worms his way into their thinking with the complacency of our youth. May we pray for them and teach them to pray for their own souls to remain strong during the storm of education. Also, I have posted a PDF of Bishop Sheen Holy Hour. There are many available and very good. The important thing is to set aside at least one hour before God to pray for our youth and the future of our country. Take care and God bless all through the prayers and intercession of Our Queen and Mother - Mary! Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of Pentecost! Sorry I am posting this late but I am helping a family with four beautiful children while their parents are on a weekend retreat. How I hope they will be blessed with some peace and many many graces from the Holy Ghost!! I am posting some thoughts from last years Feast Day. What does Pentecost mean? It is called the Birthday of the Church because the Apostles with the presence of Mary become infused with the love and tender gifts of God through the indwelling of the Spirit in a very powerful way similar to that of our Confirmation. We receive Sanctifying Grace at this sacrament and it is the greatest gift of the Holy Ghost! It gives to the soul a resemblance to God, corresponding to His infinite sanctity, and imprints upon it the supernatural likeness of God. Through grace, the soul is clothed in such heavenly beauty that, in comparison, all earthly beauty seems vile. The value of Sanctifying Grace cannot be expressed. St. Thomas Aquinas says, “The least grace outweighs all the riches of this world.” This is astonishing since it seems that all those around us including our own family members and friends would rather seek the things of the world than to seek and ask God for the greatest gift in the universe – Sanctifying Grace!! So what is this Sanctifying Grace that we should seek above the empty treasures of this world which we will leave behind? Sanctifying Grace makes us a friend of God. If we die in this Grace – we will be happy FOREVER IN HEAVEN! This should be everyone’s goal! We will become partakers of His Heavenly Kingdom! Now, since all the treasures of Heaven and earth are comprised in God, and God is of infinitely greater value than anything created, it makes perfect sense that if man receives God Himself as a reward for Sanctifying Grace, he must have gained infinitely more than all the treasures of the world! The soul is elevated so high by Sanctifying Grace that it becomes a true child of God. “Behold what manner of charity the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called, and should be the sons of God.” (1 John 3:1) This is the knowledge that led the saints and continues to lead the saints to give their whole lives to God in His service on this earth so as to be happy with Him in the next. Nothing compares! The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Love, proceeding from the Father and the Son. The dispensing of Sanctifying Grace is the great work of God’s love. Hell and all its inhabitants try to rob us of this precious jewel, for the fallen angels realize its value and do not want us to share in it. How often we sell this precious jewel for a trifle found on this earth!! May we pray for the grace to NEVER sell this precious jewel for mortal sin. May we pray for the grace to know that this jewel makes us richer than all the wealth the world can give. May we place ourselves into the hands of the Spouse of the Holy Ghost – Mary. May She protects us from the wiles and deceits of Satan who labors daily and LONGS TO ROB US OF THIS TREASURE!! Are we unhappy? Are we still seeking happiness? Are we not content with life? Are we anxious or fearful? The means of happiness lies in all Christians going about each day seeking the means of acquiring Sanctifying Grace with greater zeal than the worldlings go about seeking money and worldly treasures! May we go forward seeking means of Sanctifying Grace through prayer and the Sacraments of the Church in order for the Blessed Trinity to dwell within our souls more and more each day so that we become living temples of God both NOW AND FOREVER! Don’t you want the God of Love to dwell in you? PS – We are listening to the book on CD of The King of the Golden City which is an allegory for children but has much wisdom for adults that need to be reminded of what they learned once in catechism. Great holy Catholic family activity for summer months - hint - hint!! PPS - Valeria, one of these sweet children would like to wish you a very holy Pentecost! She wanted to say something to all of you! God bless!! Hello Everyone: We are in the Novena to the Holy Spirit. As we all know, the world has many problems including a possible Third World War and/or a very close Civil War within our own nation. Many of you may have discovered these talks on YouTube by Bishop Fulton Sheen. This is a series of talks regarding the problems we have in the world and especially the United States given during the Second World War on radio. They are all so filled with such amazing knowledge and insight that each one needs to be listened to more than once and taken notes on. There are only 5 of his 13 talks below on this same subject. Also two talks on Peace. They are as relevant today as they were then and he gave these during the Second World War - we are at the door of a Third World War and/or Civil War - therefore - we need to take heed to his words and at least do a daily Holy Hour. He asks very often for a daily Holy Hour for all - not just for the religious. Can you imagine our families if we did this even if we can not get the rest of the family to do it. Thank God for Bishop Sheen - How we need another! God bless and may you have a holy Novena to the Holy Spirit. God bless! Hello Everyone: This is a sad report regarding Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Please pray for the process of his canonization to roll forward. His 100 year celebration of being ordained a priest will be September 20, 2019. The Diocese of Peoria, Illinois wants the remains to be sent from New York Diocese and New York for the past FIVE years has been stalling with very expensive appeals to the Lower Court to keep his body and thwart the process. WHY???? Sheen was an American bishop who became one of the most well-known Catholic evangelists of the twentieth century. Sheen was born in 1895 in Illinois and ordained a priest in 1919 by the diocese of Peoria. He received nationwide fame after moving to New York and hosting a television show, “Life is Worth Living.” His broadcast would reach up to thirty million viewers each week, with only forty percent of his audience being identified as Catholic. Sheen died at age 84 in 1979 and is buried in the crypt in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. The New York Diocese has declared that it does not want to put forward the cause of Archbishop Sheen's canonization so Bishop Jenky of Peoria in 2002, initiated the canonization process on his behalf, which has been delayed over disputes about requests to return his body to the diocese of Peoria. The archdiocese of New York is again appealing the lawsuit over Abp. Fulton J. Sheen's remains. This makes the fourth appeal filed by Cdl. Timothy Dolan, who is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to litigate the case against Joan Sheen Cunningham, niece and closest living relative to Sheen, with legal rights over his body. Hundred of thousands of dollars over the past 5 years disputing this - seriously?? WHY?? Are we Catholic?? Are we not frugal with our money?? Are there no poor?? Well - I am going to speculate on this one. Some comments have been made that Archbishop Sheen was Catholic and the new thinking today is-- well --- let's say a bit less than Catholic. Therefore, the leaders do not want to put him forward as an example for us all. All True!! But I believe Rome has a play in this. I believe Cardinal Dolan is getting his prompts (and maybe his money) from the hierarchy in Rome for other reasons. WHAT ARE THEY? THIS IS WHY --- There was no greater voice against Communism and Socialism than Bishop Sheen. Pope Francis and company are with the United Nations in trying to establish a one world government with a one world Church. Bishop Sheen, with his talks and writings, does not support this view - to say the least! I believe with all this fuss and all this money - this has got to be the biggest stumbling block for "our leaders" in the Church. VERY VERY SAD!! But I believe this is the true reason. (It is also the reason we have not ever seen an explicit Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart as asked at Fatima) Some say it is a tourist related reason - yeh, well why the hundreds of thousands already thrown out the window on this. Mrs. Cunningham, the niece of Bishop Sheen is 90 years old. This fight will soon end but I hope the Diocese of Peoria will be able to win with God's grace and the prayers and intercession of Bishop Sheen. We know he is a saint but the canonization will help prod people to want to read his works again. They will discover him all over again and his Catholic mind and wit will soon win over the Catholic people (or more). No - his canonization will be detrimental to the "New Regime" and mindset of Rome. Heaven help us and may all the angels and saints pray for us! Mary - Help of Christians - pray for us. Below are a couple of links to help you understand. I also encourage you to find the book "Communism and the Conscience of the West" by Monsignor Sheen. I will do an article on this book next to give you a glimpse of how this would be offensive to Pope Francis. God bless and be sure to view the links below. |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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