![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary!! Blessed Thanksgiving!! May we give thanks to God for all that He has given to us which is EVERYTHING! Below is an article about the true First Thanksgiving! It is taken from the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE! There are more articles on the internet related to this same FACT! I thought this would be more convincing for those who might think a Catholic site would be bias. As Catholics, we should all know that the Catholic Mass is the best offering to God in thanksgiving for all that He has given to us! I hope you went to Mass this AM...if not.....tomorrow AM is the Feast of St. John of the Cross. (PS...please pray for my daughter Veronica who is 28 tomorrow. She is having a crisis of faith and I pray she comes to find the Truth in Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. St. John of the Cross, pray for her, who was born on your feast day!) Enjoy the below article and do some more homework...facinating! Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day and May God bless us all! Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament...pray for us!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Well, we are entering into some dark times in the world and rightly so.....sin is everywhere. We must live in hope because God will not abandon us. We must be faithful and pray constantly for guidance, love and surrender to His Holy Will. The reality of today is...we are no match for Satan or his servants. Compared to them, Christians are in a sorry state. There is no unity among us. We are not even sure if we should fight, and if so, for what? We are plagued with ignorance, laxity and lukewarmness. Our thinking is emotional and illogical. We are not militant. We argue amongst ourselves and rebuke the few who try to awaken us; "Leave us alone and let us sleep!"....and in the meantime, the enemy steals our Church and even our countries from us! Our Blessed Mother who was given the duty to crush the head of the serpent has been begging us for centuries to PRAY...PRAY THE ROSARY! This is stronger than nuclear bombs. Satan dreads prayer and is capable of tempting each and every one of us to sleep...we have all been there. It takes true commitment and sincere love for Our Blessed Mother to pick up that rosary and PRAY it daily and more than once a day. In sharp contrast, we see the enemy working. We see the satanists growing in numbers and the satanic rituals that we hear about...they are real. In the Secret of LaSalette is the message, "And then Jesus Christ in an act of His justice and His great Mercy will command His Angels to have all His enemies put to death. Suddenly, the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ and all those given over to sin will perish and the earth will become desert like." Do you oppose this form of Mercy? This is the only hope we have left for ourselves and for our offspring! The world today resembles a cancer patient whose days are numbered. Our Lady of Fatima offered us a preventative medicine but we refused to swallow it. Thus we have left no alternative but for God Himself to operate and cut the cancer out! A message from Our Lady to Sr. Elena Aiello: "Listen attentively, and reveal to all: The wrath of God is near. Soon the world will be afflicted with great calamities, bloody revolutions, frightful hurricanes, and the overflowing of streams and the sea...Arms most deadly will destroy peoples and nations! Clouds with lightning, flashes of fire in the sky and a tempest of fire shall fall upon the world. This terrible scourge, never before seen in the history of humanity will last seventy hours. Godless persons will be crushed and wiped out. "Be not silent, my daughter, because the hours of darkness, of abandonment, are near!" "The rulers of nations make so much ado and speak of peace but instead the whole world will soon be at war...tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world because men as at the time of the Deluge; have lost God's way, and are ruled by the spirit of Satan." "There will be frightful moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth and all the ungodly people will be destroyed! Some nations will be purified, while others will disappear entirely! ....And all this fire is not that which will fall from the hands of men, but will be hurled directly from the Angels!" (Urgent Warning from Heaven, Two Hearts Book Publishing) "Watch and pray because you do not know the day nor the hour." Matt 24:42 May we be obedient to Our Blessed Mother and pray! Pray the Rosary for peace! Below is a video on the tensions overseas....I found it important to watch because we are being deceived on all fronts...worth investigating. Caution on video....fast forward the segment when he is about to show the human sacrifice...knowing about it and watching it are two things....I advise skipping it but it is important to the information presented. May Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Today we remember all those Carmelite souls that have gone before us. May we not only pray for them today but ask them to pray for us as we journey toward Heaven to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother. On this day, the Order remembers in prayer, and confides to the loving mercy of God, all the members of the Carmelite Family who have died. On it we remember all members of the First (priests and monks), Second (nuns and sisters) and Third Orders (laymen and women) who have passed from this life and are not yet admitted to the Beatific Vision. I ask you to pray for them in union with both the Carmelites of the Traditional Observance and the Discalced Carmelites. Prayer: Lord, You are the glory of those who serve You. Look lovingly on our departed brothers and sisters, united in following Christ and His Mother by the waters of baptism and the bonds of Carmel. In your mercy grant them everlasting sight of You their Creator and Redeemer. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for them. ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Today is the feast of All Carmelite Saints...November 14th. Tomorrow is the Feast of All Carmelite Souls! I am repeating some of the info that I posted last year for us to renew and repeat which is to focus our attention on becoming saints.....as St. Teresa of Avila said...."Let us be true friends of Jesus because He has so FEW OF THEM." If we have been called to give an intense life of Love and Prayer to God, then we better give it our best shot. We need to make up for so many who do not say..."I love You to God"......day in and day out! AND THERE ARE MILLIONS!.....FOR CENTURIES! This should encourage us to be TRUE LOVERS OF GOD!! Let us be truly obedient, self-sacrificing lovers of the One Who First Loved Us! There is so much coldness in the world and it is intensifying.....may we listen to St. John of the Cross and ...."Put love where there is no love!" Let us throughout our day be as "new" lovers who throughout their day keep their thoughts on the one they love. May we be in union with Him each minute...May we offer our every move to Him. I will post below the link from this website that has daily prayers to say....may we memorize them and say them with pure love in our hearts. First, may we try to receive Jesus at daily Mass and if we can not go to Mass....let us offer Spiritual Communions...even many throughout our day. St. Peter Julian Eymard called Spiritual Communions...kindling for the fire. When we see the fire die down....throw kindling on the fire to keep our love for Jesus vibrant. May we be obedient to Our Blessed Mother and pray the Rosary daily....May we pray Her Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary faithfully (offer this in reparation for the religious who do not and in respect of Her love)...May we wear Her Brown Scapular faithfully and share this knowledge with others even if they reject this advice...maybe someday they will not! It can be a seed planted that Our Lady can nourish with grace! Let us walk in Faith, Hope and Love as true friends of Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother. May we live in imitation of Her as true Carmelites....always in the presence of Our Lord in His service and Love! God does not force anyone...says St. Teresa of Jesus, "but to those who follow Him, He gives them to drink in many ways, so that none may lack comfort or die of thirst!" May we fortify ourselves for the fight and help nourish others with our prayers of reparation. "O Mary, you gave Jesus to the world in silence and retirement; unnoticed, you shared His whole life, His works, His Passion. Teach me the secret of the interior apostolate of prayer and hidden sacrifices, known to God alone....make us saints!" Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, OCD (pray for us) Our Lady of Mt. Carmel...pray for us! Carmelite Saints....pray for us here on earth!!! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
February 2025
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