Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... Today is the Feast of the Sorrowful Mother which is also September 15th - after the Exultation of the Cross. Today is the Friday of Passion week and it falls just before Holy Week ! This is a great mystery to meditate on. Our Lady suffered so much from the time of the Annunciation and it continues until the end of our time - when sin is no more! Suffering is such a mystery - but good can come from it if we unite it to the sufferings of Jesus. We can offer this suffering for the reparation of the sins of the world and especially the Church. Good can come from this just as the Resurrection came after the Cross! Let us remain hopeful but strong in our conviction that suffering must come before victory! Below is taken from an article I had written previous but it is so beautiful that it is worth repeating.....We do not meditate enough on the pains and sorrows of our good Queen and Mother. I never spend Lent without reading of the Passion of Jesus as written by many saints. St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Fr. Frederick Faber, Mary of Agreda and Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. I will quote from the book "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" written by Anne Catherine Emmerich. This is taken from Chapter 51 - The Embalming of the Body of Jesus. "The Blessed Virgin seated herself upon a large cloth spread on the ground, with her right knee, which was slightly raised, and her back resting against some mantles, rolled together so as to form a species of cushion. No precaution had been neglected which could in any way facilitate to her—the Mother of Sorrows—in her deep affliction of soul, the mournful but most sacred duty which she was about to fulfill in regard to the body of her beloved Son. The adorable head of Jesus rested upon Mary’s knee, and his body was stretched upon a sheet. The Blessed Virgin was overwhelmed with sorrow and love. Once more, and for the last time, did she hold in her arms the body of her most beloved Son, to whom she had been unable to give any testimony of love during the long hours of his martyrdom. And she gazed upon his wounds and fondly embraced his blood-stained cheeks, while Magdalen pressed her face upon his feet. ......Magdalen did not leave the body of Jesus; but John gave continual assistance to the Blessed Virgin, and went to and fro from the men to the women, lending aid to both parties. The women had with them some large leathern bottles and a vase filled with water standing upon a coal fire. They gave the Blessed Virgin and Magdalen, according as they required, vases filled with clear water, and sponges, which they afterwards squeezed in the leathern bottles. (Notice the care of the Precious Blood - it is recounted that the angels took all of this away so that it would not remain to be trampled underfoot - as well as the Precious Blood along the Way of Calvary.) The courage and firmness of Mary remained unshaken even in the midst of her inexpressible anguish It was absolutely impossible for her to leave the body of her Son in the awful state to which it had been reduced by his sufferings, and therefore she began with indefatigable earnestness to wash and purify it from the traces of the outrages to which it had been exposed. (This account is of His Face and Head - She did this for His entire Body before the Burial and then walked away with the relics of three nails and a crown of thorns). With the utmost care she drew off the crown of thorns, opening it behind, and then cutting off one by one the thorns which had sunk deep into the head of Jesus, in order that she might not widen the wounds. The crown was placed by the side of the nails, and then Mary drew out the thorns which had remained in the skin with a species of rounded pincers, and sorrowfully showed them to her friends. These thorns were placed with the crown, but still some of them must have been preserved separately. The divine face of our Saviour was scarcely recognizable, so disfigured was it by the wounds with which it was covered. The beard and hair were matted together with blood. Mary washed the head and face, and passed damp sponges over the hair to remove the congealed blood. As she proceeded in her pious office, the extent of the awful cruelty which had been exercised upon Jesus became more and more apparent, and caused in her soul emotions of compassion and tenderness which increased as she passed from one wound to another. She washed the wounds of the head, the eyes filled with blood, the nostrils, and the ears, with a sponge and a small piece of linen spread over the fingers of her right hand; and then she purified, in the same manner, the half-opened mouth, the tongue, the teeth, and the lips. She divided what remained of our Lord’s hair into three parts, a part falling over each temple, and the third over the back of his head; and when she had disentangled the front hair and smoothed it, she passed it behind his ears." COMMENT: This is very precious - the care and love given to Our Lord by Our Lady, Mary Magdalen and the men and women who stayed to help prepare His Sacred Body for burial. I recommend this book to increase your love during this time of Christ's Passion and Death. Of all the titles given to Our Lady - and there are many - Sorrowful Mother is the one she told St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows that is the greatest of her titles. Let us not add to Her sorrows by not loving Jesus first in our lives. Let us offer reparation and offer the suffering that all of us are enduring now to appease the just anger of God for our turning away from Him and embracing sin. Let us ask Our Lady to let us know what sin is and what it is that is offending God. Let us pray that the world return back to Him Who has loved us so much as to die on a Cross and open the gates of Heaven. Our Lady of Sorrows - pray for us now and at the hour of our death! Jesus Crucified - we love You and thank You - help us to never offend You again!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Tomorrow is the Feast day of the Annunciation....the day that St. Louis DeMontfort claims is the best day to make our Consecration To Jesus Through Mary. We can make this Consecration on any feast day of Our Lady in order to put ourselves under Her protection but I will give the reasons that St. Louis gave in choosing the Annunciation Feast day. Simply....It is the day that Jesus became Man on earth in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and it is a great day for us to choose Jesus to be born in us through Mary. We know as Christians that we already belong to Jesus but this Consecration surrenders ourselves into the hands of Mary in a special way so that through the power of the Holy Spirit She may form Jesus in a more perfect way within our souls. The Holy Trinity chose the vessel of Mary to bring Jesus physically into the world. St. Louis De Montfort explains that since Jesus was brought to us physically through Mary....He is also brought spiritually to all of us through Mary. It makes sense but many refute this teaching. If Jesus humbled Himself to the care of His Mother....why would we not humble OURSELVES to the care of His Mother in imitation of Him. If we call ourselves "Christians" then we must imitate our Lord and Master. It was God’s plan to be born among the children of men, to choose a mother among the daughters of Eve and to share our humanity so that we might be partakers of His Divinity and co-heirs of His eternal Home – Heaven – our destiny! The angel said to the Immaculate Virgin Mary: “The Holy Spirit shall come upon Thee… and therefore the Holy One that is born of Thee shall be called the Son of God.” In these words, the angel made known that the Son of the Most High God had chosen a woman among the daughters of Eve, and that this humble Virgin Mary had received the incomparable office and dignity of becoming the Mother of God. Jesus is true God and true man, therefore His Mother is truly the Mother of God and therefore the Mother of us all for He is the Head of the Mystical Body and we are the members. Her position was a singular honor and this is why from the moment of her own conception, She was conceived Immaculate and endowed with supernatural gifts and grace immeasurable beyond those of any creature on Earth or in Heaven. She is the Immaculate Conception for the Church. It was God’s Will for Her to be the Mother of God and the Mother of us all; but She had to give her consent and She did of her own free will to this holy duty as well as to choose to remain spotless always. Eve was spotless but chose to sin. Mary was never tainted with sin – NEVER! Mary responded to the angel, “He that is mighty has done great things to Me… and from henceforth all generations shall call Me blessed.” Does anyone believe that God could be born of a woman who was for an instant the slave of the devil.... through even one sin? She was kept spotless and pure with singular graces so that His Tabernacle could be pure. We are talking about God – the same God that people think they can receive in their hand at Holy Communion! Only the anointed hands of a priest can touch the Sacred Host! How can anyone think that Mary was an ordinary woman born with original sin. We need to give thanks to the Eternal Father for this great gift of His Only Begotten Son and of His Blessed Mother! This is why we honor Our Lady in a particular way. She was not only chosen to bring Him into the world physically. St. Louis De Montfort says that She continues to bring Christ into the world to us spiritually. It is the will of God that all graces flow to us through Her. It is a teaching and Tradition of the Catholic Church taught by the doctors of the Church. She occupies a special role in the work of redemption. She is intimately beside her divine Son in waging war against the powers of darkness. Their Hearts beat together - ALWAYS. Her will is perfectly in union with God. Let us not make the mistake that She is equal to Her Son in this....God is above His Mother. BUT Jesus can not refuse His Mother in Her prayers and intercessions for us because of how She chose to always live in perfect union to His Will...which we are ALL CALLED TO DO...but because of our sinfulness and weakness...we fall short. Therefore, it is a wise thing to choose to be under the direction and protection of this good Mother through this Consecration. She will guide us most perfectly to Her His Perfect Will....and one day to Heaven our true home! Oh Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I have posted tomorrows information for the last week of study of this Consecration. The below information is on the Cross which is the greatest act of love done for humankind. It is a great mystery which many die never fully understanding it nor even come close to wanting to. The study of Jesus for the St. Louis deMontfort Consecration does emphasize the love of the Cross and the relation to the Holy Eucharist. Below is a little review. May we keep each other in prayer during these final days before our renewal or our first Consecration. God bless! (I listen to the book on tape of Anne Catherine Emmerich's Passion of Jesus during Lent...a suggestion for this week and the remainder of below...God bless) THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST Those who truly love Jesus want to share in His sufferings. They want to know His Heart. They want to comfort His Heart. This is who Mary is. Our Consecration will lead us to experience this sharing of the “cross”. One cannot be united to Christ if we are not united to the cross. Jesus cannot be seen in this life without the cross. It gives Jesus consolation to know that He can share this passion of horrible human ingratitude with His Eucharistic souls. It is a means of reparation. If we truly love Him and want to console Him whom we love, how can we deny Him the gift of ourselves in sharing in His passion. We must ask Him like St. Francis of Assisi to not be allowed to die without sharing in that love for the salvation of souls by uniting ourselves to Jesus' Passion for the glory of the Father. The highest love for the Father is the complete accomplishment of His Will in the perfect and personal participation by every soul in the sacrifice of Jesus. Since Mary was the only soul who perfectly accomplished this union with Jesus on the cross, it is only wise to seek to accomplish this ourselves with Her, in Her and by Her. To love the Cross, we must see Jesus on it and understand the personal and indestructible ties that bind Him to it. To love the Cross, we must experience the sweet and strong attraction which Jesus Crucified exercises over souls, as He Himself promised in John 12:32 when He said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all things to Myself.” When man is abandoned to himself, he hates pain but when the fire of the Holy Spirit burns within his soul, there is nothing he loves so intensely. It seems like madness but that madness is the madness of a God in love, who willed to die for us and who left on earth this sublime folly for us to share in. The Holy Spirit, who communicates the science of the cross and infuses love for it in souls; also gives to chosen souls a participation in it according to His loving designs. We must remember that martyrdom itself without love means nothing. Hell is suffering but it is sterile, desolate and full of despair. In order for sacrifice to have value, it must be the fruit of love and to have infinite value, it must be the fruit of infinite love. All the souls who wish to share in the sacrifice of Jesus, all who wish like Him to offer themselves to the Father in their Holy Communions must offer themselves through the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit with His Spouse, Mary who unites our poor sorrows with the infinite sorrows of Jesus, mingles our blood with the Divine Blood, nails us to the Cross with the Divine Victim and fuses our hearts with the Divine Heart of Jesus. It is important to understand that the Eucharist is the sacrifice of Calvary – the sublime mystery of the Cross. (Which is why the attack on the Latin Mass - the world (led by Satan) hates the Cross) Jesus unites with us in the Eucharist and asks us to prolong His Passion, His martyrdom, His immolation to “complete what is lacking to the Passion of Christ” Col 1:24. The crucifixion of Christ, in anyone who is His member, is fruitful, supremely fruitful in obtaining graces of salvation for souls and for glorifying the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to whom belongs all honor and glory. In conclusion, when Jesus left the earth to go to the Father, He wanted to stay with us until the consummation of the world, so He instituted His Sacrament of Love – the Eucharist. When we partake of this great Sacrament, we are called to be Eucharistic souls, like Mary. We partake in the sufferings of Christ on the cross as He cries “I thirst”. We are called to be Jesus in the world but since Jesus was formed in the Immaculate Womb of Mary, we cannot nor will we be formed by the Holy Spirit other than in this same pure Womb of our Heavenly Mother - mystically. In order for Mary to form Jesus within us, we must imitate Her loving abandonment, Her immaculate purity and her hidden life of prayer. We must always say, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Your Word.” During these trying days in the world and in the Church, may we truly be motivated to take Our Mother's hand and allow Her to lead us to the the Cross. This is why the attacks on the true Mass. Satan knows where Jesus is and how souls are saved from him. With Our Lady, we can feel confident that She will guide us through these storms. St. Louis deMontfort predicted these days and how ONLY those in the company of Mary will make it to the foot of the Cross...all others will hide in fear. St. John was the only apostle standing with Mary. She has been appointed to crush the head of the serpent! Let us make this Consecration with true confidence and complete love and surrender to the Divine Heart of Jesus.....for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.....and let us make a REAL THANKSGIVING TO THE ETERNAL FATHER FOR THE GREAT GIFT OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER AND HIS DIVINE SON WHO TOOK IT UPON HIMSELF THE SINS OF THE WORLD AND DIED ON A CROSS FOR US! WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR....AND HOPEFUL FOR! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I felt this to be an urgent matter and I wish I could get it out to as many people as possible. There is such an attack on GOOD ... HOLY ... LIFE ... LOVE! We can see this attack growing each day and we all must feel the need to want to do something. On Lifesite News there are articles of a high schooler, Josh Alexander being arrested for protesting drag spectacles and standing up against transgender idealogy IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL! This is where it is going folks if we do not pitch in and do our part. We must pray and act. I just sent a letter out is in a link below so you can get an idea of how to create one yourself. Please read, write and share with those who also feel a need to help in whatever way possible. (Even if you do not live in Michigan....this is happening all over the states). Below is the reason for all of us to write....It is a request made by Dr. Monica Miller from Red Rose Rescuers (link below). If we have ever felt that we do not do enough for the babies; well, here is our chance to do a little something. PLEASE READ AND SHARE AND ASK THEM TO SHARE...(quickly) THANK YOU!!! From Dr. Monica Miller.... "My dear Friends I am asking PLEASE PLEASE write a letter to Judge Cythia Arvant on behalf of the six Red Rose Rescuers who were unjustly convicted by a 6 person jury on Feb. 24th ! See below a summary of the trial and WHY we were convicted. Our sentencing is March 30th 8:30am (PLEASE COME!!) -- we are facing fines, community service, 90 day jail sentence -- probation etc. Of course-- all we did was try and reach out to the moms scheduled for abortion at the Northland Family Planning abortion center in Southfield, April 23, 2022-- and defended the innocent unborn scheduled for abortion. We are me-- Monica Miller, Laura Gies, Matthew Connolly, Jacob Gregor, Elizabeth Wagi and Father Fidelis Moscinski. WOW! it would be great for Judge Arvant to receive dozens of letters! Ultimately-- plead with her that we deserve no sentence at all-- abortion is the injustice -- Just because something is legal-- we know full well --even from our own American History that simply because something is legal doesn't make it moral, right or just! etc. no matter what - be respectful !! My dear Friends -- after a grueling 4 day trial this (last) week -- we -- the 6 Red Rose Rescuers -- including me -- your CPLS director-- we were all found guilty of multiple charges by the 6 person jury -- that even included a devout Orthodox Jewish woman -- who told the judge she had to be out of court by sundown for the Sabbath. OUR GREAT GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO ATTORNEY ROBERT MUISE OF THE AMERICAN FREEDOM LAW CENTER -He DID all that he could to persuade the jury, with very strong arguments why we were not guilty of trespass, obstruction of an officer, and interference with business relations. Indeed, myself and Laura Gies were at least found "Not Guilty" on this latter charge. But without a "defense of others", or a "defense of necessity" we were forced to base our case on technicalities of the law. For instance, did the off duty (that's right!) security guard Cornelius McNeal have authority over the hallway outside the Northland Family Planning killing center in Southfield to warn us that we were trespassing and told to leave??? After all, he works for the death mill, not the building owner Nick Chand. By the time we were arrested, all of us were in the hallway OUTSIDE of the death mill-- as Fr. Fidelis, Jacob Gregor and Elizabeth Wagi had already been assaulted by the security guards and literally thrown out of the death mill. But in the hallway women were still coming in for their appointments--so yes, we could still reach out to them prior to our arrests! Why are we "GUILTY"? -- because the unborn count for NOTHING! In the court of law, it's as if they don't even exist. No violence against them is recognized by the system--and Judge Cynthia Arvant certainly was not going to do anything bold to rectify this LIE! So-- we are honored to be found guilty--as we tried to help the women scheduled for abortion-- and defended the unwanted. And so, we are now in solidarity with them -- what a way to start LENT! Indeed the second day of our trial was Ash Wednesday. We all wore very obvious ashes on our forehead -- expecting that Judge Arvant would force us to remove them-- BUT ok-- she didn't !! You know, the ashes might prejudice the jury in our favor??? In any case, we would NOT have removed the ashes! Our sentencing is March 30th, 8:30am, Judge Arvant's court 26000 Evergreen Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 PLEASE COME!! And PLEASE PRAY!! Pray that at least in the sentencing-- there will be a modicum of justice !!" PLEASE make a donation to the American Freedom Law Center Finishing the 2nd Week of the Consecration...Entering the 3rd Knowledge of the Blessed Mother3/9/2023 Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I hope and pray that all are still studying the works of St. Louis deMontfort and praying for a fruitful Consecration. Now more than ever do we need such a Consecration. Times are so bad that we need to depend on Our Good Blessed Mother to keep us on the straight and narrow path to Jesus. (Link below for Consecration 3rd Week instructions as well as a Novena to St. Joseph, March 19) Below is a repeat of an article I did in 2017 but it is so moving that I will repeat it here....... St. Louis de Montfort teaches that having a devotion to Mary will lead us to Christ in the most perfect way. There are also many examples in books such as St. Alphonsus de Liguori’s. Glories of Mary, and St. Louis de Montfort’s, Secret of the Rosary that show that even having a remote devotion to Mary can be of help to the salvation of our souls. This knowledge is not to make us sloppy or careless in our love for God and His Mother, but to help us see the immense love and care Mary has for all of Her children. She is so attentive to the needs of all of us that She will ask the Father for almost the impossible if someone has showed Her the least little act of love toward Her. Here is such an example – may we foster true devotion to Her and explain to others Her great intercessory power before the throne of God. We read in the revelations of St. Bridget, that there was once a lord as noble by birth as he was low and sinful in his habits. He had given himself by an express compact, as a slave to the devil, and had served him for sixty years, leading such a life as may easily be imagined, and never approaching the sacraments. Now, this prince was about to die and Jesus Christ, in His compassion, commanded St. Bridget to tell his confessor to visit him, and exhort him, to make his confession. The confessor went, and the sick man told him that he had no need of a confessor, for that he had often made his confession. The confessor visited him a second time and that poor slave of hell persevered in his obstinate determination not to make his confession. Jesus again directed the saint to tell the confessor to go to him again. He obeyed, and this third time related to him the revelation made to the saint, and that he had returned so many times because the Lord, who desired to show him mercy, had directed him to do so. On hearing this, the dying man was moved, and began to weep. "But how," he exclaimed, "can I be pardoned, when for sixty years I have served the devil, made myself his slave, and have laden my soul with innumerable sins?" "Son," answered the father, encouraging him, "Do not doubt: if you repent of them, in the name of God I promise you pardon." Then, beginning to gain confidence, he said to the confessor: "Father, I believed myself lost, and despaired of salvation; but now I feel a sorrow for my sins, which encourages me to trust; and as God has not yet abandoned me, I wish to make my confession." And in fact on that day he made his confession with great sorrow; the next day he received communion, and on the sixth he died contrite and entirely resigned. After his death, Jesus Christ further revealed to St. Bridget, that this sinner was saved, and was in Purgatory, and that he had been saved by the intercession of the Virgin, His Mother; for the deceased, although he had led so sinful a life, yet had always preserved devotion to her Dolors (Seven Sorrows); whenever he remembered them he pitied Her. PRAYER Oh my afflicted Mother! Queen of martyrs and of sorrows, You have shed so many tears for Your Son, who died for my salvation, and yet what will Your tears avail me, if I am lost? By the merits, then, of Your Dolors, obtain for me a true sorrow for my sins, and a true amendment of life, with a perpetual and tender compassion for the passion of Jesus and Your own sufferings. Oh my Mother, by the grief You did experience on seeing Your Son before Your eyes bow His head and expire upon the cross, I entreat You to obtain for me a holy death. Ah, do not cease, oh Advocate of sinners, to assist my afflicted and struggling soul in that great passage that it has to make into eternity I now invoke Your Son and You to help me at that last moment, and I say: Jesus and Mary, to you I commend my soul. Amen. Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Happy March everyone!! We should be on Day 10 of our Preparation for Total Consecration which means on March 4th, we will begin Week 2 and I will begin to post the talk and instructions for that under Formation: Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary and will post a link below. We are one week from Ash Wednesday already and someone sent to me the below homily from Sensus Fidelium channel on YouTube. It is very excellent and much needed by all. We can get into a ritualistic mode of Lent and forget that we need a motivational love of God to fuel all our prayers and sacrifices. I like to use the instruction of Our Blessed Mother to Mother Mary Agreda from the City of God for meditation sometimes and I want to print the instructions She gave on February 2....Feast of the Purification. Please read this and in time listen to the below homily to help motivate and reignite our Love for God as we continue this Lent. Our Lady to Mother Mary of Agreda: "My daughter, one of the misfortunes, which deprive souls of happiness, or at least diminish it, is that they content themselves with performing good works negligently or without fervor, as if they were engaged in things unimportant or merely accidental. On account of this ignorance and meanness of heart few of them arrive at an intimate friendship of God, which they can attain only by fervent love. This is called fervent precisely because of its similarity to boiling water. For just as water is made to boil and foam by the fire, so the soul, by the sweet violence of the divine conflagration of love, is raised above itself and above all created things as well as above its own doings. In loving, it is more and more inflamed, and from this very love springs an unquenchable affection, which makes the soul despise and forget all earthly things while at the same time it becomes dissatisfied with all temporal goodness. And as the human heart, when it does not attain what it dearly loves (if that attainment is possible) is inflamed with ever greater desire of reaching it by other means; therefore, the loving soul, finds ever new things to strive after for the sake of the Beloved and all service will seem to it but little. Thus it will pass from good will to a perfect will, and from this to what will please the Lord still more, until it arrives at the most intimate union with Him and at a perfect conformation with the will of God. ....I sought the fullness of perfection in all my doings and it was precisely this anxiety which created in Me such a desire of excellence in all my works. Labor to imitate Me with all diligence in all that I did; for I assure you, my dear, that it is this exercise of your love, which the Most High is desiring and expecting of you....Aspire continually to the most pure and perfect in the practice of virtues and study and invent new schemes and projects of love so that all the forces of your interior and exterior faculties continue to be zealously occupied in what is most exalted and excellent in the service of the Lord." |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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