Hello Everyone: I hope you read the Ascension post that is below this. I also have one posted for the Queenship of Mary on the Total Consecration Formation Link. Today starts the Novena to the Holy Spirit before Pentecost. This is so beautiful that this starts on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary - She is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the channel by which we receive all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. I hope you can find the most perfect Novena on line for your use. I will print my favorite prayer to the Holy Spirit below. It is simple to memorize and simple to use throughout the year. It is: Come Holy Spirit into our hearts that we may love the things that are of God. Come Holy Spirit into our minds that we may know the things which are of God. Come Holy Spirit into our souls that we may belong only to God. Sanctify all that we think, say and do that all will be for the greater glory of God. Our Lady - Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. I want to include a link below from The Remnant Newspaper that was just posted yesterday. It is a message of hope for the world and a great sign that Mary is praying for us and many must be praying the Rosary. This is a great message of hope. I hope you enjoy it. God bless your day and please read my other article under Formation for the Queenship of Mary. God bless!!
Hello Everyone: I had an article ready to post today. I saved it and clicked the publish box to post it and it disappeared . I make the mistake of typing these on the website and not saving it as a document. I hope I have learned my lesson. Something to offer up! I do have a link below of a homily where a priest talks about seeking Heaven in all that we do. In Our Lord's farewell address, Jesus said to His Apostles: "In my Father's house there are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again, and I will take you to myself; that where I am, there you also may be" (John 14:2) Christ, therefore, ascended into Heaven in order to prepare a place, a home for us in the house of His Father, in His own fatherland. When we too have finished our earthly tasks, He will take us home to Himself. We are to be with Him, to dwell in the splendor of His glory, the disciples with the Master, the members with the Head. He has merely gone before us, and soon we are to follow Him. Hence St. Leo declares in his sermon for this feast: "The Ascension of Christ is our uplifting. The hope of the body is directed to where the glorified Head has gone before. Today we have become not only possessors of paradise, but with Christ we have penetrated to the heights of Heaven; through the ineffable grace of Christ we have obtained more than we have lost through the envy of the devil. For the evil enemy has driven us from the happiness of our first home, but the Son of God has made us one with His Body and placed us at the right hand of the Father, with Whom He lives and reigns for ever and ever." (Sermon 1 de Ascens) Let us today, at a time when many are losing hope at what is transpiring in the world, turn our hope and our longing to our eternal home in Heaven. "Seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God!" May we be zealous in our love for God, our labor during trials, and our strength during sufferings so that one day we may be with Him for all eternity. Our Lady, Queen of Heaven - pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints - pray for us! Hello Everyone: Today is the Traditional feast day of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. She was an amazing Carmelite mystic. She is a great example for us parents who try to pamper our children and make life easy for them. Remember that Our Lady of Fatima showed a 7, 9 and 10 year old Hell. This saint is a great inspiration for all of us at any age. Be sure to watch the link below on her vision of Purgatory. St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi was born in Florence on April 2, 1566, Mary Magdalene (baptized Catherine) was taught mental prayer when she was nine years old at the request of her mother. Her introduction at this age to this form of prayer which involves half an hour of meditation did not seem to be unusual. And yet today we often believe children incapable of all but the simplest rote prayers. At twelve years old she experienced her first ecstasy while looking at a sunset which left her trembling and speechless. With this foundation in prayer and in mystical experience, it isn't surprising that she wanted to enter a contemplative monastery of the Carmelite Order. She chose the monastery of St. Mary's of the Angels because the nuns took daily Communion, unusual at the time. In 1583 she had her second mystical experience when the other nuns saw her weeping before the crucifix as she said, "O Love, you are neither known nor loved." Mary Magdalene's life is a contradiction of our instinctive thought that joy only comes from avoiding suffering. A month after being refused early religious profession, she fell deathly ill. Fearing for her life the convent had her professed from a stretcher at the altar. After that, she experienced forty days of ecstasies that coexisted with her suffering. Joy from the graces God gave were mixed with agony as her illness grew worse. In one of her experiences Jesus took her heart and hid it in his own, telling her He "would not return it until it is wholly pure and filled with pure love." She didn't recover from her illness until told to ask for the intercession of Blessed Mary Bagnesi over three months later. Intimate union, God’s gift to mystics, is a reminder to all of us of the eternal happiness of union he wishes to give us. The cause of mystical ecstasy in this life is the Holy Spirit, working through spiritual gifts. One such gift was a vision of Purgatory and its description. This is so all of us can try to be holy and refrain from sin as best we can. After watching the link below on Purgatory's description - One might think ----what is Hell? She was called to be a victim soul - one who suffered with Christ for the sake of the world. She “made up for what was wanting in the sufferings of Christ.” Why, then, does God impose such pains on victim souls like St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi? I think it is to remind the rest of us that every sin we commit, whether public or private, inevitably imposes grave pain on other innocent people whom we would normally not dream of hurting. I can think of few better deterrents than this to avoiding sin — the thought that my sins wound both God and neighbor. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us! St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi - pray for us! Hello Everyone: We are a couple of days away from Memorial Day when we can remember the sacrifices made for our country by our service men and women. May we keep all those men and women in prayer - who have gone before us and have given their lives for us ! May God bless them for their sacrifice. What is the status of our freedom in this country? Good question. We are losing freedoms all the time in small increments. We better wake up and wake up those around us who are not realizing that socialism is creeping in and changing this nation. The link below, I felt, is a great example of true patriotism and a true sense of American pride of freedom, country and sacrifice in light of the fireworks that went off this week in Washington. This country is in a great crisis. We need to pray for this country in a big way this weekend (and always). Please remember this intention at your Sunday Mass this weekend and may we pray for the souls of all those who have given their lives for our country at war. God bless all of you and God bless America! Hello Everyone: I do not know how to begin this article. The world is getting so dark and dreary. I was just at my daughter's house who has a husband that puts the world first. The two grandsons have I-Pads to play their games on. With SO MUCH entertainment of pure pure garbage - how does anyone get educated - REALLY! How can anyone turn this **** stuff off and pray! If it is not games ... it is sports. All I can do is pray because I literally get shut down when I try to talk sense. When the "Red Dawn" comes - will our children be ready? Will they say NO to the Mark of the Beast? Will they die for Jesus if need be? Only by God's grace and prayer. The information below is not good news for a generation that lies totally asleep - Read on! The ongoing developments of Pope Francis with the United Nations and his push for a Global Government has been something the Church has been working on for a long time. Pope Paul VI was the first to appear before the United Nations after he discarded his tiara and was invited to make a speech (link below) to the United Nations claiming that this Organization is the hope for world peace!" Seriously? Since that speech and the spirit of the Second Vatican Council our thousands of missions found all over the world are now GONE. They have dissipated for a NEW WORLD ORDER of abortion, euthanasia and socialism - soon to be world wide communism. Also, I have printed part of a talk by Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira found on Tradition in Action website. This was written in the 1970's when Sister Lucia was still alive. He tries to analyze what the third secret could be - very well done considering what Pope Paul VI stated and what Pope Francis is now doing. Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira: "Another mystery of our era regards the Fatima message. At Fatima in 1917 Our Lady confided a secret message to Sister Lucy to be revealed to the world at a certain prescribed time. This secret message was linked to a public one, which she gave the three young seers. She confided the secret to Lucy, who was supposed to reveal it or give to others to reveal at a certain moment. It is a prodigiously important mission, to have a message from Our Lady. Our Lady wanted to warn mankind about some very important things. This was the reason for the secret. Our Lady left one of the seers on earth to be in charge of this secret and either speak out at the proper moment and make it known, or tell someone in authority that the moment to reveal it had arrived. I have never heard of anything like this in the 20 centuries of the History of the Church. A person received a message from Our Lady in 1917, and until today, 1977, 60 years later, the secret has not been revealed. During these 60 years, the decadence in customs predicted by Our Lady in Fatima has risen to an unimaginable degree. The Communism foreseen by Our Lady took power in Russia and spread throughout the world. And this enigmatic messenger has remained quiet. On one occasion, she did have some words to say. It was when a remarkable display of aureole borealis was visible across Europe in 1938, a year before World War II began. When this occurred, Sister Lucy from her cloister in Spain spoke out and said that this was the sign given by God that a chastisement of mankind was imminent. Then, afterwards, again she was quiet. Time is passing, world events have reached a crucial stage, but she remains silent. It is a mystery hanging over the secret. What we can realize is that a message with these special conditions must be a very important one, a key-revelation of human history. Can one at least conjecture the content of this message? Nothing forbids one from doing so. There are certain indications that lead one to conclude that this secret is an addendum to the revelations of Fatima that are already known. Both messages were given on the same occasion, by the same person to the same person. Also, several parts of the known message of Fatima are not entirely clear and seem to require further explanation. Now then, a confidential addendum to a known message normally addresses the same topic. Someone who writes a letter and adds a post-scriptum usually touches on some aspect of the letter’s topic. The unity of the revelation of Our Lady induces one to suppose that this would be the case with regard to the message she gave. These are the topics addressed in the known message: an enormous sin committed by mankind that becomes increasingly worse; a chastisement being prepared for that sin. She foretold that if mankind would convert, then “Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, Russia shall spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church; the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.” We can see that Russia plays a decisive role in the message. It brings either the reward or the chastisement for mankind. Therefore, this part leads one to think that the secret also relates in some way to Russia and its errors, that is, Communism. You can see that there is a mystery about Russia. One could suppose the secret would give a word of clarification on it. The progressivists and revolutionaries do not like to speak about Fatima. Almost no progressivist priest gives a sermon on Fatima. There is a kind of tacit prohibition to speak about it. It seems they suspect that something in the secret would oppose their movement. Do they know the secret? It is currently said that the secret is given to each new Pope to read. So, the Pope knows it, and also has the right to reveal it to anyone he chooses. To whom would Paul VI possibly have given the secret to read? We can easily conjecture that it would not be to anyone on the right. He probably revealed it to elements of the left. So, one can suppose that Progressivism knows about it and does not want to speak about it. What we have, then, is this situation: Our Lady wants the secret to be revealed; her enemies want to keep it hidden. Why does Our Lady permit her adversaries to contradict her will? A mere glance from her would suffice, and all the devils would flee in terror. An Angel could appear to Sister Lucy and open the door of her convent like the Angel that opened the door of the prison of St. Peter, and order her: “Leave this place and announce the secret.” Why doesn't Our Lady exercise her power over the Devil? Why doesn’t God send an Angel to liberate Sister Lucy? Here we have another mystery. There is a mysterious design of God whereby He allows the Devil to obscure the light of Fatima. It is an invitation for the sons and daughters of Our Lady to try to understand the secret by a reasonable analysis. This is what we are doing here. Let me go a step further. The reason for a secret to be held back with this extraordinary care must be that it is extraordinarily harmful to the enemy. What secret could be so damaging to the enemy? What things, if said in 1917, could be harmful for the Church, and if said today, could cause the defeat of the enemies of the Church? The answer to this question can shed light on the secret’s content. In 1917 Our Lady could have told Lucy to reveal the secret at that time. But she did not, because this would have damaged the Church. So, in the secret is something that was harmful to the good then, and is harmful to the evil today. What would that be? A probable answer to this question could be the decadence that has entered the Catholic Hierarchy today as a chastisement of mankind. If this situation would have been revealed in 1917, it would have caused scandal and countless apostasies. But if it were revealed now, it could certainly damage Progressivism. Imagine if this were the secret: “My children, in the near future a time will come when a weakened and disoriented Communism will lose its influence over public opinion, but it will be supported and re-installed by the Pope, Cardinals, countless Bishops, priests, and religious men and women. You must resist them! To fight for the Papacy and the Hierarchy is to fight against the bad orientation they are giving the Church.” This could be the secret. Isn’t it true that this could produce an extremely healthy reaction among Catholics and in Russia that could change the situation? I certainly think so. A mystery shrouds the Fatima secret How will the secret be revealed? Will Sister Lucy be the necessary messenger to reveal the secret? These are other mysteries. Our Lady told Jacinta that Sister Lucy would go to Heaven. I do not know if she has to reveal the secret, or if the secret could be revealed by another source. At any rate, her existence is extremely valuable to prevent a false secret from being presented as the true one. I think the enemies could very well invent a false secret. The only guarantee we have for this not to happen is her witness. Some time ago during Paul VI’s pontificate, a news item reported that a thief entered the Vatican and stole, among other things, the sealed envelope that contained the secret of Fatima from the special room where it was kept. As far as I know, the report was never denied. So it can be that the secret is no longer with Sister Lucy but somewhere else, with this thief. If this is true, then Our Lady can find a way for this envelope to be found and opened. This could be the atomic bomb of Our Lady. She would be reserving it to drop on the public at a certain moment. We should ask her to use this weapon she has held in reserve for so long. In one of his famous dreams, St. John Bosco saw the enemy entering the Vatican; the Pope, followed by a multitude of Bishops, priests, religious men and women were leaving the Vatican, immersed in a cloud of smoke that became increasingly dense. The Pope was acting like a mad man in the dense fog of smoke. Then, an Angel appeared and spoke to the Pope, advising him to fight against the invading enemy. The Pope followed the counsel and returned to the Vatican. The smoke disappeared, and the enemy was defeated. One is induced to ask if this dream has a symbolic sense. Does it represent a Pope who abandons the Catholic cause, and the Church that enters a period of confusion and obscurity? The question is: Is the secret of Fatima related to such a situation? If it is, then instead of a policy of flight and conciliation, shouldn’t the Vatican adopt a strategy of a strong fight against the enemies of the Church who are within? You can see how the dream of St. John Bosco and the secret of Fatima may be harmoniously linked. I end these comments on the mystery of Fatima by suggesting that you pray to Our Lady to find a way to reveal her secret. Hello Everyone: I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!! Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend and time to plant the garden and enjoy God's great outdoors as a terrific stress reliever! A little digress here - thanks again for the prayers for my father - he is doing great at home with his in-home care that I share with the Visiting Angels. They have been great and he is back to where he was before the hospital visit - so far! THANK YOU! I just found out about this upcoming book by Dr. Taylor Marshall which will be released the end of this month of May. I have had some videos of his on my site. I do like to listen to him. I have never bought his books but this one looks like it is worth reading. I am sure with Pope Francis' involvement in the United Nations that this will be good to read just to know what the future holds for the entire world - not just the Church. The book covers: Freemasonry, Bishop Sheen's insights as well as The Fatima Message; all have been talked about in this website. Can't wait to read it! Here is what Amazon says about it and below this is a link to Amazon if you wish to pre-order it - (free advertising for him). Keep the Family Rosaries going and pray for the future of the world and our children. God bless!! From Amazon's ad for the "Infiltration" book ------ "It took nearly two millennia for the enemies of the Catholic Church to realize they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside. Indeed, countless nemeses from Nero to Napoleon succeeded only in creating sympathy and martyrs for our Catholic Faith. That all changed in the mid-19th century, when clandestine societies populated by Modernists and Marxists hatched a plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within. Their goal: to change Her doctrine, Her liturgy, and Her mission. In this captivating and carefully documented book, Dr. Taylor Marshall pulls back the curtain on their nefarious plan, showing how these enemies of Christ strategically infiltrated the seminaries, then the priesthood, then the episcopacy, and eventually the cardinal-electors all with the eventual goal of electing one of their own as pope. You'll come to see that the seemingly endless scandals plaguing the Church are not the result, as so many think, of cultural changes, or of Vatican II, but rather the natural consequences of an orchestrated demonic plot to destroy the Church. In these gripping pages, you ll discover:
Hello Everyone:
There is much being posted regarding the state in the world --- and it is very troubling! It is a call to ramp up the prayers - especially the family rosary. Here is a small excerpt from the book "Three to Get Married" from Archbishop Sheen regarding the family. Again, we see how he was so wise as to the consequences of so many things and we now see this coming to fruition. Below this quote are a couple of links regarding this same subject. Bishop Sheen: "Every child has a fundamental right to a real mother and father. The flesh and blood originators of life alone can put into play those spiritual forces which are essential for the development of the child. Social culture also demands a permanent bond between man and woman, for no civilization can endure without responsibility and loyalty to one’s trust. When 50 percent of married couples feel that they can throw overboard pledged loyalty in order to suit their own pleasure or convenience, then the hour has struck when citizens will no longer feel a need to keep their pledge to America as citizens. Once a citizenry does not feel bound to the most natural and democratic of all self-governing commonwealths, the home, it will not be long until it ceases to feel bound to a nation. When a Mrs. White is ready to call herself Mrs. Brown, then it will only be a short time before Americans will be calling themselves Soviets. The traitors to the home today are the traitors to the nation tomorrow. A people who are not loyal to a home will not be loyal to a flag. The permanence of the bond is necessary also for sacrifice. So long as a nation of families learns to renounce the “mine” in the “ours” of their offspring, there is strength. The family then becomes a training school in self-discipline; it crushes egotism for the sake of the group, as all members learn the supreme lesson of living with others for the sake of others. But if there is the slightest disagreement resulting from the eating of crackers in bed, or if the other party fails to give pleasure, or if the desire of greener pastures makes the present grazing less appealing; if every emotion, whim, appetite, and fancy has a right to be satisfied even at the cost of another person; then what shall happen to the sacrifice so necessary for a nation in time of crisis and conflict? The fewer sacrifices a man is required to make, the more loath he will be to make those few. His luxuries soon become necessities, children a burden, and the ego a god. Where will come our heroes in a crisis, if we no longer have heroes in the home? If a man will not put up with the trials of a household, will he put up with the trials of a national emergency? Once the need of sacrifice for maintenance of the home is uprooted, there is simultaneously uprooted the need of sacrifice for the maintenance of a nation. Only a nation that recognizes sweat, toil, hardship, and sacrifice as normal aspects of life can save itself, and these virtues are first learned in the home." (Think of the heroes of World War II and the homes they came from - Do we have that today?) Pray the Family Rosary ! Our Lady of Fatima - pray for us!! Hello Everyone: So sorry to post this so late. Today is May 13th and I have been meaning to post something and I found the talk posted below this article on YouTube. It was posted yesterday to a Novus Ordo audience but there is much to be taken from it. I find it helpful. I hope you do too. Take care and God bless all of you through the prayers and intercession of Our Good Queen and Mother - Mary. Hello Everyone:
Blessed Mothers Day to all the mothers out there!! May we offer this post to the Queen of all Mothers - The Mother of God. Below is a little theology on this title of Our Lady - which is greatly needed today. The Council of Ephesus was called in Anno Domini 431 in response to the Nestorian heresy. Nestorianism was a Christological heresy that taught that there are two persons in Christ, the divine person and the human person. As a consequence of this teaching, Mary was seen as the mother of the human person of Jesus but not of his divine person. This concept is erroneous for Our Lord is only one person but with two natures, human and divine, as the Council of Chalcedon defined it later in 451. Paving the way for that definition, the Council of Ephesus gave Our Lady the title of Theotokos, Mother of God. It was an extraordinary way to counter-attack the Nestorian heresy. Indeed, by declaring him God, Ephesus affirmed His divinity, and by declaring her His Mother, it was declared that He also had our human nature. Our Lady once again smashed the head of the Serpent. From this title – Mary, Mother of God – a more profound reverence for her came into the Church. An increase in devotion to her normally generates theological discussions to know her better and to base the devotion of the faithful towards her on a sounder foundation. As soon as she was immaculately conceived, she was given more virtue than any other saint, and also more virtue than all the other saints together. Quoting St. Louis de Montfort: “As Mary was the one who daily grew the body of Christ in her womb until His birth, so also she is the one who daily grows the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, until its completion at the end of times. All the saints together are part of this great gestation. All they are her children. They will be glad to acknowledge at the Final Judgment that they were spiritually generated by her. As we approach the end times where the greatest saints will accomplish their missions, we know that their grandness will consist in recognizing their dependence of Our Lady in everything. “ This should be an encouragement for us to increase our devotion to the Mother of God and to practice the True Devotion to her, becoming effective slaves of her in every single one of our actions. |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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