![]() Hello Everyone: I have kept this post and added more links below proving that euthanasia is being used here and around the world against our elderly - PLEASE BE AWARE AND WATCH OUT FOR YOUR ELDERLY RELATIVES WHO MAY GO TO A HOSPITAL OR ARE BEING TREATED AT A NURSING HOME - BE SURE THEY GET PROPER CARE AND MOST IMPORTANTLY ASK A PRIEST TO GIVE THEM THE SACRAMENTS BEFORE THEY ARE ADMITTED. THE LAST LINK TALKS ABOUT EUTHANIZING THE ELDERLY EVEN IF THEY DON'T HAVE COVID 19!! If you have not read the article under "Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary" about the USCCB CONSECRATING OUR COUNTRY TO MARY - please consider it!!! GREAT NEWS AND AFTER YOU READ THIS SAD NEWS - YOU MAY WANT TO NAVIGATE TO THAT ONE TO CHEER YOU UP!! I am not an activist. I want to be a prayer warrior first and foremost but times are looking very ugly in the world now and yes God's grace is sufficient but God did not tell St. Joan of Arc to just increase her prayers and all will be well. She had to take physical action also. I am here today to ask all of you - and I know I have a small audience and will also try to get this message to sites that have more but we need to be active against this war on life. Many people are stuck in their homes EDUCATING themselves on what is going on here. We need to speak up and take action. I know that our country can not stop Agenda 21 but if enough people pray, sacrifice and take action we can mitigate some of the damage just like the heroic souls that have gone before us in these similar times. I propose that ALL of you write to our President about the damage you see and also first and foremost to ALL of our bishops. The sacraments are the most ESSENTIAL thing we need at all times and ALWAYS! I am going to include a story and a video to help motivate you. You know that Abortion is deemed ESSENTIAL. We MUST speak against this NOW. We have another ESSENTIAL going on right now and that is Euthanasia. This plandemic is to target the most vulnerable FIRST! It will trickle to the other classes of people very soon and they have free license to do this under the name of "Plandemic". I have a video of a hospice care worker at THE START of this plandemic coming from Canada where euthanasia is unfortunately legal. Well those voters did not know that once it becomes legal - it soon morphs into MANDATORY. Watch the video below. This mindset to get rid of our elderly is part of the globalist plan. We can not ignore that. Also here is a story that just happened to an extended family member. I received this email this morning: "As you know the girls great grandmother passed away on Thursday. John called Kathy and Claire and told them that his grandmother went into the hospital having RSV a few weeks ago then she was recovering, they moved her to rehabilitation. When she was in rehabilitation they lost her dentures so she couldn’t eat, only mushed up food. Then they lost her hearing aids!!! So then she could not hear! Then of course she contracted Covid! Now she died! (From Rehab to Death it was a little less than a week) It’s hard to believe this happens in America! You are right! What’s going on here is really scary!!! No family member was allowed in to see her and who knows what else she went through! This is just so sad! A lot to pray about!" PLEASE WRITE TO YOUR BISHOPS AND ASK THEM TO BRING BACK OUR MASS AND OUR SACRAMENTS. ASK THEM TO SPEAK AGAINST THE ESSENTIALS OF ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA. PLEASE SEND HARD COPIES OUT TO THEIR OFFICES. May God bless all of us as we journey through this trying time in history! Queen of the Most Holy Rosary - Pray for us!!!
![]() Hello Everyone: Today is Low Sunday and this day has in recent years also been declared Divine Mercy Sunday. I am not going to touch on the Feast of Divine Mercy. There are holes in this devotion and before Pope John Paul II – St. Faustina’s diary was put on the list of Forbidden Books. (There is no such list today – it would be amazingly large) The chaplet and Novena are very beautiful and I am sure bring grace to the Church but her experiences and words have been scrutinized and found to not be theologically sound. But since the Divine Mercy message is related in the mystery of the Eucharist, we will touch on the gift of Jesus truly present in the Eucharist which is nothing less than Jesus’ complete and Personal gift of Himself to us – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – under the appearances of bread and wine in the consecrated Host. Jesus hides His immense glory, beauty and dignity in the Blessed Sacrament because He wants us to come to Him in faith that we may love Him for Himself. As we remain in lockdown and our ESSENTIAL religious freedom of participating in a Public Mass is taken away from us, we can grow closer to the gift of Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist with our Spiritual Communions. We can turn to Our Lady for help and guidance in our union with Jesus because She has ALWAYS been united to Jesus since His Incarnation. When we come to ask Our Lady for her profound humility in accepting the gift of Jesus Himself, we can come to experience for ourselves a spark of the beauty of the soul of Our Lady as we receive Him in Holy Communion. We should always ask for the gift of humility from Our Lady before receiving Her Son at EACH Communion. This would follow the instruction of St. Louis de Montfort in living by Mary, with Mary, in Mary and for Mary. If we prayed to receive Our Lady in our soul before each Communion, how happy Jesus would be to come to that soul where His Holy Mother dwells. To prepare ourselves for a worthy reception of Jesus in Holy Communion we not only call upon Mary but we ask ourselves the following questions: “Who is it that is coming?” “To whom does He come, and why is He coming?” We can answer, “It is my Creator, Who has given me everything that I possess, in whom I live, and move and am. It is God all Powerful, all Wise, all Knowing, all Holy, all Beautiful!” Jesus Christ is coming, the Eternal Son of the Father, who moved by love unspeakable, came down from Heaven into the pure womb of the Virgin, was born into this world and lived as man among sinners! The Good Shepherd is coming to seek His lost sheep; My Redeemer is coming who died on the cross for sinners. To whom is He coming? To a miserable sinner who has not fulfilled the end of his creation, to a steward who has wasted his master’s goods, to a servant who has disobeyed his Lord, to a subject who has rebelled against his Prince, to a redeemed captive who has been unthankful to his Deliverer, to a soldier who has deserted his Commander, to a prodigal child who has turned his back upon his Father, to a spouse who has been unfaithful to her Bridegroom. HOW GREAT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN HIM WHO IS RECEIVED AND THE SINNER WHO RECEIVES! Who can think of this and not feel himself completely unworthy of such a grace! Does this not stir into a repentant soul the desire to receive on one’s knees and (on one’s tongue).Oh how many sacrilegious communions have gone on before the Public Mass was take away from us. So many coming to receive with mortal sin on their souls and in one’s hand!! How much reparation is needed for this and for the many priests who act as Judas and have betrayed Our Lord! The saints with their lives teach us that to possess Love is to love Him; it is to allow oneself to be penetrated by His fire – by the Holy Spirit like our Lady. But in order to love, we need to purify ourselves, it is necessary to frequent Holy Confession and to be in the state of God’s grace. On our own, we cannot love. This love comes from the Holy Spirit by God’s grace, and where ever the Holy Spirit is – there is His Spouse, Mary. Mary with the Holy Spirit has been the one who has nourished us with the Body and Blood of Her Son in Holy Communion. The Dispenser of Graces enters into our soul with the Holy Spirit to give us the graces Jesus wants us to have. Love comes from God and is given back to Him through Mary. This is why we must humble ourselves at all times knowing that any charity, any love, any grace coming from our souls originated by the Holy Spirit with the cooperative work of Mary. This is exactly what Our Lady was saying during the Magnificat. The Carmelite mystics call this passive love not because the soul does not move but because the soul does not move itself. The Holy Spirit moves it and it works under His Divine impulse. Therefore, it can truly be said that the Holy Spirit loves in the soul and that the soul loves with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that gave Christ to the world at the moment of His conception. Likewise, in the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit gives us Jesus through Mary. Every time we Communicate, our souls and hearts become the temple of the Most Holy Trinity with the Father, through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit. Because Christian holiness must be realized according to the relationship we have with the Eucharist, we can claim that an ESSENTIAL has been denied us in this lockdown! The offering of ourselves and the Church is nothing without Christ; it is neither holy nor acceptable to God as we are only sinful creatures. Therefore, the offering of ourselves in union with the Body of Christ during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass IS ESSENTIAL. On the altar, the priest acts in the place of Christ, the High Priest, but also in the place of Christ the High Victim. Each member of the Church is simultaneously both priest and victim while acknowledging the essential difference between the ministerial priesthood and the universal priesthood of all baptized persons. So when we unite ourselves to Jesus and offer ourselves up with Him through Mary to the Father, we are united in such a way that we too are Eucharistic. This is ESSENTIAL for the life of the world. Our life’s little actions, words, and deeds become crumbs of the Eucharistic Jesus that feed the world. It is because of the Eucharist that love enters the world. We are in the world for the most sublime of reasons – to be living sacrifices in imitation of Jesus. This is why Satan will do all he can to keep us from the Mass and Holy Communion. If we cannot receive Jesus sacramentally, we must make many and holy Spiritual Communions and in union with Mary. May we pray to Her during these trying days in the Church to give us back Sacramental Communions for the good of our souls and the good of the world! Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament – pray for us!! Good St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church – pray for us!! ![]() Hello Everyone: Sorry for the above quote. Montesquieu was a French political philosopher from the Age of Enlightenment in the mid 1700's whose principal work, The Spirit of Laws, was a major contribution to political theory. It inspired the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Constitution of the United States. Obviously, still being read today. We are at Easter Thursday. We have the hope and joy of the Risen Christ in our souls. This is what keeps us going. If we did not - it would be difficult to breathe right now. So much is unfolding and so fast. If you did not view the link I put in the article below this one - I encourage you to. It is filled with much of what is going on. I wrote an article in February before we were in lockdown that this will lead first to a pandemic, economic collapse and then a One World Order. Probably some of you who read that and knew nothing of Agenda 21 or a globalist take over thought I was off my rocker and a conspiracy theorist. All those who have been laughed at for saying those exact same warnings are now being listened to as we are seeing this unfold before our eyes. The Passion of the Church is upon us. How long the suffering---- I am not sure but I do know that a crucifixion comes after the Passion and I hate to talk about this on Easter Week but it was meant to be because here we are. It must be by God's Will that we realize all of this at this time in order to be filled with great courage knowing that He has already WON. We have victory in Jesus Christ. I have another link below to help wake people up that this tyranny is to be found all over the world right now and many are suffering more than us. May we pray to be strengthened by God's grace and knowledge so that we can endure whatever God has in store for us at this time. Keep praying your rosaries and try to find priests that will still administer the sacraments to you. We must keep the Faith and love God with our whole heart mind and soul. Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us children, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. ![]() Hello Everyone: We are Easter Wednesday today! This is still considered Easter because we are in the Octave. We must keep and spread the message of Hope because the Resurrection of Christ can only bring Hope. Below is a link to what the true meaning of this crisis we are suffering now is all about. It gives a great viewpoint for all of us Catholics to think and pray about. We are called to be Church Militant and to trust in the power of prayer and know that God is in charge. May we live each day knowing that we want to do God's Will and that whatever suffering we endure through all of this can be offered as a means of reparation for ALL THE SINS that we see and do not see around us. I hope this message from Michael Matt from The Remnant will shed some light on this whole agenda that has been planned for years to come upon us. What better time than now before the elections of our President! With God on our side, may we pray to come through this battle. May we live each day in constant prayer and constant hope for our future. God bless all of you and have a blessed Easter week! ![]() Hello Everyone: Blessed Easter Monday! I know we are seeing so much bad news. Losing religious liberties in not being able to go to our Churches. I live in Michigan and there are lakes - we can't put motorized boats in the water??? Can't go to nurseries to get seeds, plants or gardening items. There is alarming news surfacing about the bio-weapon and where it came from and who funded it and who is weaponizing all of this to get mandatory vaccinations put on everyone.... ALL SAD and DISASTEROUS!! Here is a piece of amazing news of Godly real men silently and prayerfully picketing against abortions in front of a Detroit area abortion mill. They were approached by the Detroit Police and given a ticket for not following the stay at home law by the Michigan Democrat Governor. Below is the video but it has a good ending. Please listen and watch below. NOTE: Since a lawsuit was made, the Governor NOW states we can exercise our First Amendment rights and we can do outdoor activities as long as we keep proper distance. Nice of her! Please pray for more Godly men in the world and in the Church. ![]() Good morning Everyone: May we have a very recollected and true Easter Sunday being appreciative of all that we have as we can not be with family and friends. This is truly a dark day in history that we are not given this freedom to be at Mass today nor with our families. Satan will not win though! God is always given the victory - no matter what the enemy does. Have a blessed Easter Sunday! ![]() Hello Everyone: Today is Holy Saturday and we now await the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and King tomorrow. He opened the gates of Heaven for all of us and conquered sin. Satan is not happy but he seems to be winning as we are restricted from all public Masses. God is God and His faithful are begging God for His grace during this very trying time. One such priest is posted below and of course we pray for Archbishop Vigano as he speaks against the decisions of our bishops and at time our Pope. God bless him for his bravery as a true soldier of Christ! Many priests and faithful are in cooperation with Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's urgent plea to the world's bishops and priests to pray the exorcism of Pope Leo XIII today, to join our shepherds in praying a Rosary and the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel today, Holy Saturday. These prayers were to be done at 8 AM on Holy Saturday and if you missed it - please pray these prayers when you can this day. God is God and will count all of our prayers. I have a link below with the full St. Michael Prayer and also a link from The Remnant of a heroic priest doing the best he can to reach out to his flock. God bless his soul and all those faithful priests of Jesus Christ. May we keep all of them in prayer and pray for the Church today in a very special way!! ![]() Hello Everyone: We are here – Good Friday – the day Jesus dies for all of us because He loved us to the point of embracing death on a Cross! This is so big -- have we really internalized the true meaning of this. Our human minds and our human hearts can not wrap around this immense act of love. We have taken so much for granted. Hopefully, this stay at home order has given opportunity for all of us to look more deeply at these mysteries of love which are unfolding before us this Holy Week. It is such a mystery! It seems hard for us to understand how such love brings about such suffering – even after being exposed to the Cross all of our lives. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen would always talk about how we are not spectators. This is not a moment in time where we just recollect history. Many forget the words of Jesus to his disciples: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matt. 16:24 Last year, I touched on the words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen and how he would also talk about the scars of Christ and how we too are called to the same in order to receive the victory. I paraphrased words taken from a talk he did in the 1940’s on his radio show because it was too long to put in its entirety. This year, I would like to mingle those thoughts of his with St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, a Carmelite nun and mystic. She was given special graces to experience SOME of the love that existed in the Heart of Jesus. I will share some of her words below that of Archbishop Fulton Sheen to give some light on this Love from the Heart of Jesus that He gave to one of His victim souls! ARCHBISHOP FULTON SHEEN What do the scars of Jesus teach us? They teach us that life is a struggle: that our condition of a final resurrection is exactly the same as His; that unless there is a cross in our lives, there will never be an empty tomb; unless there is a Good Friday, there will never be an Easter Sunday; unless there is a crown of thorns, there will never be the halo of light; and unless we suffer with Him, we shall not rise with Him. The scars are not only reminders that life is a warfare, but they are also pledges of victory in that war. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33 By this He means that He has overcome evil in principle. Evil will never be able to be stronger than it was on that particular day, for the worst thing that evil can do is not to ruin cities and to wage wars and to drop atomic bombs against the good and the living. The worst thing that evil can do is to kill God. Having been defeated in that, in its strongest moment, when evil wore its greatest armor, evil can never be victorious again! Jesus’ scars and His victory over evil do not give us immunity from: pain, sorrow, disappointments, crucifixion and death. What He offers is not immunity from evil in the physical world, but immunity from sin in our souls. The final conquest of physical evil will come in the resurrection of the just. What He does teach us is to bear the worst this life has to offer with courage and serenity and to regard all of its trials as a share in His own Passion which will transfigure some of life’s greatest pains into the richest gains of the spiritual life. With St. Paul, we can cry out: “Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation: Or distress? Or famine? Or nakedness? Or danger? Or Persecution? Or the sword….but in all these things we overcome because of Him that hath loved us! For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to come, nor might, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus Our Lord” Romans 8:35-39 ST. MARY MAGDALEN de PAZZI: (taken from The Complete Works Vol. 1) O my Love, when shall I possess You? When shall I be united perfectly with You? When shall I love You infinitely? M Jesus, no more love, because I cannot bear more! But if You want to give me more of it, give me as much as You wish. But give me the strength to bear it! O holy Virgin, how were you able to stand there? You saw Him, and He was Your Son; yet more, He was God! And you knew that He was doing this for the love that He has for creatures. How could you, I say, stand there without bursting from sorrow, when I, who do not see Him, break down and become exhausted because of my great sorrows? Indeed, my Jesus, You did well to show me last Saturday that Mary was temperate in all things! (Then turning to the nuns who were present, she held out to them the crucifix that she held in her hand and said to them: "LOVE HIM. LOVE HIM, MY JESUS! DO LOVE HIM, YOU, BECAUSE NO ONE LOVES HIM!" This she repeated several times, speaking words all filled with love and at the same time filled with compassion, words that I would not know how to voice or to explain. Furthermore, on this said day, she bore a very great sorrow, both interiorly and exteriorly, weeping and suffering much because she saw that Love was not loved or known because of the malice of creatures.) ***************************************** May we not complain or drag our cross. May we embrace it for His sake and for the sake of the Church which is suffering and losing souls to Hell each day and each moment. May we fight the good fight and keep hope for a final victory. This life is short and the next eternal – may we not squander grace. May Our Lady of Sorrows, Mother of God and Mother of us all – pray for us and guide us to the Cross. May we remember that without Mary we will not make it to the foot of the Cross. Only those in the company of Mary made it to the foot of the Cross then and it is the same now. May we not run in fear but stand bravely with Her. God bless your Good Friday with many graces! ![]() Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast day of Holy Thursday. Today we received the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Holy Communion from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A great day to celebrate. As promised earlier, I am writing about Our Lady and Her devotion to Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Among all the great mysteries of the life of Our Blessed Mother Mary, is the summary of Our Lady’s love and honor of the Eucharistic life of Jesus. It is Mary’s life of adoration which all adorers ought to honor. It began at the Incarnation within Her womb and has never ceased. Mary remained on earth more than twenty years after the Ascension of Jesus. She dwelt in the Cenacle, where Jesus had instituted the Divine Eucharist. Mary was consumed with love for Her Divine Son beneath the Eucharistic veils and devoting herself to His glory by a continual mission of prayer. Mary was always the first to adore Jesus in every one of His mysteries. It was only fitting that this heart so pure and so burning with love should have the privilege of offering the first homage, and receive the first grace in order to communicate it to us later. Mary was the first to adore the Word Incarnate in her virginal womb; at His birth, and throughout His life. She offered Him the first gift of love, the first profession of faith. She was also the first to adore Jesus on the Cross and to unite herself to His Sacrifice. While we are deprived Sacramental Communion today, let us find comfort in knowing that the first Holy Communion of Our Lady was a Spiritual Communion. It was revealed to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich that Our Lord gave Himself to Our Lady spiritually at the moment He was giving Himself to His apostles in the Cenacle on the first Holy Thursday. The following prayers are taken from the booklet, “Communion Devotions in Union with Mary”: OFFERING OF THE HOLY SACRIFICE IN THANKSGIVING FOR THE GRACES BESTOWED ON THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY “Most Adorable God, I offer You this holy Sacrifice of the Mass in thanksgiving for all the graces and prerogatives You did bestow on the Blessed Virgin Mary in so abundant a measure. I thank You especially for having loved and destined Her to be the Mother of the Redeemer; for having created Her, and from the first moment of Her conception preserved Her from every stain of original sin and adorned Her with immeasurable sanctity. I thank You for having prepared Her to be the most worthy Mother of Your only-begotten Son, and imparting to her a fullness of grace far surpassing that of all angels and men. I thank You for having received Her with body and soul into heaven and made Her Queen of heaven and earth. Grant, I beseech You, through Your infinite goodness, that all men may perfectly know, honor and love Her, that all may serve Her zealously, in order that Your most holy Name may be all the more honored. Give me the grace also to be inflamed with the fire of Divine love, and to love Mary ardently, as her most devoted children have ever loved Her.” PRAYER AT HOLY COMMUNION “With ardent desire, O my Jesus, will I receive You into my soul in Holy Communion. Oh, that my heart were as pure and holy, as full of love for You, as that of Your most pure Mother, that thus I might receive You even as Mary received You from the hands of St. John! But alas, my heart loves You so little; it is so full of sin, so void of all virtues, so attached to the pleasures and goods of this world. O Mary, my dearest Mother, at this important moment I confidently turn to You. Holiest Mother, I pray You, lend me Your Heart, Your Heart so beautiful, so pure and immaculate, Your Heart full of love and humility, that I may be able to receive Jesus with the same sentiments with which You did receive Him. Come, O Mary, Yourself to me, and receive Jesus in me. You can do so, O loving Mother, on account of the dominion You do exercise over all hearts. O Jesus, true Son of God, I believe in You! O Jesus, my only refuge, I hope in You! O Jesus, my sovereign Good, I love You! And because I love You, I am sorry for having offended You. (If you cannot receive sacramentally, make an act of desire to receive spiritually) O Jesus, who on account of Your special love for Mary, do still long to take Your delight and rest in Her, and do desire to take this rest even in my soul, which is poorer and more wretched than was the stable of Bethlehem – behold, in humility and love, I lead You into the heart of Mary and present You to Your Mother. O my dearest Mother, I give You the most noble of gifts, the same gift that the Heavenly Father presented to You. With filial love I place Jesus in Your maternal arms, in Your virginal bosom, and enclose Him with greatest reverence in Your Sweetest Heart. O Mother most admirable, adore Him, love Him, thank Him for me and in my name. I ask for nothing else than to belong wholly to You and to Your Son, now and forever. O Jesus, living in Mary! Come and live in Your servant, in the spirit of Your holiness, in the fullness of Your might, in the truth of Your virtues, in the perfection of Your ways, in the communion of Your mysteries; subdue every hostile power, in Your spirit, for the glory of the Father. Amen. Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love! Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!” Hello Everyone:
Tomorrow is Holy Thursday already! Tomorrow night Jesus enters into the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives for His Agony. As we continue to social distance from everyone, hopefully we are drawing closer to God Himself. This time alone is a great grace allowed by God as an opportunity of time to be with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane and NOT to fall asleep. Many of us are asleep. Many of us are making the same mistakes and falling into the same temptations of His dear apostles and disciples. I had a Peter moment experience yesterday and thought I would write about it. Thanks be to God, these examples are there in Scripture to help and encourage us during this very trying time in all of Christian history. Jesus on the night He was betrayed by Judas (and we have a few of those today); took Peter, James and John into the Garden to pray and told them: “Sit down here while I go and pray… Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Then He parted from them only a stone’s throw away and began to enter into His Passion. “My soul is ready to die with sorrow.” Jesus, because of His human and divine nature, intensely suffered His agony in the Garden. It is beyond what we could ever comprehend. He was to give Himself up on a Cross to die for the sins of the ENTIRE world and during His prayers to The Father, He was feeling the weight of the sins of the entire course of mankind. ALL THE SIN which He was about to take upon Himself came upon Him--- including the sins of this very day which we are witnessing. We poor humans have become so use to sin that we do not even realize its true horror. He not only took the burden of sin upon Himself but the rejection of mankind against Him and His Father in this greatest of all acts of Love. All this wickedness of man He would take upon Himself and in the language of St. Paul, He “was made sin”. As the innocent Jesus goes through all the sins from Adam to the last day, He begins to sweat drops of blood. All the sins of mankind – those seen and those unseen are felt by poor Jesus. It is a great mystery of God that blood is to be shed for the remission of sin. Martyrs have had a share in this mystery. So much sin has been exposed to us and yet so much still hidden that must be repaired for. It is beyond belief what is going on inside and outside the Church of Christ. The mystery of suffering must be endured as a means of reparation. Jesus gets up from His prayer and now sees that His three most faithful apostles did not pray with Him but were asleep during His great Agony in the Garden. Now they would not be prepared for temptation as He told them they should be - by prayer. It is time now for Judas, the betrayer, to turn Jesus in and St. Peter reacts by revolt and wants to defend Jesus. He draws a sword and in his own mind trusts in his own devices to make things right. Christ rebukes Peter for falling into this temptation of NOT ACCEPTING what is about to unfold – The Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ which is allowed by God and therefore cannot be stopped by any man nor any weapon. I had this Peter moment yesterday. I was reading about the U.N. globalists plan for world take over and how it is very likely that we may never get our freedoms back. I read about how this bio-weapon virus is a means of taking over the control of the world to accomplish this goal. True or not, I panicked like Peter. I turned to the many Judas bishops we have and yelled T R A I T O R! And like Peter, I wanted Jesus NOT to be arrested. I wanted to free the Churches and have the celebration of the Mass in public once more – especially for Easter. It was a true Peter moment. Good St. Peter pray for us! Help us to see that this is ALLOWED by God for a greater good. We could very well be witnessing the Passion of the Mystical Body of Christ and that we must pray so that we too may not fall into temptation. God is so good to include these passages in Scripture for us to gain strength, knowledge and courage from. God truly is a Loving God, Who watches over us! GOD IS LOVE AND WE MUST TRUST HIM! I will hold close to St. Peter this Holy Week. I pray I do not deny My Lord EVER as Peter did three times after he fell into this temptation of wanting his own will over that of God’s. I wish to love God in time and eternity but we must NEVER trust in ourselves or ever in any Man. We must place our trust in God and God alone. It is only by His grace that the world will be healed. May we remain faithful to Him now and through our final moment of death. May we be with Him now in this Agony, Passion and finally the Death – in anticipation of the Resurrection! May our dear Blessed Mother pray for us that we may remain steadfast during this Agony and Passion of the Mystical Body of Christ so that we may have the necessary graces to be at the foot of the Cross with Her and ultimately be with God and all the saints for all eternity in Heaven -- OUR TRUE HOME!! God bless us and may we remain steadfast in our love and surrender to the Holy Will of God! God bless all our good and faithful priests, who are there for us. May God give them a supernatural grace to endure all of this and all that is to come! Our Lady of Sorrows – pray for us! Good St. Peter – pray for us! (PS - God bless my good friend Bob, who is a faithful servant of God filled with wisdom that comes from Holy Scripture. God is good in giving us these true and faithful friends that lead us back to Him when we stray from the path to Heaven and His Holy Will) |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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