![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I am very busy finally getting down to the final days of moving out of our house of 23 years. I knew it was going to be a job but -- it is a job! I will be thanking God when it is over. Because of my time restraints, I am taking notes from a previous talk that I had posted a few years back and mingling it with current events. Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola. For all those priests who may be reading this blog - Happy Feast Day! This is a great saint who did amazing things for God and still does through his Spiritual Exercises. It is so tragic what has happened to the Society of Jesus over the years. It is not good news but they are not alone - many orders are suffering from enemy infiltration! May Our Lady pray for us and watch over us so that we remain faithful until we are through this very tragic storm. Let us beg Her to intercede for all priests that we may see a transformation in many of them and a greater sanctity in those who seek to truly please God... (Just a thought...how could any Order suffer destruction from the enemy if they had remained faithful to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary...) We just heard in the news that Cardinal McCarrick was now given a sentence for some of his crimes. No Catholic should feel good about this. This is a tragedy for the entire world. Much reparation is needed for all the damage these men have done to the Bride of Christ and to His Most Sacred Heart. Reparation for the state of Germany and its clergy as well. Do we really know who a priest is? Do we reverence Christ's priests as we should? Another important question - Do even priests themselves value or esteem their position as it is to be esteemed? Hardly... perhaps; it is scarcely possible in this world. Many saints have been enlightened to understand it such as St. Francis of Assisi who felt himself too unworthy and shrunk in holy dread from its wondrous dignity and extensive and profound obligations before God. We are told in some pre-Vatican II books (that is another post regarding what happened as a result of Vatican II in belittling the priesthood as well as the Mass during these 60 years.) that we should salute a priest before an angel if we were to meet them together. The angel has not the power to do what a priest can do. The angel cannot call God from Heaven, but the priest can and does daily. Our Lady was the first who called God from Heaven by Her words, "May Your word to me be fulfilled (Luke 1:38)." The Mother with Her Divine Child, reverently wrapped Jesus in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger. She seems to live again in the priest of God with his Lord in the Sacred Host as he places Jesus on the linen corporal or rests Him in the tabernacle. The priest has custody of Jesus as Mary did on earth. Their obligation is very grave. May we pray for our lost priests - our unfaithful priests - our tepid priests - our lonely priests - our abandoned priests and of course ... our faithful priests. May we pray that they reach out to Mary their Mother! May we pray for them to be given the grace to love Jesus as She did. May we pray for Her to give them the grace to bend over the Host with the same love as Mary bent over Her Child. May we pray for Her to give them the love that She had as She raised Him to the Eternal Father when they are raising the Host toward Heaven. May we pray for Her to give them tremendous love as they bow low in receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion. May they feel the love She had as She held Her Infant pressed close to Her. She never wanted to be separated from Him. May the priest never want to be separated from Jesus as well. For those priests who already seek Her prayers - they understand all of this well. They feel our Lady working in them, animating them with a loving spirit, filling them with Her love, lending them Her Heart. They are indeed privileged beings because they are so dear to Her Heart - those who call Her Son down from Heaven upon earth! I can not imagine the loneliness and fear that a priest has who lives without Mary. How very very sad! Our Mother in Heaven is watching down over all of them but they must pray to Her for guidance and grace. If they do not, then we are called to pray for them. We must realize what a target they are for the devil and his cohorts. Our Lady can crush the head of the enemy with Her prayers! It is critical that we pray to Her for their protection. We have lost many contemplative nuns over the past 60 years and many of the Third Orders meet to have monthly "get-togethers" but many do not take their prayer life seriously. The light of Christ is pale - very pale today because of the lack of contemplative souls. May we pray for Our Lady to send forth the graces of Her Flame of Love to all of the priests that inhabit the earth so that Jesus may be loved - so that we have priests to nourish us with His Body and Blood in order for the world to be set on fire with Divine Love. Now more than ever do we need true love for Jesus in the Eucharist because the world is so very very cold right now. The priest alone is our Lord's guardian on earth; he has charge and care of Jesus. Is he not like Our Lady when She walked the earth? Is he not in need of Her prayers and guidance to do this job as She did with perfect love and reverence? Is She not the Mediatrix of all Graces to supply him with this Love and these graces. May we pray for our dear priests who have to answer to God for so much. May we pray for more priests - good and holy priests - priests who will love Our Lord Jesus Christ with the same love and reverence of Our Queen and Mother. May we ask Her to supply them with the necessary graces to make all of them saints! What a glorious day that could be! God truly wills it and it can be so with our prayers! God wills our men to come forward and live in imitation of Jesus Christ in offering themselves to Him for the sins of the world as His priests. (Little side note: Women have no place in the priesthood - Jesus was a man and a priest is to live in persona Christi. Women have a duty to the priesthood - to pray for them - to serve them - to comfort them - to sew for them - to cook for them - to encourage them. If women do not do this, the priesthood will crumble - OH - maybe that is why it is crumbling! If we do not do God's Will and insist on doing our own will - we will NEVER be happy. It is truly in giving that we receive - we are to live in imitation of Mary - to be humble and to do the will of God.) Our Lady of the Clergy, pray for us. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.. There is so much heaviness in the air --- between the battles being waged against the globalists and their implementations of the Great Reset and Papa Bergoglio and his new demand to end the Mass which only brings grace to the world - not division. Let us not try to make sense of his actions....let us remember that he is a player at the United Nations and is part of this "Great Reset". The Catholic Church must comply or die. Well - it will do neither! These cult of man globalists are fighting a battle against God. Those fighting for the Mass of all times may have to die a martyr's death to preserve it as in Elizabethan England or in the French Revolution --- BUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ITS HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS WILL LIVE! Below is the response taken from the blogsite "Rorate Caeli" of the Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. He puts it very well..... take care and God bless! Letter from the Superior General of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, in light of the publication of the motu proprio “Traditionis custodes” THIS MASS, OUR MASS, MUST REALLY BE FOR US LIKE THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE IN THE GOSPEL, FOR WHICH WE ARE READY TO RENOUNCE EVERYTHING, FOR WHICH WE ARE READY TO SELL EVERYTHING. Dear members and friends of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, The motu proprio Traditionis custodes and the letter that accompanied it have caused a profound upheaval in the so-called traditionalist movement. We can point out, quite logically, that the era of the hermeneutics of continuity, with its equivocations, illusions and impossible efforts, is radically over – swept aside with a wave of a sleeve. These clear-cut measures do not directly affect the Society of Saint Pius X. However, they must be an occasion for us to reflect deeply on the situation. To do so, it is necessary to step back and ask ourselves a question that is both old and new: Why is the Tridentine Mass still the apple of discord after fifty years? First of all, we must remember that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the continuation in time of the most bitter struggle that has ever existed: the battle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. This combat culminated at Calvary in the triumph of Our Blessed Lord. It was for this struggle and it was for this victory that he became incarnate. Since Our Lord’s victory was through the Cross and through His Precious Blood, it is understandable that its perpetuation will also be marked by conflicts and contradictions. Every Catholic is called to this combat. Our Lord reminded us of this when He said that He came “to bring the sword upon the earth” (Matt. 10:34). It is not surprising that the Mass, which perfectly expresses Our Lord’s definitive victory over sin through His atoning Sacrifice, is itself a sign of contradiction. But why has the Mass become a sign of contradiction within the Church itself? The answer is simple and increasingly clear. After fifty years, the various elements that confirm the answer have become obvious to all well informed Catholics: the Tridentine Mass expresses and conveys a conception of Christian life – and consequently, a conception of the Catholic Church – that is absolutely incompatible with the ecclesiology that emerged from the Second Vatican Council. The problem is not simply liturgical, aesthetic or purely technical. The problem is simultaneously doctrinal, moral, spiritual, ecclesiological and liturgical. In a nutshell, it is a problem that affects all aspects of the Church’s life, without exception. It is a question of faith. On one side is the Mass of All Times. It is the standard of a Church that defies the world and is certain of victory, for its battle is nothing less that the continuation of the battle that Our Blessed Lord waged to destroy sin and to destroy the kingdom of Satan. It is by the Mass and through the Mass that Our Lord enlists Catholic souls into His ranks, by sharing with them both His Cross and His victory. From all this follows a fundamentally militant conception of Christian life that is characterised by two elements: a spirit of sacrifice and an unwavering supernatural hope. On the other side stands the Mass of Paul VI. It is an authentic expression of a Church that wants to live in harmony with the world and that lends an ear to the world’s demands. It represents a Church that, in the final analysis, no longer needs to fight against the world because it no longer has anything to reproach the world. Here is a Church that no longer has anything to teach the world because it listens to the powers of the world. It is a Church that no longer needs the Sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord because, having lost the notion of sin, it no longer has anything for which to atone. Here is a Church that no longer has the mission of restoring the universal kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, because it wants to make its contribution to the creation on this earth of a better world that is freer, more egalitarian and more eco-responsible – and all this with purely human means. This humanist mission that the men of the Church have given themselves must necessarily be matched by a liturgy that is equally humanist and emptied of any notion of sacredness. This battle that has been waged for the past fifty years, which has just seen a highly significant event on July 16th, is not a simple war between two rites: it is indeed a war between two different and opposing conceptions of the Catholic Church and of Christian life – conceptions that are absolutely irreducible and incompatible with each other. In paraphrasing Saint Augustin, one could say that the two Masses have built two cities: the Mass of All Times has built a Christian city; the New Mass seeks to build a humanist and secular city. Since Almighty God has allowed all this, it is certainly for a greater good. Firstly for ourselves, who have the undeserved good fortune of knowing the Tridentine Mass and who can benefit from it! We possess a treasure with a value we do not always appreciate, and which we perhaps preserve too much out of simple habit. When something precious is attacked or scorned, we begin to appreciate better its true value. May this “shock”, provoked by the harshness of the official texts of July 16th, serve to renew, deepen and rediscover our attachment to the Tridentine Mass! This Mass – our Mass – must really be for us like the pearl of great price in the Gospel, for which we are ready to renounce everything, for which we are ready to sell everything. He who is not prepared to shed his blood for this Mass is not worthy to celebrate it! He who is not prepared to give up everything to protect it is not worthy to attend it! This should be our first reaction to these events that have just shaken the Catholic Church. Our reaction, as Catholic priests and as Catholic laity, must be profound and more far-reaching than all those feeble and sometimes hopeless commentaries. Our Blessed Lord certainly has another objective in mind in allowing this new attack on the Tridentine Mass. No one can doubt that in recent years many priests and faithful have discovered this Mass, and that through it they have encountered a new spiritual and moral horizon, which has opened the door to the sanctification of their souls. The latest measures taken against the Mass will force these souls to draw all the consequences of what they have discovered: they must now choose – with all the elements of discernment that are at their disposal – what is necessary for every well-informed Catholic conscience. Many souls will find themselves faced with an important choice that will affect their faith, because – and let us say it once more – the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the supreme expression of a doctrinal and moral universe. It is therefore a question of choosing the Catholic faith in its entirety and through it, choosing Our Lord Jesus Christ, with His Cross, His Sacrifice and His universal kingship. It is a matter of choosing His Precious Blood, of imitating the Crucified One and of following Him to the end, by a complete, rigorous and coherent fidelity. The Society of Saint Pius X has the duty to assist all those souls who are currently in dismay and are confused. Firstly, we have the duty to offer them the certitude that the Tridentine Mass can never disappear from the face of the earth. This is an absolutely necessary sign of hope. Moreover, each of us, whether priest or faithful, must extend a warm helping hand to them, for he who has no desire to share the riches he enjoys is, in all truth, unworthy of possessing them. Only in this way will we truly love souls and show our love for the Church. For every soul that we win to Our Blessed Lord’s Cross, and to the immense love that He manifested through His Sacrifice, will be a soul truly won to His Church and to the charity that animates His Church, which must be ours, especially at this present time. It is to Our Lady of Sorrows that we entrust these intentions. It is to her that we address our prayers, since no one has penetrated deeper than Our Blessed Lady, the mystery of the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His victory on the Cross. There is no one greater than Mary who has been so intimately associated with His sufferings and His triumph. It is in her hands that Our Blessed Lord has placed the whole Catholic Church. It is therefore to her that the most precious thing in the Catholic Church has been entrusted: the Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ – the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Menzingen, July 22nd, 2021. Feast of Saint Mary Magdalen. Don Davide Pagliarani, Superior General. ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary: Hope all are well and robust today after the blow received from the Vatican Friday! So much speculation as to what the future holds now for the Catholic Church. We have so much division in the world - how did this also happen to us who are suppose to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? I am actually writing this for my adult children. There are so many questions and too many scandals to try to talk through with those who are very weak in the faith. The Catholic Church has gone through so much over the centuries. Like Jesus, His Bride which is the Church, is withstanding its Passion. If we study the Passion of Jesus, and see all that He went through, one will realize that Jesus should have died MANY times during His violent Passion. It was a miracle that He withstood all the tortures and cruel blows and treatment that He endured before finally walking with His cross on His shoulders to His Death. We can see the same thing over the centuries of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church should have died a long time ago but it is still standing because it is founded by Jesus Christ and is of supernatural origin! What religion has been attacked more than the Catholic one? Why? Why attack the Latin Mass? It is because Satan knows where the Truth lies and will do all in his power to TRY to destroy it. Sadly, many souls are lost in the process of his attempts to destroy Her but IT DOES NOT DIE! We must be fortified with strength knowing this! We must also know that we can ONLY depend on the grace of God and not science, not governments, not family members, not friends, not the members of the Church --- but in God's grace found in the Church's sacraments and its perennial truths! My children have heard me speak the Truth throughout their years. Unfortunately, it was coupled with tremendous trials in the world and in the Church that were seen and heard. “Why do you say negative things about Church leaders and the things unfolding in the world? That will only turn people away from Catholicism - it will not attract them.” My children have even witnessed priests involved in scandals in our parishes as they were growing up. I never thought about how that would be taken to heart and cause tremendous wounds to their fragile hearts if not addressed and prayed over. We have seen it and felt it first hand. We have to remember that this is nothing new to the Church and its history. They studied Church history but forget to realize - "we made it through". Look at the 4th century: Most bishops were heretics. They embraced and promoted Arianism, which denied the divinity of Christ. Then in the 5th century, violence between Christians was widespread as Church leaders debated the Church’s Christology—monks would literally assault bishops in the street whom they believed were heretics. An apparently ecumenical council proclaimed heretical doctrine and had to later be condemned. Almost 1,000 years later, the Great Western Schism wreaked havoc on the Church, as three different men claimed to be pope and average Catholics had no way to know who was right and who was an imposter. When a Catholic knows the history of the Church, as well as the current situation, and is able to keep its eyes on Christ - his faith will not be shaken. This can ONLY come through prayer and consecrating oneself to the Immaculate Virgin Mother Mary! When She stated that one day I will save the world through the Rosary and the Scapular - it was meant for now! If we do not hold our Blessed Mother's hand and enter into the Ark of Her Immaculate Heart - we will drown in the murky waters of deception, fraud and the devil. She has been given special powers by God for this day and age to protect us with Her Scapular and Her Rosary. She will crush the serpent's head and keep us from danger! We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and Mary. It saddens me that since the COVID lie to lock down our Churches, many who went to the Novus Ordo Churches which first - completely shut down- unheard of - then followed every protocol of mask mandates, every other pew sectioned off for seating, making reservations so the Church was not full - SUFFERED GREAT LOSS with these scary and time consuming lies. Unfortunately, the Latin Mass was not an option for my adult children who will not go to a Latin Mass. They were brought up with Novus Ordo and like to remain in this comfort zone of no change - that is until it was taken away for the sake of spreading germs! What about the strength received in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! Is that not missed? Now, they do not go to Mass at all even after it was returned. How many young people (and older) completely fell away from the Church because of the COVID craziness of mandates and the Church scandals which flood the news. How many are not getting Jesus in the Eucharist for strength during these trying times in history - leaving them vulnerable to being attacked by the enemy? Archbishop Lefebrve stated that the Novus Ordo Mass would lead to a great falling away from the faith - it did. He stated this before we saw it with our own eyes. During the COVID lies - those who had a prayer life and wanted Jesus in the Eucharist found Latin Masses still available. No masks, no reservations, no separations in pews. THESE PARISHES GREW AND ARE GROWING. One good thing came from COVID - It was a blessing to those who found the True Mass - the Mass that was not tampered with Modernism like the Novus Ordo. (Video link below) We now have Pope Francis realizing that the Novus Ordo parishes are dying and those offering Latin Masses are growing and he is FURIOUS! The destructive plans of Vatican II are crumbling and he can't have that happen so he must do away with the Latin Mass. Unfortunately for him -- everyone who knows the Truth will STILL go to a Latin Mass even if they are hunted down like the times during Elizabethan England or the French Revolution. God is allowing this trial to happen and we need to move forward with love and Truth and pray for those who are deceived by erroneous opinions or whom discord keeps aloof. We need to pray for those kept from the True Faith of Jesus Christ and their eternal salvation. We need to beg Our Blessed Mother to bring our children back to Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist so that they will be nourished with God's sanctifying grace and love and protection from the enemy who is roaming the earth and devouring souls. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us! Good St. Anne, pray for us! Jesus, truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist, have mercy upon us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Well- are we surprised? We were all waiting in anticipation for Papa Bergoglio to give us the news that the Latin Mass is a threat with its rigidity, its perennial Truth and abundant sources of grace -- to his New World Order and his planned all inclusive New World Religion. It should give us all confidence to know that we are on the right path when we go out of our way to avoid the Novus Ordo mess for a true Latin Mass. In this day of "cancel culture", we are witnessing all that holds truth being taken from us. Just as I mentioned yesterday that the Brown Scapular is silenced by the modernists - so now the Mass of all times, the Mass that gives grace to the world, the Mass that St. Padre Pio claimed is critical for the life of the world - is now under attack by our own Roman Pontiff. The prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi that a non-canonically elected Pope would one day be a destroyer is being unfolded before our eyes. Much prayer - much penance needed to repair the damage this destroyer is doing - and he seems to do it on the feast days of Our Queen and Mother! Hmmm that should give us pause for thought. (Link below on this prophecy) Well - I had to open with that news but in reality - we are on God's side and this should not alarm us nor depress us. We must go forward living and loving Truth and that means -- GO TO A LATIN MASS! GO UNTIL THEY KILL US FOR DOING SO! Sooo-- that leads me to the story of the day --about Carmelite nuns who were sentenced to death for practicing their Catholic faith in Freemasonic France. Today is their feast day and they are known as the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne. If you do not know of these sisters, a great summer read would be "Song at the Scaffold" by Gertrude Von Le Fort. They were the last martyrs of the French Revolution (The Reign of Terror - against GOD). Before they died, they prayed that their sacrifice would end the French Revolution - it did - and religious liberty was not destroyed although it could have been. Below is an article written by one of my favorite authors - Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira found on Tradition in Action site. "On July 17, 1794, the sixteen Carmelite nuns of Compiègne were guillotined in Paris, convicted of crimes against the state by the tribunal of the French Revolution. On this day they were born to eternal life. Mother Henriette de Jesus, renowned for her great beauty and strong personality, stood up to represent the other Carmelite sisters before the revolutionary tribunal and was remarkable for her heroic resolution. Since the prosecutor accused the Carmelites of being fanatics and counter-revolutionaries, she asked him to explain the meaning of those words. The irritated judge vomited a torrent of offenses against her, and then said: “It is your attachment to your Religion and the King.” Hearing these words, she replied, “I thank you for the explanation.” Then, addressing her companion Carmelites, she said: “My dear Mother and my Sisters, we must rejoice and give thanks to God for we die for our Religion, our Faith, and for being members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.” She was the last one before the Prioress to mount the scaffold to die. To the end, she encouraged her Sisters to persevere. When a charitable person offered a glass of water to one of the Sisters, Mother Henriette told her: “In Heaven, my Sister, in Heaven we will soon have water aplenty to drink.” Comments of Prof. Plinio: These Sisters knew that they were being put to death for their fidelity to the Catholic Church and the King, but they wanted the prosecutor to admit it out loud, because this would be a public witness of their martyrdom and an encouragement for them in face of the dangers of apostasy. This is why Mother Henriette was charged with asking that question. When the answer came, she was happy and transmitted it to her Mother and Sisters in religion. All of them shared that joy and went forward to die. Mother Henriette, who was very resolute, offered assistance to each of them until the end. Only the Prioress, Mother Teresa of St. Augustine, died after her, because she was the superior, and the Captain must always be the last one to leave the sinking ship. The episode with the glass of water is beautiful. Certainly there were some Carmelites who were nervous facing the trauma of such a violent death. To drink a glass of water could give them some relief. When Mother Henriette saw that one Carmelite Sister was inclined to accept the offer, she was probably thinking: “This small sacrifice can be yet another pearl for her crown in Heaven.” So, she advised her to not take it, and gave this magnificent reason: “My Sister, in Heaven soon we will have water aplenty to drink.” She was clearly referring to Our Lord, Who is the source of all living waters, to the face-to-face contemplation of God that gives eternal happiness. The thirsty Sister understood that when she would receive her crown of martyrdom, it would have an additional star because she made that sacrifice. You can contrast Mother Henriette de Jesus with an imaginary personage in a popular novel, The Dialogue of the Carmelites by George Bernanos. The character was called Blanche de la Force and was presented as a weak and timid Carmelite Sister. She is an imaginary personage, but it is worthwhile considering her, because she represents a common character type. In his novel, Bernanos presented her as a Sister who had panicked when the other Sisters were taken by the revolutionary soldiers and sentenced, and for this reason had apostatized from the Order. She was no longer living inside the Carmelite community, but she went to see the execution of her former companions who would suffer martyrdom that day. The Sisters were chanting the Veni Creator in chorus and, one by one, they walked up the steps to the scaffold to be guillotined. When she saw this, she was moved by a grace, stepped out of the mob and, singing, joined the cortege to be executed along with them. The two attitudes of both religious – Mother Henriette and Sister Blanche – express well the different paths of Divine Providence for different souls - the different marvels God works with His chosen ones. For some He chooses the glory of repentance – this is one of the glories attributed to the Apostles who fled during His Passion. For others He gives the strength that he gave to Mother Henriette of Jesus, that is, to view death from a distance and face it bravely, walking toward it joyfully. This was what He did with Mother Henriette, who helped all the others face their martyrdoms. These are two different paths God chooses to lead and direct souls. Seeing these two contrasting paths, you can admire the infinite beauty of God in the unity and variety of His ways. This is why the Saints are different from one another and why there are different schools of spirituality in the Catholic Church. It serves to show the beauty and richness of Holy Mother Church, a reflection of the beauty of the Heavenly Jerusalem. " May we too be prepared to suffer such martyrdom - if need be! We can see the censorship, the cancel culture, the lies accepted over truth, and all hatred for all that is of God, that we must become aware of the fact that all those who embrace tradition and all true believers in God will be cancelled by those presently in power - we must prepare to die for Christ! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - pray for us to fight bravely for Jesus and if need be - to die with great love for God and Truth. ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Blessed feast day to all! This is a very special title for Our Lady. The Carmelite Order IS the Order of Our Lady. The history of it goes back to before Christ on Mount Carmel where the first monks prayed for the coming of the Messiah and for the coming of The Virgin who would give Him birth. It only makes sense that the Eternal Father would have these prayer warriors inspired to pray for the necessary graces needed for the world to receive Our Lady who would then receive the Son of God - our Savior. It is a very beautiful and rich history. It is a great honor and privilege to be a Carmelite! Traditionally, today, many priests will offer either today or the Sunday nearest this day to enroll new members into the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular. Today, so little emphasis is given to this amazing sacramental. For those of us who study God's gift of Our Lady, we know Her amazing place in our salvation. Her yes, allowed the Son of God to be born and die for our sins. We have so much to be grateful for. She was conceived without Original Sin in order to be the first tabernacle of Jesus which had to be very pure. She is Immaculate! We need to give Her our gratitude with our obedience to Her wishes which She has given to us so many times throughout Catholic history. It is always the same --- repent, do penance, pray the Rosary and wear Her Scapular! Lucia of Fatima stated that the Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable. We must do both in order to receive the graces given to those enrolled in Her army. Father Daniel Lord, SJ has written so much for us in the years gone by and I will take some of the words he wrote for the nine day novena pamphlet to Our Lady of Mt Carmel given to us in 1947. I quote: "The scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a uniform, the splendid uniform of those who enlist under Christ and Mary to battle evil and defend the right. Almost from the dawn of history uniforms have suggested war. Soldiers wore them when they went out to do battle. Now with the coming of Christ, a new kind of war was emphasized: the war of truth against lies, of right against wrong. Naturally enough in this new war, in which there were armies on the side of Christ, the men and women who pledge to fight the good fight and thrust Satan back into hell came to wear uniforms. These were the religious habits of early Christian times, the special garb worn by priests and brothers and nuns. The scapular of Our Lady is the badge of our allegiance to Christ and His Mother in their fight against the forces of Evil. It has become a distinctive emblem of a Catholic. When Satan, the great and immortal enemy of the human race, won the preliminary skirmish of Eden, the voice of God Himself foretold that the foot of a conquering woman would crush the devil's head. Mary, conqueror of heresies... Mary, triumphant always in the battle with sin... We wearers of the uniform of Mary know the certainty of victory and the clear prospect of eternal peace. Before all observers, that scapular says: "I am a soldier of Christ and of Mary. I am a sworn enemy of evil." Mary watches with eagerness and guards with care those sons and daughters who wear Her uniform and profess by Her scapular their consecration to Her!" Above is taken from Father Daniel Lord, SJ "Mount Carmel Novena" 1947 So we conclude by saying that we should be happy and proud to be able to wear Her Scapular in this battle today. We can't help but think that it is no wonder that the enemy, who now is actually lurking in the Church, has silenced the promotion to this Scapular - EVEN WITHIN THE CARMELITE ORDER! Satan doesn't want a single soul to be wearing it!! Much Reparation is needed for this crime!! Even the Blue Army, that once promoted it - is now renamed "The Fatima Apostolate". It is politically incorrect to talk of an army or being a soldier of Christ ---- we are now called to tolerate evil - everywhere. THIS IS FALSE TEACHING AND SHOULD BE COUNTERED WITH THE TRUTH! May we wear our uniform bravely, courageously and boldly in this battle of good vs. evil, knowing that the Queen of Mt. Carmel is given the grace by God to crush the head of the devil. Let us not disappoint our King and Queen - let us promote enrollment in Our Lady's army which is fighting a very great battle right now against Satan and his cohorts. Let us put on the uniform of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on our bodies and the weapon of Her Rosary beads in our hands so that we can help protect many souls from being deceived by the enemy and present them instead to the Heart of Her Son - Jesus Christ - Our Lord and King. May Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us. All ye Carmelite saints, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Hope and pray all are well! I just posted yesterday the Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel on this site under Formation's - "Total Consecration to Jesus Thru Mary", There are some intentions to pray for as well. One of them being the loss of our church and our freedoms. I found documents prepared by a constitutional lawyer for us to be aware of our rights and to respond accordingly when a government SS officer comes knocking on our door. (Link below) This is now happening around the world and now soon to come to our American doorsteps. We need to be refreshed with a little history....in order to know that it does repeat itself.... Link below in how this is unfolding. May we share with others who are asleep. Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Orlando, Florida-based Liberty Counsel, sees parallels to 1930s Germany. “This is a reminder of what happened in Nazi Germany when Hitler tried to target the Jews by using a census to get personal information,” Staver says. The Nazis used the German subsidiary of an American company, IBM, to data-mine citizens and identify their targets. “Hitler actually hired IBM and IBM hired thousands of employees to execute a racial census to identify the Jews and once Hitler had that data, IBM created a system to cross-reference the data against employment records and also financial institutions’ records to help Hitler ultimately pulverize the Jews,” Staver said. “That’s when they used the mass transfer of Jews to ghettos and ultimately prison camps. So we’ve been down this road before where a government tries to coerce people by going door to door and gathering personal information on people.” For more on this tragic history, see the 2012 book IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation, by Edwin Black. When Hitler started consolidating his power in 1933, a primary goal was to exterminate Germany’s 600,000 Jews, but first they had to be identified. HERE IS SOME ADVICE FROM A CONSTITUTIONAL ATTORNEY KrisAnne Hall is a constitutional attorney who is offering advice to those not in the mood to talk to Biden’s propaganda collaborators. On her website, KrisAnneHall.com, she offers a free Trespass Warning Form that you can print and hand to any uninvited government agent who shows up on your property. She offers the following legal tips:
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus- have mercy upon all of us! Bonus Video below - America was taken from us!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Now that "Independence Day" is behind us, we need to take a look around us to see that the Christian culture that America was built upon is being attacked not only in this country but across the world. It is really not about the old and the new culture - it is about the right and the wrong - about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Pope Leo XIII brought out the relations of these two “kingdoms” in his encyclical letter against Freemasonry, "Humanum Genus", which can be summarized in three basic points: 1) the world is divided into two opposing camps; the kingdom of Christ vs. the kingdom of Satan, 2) every human belongs either to one or the other of these two camps, 3) since the fall of Adam, these two kingdoms have been in conflict with one another, and will continue to be in conflict with one another until the end of time. Pope Leo XIII writes: “The race of man after its miserable fall from God, the Creator and the Giver of Heavenly gifts, ‘through the envy of the devil,’ separated into two diverse parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other for those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the Kingdom of God on earth, the true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their heart to be united with it so as to gain salvation must of necessity serve God and His only-begotten Son with their whole mind and with an entire will. The other is the kingdom of Satan, in whose possession and control are all whosoever follow the fatal example of their leader and of our first parents, those who refuse to obey the divine and eternal law, and who have many aims of their own in contempt of God, and many aims also against God. History definitely repeats itself. What we are experiencing has happened before. Each attack in Europe or the US on our churches, cemeteries and monuments, whether by Islamist radicals, satanists, Antifa and other extremists, is characterized by a hatred for all that these buildings symbolize WHICH IS GOD!! AND the enemy's goal is to replace the culture of God with the culture of man - bringing communism! Schools have been infiltrated and no longer teach real history (if they teach it at all). We grew up thinking the French Revolution was a war put forward by the French peasants against the selfish, gluttonous monarchy! A good twist - right! In reality, it was the Freemasonic takeover of a Catholic monarchy to usher in "The Rights of Man" over the Rights of God. (Love to hear that in a Catholic school - forget about public schools!) Countless Catholic priests, religious and peasants were killed by guillotine if they did not swear to the new oath of this new "Republic". Churches, schools and seminaries were taken. Today, even the schools in France do not teach the youth about the true meaning of the French Revolution and the heroism of its people such as in the Vendee! All the wars have stories like this but the French Revolution ushered in a more sophisticated form of totalitarianism given to the world by the Freemasons. The Freemasons are still at work today - in the Catholic Church and all governments around the world. They work hand in hand with communism - for "liberty, equality and fraternity". Of course these words are defined by them in a different way from what we would define them to be. Recently, Canada has been experiencing the takedown of their Christian culture in a huge way. As we know, since Vatican II, many countries have been sliding more and more away from the faith. God is allowing these last blows to countries and their edifices as a punishment for the crimes of their nation. God never wills this behavior but ALLOWS it and can make good of it - whether it be for conversions or for just punishment due for the crimes committed against His Most Sacred Heart and the Heart of our Mother. Below is a link with details. I will add another link regarding Europe as well. I will end with a correlation of the news of the cancelling of the Latin Mass. We see an attack on ALL TRUTH today. We should not be surprised but I find it hard to stand tall and continue to pray during all of this. It is so disheartening but God has so few soldiers to fight His battle whether it be on the front lines or in a quiet room with prayers of reparation. St. Teresa of Avila said that Jesus has so few friends that we must be good ones. We must remember these words even when the enemy beats us up and calls us to surrender. For me - this is difficult - I am very weak and am only sustained by God's grace and Our Lady's prayers! May we continue to fight the good fight even if we are the weakest soldier. We must have confidence that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus has enough graces to make all of us saints for His Kingdom. Our Lady will hold us up and drag us if she has to! She is a good and tender Mother who knows all of our needs but most importantly wants the Most Holy Trinity to win souls through our efforts and God's grace. God has already won the war. It is the battles we are fighting now and souls are at stake. It is souls that God wants us to help win for Him with our prayers and sacrifices. In the end - Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph! PS - This is the month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus and I hope to write on the beautiful saintly souls who fought for God and shed their blood for the Church of Jesus Christ! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Holy and Immaculate Mother Mary, watch over us and pray for us to be strong! All you holy angels and saints, pray for us to fight the good fight! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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