![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Two more days until the blessed feast day of the Purification of Mary, Candlemas, Our Lady of Good Success and the Flame of Love! What a day from God for the Church in honor of Mary- Our Good Queen and Mother! I am taking some ideas from Marian Horvat who writes on Tradition in Action and has been a hero in translating book in English on Mother Mariana and the message of Our Lady of Good Success for us! You can find these books and the full article on that website (link below). I am very fascinated with the incorrupt saint Mother Mariana who received amazing graces, virtues and privileges for all of us to benefit from. God is so good! Dr. Marian Horvat has written an article years ago on the relation of the messages of Our Lady of Good Success and the message of Fatima which we are trying to promote on this website. It is a joy to bring some of her wisdom and grace to you today to read and ponder. Very useful in our zeal to continue a life of reparation and prayer! Dr. Horvat writes that when God sent Prophets in the Old Testament it was to remind men to come back to the truth. In the 20th century Our Lord has sent His Mother, the Queen of Prophets: “Go to earth and destroy heresies.” The Fathers of the Church have written Our Lady is the hammer of heresies. The message of Our Lady of Fatima, is a call for conversion and prayer - especially the Rosary - but also many warnings against the heresies and errors of our times. Our Lady at Quito confirms these warnings of Fatima almost 300 years before in a very descriptive and open way to the humble Conceptionist sister in Quito, Ecuador - Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. She first points out that both messages stress a need for expiatory victims We are approaching the end of the 20th century, the century of man, who has embraced every pleasure and adopted the maxim of the Revolution of the 60s: It is only forbidden to forbid. It is appropriate that the messages of Fatima and Quito speak to man of the need for expiatory victims and the love of the Cross. At the very first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Our Lady asks the children, “Do you want to offer yourselves to God to endure all the sufferings He may choose to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and as a supplication for the conversion of sinners?” She asks for man’s cooperation in the divine plan, and the children agreed. Lucia said, “Yes, we do.” “Then you are going to suffer a great deal, but the grace of God will be your comfort.” Likewise, at Quito, Our Lady asked the cooperation of Mother Mariana in her great mission that connects us to our days. In 1582, when Mother Mariana was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, for the first time she was given to see the heresy, blasphemy and impurity that would inundate the world as punishment in the 20th century. Our Lady asked her: “My daughter, will you sacrifice yourself for the people of this time?” Mother Mariana replied, “I am willing.” From the violence of the shock of previewing the horrors of our day, Mother Mariana fell dead. Historic and documented evidence record that this holy religious truly died in 1582 and resurrected. Before the divine tribunal, she was given the choice to remain in heaven or return to suffer in the world. Following the example of Our Lady, who left the glories of heaven to protect her children during those difficult first years of the fledgling Church, Mother Mariana chose to return to life to expiate for the great sins of our times. It seems there is also a special message for us in the way the children of Fatima and Mother Mariana accepted and embraced the cross. The mystery of the cross is such a very special grace that Eternal Wisdom only bestows it on His best friends. “It is a greater happiness for St. Peter,” writes St. John Chrysostom, “to be imprisoned for Jesus Christ than to be with Him in His glory on Mt. Thabor; it is a greater glory for him to wear his prisoner’s chains than to bear in his hands the keys to Paradise.” Eternal Wisdom tells us that the number of fools is infinite. That is, St. Louis de Montfort says, because the number of those who do not know the value of the Cross is infinite, and they carry it despite themselves. You should thrill with joy, he says, because the cross you carry is a gift so precious, it would arouse the envy for the Blessed if they were capable of envy (Love of Eternal Wisdom, p. 97). Dr. Horvat also points out that both messages prove the Dogma of the Church that hell exists.... The First Secret of Fatima breaks the myth, the lie of 20th century, that hell does not exist. On July 13, 1917, Our Lady told three children, ages 10, 8, 7, to “pray, pray very much because many souls go to Hell. Then she opened Her hands and showed the three children a hole in the ground, a place. That hole, said Lucy, was like a sea of fire in which we saw the souls of human forms, men and women, burning, shouting, and crying in despair.” Mary said to the children: “You have seen Hell where sinners go when they do not repent.” During her life, Mother Mariana begged Our Lord to save the soul of an insubordinate sister in the convent. He agreed that this rebellious sister would be saved, although she would be required to remain in purgatory until the end of the world. In recompense, Mother Mariana had to suffer five years on earth the pains of hell. For five years, she suffered all the tortures of the senses reserved for souls in that terrible place and the most intense suffering of the sense of the loss of God. Dr. Horvat points out the almost complete breakdown of customs revealed in both messages During Jacinta’s stay at the orphanage of Our Lady of Miracles in Lisbon in 1920, Our Lady told her, “The sins that lead more souls to hell are the sins of the flesh.” There were other prophecies She revealed to the little girl: “Styles will come that will offend Our Lord very much. Persons who serve God should not follow the styles. The Church does not have styles. Our Lord is always the same.” She said that the sins of impurity would be so great there would be almost no virgin souls. She said that many marriages are not good, that they do not please Our Lord and are not of God. Finally, Jacinta repeated continually to Lucia and Mother Godinho: “Pray much for priests and religious. Priests should be pure, very pure!” Three centuries before, in Quito, Ecuador, on January 20, 1610, Our Lady appeared carrying a crozier in Her right hand and her Divine Son in her left arm so that, “all will know that I am merciful and understanding. Let them come to me, for I will lead them to Him.” She told Mother Mariana that in the twentieth century, “the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. They will focus particularly on the children in order to achieve this general corruption. Woe to the children of these times.” Obviously, she is speaking of the secular humanist revolution about which so much has been written that has completely invaded the secular as well as religious institutions of our times. Our Lady continued, describing the abuses that would attack each of the Sacraments: “Woe to the children of these times because it will be difficult to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and also that of Confirmation.” She warned that the devil would assiduously try to destroy the sacrament of Confession and Holy Communion. She lamented the many sacrileges and abuses of the Blessed Sacrament that would occur. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction would be little esteemed and many people would die without receiving it, thus denied assistance they would need for that “great leap from time to Eternity.” The Sacred Sacrament of Holy Orders would be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. The demon would labor unceasingly to corrupt the clergy and would succeed with many of them. And these “depraved priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will incite the hatred of the bad Christians and the enemies of the Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church to fall upon all priests. This apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings upon the good pastors of the Church.” About the Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church, she said this: “Masonry, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the objective of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin. … The Christian spirit will rapidly decay, extinguishing the precious light of Faith until it reaches the point that there will be an almost total and general corruption of customs. In these unhappy times, there will be unbridled luxury that would conquer innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost. Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women. In this supreme moment of need of the Church, those who should speak will fall silent.” This forewarning resounds loudly in the ears of those who have followed the Fatima apparitions: “In this supreme moment of need of the Church, those who should speak will fall silent.” It is impossible not to ask: Why was the third secret of Fatima not revealed in 1960 according to the mandate of the Queen of Heaven? Why have the conciliar and post-conciliar popes remained silent in face of the command of Heaven? Finally, we arrived at one of the most important apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana in 1634, a year before her death. As Mother Mariana prayed before the Blessed Sacrament on Feb. 2 (the Feast of the Purification - Presentation), she saw the sanctuary light extinguish itself, leaving the altar place completely dark. This is significant in itself for those of us today who have reason to believe that, in fact, in many churches across the world the Tabernacle light has, quite literally, been extinguished. Our Lady then explained the five meanings of the Tabernacle light that had been extinguished before her eyes. The first meaning: “At the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century, various heresies will be propagated in this land. … As these heresies spread and dominate, the precious light of Faith will be extinguished in souls by the almost total corruption of customs. During this period, there will be great physical and moral calamities, both public and private.” However, there would be souls, she promised, who would remain faithful and would preserve the treasure of the Faith and virtues. But these would suffer a cruel, unspeakable and prolonged martyrdom. “In order to free men from bondage to these heresies, those chosen by Most Holy Son to effect the restoration will need great strength of will, constancy, valor and confidence in God. To test this faith and confidence of the just, there will be occasions where all will seem to be lost and paralyzed. This, then, will be the happy beginning of the complete restoration.” These chosen souls, who will restore the health of the Church, seem to be very similar to the apostles of the latter times predicted by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. The second meaning: The crisis in the clergy, both secular and regular. Many vocations would be lost, and injustice and iniquity would enter the convents and monasteries under the guise of “false charity, wreaking havoc in souls.” “The secular clergy,” She said, “will leave much to be desired because priests will become careless in their sacred duties. Lacking the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry, and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to obtain. “How the Church will suffer during this dark night! … [Lacking a prelate and father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.”] The third meaning: Impurity will permeate the atmosphere and there will almost no virgin souls in the world. I have already mentioned this prophecy, so will continue on to the next. The fourth meaning: “Masonic sects, having infiltrated all the social classes, would subtly introduce its teaching into domestic ambiences in order to corrupt the children,” she warned. It is the invasion of the secular humanism of Freemasonry and the errors of Communism. But Our Lady promised that there would be, “religious communities and individuals who would labor with valor and disinterested zeal for the salvation of souls. Against them, the impious would rage cruel wars.” The fifth meaning is quite interesting: Our Lady said, “The fifth reason that the lamp was extinguished is due to the laxity and the negligence of those who possess great wealth who will indifferently stand by and witness the Church being oppressed, virtue being persecuted, and the triumph of the demon, without piously employing their riches for the destruction of this evil and the restoration of the Faith.” The Queen of Heaven also noted that this quenching of the Tabernacle light was also due to the indifference of the people in allowing the Name of God to be gradually extinguished and in adhering to the spirit of evil, freely delivering themselves to the vices and passions. Fatima and Quito: Messages that confirm each other It seems to me an opportune moment for this story of Our Lady of Good Success and Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres to become better known to the English-speaking public. For there, just as she did at Fatima, she asked for prayer and sacrifice to make amends for the many outrages and abuses of this unhappy century. But also, at Quito, just as She did at Fatima, she assures us of her fortunate intervention and triumph. For the message of Our Lady of Good Success is, like that of Our Lady at Fatima, a message of great hope. She promised a band of stalwart souls filled with confidence who would help to effect the happy Restoration. She promised her intercession at the very moment when the evil will appear triumphant and when the authority abuses her power. This would mark, as She said, “the arrival of my hour, when, in a marvelous way, I will dethrone the proud and accursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss.” These words harmonize perfectly with the message of hope Our Lady delivered to the three children at Fatima in 1917: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” To become worthy of the success, the victory that Our Lady predicted, we need a supernatural confidence. We need to be entirely convinced of that victory - the promise of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917: “In the End My immaculate Heart will Triumph.” We need to be completely convinced of the happy restoration: the words of Our Lady at Quito in 1634: “To test this faith and confidence of the just, there will be occasions where all will seem to be lost and paralyzed. This, then, will be the happy beginning of the complete restoration.” HOLY MOTHER MARY - PRAY FOR US SINNERS!
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![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Hope all are well. I just wanted to post this need for prayer for our neighbor who is fighting against the tyranny they are experiencing (like everyone else). You may have heard of the largest truck convoy which is 100,000 strong that made their way to Ottawa today to demand an end to the mandates and/or the resignation of Trudeau. Let us pray for God's justice to be done to this once Catholic nation and that they may return back to the faith in thanksgiving. We who remain faithful can pray for them! I will post a couple links below on this situation in Canada as well as some global hope done by a few brave men to be conducted in court by the end of this week...they need prayer for their endeavors as well ... for the sake of the world. A little history on once Catholic Canada........From the very beginning, New France (Canada) had placed St Joseph in a position of honor for the new country. At the time, the feast day of St Joseph, on March 19, had just been made mandatory for the whole Church in 1621 under Pope Gregory XV. There was a new sense of appreciation and vigor for devotion to St Joseph, as was made evident by the Canadian missionaries. It was the missionary Joseph Le Caron who chose St Joseph as the Patron Saint of New France (Canada.) Le Caron wrote of the Huron Indians and the difficulties of the work of evangelization. He noted on March 19, 1624: "We held a great feast in honor of St Joseph where all the inhabitants were included, several wild. This feast was held as a vow we made to St. Joseph, choosing him as Patron of New France.” In 1637, Father Le Jeune wrote that "the feast of the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, father, patron and protector of New France, is one of the great solemnities of the country." It was under his patronage that was accomplished the evangelization of the Indians and Joseph’s name was given to the majority of new converts. The custom of bestowing the name of Joseph, either as first or middle name, was quickly established in New France, and continues to this day among many French-Canadian Roman Catholics. Many chapels and churches of Canada are dedicated to him, the oldest being in the territory of the Diocese of Saint-Jean-Longueuil. It is the parish of Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly whose canonical dates back to 1665. The largest shrine in the world dedicated to St Joseph is on Mount Royal in Montreal, St Joseph's Oratory, which is also the final resting place of the body of St André Bessette. May we pray to St. Joseph and all the the Canadian Saints and Blesseds... St. Marie of the Incarnation St. Marguerite Bourgeoys St. Francois de Laval St. Kateri Tekakwitha St. Marguerite d'Youville Saint Brother Andre PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interest and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him close in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen. Good St. Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary. pray for us! Holy Mother Mary intercede for Canada and for the whole world! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I want to begin with the fact that today starts the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success. This Novena is found on this website under Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary and I will put a link below to make it easy to access. I know I am posting another political post but this is truly related to our Faith. We must know in order to resist and not be one of the sheeple. We must pray like never before and be prepared for what is to come --- the best we can. The Globalist elites met in Davos, January 17-21, 2022 to plan the future of the world since they last met in January 2021. Two years into this plandemic and how far have we come and why. Well, the so called vaccinations are now failing. The "protected" are getting sick and countries are openly saying that this will now have to be treated like the flu....time to move on to PHASE 2 of Agenda 2030. Time to put COVID 19 on a back burner. What will be next? Climate Change mandates, cyber attacks, world economic collapse, digital system, food and energy rationing? Which will be first? Sounds sci-fi but it is all on the WEF website and the United Nations Agenda 2030 documents. Totalitarians are always a minority — think of the Bolsheviks or the Nazis or the Maoists or the Khmer Rouge — and moving a nation the size of Russia or Germany or China or even Cambodia is a HUGE task. And now they feel they can do this to the entire world. To accomplish this movement — analogous to herding millions of livestock — totalitarians use three strategies that are at the core of totalitarian politics: atomization, terror, and paralysis. ATOMIZATION The atomization of society into isolated individuals, who find nothing above them but the all-powerful state, is largely a modern phenomenon. TERROR Terror is the means by which atomization is accomplished. Terror is not just fear, in the ordinary sense. Fear is specific to a threat — I may have a fear of heights or of snakes. I can prevent my fear by avoiding heights and snakes, and thus fear becomes a motivating factor that leads me to specific adaptive behaviors. It is exactly this motivation that totalitarians seek to extinguish, because in the totalitarian paradigm, all of my movement must be controlled by the state. Thus the totalitarian uses terror, which is something very different from fear. The essential characteristic of terror that sets it apart from fear is terror’s absolute unpredictability. Terror is constant dread of the unknown that cannot be avoided. A Soviet citizen could not know when or if or where or why he would be arrested. The knock on the door could come at home at night or at work at noon or on the street anytime. It could be a warning or a deportation or a death sentence. He could, at a moment’s notice, be on a train to Siberia, to serve a 3-year sentence or 15-year sentence for a crime he had never heard of or that was never quite specified or even no crime at all. Or perhaps he would never be arrested, but live in a kind of suspended animation, waiting for the knock that never comes. Totalitarian terror pervades life and extinguishes purposeful attainment of any ordinary individual goals. Terror is the wait for the unknown. Terror leads to atomization. It is routine in totalitarian societies to arrest family and coworkers and even casual acquaintances of victims, simply due to their association with the accused. This leads to a radical atomization of society, because self-isolation is the only strategy by which you can avoid joining your brother or co-worker or friend in Dachau or the basement of Lubyanka. PARALYSIS Atomization and terror create paralysis, which is the indispensable state of individuals in a totalitarian state. Radical isolation from any social network and constant terror prevent individuals from acting on their own. They are rendered docile, helpless and paralyzed. This is the only state in which millions of people can be moved in a single direction with minimal effort — the only way that a minority of totalitarian rulers — often just a handful of fanatics — can commandeer a nation the size of Russia or Germany or China -- and now a hope for the world .. to move in a single direction. With the above being recognized, our response to COVID-19 is a bit chilling. Although some measures we took to contain the plandemic SEEMED beneficial, the measures replicate, the atomization, terror, and paralysis that are essential to totalitarian government. Face masks, social distancing, prohibitions on religious or social gathering, mandated experimental injections, forced loss of jobs and businesses, cancel culture for real experts who tried to reveal the truth and last but not least ..... pervasive uncertainty and fear of contagion-- all are strikingly analogous to the routine measures used to impose totalitarian government. COVID seems most likely to be a 21st-century means of bringing in a new totalitarian regime. The remarkable legal exceptions to the forced atomization and paralysis of our pandemic response — the casual permission granted to mass movements, to protest, vandalism, looting, rioting, and mass violence, which were (bizarrely) accompanied by strict prohibition of ordinary religious and social gathering — certainly has a totalitarian air about it. COVID has been a means for a deliberate use of totalitarian tactics by the globalist elites who meet in January at Davos Switzerland to discuss their agenda to bring in a NWO and Agenda 2030. There is no denying it now - may we pray, and be aware of what has happened and what is coming and like Archbishop Vigano has stated - WE MUST RESIST!!! Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us! BONUS.....
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I pray all are well. There is much sickness like we have never seen EVER....could it be the vaccine is working the way they wanted? I am writing about the news this week. First, we have to pray for our Supreme Court that seems to think they need to stick their noses in medical books instead of law books. This was such a disgrace to say that some need this mandate because they work for this communist government but that businesses can have freedom. That seems constitutionally sound..WOW! No one needs a law degree to see that this is ridiculous. EVERYTHING IS COMPROMISED! Then we have Washington state, USA, working on trying to be the first state to have COVID internment camps that other countries are illegally running and are completely unnecessary...almost everyone has gotten or is getting COVID. This will be so ridiculous to say that you need to go into a camp for a shot that does not even prevent the disease that many are already immune from. So what else could they arrest us for if that narrative dies? How about "domestic terrorist".....that seems to be the latest cry from the left. If you are against a vax that does nothing but bring harm, you are a domestic terrorist. If you want to protect your children from a dirty, stifling mask, shutdowns, and a lethal vax, you are a domestic terrorist. If you want freedom of speech or religion, you are a domestic terrorist. If you have ever claimed that the elections were stolen, you are a domestic terrorist. Well, looks like they might be able to round up a few with those terms illegally. I have some videos posted below on this. I felt I had to include a documentary on the camps of WW2 because some think it was a conspiracy theory and that it never happened. WARNING - the graphics are truly disturbing but if you are brave enough to watch --- it will prepare you for what is to come. Again, this website is for prayers of reparation for sin, to spread the Fatima message and to promote Our Lady's message of prayer and penance. She warned us this would happen but when God allows this to end as He did WW2, there will be peace. Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph when God decides to give us a holy pope. Please pray for this day to come and pray for the strength and grace that will be needed to endure what lies ahead for this coming New Year. God bless and may Our Lady of Fatima pray for us and strengthen us! This is a disturbing documentary of WW2 - but this is what lies ahead for us.
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Happy feast of the Holy Family. I found this image of Sweet Jesus at the foot of St. Joseph, the carpenter, picking up a nail and standing in the shadow of the cross. I wish Our Lady was in it too - it would have made a perfect Holy Family picture for this topic today. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said: "We were all born to live....Jesus was born to die --- to die on a cross for you and me!" Yesterday was the Feast of the Holy Family. As we know, for the past few decades, the family has been under attack. When the family falls, so does society. This is what the globalist communist want in order to create their "order out of chaos". The explanation for transgenderism, gay rights, abortion, same sex marriage, divorce, contraception and the wide spread fornication of our young couples that live together before their date to get married. All of this is bringing God's Judgement upon the whole world. May we all pray to the Holy Family to restore order in our society and families. We all have some of this in our families --- it is that widespread. I just read the amazing article by John Henry Westen on his "Lifesite News" regarding the shedding of blood and its relation to the Infant Jesus and the feast days that follow Christmas in the liturgical year. He did an amazing job with this for this time of year and this time in history. This is reality folks...this is Scripture...this is what each of us must prepare for whether it be white martyrdom (persecution for the sake of Christ) or red martyrdom (death for the sake of Christ). Archbishop Fulton Sheen would talk about this often as well as Fr. John Hardon. When we stand before God on Judgement Day we better show Him our scars. No crucifixion - no redemption. I know the Protestants would have trouble with that but I don't know why --- it is Scriptural...we must pick up our crosses and follow Him. Why would anyone want a rapture when we all know what a grace to the Church and to ourselves - martyrdom truly is? John Henry Westen's article is worth reading or listening to very often throughout this year and beyond. We are not going back to the way "things were". And the way he puts it - why would we want to? We must go forward defending the Faith, standing at the foot of the cross with Our Lady and face the suffering for the good of the Church and for the glory of God. Suffering is a mystery of God and if we are to call ourselves Christians - we are to imitate Jesus Christ and all the heroic saints that went before us! I hope this brings great joy and hope and courage to your soul as it did mine!! I have quoted some of the best of John Henry's talk.... "Pious Catholic parents of old could often be heard telling their children about the glorious martyrs and even the crown of martyrdom as a ticket straight to heaven and avoiding the sufferings of purgatory and a particular glory in heaven. Some may dismiss that as pious legend, but the doctors of the Church uphold it. St. Thomas Aquinas writes that “Pain suffered in this life voluntarily cleanses much more than pain inflicted after death” in Purgatory. Why is this? He quotes St. Augustine, “If anything needing to be cleansed be found in [those martyrs], it is cut off by the sickle of suffering.” St. Augustine even says that it would be insulting to pray for the repose of the souls of martyrs. And let’s remember too that “martyr” means witness. The martyrs’ witness to the love of Christ is the most effective means of spreading the truth of Christ. The third-century writer Tertullian wrote these fierce and fiery words to the Roman Emperor and his government: “Your cruelty, however exquisite, does help you stamp us out. The more often you mow us down, the more in number we grow; for the blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christians. “For who sees our stubbornness in the face of death, without looking into the cause? Who, after this inquiry, does not embrace our doctrine? And when he has embraced it, who does not desire to suffer so that he may share the fullness of God’s grace, and obtain from God complete forgiveness, by giving in exchange his blood? For martyrdom secures the remission of all offenses. “It is for this reason that we return thanks, on the very spot, for your death sentences.” Holy Mother of God and of all of us, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, fill us with Your Grace to embrace our cross for the good of the Church and for the glory of God our Father!! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I am commenting on the latest response of Archbishop Vigano regarding what Rome and Pope Francis are up to. (video below) It is very well done in explaining this coup's origins. its intentions, its consequences to the Church and he even brought forward some history of those who have gone before us and have been martyred for defending the Faith and this exact Mass we are now forbidden to go to. (May we prepare to do the same...if necessary!) Churchmen are judging things in light of the Second Vatican Council instead of judging the Second Vatican Council in light of the infallible definitions. The Church cannot suddenly decide that Vatican II is the new yardstick of the Faith. In light of this mess to the Third Secret of Fatima (which has never been fully revealed), we know that it begins with Our Lady's reference to the dogma of the Faith. This is why Sister Lucy said the Third Secret would be much clearer after 1960. We know now that we are living in the period of this calamity because the Third Secret starts with the words, "In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved", and it is implicit that it will NOT be preserved in other parts of Europe and possibly even the rest of the world. Now why does this prophecy become clearer in 1960?? Because by that year enough events have happened so that when the prophecy is heard in 1960, it would be more understandable than if it were heard before the events of 1960 took place. We also know that we have not arrived at the consecration and conversion of Russia and the resulting period of peace predicted and promised by Our Lady when in the end Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph. Therefore, we have not seen the Third Secret prophecies completed. The Vatican read it in 1960 and chose NOT to reveal it....against Our Lady's wishes. Could the Blessed Mother have come in 1961 to Garabandal to tell the children WHAT THE POPE DID NOT........"many Cardinals, bishops, and priests are on the road to hell and "dragging" many more souls with them." This same terminology was used by Sr. Lucia when she was interviewed in 1957 by Fr. Fuentes. She said, "The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell." St. Pius X stated in Pascendi in 1907...."The partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church's open enemies; but in Her very bosom, and are the more mischievous the less they keep in the open." "The Church has no greater enemies. For they put into operation their designs for Her undoing, not from without but from within. Hence, the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain from the very fact that their knowledge of Her is more intimate." "It is time to tear away the mask from these people and to show them to the Church such as they are."....Pope St. Pius X There is no doubt now that the message and warning of Our Lady was about the Second Vatican Council....the proof is shown today in what Pope Francis and all of Rome is declaring right now. Listen to Archbishop Vigano and take heed to his words.....RESIST AND DISOBEY THE ENEMIES! Please keep up the Fatima prayers of Reparation taught to us. Pray for the consecration of Russia and the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart! God bless Archbishop Vigano and all the clergy and laity who will be the resistance to this evil we see now manifested in the Church. Our Lady of Fatima ...pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus ....have mercy upon us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary! Blessed New Year to all!! I just wrote the last article on communism. 2022 will be a year like we have never seen before. We all know that we deserve a chastisement because of all the sin in the world. We do need to strengthen ourselves most importantly SPIRITUALLY! Now is the time to make TRUE resolutions to increase the amount of prayer time. Let us examine ourselves and see how we can increase in our prayer time with Jesus! Please pray for all those who are already experiencing the "Great New Reset" destruction that will happen "naturally" worldwide. We are due to have many storms throughout the USA. Colorado was just a victim of disaster...links below. Be prepared for power outages and look into EMP protection for your home which may be the reason some homes in CA and CO were "missed" during the "forest fires". There very well could be a relation to the "smart devices" and the "fires". Get prayerful, grow close to Jesus and Mary and do your homework for the most protection physically to get through this if it is God's will to do so. Please pray for all souls suffering from sickness, the injections and "natural disasters". Jesus, Mary, we love You - save souls!! Something to think about.......100 mile/hr winds, dry conditions and downed power lines caused this....where is the debris in the streets? how did the trees survive....how did some buildings escape this? /We are at war ...and it has only begun....more fires, more tornadoes, more power outages,....etc....etc....
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
February 2025
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