![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... Blessed Feast Day to All! We had Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, The Holy Trinity and now Corpus Christi....soon the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! The days of the Novena to the Most Sacred Heart start...Weds. May 29 thru June 6th. The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart is June 7th. The Church is so good to give us these glorious feasts of the Church. We celebrate on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the great gift of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The gift of Himself that He gave to us on Holy Thursday before His Crucifixion. The gift before His Death on the Cross is significant - it is His ALL - His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity given to us and left for us through His holy priests. What more could He give to show us His Love? Corpus Christi is celebrated on a Thursday because it was the day Jesus gave us the gift of Himself on Holy Thursday. The above image of St. Margaret Mary Alocoque is important to this day as it was during her Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that Jesus came to her to ask for Hours of Reparation before the Blessed Sacrament to be done on Thursday evenings from 11 PM to midnight; the hour that would commemorate the time of this great gift on Holy Thursday. Why Reparation? He showed her His Heart on a throne of flames, crowned with thorns, and surmounted by a cross, and thus addressed her: "Behold that Heart which has loved men so much, and which has spared Itself nothing; and has even gone so far as to consume Itself, thereby to show them Its Love; but in return the greater part of men only show me ingratitude, and this by the irreverences, tepidity, sacrileges, and contempt which they offer me in this Sacrament of Love; and that which I feel the most acutely is, that they are hearts consecrated to me." This is very sad and so relevant even today. Let us with Our Lady and St. Margaret Mary make reparation today and every day for these injuries done to Our Lord. We know of so many injuries: The tabernacle put in an inferior place; communion received in the hand; standing instead of kneeling before Our Lord; sacrileges Masses; people and priests receiving Our Lord with mortal sin on their souls and also the pure lack of belief in the Real Presence. We hear today of the rights of man in receiving Our Lord even steeped in sin. This is proof that they do not believe in the Real Presence - What about Our Lord? Is He not there? Is He not offended? We have placed ourselves over the past 60 years (or more) before God. It is time to make reparation for this and to honor Jesus the way God the Father wants us to - WITH PROFOUND REVERENCE - WITH UTMOST REVERENCE! Let us go to Mary and seek the necessary graces to love God above all things. Let us receive Jesus after inviting Her into our hearts. Let us pray with St. Gertrude her prayer to Our Lady---(posted below as well as our reparation prayers to be said daily as requested at Fatima) Have a blessed Feast Day and may the prayers of our Holy Mother Mary and all the Saints pray for us and all priests to be true lovers of Jesus Truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... We are now in the Octave of Pentecost and I pray you had a prayerful day yesterday. After the release of the document Friday, I have an ever more intense feeling to promote devotion to Our Blessed Mother. She is undoubtedly the best kept secret in the Catholic Church. You can be sure that the devil will do all that he can to keep it that way. She is the perfect way to Jesus Christ. She is the dispenser of God's graces. This is all by design by the Eternal Father. Satan is pride...Mary is humility. Being that Mary is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, She is given the fullness of God's grace to not only be our Mother but to dispense these gifts as She sees fit. For any of us to not be a devotee of Her, is foolish indeed!!!! It was in the writings of St. Maximillian Kolbe that I first understood to a greater extent Mary as the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. He writes so beautifully on this. In a quick sentence, he states that when we call upon Mary – it is never without the Holy Spirit because they cannot be separated. This is so beautiful because God is contained within Mary. Mary is the vessel that brings us God. This helps us to understand Her as the Mediatrix of all Graces. It was above all at the Incarnation of the Son of God that Mary became the true Spouse of the Holy Spirit for She conceived the Eternal Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Mary, with Mary, and in Mary, the Holy Spirit brought forth the God-man, and in like manner, He brings forth, every day, to the End of Time, the elect children of God. St. Louis de Montfort says, “The Holy Ghost imparted to Mary His immeasurable gifts, and has made Her the dispenser of all His Graces, so that She distributes His gifts and graces to whom She wills, as much as She wills, and how and where She wills. No grace is given by Heaven to man except through her virginal hands.” St. Bernard and St. Alphonsus and many other theologians hold the same opinion. Mary was present with the Apostles at Pentecost and prayed with them during the nine day Novena preceding this great day of grace. It was chiefly due to Her prayers and ardent desires that the Holy Spirit came down with such treasures of grace. Through Mary we must seek grace, for She is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and all graces are dispensed through Her hands. Since God is Love - let our prayer be: Mary teach me to love with Your love – let me love with Your Heart! Her passions, her thoughts, her actions will be placed into the hearts of her children. We should endeavor to have no thoughts and desires but the thoughts and desires of Mary because She is in perfect union with God. Mary’s desires are always the desires of God. It should be the desire of every child of Mary to look forward to when their soul is really and truly united to God so strongly that He will be able to make use of it as He wills, knowing that there will be no obstacle put in the way of the working of His Holy Spirit. We must strive to constantly keep watch over our hearts and to keep them pure and our souls empty of everything that is not of God. We must be vigilant in asking Mary to keep us humble. She will teach us that every grace given to us by God through Her should be faithfully attributed to God alone. God will then be able to use us for His greater glory knowing that He can trust that the work will be done in union with the Heart of Mary since that soul has been molded by Her. How happy we will be once we are founded in truth seeing the things of God by the light given to us by the Holy Spirit through the prayers and intercession of Our Mother Mary. This is the greatest effect of the Total Consecration. St. Louis de Montfort states that Mary’s faithful servant who advances not to the first, second or third step alone, but who makes this devotion their habitual state are souls given graces so great that these graces may be in some sense compared even to those enjoyed by our first parents in their state of innocence. This happy state is not gained without conflict, without struggle, without great molestations from the evil one. Especially today, are we shrouded in disbelief, sadness, confusion and fear. However, those who place themselves into the hands of Mary are placed securely and are protected so strongly from any assaults as long as we have recourse to Her – She will crush Satan’s head. Today more than ever do we need Her as Satan is definitely unleashed like never before. We have family and friends caught in his snares, deceived and confused about what really is Truth. We have high members of our own Church caught in these snares. WHY? They have not placed themselves in Her maternal Immaculate Heart. Having a true devotion to Her Immaculate Heart will lead us the the Most Blessed Trinity because The Blessed Trinity is found in Her Heart and She has been given the duty to protect us! It seems so simple but it takes a child's confidence and love to surrender to the arms of their mother. IT IS VERY VERY TRAGIC TO SEE SUCH PRIDE OF REFUSAL! In light of this latest document of apparitions, we can be sure that the messages of warning given by Our Heavenly Mother AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN are done with GREAT LOVE! She does not want ANY of Her children lost. Each of us was an innocent sweet little baby ....YET IT PAINS A MOTHER'S HEART TO THINK THAT SOME OF US WILL BE LOST FOR ETERNITY! May we pray for Mary's maternal Heart and pray the prayers of reparation taught at Fatima to win souls back to the Heart of Jesus Christ. May we pray to remain faithful to our Queen and Mother and may we pray earnestly for those who have strayed away. May we seek the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary, in order to be united to God in the most perfect and secure way so that one day we may die in Her arms and be presented to Her Son. Oh Happy Happy Day! Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us to receive the necessary graces to obtain eternal life for ourselves and those whom we love! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... I hope all are well this Friday, May 17th. Today, Rome has released its new norms on alleged apparitions. In a nutshell, according to what I see, they want to not take responsibility for approving any new apparitions especially those that give a hint of "disunity" by sharing a message contrary to what is now coming from Rome. What does that mean for apparitions that have already been approved that scream trouble for current Rome? Good question....it seems to not be addressed DIRECTLY. Here is a talk by Anthony Stine on Return to Tradition. He goes over the whole thing and I think does a pretty good job of interpretation. You can obviously find more online. I have also included a link with the document for you to read. I mentioned the word Fatimist in my heading. I have never used it before nor have I been called one but according to this new document....I may be one. This site is about Fatima and its messages. I feel we are living as good Catholics but focusing on the reparation prayers of Fatima and the message of prayer, repentance, fasting and spreading the message of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart. Of course, we have just celebrated St. Simon Stock and the modernists have a problem with the Brown Scapular. We promote that as well because our Good Mother has asked that we wear Her garment as a sign of consecration to Her care and for Her to pray for us when we are in danger; thus leading us to Heaven to be with Her Son for all eternity! May we keep all of our leaders in prayer. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Happy Feast Day of St. Simon Stock! I gave this heading because there is controversy as to whether we can "scientifically" prove St. Simon Stock's existence. Yes, that is right, Tradition takes a back seat to science (in case you were not paying attention). Well, all I can say is Our Lady came as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on October 13, 1917 holding out the Scapular. St. Lucia has stated that the Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable. Why and How did we get a Brown Scapular if Our Lady was holding one? Looks like Tradition had it right and the Modernists have it wrong. There is too much to say about the Scapular but the first thing that we as Carmelites need to say is......it needs to be promoted BY US! It is understandable that there would be a war against the Scapular because the devil wants no one to be protected by Our Blessed Mother BUT this fight against the Scapular should not come from the Order of Carmel. But we like Rome are infiltrated.....sad to say. Now more than ever do we need to help souls acquire the love and protection of Our Blessed Mother through Her Scapular. Once a soul understands that is is a garment from their Mother so that She can help them with special graces.... they would hopefully say yes to wearing one! It could help so many souls in need today....why are we not promoting it? I am posting a dissertation that I found on line after I discovered that the Order of Carmel is infiltrated by the enemy. This dissertation is done very well in defending the Scapular. May Our Lady of Mt Carmel pray for us. St Simon Stock pray for us. May we do all we can to promote devotion to Our Lady's garment ...The Scapular! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Well....we had a very lit up weekend ALL OVER THE WORLD..Not just in the North for the Auroras. I understand this is due to the very weak magnetic field we have now on earth BUT God is allowing it to happen for a reason. OUR LADY TO SR. LUCIA.... “If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its sins, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and of the Holy Father. “To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.” Here Our Lady warns of the events – including war! – to be foreshadowed by the “night illumined by an unknown light”. She also provides the solution for preventing these events: the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart and the devotion of the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. The night of the “unknown light” occurred. But, unfortunately, Our Lady’s requests have gone unheeded, and many of the predicted events have already occurred. Thus it would seem that ‘the annihilation of nations’ is looming on the horizon… By 1938, World War II was about to break out. It would begin “during the reign of Pius XI,” signaled by “a night illumined by an unknown light”. On the night of January 25-26, 1938 – during the reign of Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) – the sky became a brilliant blood-red. Likened to the blaze of a gigantic fire and filling the evening sky, it was seen across Europe and even in parts of North America and North Africa. Though it was determined by many to be a most extraordinary aurora borealis, this phenomenon exhibited many characteristics not associated with an aurora borealis. It would appear that many simply assigned it that designation because they had no more appropriate term or explanation. And Sister Lucia expressed reservations about it being referred to as an aurora borealis. She wrote in her third memoir on August 31, 1941 that no matter what cause the light could be attributed to, “God made use of this to make me understand that His justice was about to strike the guilty nations…” Here we are with so much pointing to another war and much more. These auroras were seen ALL OVER THE WORLD this past weekend. This is not to get people scared but to get people prepared! Get in the state of God's grace, pray the family Rosary as She has asked. Go to as many Masses (while we still have them). Pray, Read, Fast. Pray the Reparation Prayers taught at Fatima daily. Live in God's love and peace knowing that we are His! We are about to get a new document from Rome this Friday, May 17 on the apparitions of Our Lady. May we pray about this. Jesus, Mary, I love You....save souls! (pray this quite often in your day for those dying today and those to die soon) Our Lady of Fatima and of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... May we all give Our Blessed Mother the love and obedience that She deserves. She is the most self-sacrificing mother that ever lives. She cares for each and every soul ever created. She sacrificed Her Son Jesus Christ for us and stood at the foot of the cross with Him. She loves us so much and it is only right for us to love Her in return - especially with our Rosaries during this very trying time in history. She will crush the head of the serpent; and we are all called to help Her with our Rosaries. The desire of our Mother wants all of us to please Her Son and we all should know that we are called to be saints to please God and win for Him many souls. Many think this is too difficult a task and that we are ALL not called to it. This is not so. St. Francis de Sales says that we are not saints because we do not want to be. Being a saint for Jesus Christ does not have to be difficult if we know and understand the easy way to Jesus. We know that this easy way is effective because it is so hidden by the enemy who does not want us to grow closer to Jesus. THIS SECRET IS MARY. All who have wanted to enter on the narrow way of perfection, all who are desirous of living true, holy Christian lives, have need of many helps, many assistances; we have much to overcome; we have many hindrances in the way of perfection; we have many stumbling blocks, old habits, predominant passions, selfish inclinations, so very much opposed to the reign of Jesus Christ. It can be overwhelming to walk this narrow way by ourselves. God knew that and therefore He gave us His Mother. She is the Mother of God. She is a model, our guide and our help during this trying time on earth. In order to please our Blessed Mother, we should all strive for perfection. This will please God and win for Him many souls which is the very desire of the Immaculate Heart of our Mother! God bless all the mothers out there and may we give our Blessed Mother love and obedience in what She has ever come to warn us of and ask us for! (despite what others may say...more on this Friday, May 17th) Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and Mother of us all - pray for us!! May we all give Our Blessed Mother the love and obedience that She deserves. She is the most self-sacrificing mother that ever lives. She cares for each and every soul ever created. She sacrificed her Son Jesus Christ for us and stood at the foot of the cross with Him. She loves us so much and we must love Her in return - especially with our Rosaries during this very trying time in history. She will crush the head of the serpent and we are all called to help Her with our Rosaries. God bless all the mothers out there and may we give our Blessed Mother love and obedience in what She has ever come to ask us for! Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary - pray for us!!May we all give Our Blessed Mother the love and obedience that She deserves. She is the most self-sacrificing mother that ever lives. She cares for each and every soul ever created. She sacrificed her Son Jesus Christ for us and stood at the foot of the cross with Him. She loves us so much and we must love Her in return - especially with our Rosaries during this very trying time in history. She will crush the head of the serpent and we are all called to help Her with our Rosaries. God bless all the mothers out there and may we give our Blessed Mother love and obedience in what She has ever come to ask us for! Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary - pray for us!! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Tomorrow is Ascension Thursday already and Friday will start our Novena to the Holy Spirit which is MUCH NEEDED TODAY! Below are some repeated ideas from previous years posts found on this website. Tomorrow's feast day brings great hope in a world that looks quite hopeless against the Tech Giants trying to control the world. But the mystery of this feast directs our eyes heavenward. We are to lift up our hearts to that place where Christ, our Savior, is in full possession of His glory after His labors and sufferings on earth, to that place, where we, having carried out our earthly tasks, will enjoy never-ending happiness, safe for all eternity in our heavenly home! What a hope and joy at a time when we see such horror displayed all around us in the world and in the Church! Christ ascended into Heaven in order to prepare a place, a home for us in the house of His Father, in His own fatherland. When we too have finished our earthly tasks, He will take us home to Himself. We are to be with Him, to dwell in the splendor of His glory. He has merely gone before us, and soon we are to follow Him. Let us today turn our hope and our longing once more to our eternal home in Heaven! “Seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God!” Yet this hopeful longing must find us zealous in laboring and strong in suffering. Only if we do this, will we share in the Kingdom of Heaven ....... This wholehearted surrender to Christ is the only spirit which will conquer the world today. It seems Communism is the only philosophy today with this zeal to labor and suffer for their ideals. This is a problem. Burning with zeal for their cause, they are filled with a hatred of Capitalism, with the doctrine of class struggle and the spirit of revolution. The Democratic Socialist Party has grown in memberships in the last few years by 500%!!). Such zeal can be met with opposing zeal, such courage only with courage, and such sacrifice only with sacrifice. Christians who will not sacrifice themselves for the things of God cannot meet the new challenge. It will take a great faith in Christ to put down faith in the anti-Christ; it will take nothing less than the sacrifice of the Cross to conquer the sacrifice of those who crucify. God seems to be already sifting the wheat of apostolic souls from the chaff of indifference. Persecutions are on the rise all over the world, and hatred is growing everywhere. It looks as though God is preparing the Church for the future battle or future peace by a spiritual purification in which only the strong will walk with Him. What was true in the days of Gideon is true in our own day. Gideon fought against an enemy army far greater in number but God gave the victory only after sifting His people for the truly zealous to fight the fight! Let this be our inspiration to be zealous for Christ and create a hope in us in a world where we feel swallowed up by the enemy. We must remember that our world’s problem now -- and always --has been -- a spiritual one. “Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and all these things will be added unto you.”Matt 6:33 The social order we should help build will depend upon how we answer the question: “What is the purpose of living?” If life has no other goal than to return to dust, then we will build an order either of individual selfishness, or a collective selfishness – for if this life is all there is, then why should we not have all? But if life is moral, and the way we live in charity, justice, peace and sacrificing determines our existence in the next world, then what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his immortal soul? Bishop Fulton Sheen says this: “ There are two philosophies of life – one Communistic and the other is Christian; one material, the other spiritual. Communists have only one word in their vocabulary and that is the word down – “Down with Capitalism! Down with the Rich! Down with the bourgeoisie! Down with the Wealthy! Down with the Government! Down with the Classes! Down with Religion! Down with God! Heaven is above! Is there not another word in our vocabulary upon which we can build a true social order? Can one build anything down? Must not everything that is build be built upward? Let there be another order constructed upon the word UP! Up from Class-struggle! Up from Hate! Up from Revolution! Up from the material! Up from the dust! Up beyond the earth, beyond the stars, up to the “hid battlements of eternity” – Up – Up to God!” Have a Blessed Feast Day tomorrow! Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints - pray for us! Hello Everyone: Happy Feast Day and it is one! This day brings great hope in a world that looks quite hopeless against the Tech Giants trying to control the world. But the mystery of this feast directs our eyes heavenwards. We are to lift up our hearts to that place where Christ, our Savior, is in full possession of His glory after His labors and sufferings on earth, to that place, where we, having carried out our earthly tasks, will enjoy never-ending happiness, safe for all eternity in our heavenly home! What a hope and joy! Christ ascended into Heaven in order to prepare a place, a home for us in the house of His Father, in His own fatherland. When we too have finished our earthly tasks, He will take us home to Himself. We are to be with Him, to dwell in the splendor of His glory. He has merely gone before us, and soon we are to follow Him. Let us today turn our hope and our longing once more to our eternal home in Heaven! “Seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God!” Yet this hopeful longing must find us zealous in laboring and strong in suffering. Only if we do this will we share in the Kingdom of Heaven....... This wholehearted surrender to Christ is the only spirit which will conquer the world today. It seems Communism is the only philosophy today with this zeal to labor and suffer for their ideals. This is a problem. Burning with zeal for their cause, they are filled with a hatred of Capitalism, with the doctrine of class struggle and the spirit of revolution. It is in our politicians, our university professors, and now in their students willing to vote for a Bernie Sanders (who we still may get if Biden is thrown out – the Democratic Socialist Party has grown in memberships in the last two years by 500%!!). Such zeal can be met with opposing zeal, such courage only with courage, and such sacrifice only with sacrifice. Christians who will not sacrifice themselves for the things of God cannot meet the new challenge. It will take a great faith in Christ to put down faith in the anti-Christ; it will take nothing less than the sacrifice of the Cross to conquer the sacrifice of those who crucify. God seems to be already sifting the wheat of apostolic souls from the chaff of indifference. Persecutions are on the rise all over the world, even through this plandemic. It looks as though God is preparing the Church for the future battle or future peace by a spiritual purification in which only the strong will walk with Him. What was true in the days of Gideon is true in our own day. Gideon fought against an enemy army far greater in number but God gave the victory only after sifting His people for the truly zealous to fight the fight! Let this be our inspiration to be zealous for Christ and create a hope in us in a world where we feel swallowed up by the enemy. We must remember that our world’s problem now -- and has always been -- a spiritual one. “Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and all these things will be added unto you.”Matt 6:33 The social order we should help build will depend upon how we answer the question: “What is the purpose of living?” If life has no other goal than to return to dust, then we will build an order either of individual selfishness, or a collective selfishness – for if this life is all there is, then why should we not have all? But if life is moral, and the way we live in charity, justice, peace and sacrificing determines our existence in the next world, then what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his immortal soul? Bishop Fulton Sheen says this: “ There are two philosophies of life – one Communistic and the other is Christian; one material, the other spiritual. Communists have only one word in their vocabulary and that is the word down – “Down with Capitalism! Down with the Rich! Down with the bourgeoisie! Down with the Wealthy! Down with the Government! Down with the Classes! Down with Religion! Down with God! Heaven is above! Is there not another word in our vocabulary upon which we can build a true social order? Can one build anything down? Must not everything that is build be built upward? Let there be another order constructed upon the word UP! Up from Class-struggle! Up from Hate! Up from Revolution! Up from the material! Up from the dust! Up beyond the earth, beyond the stars, up to the “hid battlements of eternity” – Up – Up to God!” Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - pray for us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Happy Feast of Good St. Joseph! St. Teresa of Jesus had a profound devotion to St. Joseph and prayed to him in all her needs! Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church and Spouse of Mary! Pray to him.....he will help you too! Below is are the hymn lyrics on St. Joseph by Father Frederick Faber who lived in England during the early 1800's and the Oxford Movement. He did remarkable work for the Church in his short life of 49 years! He also suffered from ill health of a kidney disease which should have slowed him down but to the contrary...he wrote ALOT of books, poems and hymns for the Church as well as gave amazing retreats. Below is one of his lyrics to St. Joseph. BLESSED ST. JOSEPH O Blessed Saint Joseph, how great was thy worth, The one chosen shadow of God upon earth, The father of Jesus! Ah, then, wilt thou be, Sweet Spouse of our Lady, a father to me? For thou to the pilgrim art father and guide, And Jesus and Mary felt safe by thy side; Ah, blessed Saint Joseph, how safe I should be, Sweet spouse of our Lady, If thou wert with me! When the treasures of God were unsheltered on earth, Safe keeping was found for them both in thy worth; O father of Jesus, be father to me, Sweet spouse of our Lady, and I will love thee. ----Father Faber Good St. Joseph, pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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