Hello Everyone: Here we are faced with making a choice of true Catholic Tradition or a totally modernized Catholic Church. Mr. Michael Matt put together a letter to Pope Francis and it is read below by him in the link below. May we pray for our Pope and the entire Catholic Church that is scandalized by his actions. This may be the beginning days of creating a New World Church which will usher in a New World Order. If you have not listened to the videos I posted in the article under this one. They all tie in. By the way, I have never mentioned this before but when I publish a political article such as the one below this one - my website gets hacked. I see an amazing alteration of viewers just because of it - and it is very low compared to what it normally is. I am OK with that as long as all those who want to view it are able to. It is only when the viewers are altered on Youtube where one is paid per viewer that it matters. I do not so who ever is doing it--it is not affecting me but I am waiting for the day when I like many others will be banned from the internet for sharing the truth with the viewers. Pretty sad but it is a reality we are all living in now. I just watched yesterday the movie "Miracle at Midnight" which is about the Danish people and how they helped save thousands of Jews from the German Nazi roundups. Like "Scarlet and the Black" these stories will never be relived again - NOT BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO MORE ROUND UPS - NO IT IS BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGH TECH SURVEILLANCE NOW THAT WILL NEVER PERMIT A SINGLE SOUL TO SAVE ANOTHER. God bless all of you and may we pray for each other during these trying times.
Hello Everyone: I hope everyone is doing well. We should be thinking of Thanksgiving coming and we have so much to be thankful for. God provides and He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We must seek truth and when it is presented to us - we need to accept it. I have put a couple of videos to help us see the times we are inching into - or rather are IN! We need to see the writing on the wall. Especially - with the impeachment hearing. The one video talks about the relation between JFK and Trump. This is very real and the Vietnam War is also expressed into this video. - WWIII may be around the corner and I know it is not what we want to think about as we prepare for the holidays but the first video is truly what I would like to share with you. This woman does an excellent job of explaining the TRUTH of what is happening. We are blessed SO FAR with the internet to search these things and find actual copies of document to prove or even footage. Please view these and pray about them and get a real prayer life going with you and your family, consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and all those you love. Enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your homes - get a priest to bless your house and do the Enthronement. There is no better time than now! Make this a real Christmas and seek Jesus and embrace Him with your family. Take care and God bless. May Our Lady pray for us and give us strength! Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of St. Gertrude and many do know of her great prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory which we are to especially pray for during this month. Saint Gertrude had a deep empathy for the Church suffering, the Holy Souls in Purgatory. At every Holy Communion she asked Jesus for His mercy to be bestowed on them. During one Holy Communion she experienced the descent into Purgatory with Our Lord. She heard Him say: "At Holy Communion I will permit thee to draw forth all to whom the fragrance of thy prayers penetrates." After Holy Communion Our Lord customarily delivered more Souls than she had dared to ask for. One time when Gertrude was praying with great fervor for the Holy souls, she asked Our Lord how many Souls His mercy would release, He answered: "My love urges Me to release the Poor Souls. If a beneficent king leaves his guilty friend in prison for justice's sake, he awaits with longing for one of his nobles to plead for the prisoner and to offer something for his release. Then the king joyfully, sets him free. Similarly, I accept with highest pleasure what is offered to Me for the Poor Souls, for I long inexpressibly to have near Me those for whom I paid so great a price. By the prayers of thy loving soul, I am induced to free a prisoner from Purgatory as often as thou dost move thy tongue to utter a word of prayer!" Our Savior taught Gertrude for whom she should most ardently pray for. On the day when the community commemorated in common the death of their parents, Gertrude saw the happy souls ascend the darkness of Purgatory like sparks from a flame. She asked Our Lord if all these were relatives. He answered: "I am thy nearest relative, thy father and thy mother. Therefore, My special friends are thy nearest relatives, and these are among those whom I have liberated." St. Gertrude was asked by someone, that when she offered to God all the gratuitous gifts with which He had favored her, to request that she might have a share in their merit. "As she prayed thus, she perceived this person standing before the Lord, Who was seated on His throne of glory, and held in His hand a robe magnificently adorned, which He presented to her, but still without clothing her in it. The Saint, being surprised at this, said to Him: 'When I made a similar offering to Thee, a few days since, Thou didst at once take the Soul of the poor woman for whom I prayed to the joys of Paradise; and why, most loving Lord, dost Thou not now clothe this person with the robe which thou hast shown her, and which she so ardently desires, through the merits of the graces Thou hast bestowed on me, though so unworthy of them?' Our Lord answered: 'When anything is offered to Me for the faithful departed, I immediately use it for them, according to My natural inclination to show mercy and pardon, either for the remission of their sins for their consolation, or for the increase of their eternal felicity, according to the condition of those for whom the offering is made.'" PRAYER TO FREE 1000 SOULS FROM PURGATORY: PROMISE PRAYER A Prayer Which Would Release 1,000 Souls From Purgatory Each Time It Is Said: Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was later extended to include living sinners as well. "ETERNAL FATHER, I OFFER THEE THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THY DIVINE SON, JESUS, IN UNION WITH THE MASSES SAID THROUGHOUT THE WORLD TODAY, FOR ALL THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen." APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION: M. Cardinal Pahiarca at Lisbon, Portugal, March 4, 1936 Hello Everyone: Today is a day of fast for all Carmelites!! Tomorrow is the Feast day of all Carmelite Saints - Nov. 14th. Following that - November 15 is the Feast of all Carmelite Souls which falls on a Friday and we can again fast on that day as well as pray for our Carmelite friends who have gone before us. I have finally summarized the last chapter of "I Want to See God" - under Formation. It is on Faith and its necessity for prayer. Let us give the Eternal Father praise for this great saint - Blessed Fr. Marie Eugene who left us these works for the sanctification of the Carmelite laity. We are blessed that it was written pre-Vatican II and gives an overview and a compilation of the great Carmelite Doctors on prayer. Under Formation you will find a summary of all the chapters of the book. Come January, I will post these under a special heading so that with a click you may see these summaries by Chapter. I will then begin to post, starting January, the summaries of the chapters for "I Am A Daughter of the Church". These will be listed in the place where you now see "I Want to See God" - Under Formation. I would still like to have the daily Office read so that while driving or busy - one can just listen and follow the prayers and therefore not miss a single Morning or Evening prayer. I will have to work on that with my daughter who helped me with this website. So much more to do for this website. I still need to post hymns as well - since it is empty. A reminder that under Devotions - we do have the Little Office for the different days of the week/year. Since it is much simpler than the Liturgy of the Word - this can be done in this way. I encourage all to go there to read their Office if one is away from their book. These are all Word Documents so that they can be printed as well and placed in a binder for easy use. Thanks to all of you that frequent this site - please share it with other Carmelites as more and more groups die out - we can be hermit Carmelites in our own homes and live as Our Lady secluded in our rooms with our sweet Lord & Master Jesus Christ. Have a blessed feast day tomorrow and pray and eat less today! God bless!! Hello Everyone: It is so easy to feel overwhelmed in this day of trials and tribulations. It is understandable but God's grace is there if we just ask for it. We must keep going forward and continue our daily duty and our daily prayer in the state of grace by frequenting the Sacraments. Let us keep our prayers of Reparation each day, our daily Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our rosary, our Masses if they are something we can do daily. Let us keep the zeal and offer to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary all that we are. May we remain in God's grace and continue to offer our love each day to all those we come in contact with. Below is a homily on striving to be saints. Much wisdom in this. May we take it to heart and continue on the road to sanctity. Also, I have posted below the link found on this website for the Little Office of the BVM under Devotions. It is easy to find the correct morning and evening prayer on this site for each day - in case you can not get to your book. May we take advantage of this access. God bless! Our Lady Help of Christians - pray for us! Hello Everyone: Hope all of you are well. This is November and a month dedicated to pray for those souls which have gone before us. May we keep all the faithful departed in our prayers. This article is about the new release of a video posted below on our culture of death and how we as Christians need to pray and speak up against this new culture. We are no longer a predominantly Christian nation as once was in America. Our own children are even taking on the pagan ways vs. the Christian way of life. They may still go to Mass on Sunday but the rest of their lives are filled with pagan interests, pagan styles, pagan entertainments and it is consuming their time so there is no time to pray and read and grow closer to their God who they will meet some day and hopefully be with for all eternity. (3:16 Rev. "But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.") Satan is unleashed like never before. We have blatant Satanic worshipers. The new statistics show that the numbers are growing nationwide. It is a cause of alarm for this nation and the world. We are either for Christ or against Him. Many may think they are in the middle and would rather be mediocre - but if you are not for Him - you ARE AGAINST HIM and therefore on the wrong side. (Matthew 12:30 30"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.") We need to help our children to see the snares laid before them. We need to help them see that the path they are on is not going to lead to eternal salvation. (Ephesians 5:11“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” ) The video below is a wake up for them and for us as to where this country and world are going. We need to be diligent in our love for God and our love for neighbor. Please share with age appropriate Christians. May we help them before it is too late. Please pick up your rosaries and pray and ask Our Lady to guide them back to Her Son Jesus Christ. God bless!! Hello Everyone: Sorry I have been away, my husband and I traveled last week to visit our daughter who is away at college. I have been reading a bit of St. Thomas Aquinas on the ways of God. I will be sharing some of these chapters with you because they are so needed by all of us. Today, I will share the wisdom he gave us on how God is unchangeable. How we need this! In the book of Malachias we read “For I am the Lord and I change not” (Mal 2:6); and in St. James 1:17 we read “Every best and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of light, with whom there is no change nor shadow of aberration.” Therefore, all created things bear the mark of unchangeableness; thus an angel, the soul, the heavens and the four elements, are unchangeable in their essence. And if sometimes he sends His angels, and sometimes does not send them, if sometimes he withholds grace from men, and sometimes gives it, if sometimes he avenges sin, and sometimes overlooks it, this fickleness is in creatures, and by no means in the Creator. Most of all, the unchangeableness of his decrees will be manifested at the last day concerning the good and bad, when he will grant to the good a reward beyond their merits, and to the bad a punishment far beneath their deserts. St. Thomas says we should therefore strive after constancy of mind, so that when broken by adversity or allured by prosperity, we may never swerve from the way of righteousness; but may say with holy Job 27:6 –“My justification, which I have begun to hold, I will not forsake”; and with the St. Paul we read in Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life… shall be able to separate us from the love of God.” St. Thomas sadly points out that we are EXCEEDINGLY INCONSTANT in our meditations, in ordered love, in security of conscience and in an upright will. How suddenly we change from good to evil, from hope into unfounded fear; from joy into groundless sorrow; from silence to talkativeness; from seriousness to frivolity; from charity to greed and envy; from fervor to weariness; from humility into vainglory and pride; from meekness into anger; from spiritual gladness and holy affection to base and carnal love. Hardly ever do we remain an instant in the same state unless perchance we are constant in inconstancy, in ingratitude, in faults, in imperfections, in waste of time, in frivolity and in disordered thoughts and affections. This knowledge (which is very true) should help us strive without ceasing to acquire constancy and stability of soul, so that in every step we take and every word we utter we may act wisely, sweetly and well. Let us turn to Our Blessed Mother and ask her for constancy in virtue. May we surrender ourselves to Her and seek Her in ALL we do – before we say something, before we act, before we decide, before we move forward with anything. May She guide us to Her Son – Jesus now and forever!! And when we fail – may She guide us to repentance and to the confessional so that we may grow in God’s grace. Mary, Help of Christians – pray for us!! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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