Hello Everyone: We are fast approaching the New Year and with it comes "resolutions". May we pray to the Holy Ghost to have the necessary graces to make good resolutions and the grace to keep them! This image is of Msgr. Castro Mayer and Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira in Brazil (founder of Tradition, Family, Property) carrying the image of Our Lady of Fatima. Trouble in Brazil with the Communist infiltrators led these two heroic men to be amazing leaders of their country and the world toward Truth. In face of what is happening in the world and in the Church, I thought I would center this article on seeking the Truth. It seems that within the Church, there have been many compromises. It is a sad reality that many need to tiptoe in the Church around those who are our leaders because if we offend their liberal, compromising agendas, we will pay a price. Diocesan priests are the most at risk of getting "punished" for speaking the Truth. May we pray for them and their bishops. I have copied an article from olrl.org. It is a letter from the Diocese of Campos, Brazil and headed by Msgr. Antonio de Castro Mayer. This was written decades ago, yet it is so pertinent to what is going on today that we all can read this and come to the same conclusions as the 25 clerics who signed this. Here it is - you decide!! Until the end of 1981, when its Archbishop retired, the Diocese of Campos, Brazil was unique within the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. Its bishop, Msgr. Antonio de Castro Mayer, had refused to adopt the new rite of Mass promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1969. He insisted upon retaining the Traditional Latin Mass as the official liturgy of his diocese. The Bishop made this decision for two reasons: firstly, he claimed that the New Mass was not mandatory; secondly, he claimed that the New Mass presented a danger to the faith of his people. The Bishop sent a detailed justification of his position to the Vatican in 1980. Campos remained faithful to the traditional Catholic Latin and Gregorian Mass according to the Roman Missal of St. Pius V and Rome never public contradicted the bishop. In April of 1982, five Monsignori and twenty other priests of the diocese of Campos signed a "Profession of Catholic Faith in the Face of Present Errors." Their Profession is herewith printed in full. We believe firmly in all that our Holy Mother, the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, believes and teaches, and in this Faith we wish to live and die, since only in the Church is God honored and salvation found. We believe that Jesus Christ has founded one only Church, the Catholic hierarchical Church, whose chief pastors are the Pope and the Bishops in union with the Pope, and whose aim is to ensure that the man of all ages reach the salvation obtained for us by Our Lord Jesus Christ, together with all the benefits that radiate from it, and to promote on earth the Reign of Our Lord (Mt. 28: 19-20). To do this, the Church does not preach a "new doctrine" but, with the aid of the divine Holy Spirit, faithfully explains the Deposit of Faith received from the Apostles and religiously preserved by her (Vatican Council I). We profess communion with the See of Peter, in the legitimate successor to which we recognize the primacy and government over the Universal Church, pastors and faithful, and nothing in this world would separate us from the Rock on which Jesus Christ has founded His Church. We believe firmly in papal infallibility as Vatican Council I has defined it. We respect the power of the Holy Father, which is supreme even if not absolute or without limits. It is subordinate to and cannot contradict Sacred Scripture, Traditions and the definitions already proclaimed by the Church in Her constant Magisterium. Moreover this power cannot be arbitrary or despotic, such as to impose unconditional obedience or absolve subjects from personal responsibility. We owe unconditional and unlimited obedience only to God. We are Catholic, Apostolic, Roman and shall be so until death, with the grace of God, and no power or authority will drive us from Holy Church. We profess the Catholic Faith in an integral and total manner, as it was always professed and transmitted by the Church, by the Sovereign Pontiff, by Councils, and therefore in loyal and perfect continuity and consistency, without excluding a single article of faith. We reject and anathematize, with the same firmness, all that has been refuted and condemned by Holy Church. Together with all the Popes, we condemn Heresy and all that can favor it: we particularly condemn Protestantism, liberalism, spiritism, naturalism, rationalism, and modernism, in all forms and variants whatever, just as the Popes have done. We reject equally, together with the Popes and in the same way they have done, all the consequences of these errors. For these reasons we condemn the present heresy that takes the name of "Progressivism," an improper name besides, since it is nothing but the repetition of the errors long ago condemned by Holy Church. We accept therefore the entire applicability of the words of St. Paul: "Even if we ourselves or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel different from that which we have preached, let him be anathema". (Gal. 1:8) Thus, the tendencies of whatever sort emanating even from persons in authority, whenever they be contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine as it has always been taught, giving free rein to the errors already condemned by the Popes and by the Councils, demand from our conscience a formal rejection. We affirm in consequence that, whatever contradiction becomes manifest between what is taught today and what Tradition teaches, there is a duty to follow what was always taught by all and in every part of the Church, because only this is truly and properly Catholic. (St. Vincent of Lekins, Comm., Ench. Patr. 2168) For all these reasons, and to be consistent with what the Church our Mother has always taught us in Her constant Magisterium, with the Faith of our baptism, of our confirmation, of our first Communion and of our priesthood, in order not to be perjurers and contradict what we have always believed-for all these reasons-we reject: The New Mass, whether in Latin or in the vernacular, since " it represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass as it was formulated in Session XXIII of the Council of Trent" (Letter of Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci to Paul VI, 5/10/69) . In fact the new Order of Mass obscures the expressions intended to underline the Eucharistic dogmas, bringing the Mass close to the Protestant supper and not accentuating the clear profession of the Catholic Faith. The New Moral Theology-subjective, opportunist, contaminated by permissive liberalism, in which little or nothing any longer constitutes a sin. The Profanation of the Church by dress always considered immodest, just as by certain kinds of music and instruments already rejected by the Church for her places of worship. The New Theology of modernism that founds the whole Catholic religion on the evolution of the religious instinct of the first Christian Communities. The New Catechisms, purveyors more or less covertly of the modernist errors and not infrequently vehicles of subversive political doctrines. The Theology of Liberation, based on a new interpretation of the Gospel, completely opposed to the teachings always held by the Church, and calculated to favor Marxist machinations. The Trend towards Socialism and Communism that manifestly contradicts the whole social doctrine of the Church and scorns the excommunications of Pius XII directed against those who collaborate in any way with communism. The Secularization of the Clergy, causing grave scandal to the faith and the inevitable impoverishment of Christian life. The Conforming to the spirit of the world on the part of the clergy and that faithful in complete opposition to the teaching of our Lord and to the spirit of mortification, teaching and example of Jesus Crucified. The Reform of the Seminaries, carried out in line with these new tendencies. The Obsessive concern for Human Progress that leads to disregard for the specific purpose of the Church which is the salvation of souls. The Dilution of true spirituality in a vague religious sentimentalism. The Ecumenism that makes the Faith grow cold and makes us forget our Catholic identity, seeking to negate the antagonism between light and darkness, between Christ and Belial (cg. II Cor. 6:14-18), and leads to a panchristianity "a most grave error and capable of destroying the foundations of the Catholic Faith at their base" (Encyclical, Mortalium Animos of Pius XI). Religious Liberty, understood in the sense of an equalization of rights between truth and error, giving supremacy to a supposed subjective right of man, to the prejudice of the absolute right of Truth, of Good, of God, and as a consequence laicizing the State, rendered agnostic towards the true Religion. The Horizontalism of the Religion of Man, that concretizes what St. Pius X calls the "Monstrous and detestable iniquity proper to the times in which we are living, through which man substitutes himself for God" (Enc. Supremi Apostolatus). Democratization of The Church by means of a collegial government in opposition to the hierarchical and monarchical constitution given to Her by Our Lord. Laicization of Society, that brings to life once more the cry of the Jews at the death of Jesus refusing to accept His social Kingship and not even recognizing in Him the Supreme Legislator of human society. Thus, in the name of Faith, with tranquil conscience, we reject all those who introduce the "smoke of Satan" into the Church and apply themselves to her self-destruction (cf. Paul VI, Allo. of 7/12/68). WHAT WE ARE FOR We love, praise and adopt all the traditional practices, uses and customs of Holy Church that have contributed and do contribute so much to the sanctification of the faithful, among them, for example: Auricular Confession; Esteem for the Contemplative Life that ought to have pre-eminence over the active life; Use of the Cassock and Habit by priests and religious, that marks so well their separation from the spirit of the world and keeps consciences alert to the spirit of Christ; Veneration of Images and relics of the saints; Communion received on the tongue, and kneeling in token of respect and adoration; Penances and Mortifications, internal and external; The Ornamentation and Magnificence of the Churches which contribute so much to the splendor of worship; The Solemnity and Pomp of their Ceremonies, that so impress and move the good people and stimulating their devotion; Latin in the Liturgy, a factor of the unity and universality of the Church, a precious casket befitting the sacredness expressed by the liturgical prayers; Gregorian Chant, which has nourished piety for so many centuries. In particular, we wish to profess and spread a deep and burning devotion to the Mother of God, in whose Immaculate Conception, perpetual virginity and universal mediation we believe. We maintain that such practices of devotion, principally the Holy Rosary, have a special efficacy for the sanctification of souls and the triumph of Holy Mother Church. We profess a convinced acceptance and a sincere love of holy priestly celibacy, one of the sources of pastoral zeal that constitutes a firm response to the hedonism in which the neo-pagan society of our day is immersed. Our position is not one of rebellion, nor of disobedience, or contestation, but of fidelity. It is a question of loyalty to the Faith of our baptism, to our priesthood, to our legitimate superiors and to the faithful. We do not judge the conscience of others, since this judgment belongs to God, we only claim the right and exercise the duty of every Catholic. We confront what is taught today with what was always taught; we hold on to what is of the Church and refuse what serves only for Her self-destruction, whoever may promote it knowingly or unknowingly. We are not against progress if it represents an organic development of Revelation; we are against that false "progress" that is not consistent with Tradition but is in discontinuity with it. It is not a matter of indiscriminate attachment to the past, but of clinging to the Faith which does not pass away. We believe in the permanence of the doctrine traditionally taught by the Church and in the objective sense of the formulas that express the dogma and truth that Holy Church teaches. We believe that the truths of Faith remain absolutely independent of the ways of thinking and living of men, since Truth comes from God through the Church and Her Tradition and does not arise from the instinct and religious feeling of the people. We have absolute certainty that our position is legitimate, not by virtue of our arguments and ideas, but because we take our stand on that which the Church Herself has taught us and in such a way that we could make our own the words of St. Augustine when he exclaimed that, if what we believe were an error, then God Himself would have deceived us. We have firm hope that within a short time the Church will have overcome the current crisis she is living through, and, dissipating the darkness of heresy will return to shine out as always, as a glorious beacon to the nations: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). We love from the bottom of our hearts our Mother, the Holy Church, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman. For her we wish to give our lives if it is necessary. Campos, Easter 1982 – 25 signatures appended; 5 monsignori, 20 priests Dear fellow Catholics, think seriously about what you have just read. Our Dear Lord is not pleased with the liberalism and modernism that has permeated the Church since Vatican II. A liberal Catholic is not a true Catholic. To be a true Catholic means to hold most firmly to all those truths which Christ and His apostles have taught, which the Catholic Church has always proclaimed, which the saints have professed, which the popes and councils have dogmatically defined, and which the Fathers and Doctors of the Church have defended. He who denies but one of these truths or hesitates to receive one of them is not a Catholic but has fallen into heresy, which will cause him to lose his soul unless he repents and comes back to the fullness of the Faith. You are urged to attend only the traditional Latin Mass where the Faith is practiced without compromise. To locate the traditional Latin Mass in your area call us (OLRL.org at (502) 425-9738. God bless all of you and May our Holy Mother Mary pray for us!!
Hello Everyone: On Christmas Eve, The Remnant Newspaper has posted a very "illuminating" article about the revival of Tradition. I see it myself. In the '80s and '90s, if someone said that the Latin Mass would have a come-back, I would be skeptical. It is only by the grace of God that we see a renewal of Latin Mass goers and a return to Tradition - just like Archbishop Lefebrve stated would happen as he held on to and kept Tradition. He was so close to God in grace that he could see that what was given to us during the Second Vatican Council would kill the faith of the majority and that we WOULD return to Tradition. His words were -"When the Church returns to Tradition, they will thank us for preserving it." Here we are - 60 years later and his words are true! Below is part of an article Michael Matt posted on the Remnant. They are beautiful and give us great hope in a day when we see so much darkness. May we read these words, continue our rosaries to Our Lady for a return to Tradition and live in hope for a renewal like we have never seen in history. We may have to suffer for this renewal - but may God's Will be done in order for His Remnant to grow and live for His greater glory and the salvation of souls. Enjoy the below words of Mr. Michael Matt -there is more on his website if interested. May we live in hope and continue to pray with great faith! Taken from The Remnant Newspaper - Dec. 24th - "My dear friends, I think I can be the bearer of good news this Christmas: the remnant foretold by St. Paul is revealing itself in our own day all over the world. There was a time not so long ago when I accepted that on faith alone; but in recent years that has all changed.Something is happening. . . something big, which I know I've not seen before. In the face of a new pagan empire where darkness covers the earth, the lamps of the little remnant of Christian believers who refuse to abandon the old Faith, are being lit once again. In my nearly thirty years here at The Remnant, I’ve never seen so many signs of darkness being dispelled, and of scales being removed from Catholic eyes. So many people are waking up to the true and evil spirit of the revolution in the Catholic Church that we must allow for the very real possibility that God Himself, in His mercy, is intervening on behalf of his Church by removing the blindfold from a faithful remnant. And this should come as no surprise to true believers. That evil cannot sustain itself and darkness begets darkness has been demonstrated again and again in 2000 years of Christian history. Christianity not only illuminated Europe, but it was the light of the whole world. The lumen Christi, even on a purely human level, fostered happiness, family, color, wonder, joy and everything that makes life livable. (Have you ever met a truly joyful atheist? Me, neither.) The culture established by the children of God gave birth not only to the most celebrated civilization of all time but also inspired such elevation of the human spirit that the greatest architects, artisans, sculptors, painters, musicians and poets that ever lived couldn’t help but devote their lives to painting and carving and singing and writing about it, about Christ, about His mother, about the Redemption of Man. And what, one might ask, do the anti-Christians have to offer as an alternative? Without Christianity everything falls back into darkness and nothingness, and we can see that reflected all over the world today, even in the “art” and "music" they produce. Without Christ the world stops breathing, black become the predominant color, sentiments of abuse and perversion dominate the thoughts of poets and musicians alike. Without Christ, humanity has no destiny and even children lose the will to live. Why? Because there is no meaning to life without God—every civilization in history knew this. Ours denies it altogether, which is madness, which is why we’re tearing ourselves apart; which is why the family is on life support; which is why suicide becomes a way of life, with some 47,173 Americans taking their own just last year, and another 1,300,000 attempting to do the same; which is why abortion is the leading cause of death of our babies. The future of their precious new world order is being aborted, dying before it had the chance to get old. In Modernity's hellish prison, of course the lamps of Christendom’s remnant are being lit again, and sooner than when we believed. There is no alternative to Life other than death, to Light other than darkness. If you want to escape the death and darkness of Modernity, sooner or later you’ll turn back to the lumen Christi, the Via, the Veritas and the Vita. For You are my lamp, O LORD; And the LORD illumines my darkness. The “enlightened” new world can mock the sons of Christendom all they want, but who was it that built the most magnificent cathedrals and the greatest empires in human history? Who composed the most beautiful music ever written? Who penned poetry surpassed by none, and fashioned a rule of law that lifted mankind up from the depths for a thousand years? Who was it that developed science and philosophy? Whose navigators discovered the New World? Who crowned theology queen of the sciences? — And what, pray tell, have the “enlightened” conquerors of the Cross done so far? The only thing they know how to do—kill everything in sight. They’ve engineered the most efficient killing machines in history, in fact. They’ve become proficient at exterminating millions of babies. They’ve perfected euthanasia, making it terrifyingly painless for the living and the dying. The hopelessness of their anti-religion has given rise to the highest suicide rates in recorded history. The anti-Christians are slaughtering themselves before our eyes. So, yes, light your lamps, little remnant, and take heart. They crucified Christ once before, but He rose from the dead and conquered them all. And so it will be with His Mystical Body, and soon. Ah, but they might also feed us to the lions. Indeed, they might, but we know how that ends. Two thousand years ago they tried that, and we’re still lighting little vigil candles to the holy memory of Agnes, Barbara, Lucy—the little heroes whose lamps in pagan darkness set the world on fire for Christ and finally toppled the mighty Roman Empire. So, even in persecution--perhaps especially-- Christians win. It has been thus ever since Jesus walked the earth. Herod’s soldiers, swords red with the blood of the innocent, desperate to kill the Baby, managed instead to turn even history itself against their king—one of world’s most notorious villains. But Christ lived on. Similarly, papal efforts to kill the old Faith today have succeeded in waking a worldwide remnant of believers, convincing them to stand and fight for Tradition. Christ will not be mocked, and neither will His Church. From Washington to Brussels, the twisted totalitarianism of the new-world pagans is prompting millions to rise up against their new pagan Rome, unsure and tentative, to be sure, but on their feet at last, eyes wide open. Invasions of new barbarian hordes, marching beneath the crescent, inadvertently remind fallen Christians of the Cross they’ve abandoned, prompting some of them at least to hoist the national colors of Christendom once again, in desperate attempt to prop back up that which devils toppled centuries ago. And then there’s the Novus Ordo, which is “novus” no more, as Catholic Tradition storms back on the field, becoming new again. Never, friends, in the history of this traditional Catholic counterrevolution has there been a moment like this. Fifty years after the close of the Council, hundreds of thousands of Catholics are returning to their knees, to the rails of the altar, to the confessionals, to the old Latin Mass—the evil spirit of Vatican II having proven itself no match for Catholic Tradition on the rise. Even the secular world, whether it knows it yet or not, seems to be growing vaguely aware of the star rising over Bethlehem again. From Brexit in the UK, to the pro-hearth-and-home presidential victories in Hungary, Brazil, Poland, and even Russia, to the witch hunt against Donald Trump in America—the winds of change are putting the New World Order on notice: We’ve had enough of you. Go back to Hell, where you came from! How can we not see the hand of God in this gradual awakening? And, again, at the same time, the worldwide Catholic remnant is growing stronger than ever. The old Faith has survived. And the Child of Bethlehem will have the last word, even as the Immaculate Heart of His Mother will triumph in the end. Here at The Remnant, the war goes on, surely, but we find ourselves looking ever more expectantly to the eastern horizon. Call it the calm before the storm, if you like; but I prefer to call it the darkness before dawn. And what is beyond doubt now is that, whatever it is, we will not be alone in this last stand. We’re blessed with new allies all over the world this Christmas, and for that we thank the Child King of Bethlehem. The signs are everywhere. The Remnant’s League of the Sacred Heart, for example, has taken off like wild fire. My children spend days filling orders and sending thousands of Sacred Heart lapel pins all over the world as a way for the remnant to show fidelity to Him and to identify themselves to each other. And, let’s not forget, there was no fundraiser attached to the launch of that League. The remnant, from their quiet holdouts all over the world, spontaneously financed it, without even being asked. I see God’s hand in that. Don’t you? Please, do not give up hope. Together this Christmas let’s resolve to keep the lamps of the little remnant burning bright throughout the whole world. We need each other, and it’s clear to me that God in his Providence is seeing to it that we will indeed have each other, that we will not be alone, and that there will be a remnant left standing when this is over. After all, I can see your lamp from here. Pray for us, even as we—my wife and children—pray for you every night during our family rosary. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Christ is born! " Hello Everyone: This is a joyous feast in the Church and in the world! May we pray that the hearts of all men be filled with grace to seek true peace and true love by enthroning the King of Kings upon their hearts through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother - Mary, the Mother of God. Blessed Christmas everyone! May Mary lead you closer to Her Son Jesus now and forever! Hello Everyone: Saturday, December 22 is Ember Saturday of Advent but also is a time to offer a Mass in honor of Mary's waiting for the Infant Jesus. It is called - Rorate Caeli Mass and was celebrated once upon a time in the Church. Now that the Traditional Latin Mass is being offered at many places - this Mass is making a come back. Check around your area and see if this Mass will be offered. Some churches have already offered this Mass this week. The Rorate Caeli Mass is a traditional Advent devotion wherein the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Advent is offered just before dawn. The interplay of light and darkness speaks to the meaning of Advent and the coming of the Light of the world. The Mass takes its title, Rorate Caeli, from the first words of the Introit, which are from Isaiah 45:8:“Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum, aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.” “Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Savior.” The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead of Advent violet. In the dimly lit setting, priests and faithful prepare to honor the Light of the world, Who is soon to be born, and offer praise to God for the gift of Our Lady. As the Mass proceeds and sunrise approaches, the church becomes progressively brighter, illumined by the sun as our Faith is illumined by Christ. The readings and prayers of the Mass foretell the prophecy of the Virgin who would bear a Son called Emmanuel, and call on all to raise the gates of their hearts and their societies to let Christ the King enter; asking for the grace to receive eternal life by the merits of the Incarnation and saving Resurrection of Our Lord. If you missed it or it is not available - below is a link to watch this beautiful Mass and also the Hymn and Translation are below --- GOD BLESS!!! Latin text in English RORATE CAELI Refrain: Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down the Just One. 1. Be not angry, O Lord, and remember no longer our iniquity: behold the city of the Holy One is become a desert: Sion is become a desert: Jerusalem is desolate: the house of thy sanctification and of thy glory, where our fathers praised thee. 2. We have sinned and are become as one that is unclean: and we have all fallen as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have carried us away: thou hast hidden thy face from us, and hast crushed us in the hold of our iniquity. 3. Behold, O Lord, the affliction of thy people, and send forth Him Who is to come: send forth the Lamb, the ruler of the earth, from the Rock of the desert, to the mount of daughter Sion: that he may take away the yoke of our captivity. 4. Be comforted, be comforted, my people: thy salvation cometh quickly: why art thou consumed with grief: for sorrow hath estranged thee: I will save thee: fear not, for I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Redeemer Hello Everyone: Today starts the beginning of the "O Antiphons" which I posted last year. There is more under the title "Consecration to Jesus Through Mary" if you want to see them and an article taken from "Tradition in Action". The O Antiphons suggest to us some thoughts. As we continually talk about Communism on this site, because Our Lady of Fatima warned it would come if we did not repent and pray, the following is pertinent. When the encyclical Divini Redemptoris of Pius XI against Communism was published in 1937, the Pontiff noted in it that the world was in such a bad state that it was in danger of falling to a state lower than it was before the Redemption. And indeed, we can say that it fell. From 1937 to this date, the catastrophe has happened. The many evils described by Pius XI have only increased since his time. The world redeemed by Jesus Christ is now at a lower state than before His coming. Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira states: "In this situation we long for a restoration so radical that it is similar to a redemption. We hope for a renewal of the fruits of Redemption applied to the needs of our times. We have need of the punishment of those who despise Our Lord and have infiltrated into the deepest recesses of His Church. If they could, they would destroy her. We also call for those who can convert to be regenerated and reconciled with Our Lord. We need the Reign of Mary to be implanted. So, for us, in the days that precede Christmas, these antiphons should express an appeal and a plea to the Infant Jesus to hasten a stronger and more triumphant and invincible action to re-implant His Kingdom on earth - with Mary, in Mary and through Mary. We should ask Our Lady to obtain this from her Son. We also should ask her to increase our hope that this will happen. In this way, we will pass this week in expectation of these graces as Our Lady was waiting for the graces of Our Lord’s coming before the feast of Christmas. " May we pray these antiphons, May we keep up our Rosaries and may we pray for peace. Our Lady of Expectation - pray for us!! Hello Everyone: It is a sad day in history - seeing all that we are seeing all around us. The Church, the world, the governments, the culture, the fashions, the people - everything is crumbling before our eyes. Of course, we are to see all of this through the eyes of a True Catholic - knowing that we can hold Our Lady's hand and beg for Her intercession, that we can trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His many graces! May we get on our knees and implore the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to send us good and holy priests, many religious vocations and conversions for the ones we have that are on the wrong path. I have included a link to a magazine called Chiesa Viva. This has articles written by a Father Luigi Villa. He was asked by Padre Pio to expose the Freemasonic trouble in the Church. Fr. Villa's life is quite interesting since he began this mission. The articles are found in this website if you search. I have given you a link to Satanism in the Vatican. Why? Our Lady of Guadalupe came to Mexico to stop the human sacrifice - we need to implore Her to help the Church because Satan has infiltrated it and has given it bloody hands. We need to be aware so that we can pray and offer reparation. We need to plead for this to stop. If the Catholic people are unknowledgeable and complacent - we will not pray! Also, posted is info on Our Lady of Guadalupe under my link - Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary - I hope you will read it as well. May Our Lady pray for us and the Church - She will crush the head of the serpent - but we need to pray - pray - pray! God bless your day! Hello Everyone:
Happy and Blessed Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception. This is a glorious day to celebrate and to thank the Eternal Father for. I thank Him for knowing that we needed Her, for giving Her all grace and for preserving Her from all stain of sin! I am posting here an amazing article that just came from The Remnant News. It is about a hero of a priest who has a heart for the Sacred Heart of Jesus! A true priest! WOW how I wish we had more of these. I know priests who would never say a sentence of what this priest said for fear of repercussions from their bishop. This is a priest who loves the Truth and loves souls! Thanks be to God! I hope you love it as much as I did and shed tears as I did - tears for all the evil mentioned and tears of joy at the end because this priest gives us hope and strengthens our faith in the victory of Jesus Christ! He is one of the saints promised at this time that will surpass all the saints of history. As times seem to get bleaker and bleaker - God's grace will bring forth saints like we have never known before. Enjoy the article below and listen to the video! God bless!! O Mary conceived without sin - please pray for us who have recourse to You! Hello Everyone: Hope all is well with all of you! There is so much happening in the world at lightening speed - probably because we are late in incorporating a New World Order. No conspiracy - it is happening before our eyes. I pray that the late President Bush died repentant of his doings while here on earth. There was a time when we thought we were in good hands with this president - now I know better. Below is a link with his quotes. Again - if you are not familiar with Agenda 21 which is a UN document being implemented now - time to read it. This is full blown world communism. Something Sr. Lucia said would happen and Our Lady of Fatima came to warn us about ! Also, below is a link to watch Bishop Sheen talk about how we would be betrayed in order for communism to take hold of America and the world. These two links of George Bush and Bishop Sheen seem to work hand in hand. There is plenty of proof on the internet that this is the plan and the bonus is that the Vatican is also with this plan. I will add another link for this as well - although I had once posted this in a previous article. Keep those rosaries coming - hold on to the hand of Our Lady and keep the faith. Teach it to your children - pray for them and offer them to the Immaculate Heart of Mary daily. Share this info with others - if they have eyes to see and reason to think. God bless! (PS - The Bishop Sheen talk is spot on - including the image of using fire to take over properties - which is happening all over the world as well as California in the USA - But more importantly - we have been lied to and MOST people will not listen to this because they would rather listen to the lies - well there will be a consequence.) Mystery Question of the Day: How does the image above of a California home make sense? The house is burnt - the trees and flag are still intact. ANSWER: DEW -new technology weapons - it was destroyed with precision lazer. Hello Everyone: Today is the First Sunday of Advent. A time to prepare for the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior. Below are some paraphrased thoughts taken from the writings of Bishop Sheen to help us understand God's Love and to help motivate us to prayer..... “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life”. John 3:16 “Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us.” 1 John 4:19. Bishop Sheen claims that there are only two philosophies of life: one, the pagan, the other, the Judaic-Christian. He says that the pagan philosophy is one where man tries to climb to God. In the Judaic-Christian philosophy God descends to man: first by revelation to the prophets for the Jews, and finally in the flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Love originates not in our showing it to God, but in His showing His Love for us. God loved us first. God’s love for us is not affirmed because we seek Him or reach out to Him, and He responds to us. Bishop Sheen says that God’s love exists not on account of our character but on account of His. Our highest experience is to be responsive – we are not the initiators. It is only because we are loved by Him that we are given the grace to love Him back. As one begins to seek God and to become more knowledgeable of Him and begins to grow in virtue, it SEEMS as if God begins then to love him. This is only because one is now, for the first time, sensitive to His Love. We are called to seek Him and to remove the barriers that keep the love of God from shining in our souls. Bishop Sheen uses the analogy of a blind man who may have just recovered his sight and comes to believe that the sun just started shining in the heavens - not realizing that all the while he was blind – the sun shone. He just couldn’t see it before. Also, when a child grows older, he may begin to realize the love of his parents. He witnesses their daily love and suddenly realizes it and begins to understand that his parents love him. The truth is - that the parents loved him since his gestation. All of us must know that the love of God for us began long before we ever become aware of it. The human heart has many things which it likes to cling to but none can satisfy it like the love of God. This Advent let us meditate on God’s love for us poor miserable creatures. Let us think of the poverty He embraced so that the poor could not say He does not know what it is to be homeless. Let us think of His lowliness so that one could not say that He does not know what it is to be despised. Let us think of His meekness so that we might learn how to be childlike. He took on every form of humiliation of which was capable in order to show men how to struggle through the darkness into the light. Let us think of how God condescended from Heaven to be a little baby in a manger in order to show us the Way and to save us from our sins. His presence in the crib is a witness of our need for Him. He would not have needed to come if all was well here on earth. He came because of His love for us! May we meditate on His love and seek to give Him our hearts in return for so great a love. May we all come to know that when we go to prayer – He first invited us! He is there waiting for our love in return for His! May we have an Advent filled with love and gratitude for a loving Father who gave His only begotten Son so that we may have Life with Him here and for all eternity in Heaven. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Thank you, Most Holy Trinity for Your Love! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Categories |