Hello Everyone: Today is the last day of February, the 5th day of our Holy Face Novena and the 9th day of our study and prayer for the Total Consecration. (Soon to post the info on Knowledge of Self). It is a sad day in the world and in America. So much is happening that would never have happened in our parents or grandparents day. We are slowly slipping into a Socialist state - far far away from our Constitution. Many Catholics vote Democrat and do not even know why. Well - it is not Democrat - it is Socialist. That is not the reason for this article but it does pertain. Below are some intentions that you may want to keep in mind as we continue with our Novena and as we enter Lent. May we offer prayers of reparation and much sacrifice for all that is going on around us. Here are some very important issues for our day (just a few) There is more on the internet but this is just a glimpse of each that I feel needs much prayer: 1. Pope Francis is leading the Catholic Church astray from Truth and from Christ. 2. The Democrats voting for infanticide in the U. S. A. 3. Progress before the health of the world and our nation. Scroll through the below link to see all pertaining info on this subject. (Actually - CHECK THE WHOLE WEBSITE OUT!) 4. Check out the beautiful patterns put before us in the sky! Did we see these as a kid growing up? They are there for a reason - here it is. This man has his own website and gives updates to this. I suppose that is enough to pray about for the moment - as you know - there is more! Let us not be paralyzed with fear - we need to trust that God is in charge but we need to alarm the sleepers and get more prayers offered up to Heaven. May we offer much reparation and much prayer and many sacrifices for our children and grand children.
God is God - He is allowing all of this for a reason - a chastisement for turning away from him. May Our Lady place us under her mantle. Place all of your loved ones in Her Immaculate Heart each day! The only way to keep sanity. God bless all of you - stay close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!! O Bleeding Face, O Face Divine - be every Adoration Thine!
Hello Everyone: I know - I am throwing in another devotion on top of the study for the Consecration to Jesus through Mary but this is a critical devotion given to us directly from Jesus Himself to a Carmelite nun and has been approved by the Church and practiced by Pope St. Pius X as well as many others (before devotions somehow became extinct). Below is information on this devotion which starts this Sunday and there will be a link below to help you with the prayers for this Novena if you are interested - (for the Heart of Jesus). The feast day is Tuesday, Mar. 5th. Devotion to the Holy Face was revealed by Jesus to Sr. Marie of St. Peter (1816-1848) a Carmelite nun of Tours in France. The primary purpose of the devotion is to make reparation for sins against the first three commandments which is needed now more than any time in history!!! : Denial of God which includes Freemasonry that has infiltrated our Church, Blasphemy - using God's name in vain, Profanation of Sundays and Holy Days which are all greatly prevalent today. The devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, based on the life and writings of Sr. Marie of St. Peter, was eventually approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1885 who established the devotion as an Arch-confraternity for the whole world. In January 1849 Pope Pius IX had the relic of Veronica’s veil placed for public veneration in Rome. During this time, the Divine Face appeared distinctly, as if living, and was illuminated by a soft light. Reproductions of the veil were later printed, touched to the original and sent abroad for veneration such as the one printed at the top of this article. The Holy Man of Tours - Leo Dupont Leo Dupont heard of the reported visions of Jesus and Mary by the Carmelite nun Sister Marie of St Peter from 1844 to 1847. Based on this, Dupont started to burn a vigil lamp continuously before a picture of the Holy Face of Jesus based on the painted image on the Veil of Veronica. Dupont used that image because the existence of a clear image on the Shroud of Turin was not known to anyone at that time for the somewhat faded image of the face on the Shroud can not easily be seen with the naked eye and was only observed in May 1898 via the negative plate of Secondo Pia's first photograph. In 1851 Dupont formed the "Archconfraternity of the Holy Face" in Tours. He prayed for and promoted the case for a devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus for around 30 years. Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli & The Holy Face of Jesus Devotion & Medal At the age of twelve, when she was in her Parish Church during the 3pm Good Friday service, she heard a Voice saying quite distinctly: "No one gives me a kiss of love on My Face to make amends for the Kiss of Judas." In her childlike simplicity, she believed that the voice was heard by everyone and was pained to see that only the wounds were kissed but not the face. In her heart exclaiming, "Have patience, dear Jesus, I will give you a kiss of love", and when her turn came she lovingly and devoutly imprinted a kiss on His Face. (This is true - on Good Friday - many feel that kissing His face would be too bold but it would be an act of Reparation for the wounds inflicted by these sins. If one is to think you are bold - then this too can be offered as an act of Reparation in itself because you know that it is done out of love!) Mother Maria Pierina de Micheli obtained permission from her spiritual Director and although she did not have any financial means to get medals of the Holy Face made. She obtained the permission of the photographer Bruner to take copies of the Holy Shroud as reproduced by him, and she received the permission to do so by the Archdiocese of Milan on the August 9, 1940. Since then the devotion and the medal have been spread worldwide with much enthusiasm, accompanied all the while by wonderful graces, conversions and cures as a testament and heavenly sign of God's institution and approval of both. St. Therese and the Martin Family This devotion was practiced in France where it began, therefore, the Martin family were one of the first to join in this Archconfraternity of the Holy Face and it became a sweet devotion of St. Therese; so much so that she was inspired to take the full title of: ‘Sr. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face’. May we make it a devotion of our own for the many crimes committed today. We can not just sit back but be active in making Reparation. The Holy Face devotion is a great means of grace. Please check out more information on this website under Devotions for more information on the Holy Face. "O Bleeding Face, O Face Divine, be every Adoration Thine." (3 times) God bless! Hello Everyone: I have posted instruction on this Consecration under "Consecration to Jesus through Mary" if you are interested and I will post new info for each week until the day of the Consecration which is March 25th. This of course, will be found under Formation - "Consecration to Jesus through Mary. It makes for a great Lent when we add this to our meditations. It also keeps up our commitment to pray; therefore, making it a very fruitful Lent. It is recommended that we place ourselves in Mary’s care in a very special way by an Act of Consecration suggested first by St. Louis DeMontfort. This consecration puts ourselves in her hands in a very special way. Mary is pleased when we consecrate ourselves to her. She is then free to help us through that consecration and also free to use us as her instruments of tears and tender love to draw more souls to Jesus. She lives on earth in her own children. She renews in them HER tender compassion, her burning love, and her forgetfulness of self. Our Holy Mother longs that ALL her children long for this perfection of Christ’s love which she as the Dispenser of all Graces can give to her children. This can be obtained by every soul that consecrates himself or herself to Jesus through Mary. For those who are consecrated, Our Mother comes in pity to help us. She will show us how we have strayed from the path to Her Son and she will always lead us back to the road of Jesus. Even if in your lifetime you stray from her and her Son, she will make every effort to beg on your behalf for mercy from her Son. She is such a tender mother that she will use EVERY means to win mercy for your soul once you have given yourself to her. For those who come to understand this, it should bring great confidence to do great things for God – knowing we are under her help and protection. If we only knew how the enemy is conquered when she is in our midst, we would live as confident children. Think of what a world we would have if more consecrated themselves to her! Come and learn of this secret of Mary. Please go to "Consecration to Jesus through Mary" on this website under Formation. Take care and God bless!! Hello Everyone: Many of you may know that President Trump has asked that Congress pass a bill that protects babies in the third trimester of pregnancy. It looks like they are taking action NOW. The only problem is that Demoncrats hate Trump more than this nation - more than the sweet little innocent babies! Even if they survive an abortion, these Demoncrats want the baby to die and not receive proper care. This is worse than Nazi Germany or Communist China! God help us! For the fourth time in four legislative days, House Demoncrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a bill that would stop infanticide. This is the fifth time Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical care and treatment for babies who provide survived failed abortions -- four times in the House and once in the Senate. The blocking of a vote on a bill to stop infanticide comes even as national polling shows Americans — including people who are “pro-choice” on abortion — oppose abortion up to birth and infanticide. And doctors indicate abortions are never needed to protect a woman’s health and women admit having abortions on healthy babies. House Republicans will bring up the request to vote on the Born Alive bill every day for the next 30 days. Their measure is comparable to the Senate bill that for abortion Senator Patty Murray objected to earlier this week. Action must be seriously taken by all of us who love God and neighbor (and country). If this does not pass, our country will receive chastisement - I am no prophet to see this coming! It takes common sense. We must storm heaven with our prayers and we must write and call our representatives in Washington to act on this. Before his passing, the late Justice Antonin Scalia explained why the U.S. Supreme Court had not yet acted to end Roe v. Wade stating, “I am against abortion. I want to end it! But where is the moral outcry?” Just last week, a man in New York stabbed his girlfriend and her baby of 14-20 weeks gestation. They were both killed and the man will ONLY be charged for the woman - not her baby because of New York's new law that Gov. Cuomo signed into legislation. (link posted below). Please join in this fight for the helpless unborn babies - or we will all suffer the consequences because we are all in this fight together whether we admit it or not. Even Communist China gives medical attention to babies that are born from botched abortions. What is happening to America? What is happening to the Democratic Party? Sacred Heart of Jesus - have mercy upon us! May Our Lady Help of Christians - pray for us! Hello Everyone: Sorry this is posted in the middle of the day. I had some computer trouble yesterday. Today is a great feast. I had posted some info last year in February on this site and that link is found below for quick access. The messages we can take away from this are many but my favorite is the fact that Our Lady came and claimed: "I am the Immaculate Conception". This is still a controversial topic among both Catholic and Protestants alike - even though it is a dogma of our faith and therefore - one is obliged to believe it. In 1858, in the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes in southern France, Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a young peasant girl, starting on Feb. 11 through July 16th (Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel). She began by praying the Rosary with Bernadette (only Bernadette prayed the Hail Marys). Our Lady had asked that penance be done and told Bernadette that She did not promise her happiness in this life – only in the next. She told her to drink from a fountain in the grotto, where we now have a spring of miraculous water for all the Church to benefit. Our Lady revealed Herself as the Immaculate Conception on March 25th (Feast of the Annunciation) and asked that a chapel be built on the site of the vision. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception had just been given to the Church by Pope Pius IX just four years prior in 1854. We may conclude that this apparition helped the skeptical faithful to accept the True Teachings of Mother Church. It is very feasible that controversy ensued even among the so called "scholars" of the Roman Catholic Church. It is exciting that Our Lady had to come and straighten them out. Also, in order for all to believe, God permitted a miraculous spring in which many are healed. Let us not forget to pray our daily Rosaries and offer much reparation for the sins of the world - especially for abortions and for all crimes committed everywhere inside and outside the Church. Our Lady needs our prayers and sacrifices to help Her win souls for Christ and His Church. Let us not be indifferent to Her plea and may we not fail Her and truly strive to be Her devoted children. Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette - Pray for us!! Below is the link from last year - you must scroll down to the second article on the page. Thank you and God bless your day! Hello Everyone: I am sure most of us watched the State of the Union Address to the Nation. It was a very beautiful speech by President Trump. It gives us such hope in a world gone totally crazy. It was an eye opener - I HOPE - to all those who vote Democratic. These new Democratic women in Congress are not women if they fully support killing our children. What has happened to our culture?? The answer is found in the fact that we have lost our Faith and it is also found in the disintegration of the American family. Both are targeted by the Freemasonic infiltrators. Read – “Behind the Lodge Door: Church, State and Freemasonry in America” by Paul A Fisher. (Link below) They have reshaped our nations churches, schools, government and ultimately and very sadly – our families. Bishop Sheen was an amazing man filled with God’s grace because of his deep prayer life before the Blessed Sacrament. He states: “The decline in the permanence of family life is, therefore, intrinsically bound up with the decline in democracy. Here democracy is understood, in its philosophical sense, as a system of government which recognizes the sovereign worth of a man. From this flows the notion of the equality of all men and the repudiation of all inequalities based on race, color, and class. Nowhere is the dogma of the worth of a man better preserved and practiced than in the family. Everywhere else man may be reverenced and respected for what he can do, for his wealth, his power, his influence, or his charm; but in the family, a person is valued because he is. Existence is WORTH in the home. That is why the crippled, the sick, and those who are of no economic value to the family are given more affection than those who normally provide for its subsistence. The family is the training school and the novitiate for democracy…free and promiscuous marital relationships are the training ground for treating humans, first flippantly then cruelly…..As persons lose a sense of loyalty and obligation, the State picks it up, and then begins the tyranny of the weak. State socialism, understood as State control not only of the means of production but also of life itself, is the political expression of psychological laziness and irresponsibility first manifested in the family.” It is sad to think that American family life was once a caring, self-sacrificing family and that this type of family hardly exists today. I am sure there are a few left but overall – the sacrificial love found once in families is missing. We have lost the sense of sacredness of human life by allowing our family structures to decay. We have lost our way to God and thus to a life of loving and nurturing life itself, of being self-sacrificing and of placing others before ourselves. In a nutshell, we are no longer Christian. What we have seen this past week from lawmakers who once called themselves Catholic is the result of the loneliness of not knowing God and of not being a part of a family that exhibits the self-sacrificing love once found in loving Christian homes and families. Below is ONLY ONE of the consequences of this great American tragedy but a BIG ONE since we are attacking the most vulnerable and weakest of all which is just so very demonic. Here is an article taken from February 8th, 2019 post on LifeNews.com. The article below contradicts the claims of these crazy women in Congress that say they are placing women first. With each passing law and each passing day – more women and more babies – OUR FUTURE – are being slaughtered. These lawmakers are working for the devil – may we pray and make reparation for their sins which we are all suffering the consequences of. “Tragically, New York women are less safe from violence now than they were before the passage of the Reproductive Health Act,” Fordham University Professor Charles Camosy wrote in an op-ed for the New York Daily News. He pointed to the high rates of violence against pregnant women in America, citing a study in the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health that found nearly half of the pregnant women who died in Washington, D.C. during an eight-year period were homicides. Here’s more: Overall, homicide is now the second-leading cause of injury-related death for pregnant women in the United States. Punishing assailants in such cases for attacking two human beings is the least we can do to protect these vulnerable women. But when confronted with a choice between refusing to punish illegal abortion in the criminal code and giving women this added protection from violence, the governor of New York chose to the former. Cuomo is not alone. Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo is backing a similar bill to expand late-term abortions and repeal the fetal homicide law in her state. These governors are not protecting women’s rights by urging the repeal of such laws. They are allowing criminals to get away with fewer consequences for attacking a pregnant woman and her unborn child.” MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS --- PRAY FOR US!! Hello Everyone: Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today's liturgy. According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is referred to as the "Purification of Mary." This is known as a "Christmas feast" since it points back to the Solemnity of Christmas. Many Catholics practice the tradition of keeping out the Nativity creche or other Christmas decorations until this feast. Today celebrated also is the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success. Below is a talk by Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira taken from “Tradition in Action” on both of these feasts. Enjoy! “Our Lady of Good Success! Our Lady of the Purification! What can be said about these two invocations? In what sense does the feast day of Good Success relate to the Feast of the Purification? And how can these invocations be understood in relation to our fight in the present days? According to the precept of the Old Testament, a mother would take her son 40 days after his birth to the Temple to present herself to be purified and to offer the child to God. This was a precept that every good Israelite mother observed. It was, moreover, a beautiful law that reflected the holiness of God. A child is born amid the dangers that accompany every gestation. But, finally, he is born. Oh! Happy success! As soon as the mother recovers enough to travel, she takes the child and goes to the Temple. She goes and presents her child to God because He was the one who created him so he might be offered to God and live for Him. The Old Law made this presentation obligatory. Because she did not have original sin, Our Lady was above the Old Law. Likewise Our Lord, who is God, was not subject to the Law that He Himself made. The Legislator is superior to the Law. So, in principle, He was not obliged to go, and Our Lady was not obliged to take Him to the Temple in Jerusalem. But she wanted to do so. She wanted to do this out of respect for the law, for tradition. Loving tradition and animated by her intense love for God, she took her Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, to the Temple of Jerusalem. Then we have the story in the Gospels on that episode at the Temple. It is God Incarnate Who enters the Temple built to worship Him. Even if the Temple had been much more splendid than the Temple of Jerusalem, it still would not have been sufficient for the Incarnate God to enter. It was the greatest hour, the blessed hour, the perfect hour. Never before in its history was the presence of God so intense and complete in that Temple as it was in that hour. One can say that at that moment, the angels filled the Temple and began to sing to celebrate the solemn moment. Our Lady entered holding Our Lord. Yet almost no one realized the magnitude of the event. The religious decadence of the Chosen People was great at that time. The faithful were divided into two main currents: One wanted to adapt to the Greco-Roman influence that dominated the temporal world. They were the Saducees, in many points analogous to the present day progressivists. The other current pretended to follow the influential party of the Macabees and keep the old traditions of Israel. But unfortunately, this initial good intention had been deviated, and most of this group were now simply practicing a religion of formulas and rites, empty of any soul. They were the Pharisees, in many points similar to some false traditionalists of our days. Thirty years later, the heads of the Pharisees who revolted against the doctrine of Our Lord were the ones who led the plot to crucify Him. At the time Our Lord was born, both currents were far from the right path of God. The Temple was filled with booths of people doing business of all kinds. Almost everything was in ruins, a moral decadence. Then, the One Who is the Author of all things entered into this spiritual ruins. And those men of ruin did not perceive Who He was. He came to fulfill the ritual of presentation, and a prophet, Simeon, who was the Prophet chosen by God for this act of receiving the Son of God in the Temple, came forward. Receiving the Divine Child in his arms, he spoke the words of that canticle: “Nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine …” “Now thou dost dismiss thy servant in peace, O Lord, according to thy word. Because my eyes have seen my salvation, Which thou hast prepared in the face of all peoples, A Light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel.” Our Lady, joyous, heard these words spoken by that old man, who seemed embittered by life, by a promise that still had not been fulfilled. The promise of God that he would see the Messiah before he died. Then, when he saw the Messiah arrive, he cried out “Now, Lord, I can die in peace because my eyes have seen the Savior.” He blessed them, and told the mother the future of that Child. He foresaw the Glory and the Cross. He said: “Behold this child is set for the fall and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted.” The Prophetess Anna also sang the glories of the Child. By divine inspiration, Simeon and Anna were given to know that which until then only St. Joseph and Mary and a few others knew, that He was the Son of God. What is the relation of this event to Our Lady of Good Success? What is success? It is an event worthy of note, something that demands care, sacrifice, and dedication, and which gives a result. When this result is good, one says that it is a good success. There was much good success in the birth of Our Lord: the gestation of Our Lady was perfect; it was followed by a blessed and happy delivery, and the Child was healthy and perfect. Therefore, to commemorate such good success and to fulfill the precept of purification Our Lady took Him to the Temple. In the broadest sense of the word, good success applies also to all those who carry out an arduous work, who take on a great responsibility, who desire to do difficult things to reach the result they were striving for. When their efforts are accomplished with the desired good result, they have a good success. Our Lady is the patroness of all those who seek a good success in the service of her cause. You can see how apt it is for our days, how those who work and strive in the darkness of the night of the neopaganism of our days to see the sun of the Reign of Mary rise can rightfully call the result a good success. Can’t it be said that Our Lady of Good Success will be the so happily chosen patroness of the hour in which the Reign of Mary will finally be born on Earth?” Happy Feast Day and May Our Lady of Good Success pray for ourselves, our families, the world and especially The Church! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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