Hello Everyone: I am taking a few days vacation so there will be a break with the rest of the Elijah study. I hope it has been helpful. It has been for me because it opened my eyes to the fact that we are living in another time in history that repeats the same Godlessness that existed then and more! I am including a few links below about where we are now that we all need to be paying attention to. Some of you may have already seen this - it is being spread quickly and has been seen by millions around the world already! May all of us get prepared spiritually for what is coming in the next few months. God is so good to us to get the truth out to all the people before the enemy strikes in a deadly way against us. Pay attention and get prepared. Here are some links in order of information. Take care and God bless. I will submit my next Elijah study on Monday. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us!
Hello Everyone: This segment is taken from 1 Kings 18 31-40. Elijah is now on Mount Carmel with his altar all prepared and he is about to begin the preparation of the bullock for the actual sacrifice. There were specific conditions in the Hebrew law of how to prepare the sacrifice. It was bled carefully, quartered and jointed, the pieces were laid upon the dry wood. Then Elijah turned to the people to ask their participation. He had asked them, “Fill four barrels with water and pour it over the sacrifice!” Where were they going to find water in a drought? Everything was dried up. But there was a sea at the foot of Mount Carmel. These barrels were filled from this water which was salt water. There was also a law that no sacrifice could be offered without salt. Salt was an essential part of every offering. In earlier days, salt was more sought after than gold. It was even used as a barter item instead of money. It is essential to our own bodies. By offering salt, it was a way to participate in the offering ourselves. This is why Elijah asked the people to pour it over the sacrifice, the rocks, the wood and the altar. Without the salt – there is also a different odor – a more unpleasant one. It is not satisfactory to offer without it. By the people’s participation in pouring this salt water, they too participated in this offering to God. Now the preparations were complete. No buzzards or insects were about because of the salt that covered the sacrifice. Now Elijah raises his heart, his arms, his eyes and his voice to God. His voice is like a trumpet blast proclaiming the hour of battle….. “O God, Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known this day that You, and You alone are God in Israel.” He then states: “O God, let it be known I am Your servant.” With hands still uplifted, he states, “O God, let it be shown that everything I have done has been at Your command.” Everything he had ever done was in accord with God’s will…every step, every word, every action and every prayer. He was an obedient servant of the one true God. Just as his sacrifice was soaked in the salt water, Elijah’s soul was saturated with the Word of God. He was God’s servant. As a man right with God, he yells out…. “Hear me, O Lord God, hear me! Respond in positive proof that this perverse, petulant people may know assuredly that you are God, very God, calling them back in repentance, turning them to Yourself once more!” The Good God heard and answered his cry – A flash of fierce celestial fire fell upon the evening sacrifice. The flames blazed and burned with fury. All was obliterated – bullock, wood, stones and even the damp soil! All was done in a miraculous instant – no long drawn out burning. God had shown Himself faithful to His faithful servant. All fell prostrate and yelled out, “The Lord, He is the God! The Lord, He alone is the God!” Elijah yells out, “Seize the false prophets of Baal. Don’t let a single one escape!” And in righteous anger and blazing indignation the fiery prophet commanded the people to help him exterminate this evil scourge that had enslaved them for so long. We are not given the grim and gory details of how the 450 false prophets of Baal were put to death. We know only that it was done. Lesson for us: Men cannot go on sinning without the intervention of God to put it to a stop. God is a God of love, compassion, concern and incredible patience. He calls to all men to turn to Him and live a life of service and love to Him and to our neighbors. Death comes to those who choose evil. We in our own day, are seeing the likes of evil that we have never seen before…. In the Church and in the world many have turned away from God. We have millions of abortions, widespread homosexuality, public Satan worship, abuses of our children from divorce to forced sex changes, the man-made weather changes, the technology used to harm and survey all people. The mass enslavement of the entire earth’s population for total world domination will see its hour but God will have His Way in the end. Men who follow the dictates of Satan never last long and unfortunately suffer an eternal death. May we turn to God in repentance before the Day of Judgement is upon us so that we may be with Him for an eternity of love. This is our hope and our joy! May we persevere through these trying times! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us! St. Elijah, pray for us! Hello Everyone: This segment is taken from 1 Kings 18:25-30 Ahab and Jezebel over the three year drought executed the true Israelite prophets and therefore pagan worship took the place of real worship to the true God of Israel. The fire of God’s presence, the fire of God’s power and the fire of God’s promise to His people had been extinguished. There was no longer any true public worship to God. God had to intervene! What was true in Moses day was still true in Elijah’s day, and remains true today. It seems to make no difference to those who do not pray – whether it is truly of a divine or demonic nature. Do we want a counterfeit god or the true God? The false prophets prepared their altar for sacrifice. Flies and buzzards were already descending upon their sacrifice. The false prophets pleaded and cried to Baal, their god of thunderstorms, hail, rain and lightning, to flash down and ignite the fuel they had placed upon the altar. In contrast, only one action from the true God of Israel is all that would be needed to ignite the wood, split the rocks and consume the bullock that Elijah was about to himself prepare. There was not a sign of any coming storm from the false gods. Elijah mocked them saying, “Shout louder, call harder. Perhaps your god is busy in conversation. Maybe he is away on a trip. Perhaps he has fallen asleep. Awaken him to answer you!” Ahab and all the multitudes could see that the false prophets had false gods. How many times have we heard in our own time: “Education has the answer, Science has the answer, Economics has the answer, Sociology has the answer, Hedonism has the answer. No adequate answers have been found! We keep searching. People (sheeple) keep following! We even have this plandemic with science working against it. In 2020, people still can’t trust in God and continue to place their trust in science and man. Mr Vaccination himself says that when we get the vaccination, the antibodies will not last and we will have to have multiple vaccines. That sounds like dollar signs for someone and death to others! Seriously, who is going to believe such garbage. UNFORTUNATELY MANY! Each of the experts is as frustrated as these false prophets on Mount Carmel – they do not have the answers. We, in modern times, are no different. We need to turn away from the false prophets and turn our eyes, ears, mind and hearts to the true God of Israel. So Elijah, standing alone on the summit of Mount Carmel, gathered the crowd to come near. The hour of truth had come. “Come near, O Israel!” he shouted – “Come near to watch what God will do!” Of course, many were skeptical and cynical but gathered around. He flung off his mantle, and with heaving muscles and straining back pulled twelve big rough rocks from the mountain soil. These he laid up in three tiers of boulders, four stones to each level. The twelve uncut, unhewn, unshaped, untooled boulders represented the twelve tribes of Israel. This altar stood as a symbol, a monument, to future great rock altar. This altar was to come one thousand years later (Golgatha which means rock of the skull) – Mount Calvary. Elijah cried out to God to justify himself in the presence of this nation. Let God make bare His great arm, able to save them from their sins. Let Him send the fire of His judgment to consume the wood and flesh upon it. Let God’s presence be known, seen and revered among this wayward people. Let His Great Name be honored again. The altar stood as the spot where the judgment and mercy of God would fall in fire upon sin to consume and cleanse it away. This mercy would fall in love upon the sinner just as it would do in the future upon Calvary. Around the altar, Elijah dug a deep trench to separate the place of sacrifice from its surroundings. It would hold the equivalent of twelve small casks of water as well as all the debris from the butchering of the bullock which he was about to sacrifice. In its complete consumption by fire, there would be a complete pardon of the sins of Israel. Elijah gathered the dry wood from the drought and placed them upon the altar. This wood would represent the future cross of Christ. Next, we will begin with the sacrifice of the bullock at this altar built in truth. Lessons learned: We can not lean upon false gods. They are deceptions. They never work. If we do not go about our daily duty seeking God first and asking Him to bless all our undertaking and do them with love – they will count for nothing. We must trust in the One True God and lean upon Him for everything! Hello Everyone: I just saw this on Rorate Caeli blogsite today. Still time to sign up and indefinitely tap into the talks and even pdf documents to help you grow in your spiritual life -- all for free. This is a great opportunity to get direction which we all so desperately need today. Please share far and wide. Below is the link - God bless!! Hello Everyone: After yesterday's post regarding Bishop Athanasius Schneider's demand for Eucharist Reparation to be made; this post follows suit! (Bishop Athanasius Schneider confronts the false priests!) Taken from 1 Kings 18:21-24 Ahab now orders the false prophets to Mount Carmel for a spiritual showdown. Now the people of Israel were curious to see this battle as all people have this curiosity. The people knew that Elijah had escaped the wrath of Jezebel which alone was a miracle. Israel, like our own day, was in a crisis. Like our own time, not only an economic and social crisis but more importantly – a spiritual crisis. The drought of the land was significant of the drought of their souls. Elijah was a man of God and filled with the holy zeal for God's glory and for the salvation of these souls who were on the way to perdition. Elijah yells out to the people of Israel, “How long – how long, O Israel, are you going to stagger and stumble between two loyalties? If the Lord be God then follow him. If Baal be God, then give him your full allegiance!” It was a serious question to reach the heart of every one who heard the cry! Israel, like our own day is plagued with divided hearts and divided loyalty. Again and again, people tend to fall into the pits of deception and follow false gods. Over and over again, God continues to send us judges, prophets and priests to bring people back from the brink of total destruction. Their indifference was as stubborn as our present day. It takes a great jolt to wake people up from their slumber. Elijah shouted at them a second time, “I alone remain as a spokesman for the Lord! This is your very last chance, O Israel, to hear from heaven. You have 450 false prophets of Baal who will lead you astray!” Elijah was not afraid to stand alone. He had a message from God that they all needed to hear or lose their souls for all eternity. The danger to his own life did not matter if he could bring back the people of God to their senses. Now he was to challenge them by crying out, “Bring out two bullocks. One for me, one for the prophets of Baal. Each of us will butcher a beast; lay it upon wood on a prepared altar, and appeal to our respective gods to send down fire to consume the sacrifice. The God who does , be it Baal or the Lord, is God indeed!" Their response was one of excitement – “Well said – well said, Let it be so.” They were open to a little sport. The offering of a bullock declared to God Elijah's own unworthiness. This was a sacred rite instituted by God Himself for the cleansing and purification of his own servants. By choosing a bullock, it was a message that even a man like Elijah, like the prophets before him, had need of a proper preparation in spirit, soul and body to stand as an intermediary between God and man. (And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself, and for his house. Lev. 16:6) The bullock was a sin offering. It showed that the true heart must be made right always with God in utter humility and complete contrition. Lesson for us: It is always the humble and contrite heart that God listens to and dwells within. He draws near to the one who senses his sin, seeks cleansing, and believes with complete trust that God will accept. Those in the days of Elijah and in our own day – do not truly understand the need of a Savior; therefore their services are mere man-centered. Look at the present day worship – Look at the handing of our Lord and Savior in the Eucharist which Bishop Athanasius Schneider has asked for Eucharistic Prayers and Reparation. Elijah is an example for us that we are all humble servants of God in true need of forgiveness of our sins. Since Elijah prayed to God with honor due His name – he would be heard! When we honor Our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, we can be sure that our prayers will be answered because we are honoring the true God. Let us turn from our inferior ways of worship and turn to the true way to honor Jesus Christ Who is Our Lord and Savior. May we go to a Mass that truly is the unbloody sacrifice of Calvary and honors the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us! St. Elijah, pray for us! URGENT - INTERNATIONAL CRUSADE OF EUCHARISTIC REPARATION CALLED FOR BY BISHOP ATHANASIUS SCHNEIDER7/21/2020 Hello Everyone: This just from The Remnant Newspaper - link below this article..... Here is some from the article to inform you.... July 20, 2020 (Remnant) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider is calling on Catholic clergy and laity around the world to unite in a crusade of reparation for sins against Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. (link below with full article) The call comes as instances of profanation and sacrilege against the Most Blessed Sacrament have skyrocketed due to responses to the coronavirus, and after five decades of what the bishop terms unprecedented abuse against the Eucharistic Lord. "God grant that through the Eucharistic crusade of reparation, there may increase the number of adorers, lovers, defenders, and consolers of the Eucharistic Lord. May the two little Eucharistic apostles of our time, St. Francisco Marto and the soon-to-be-Blessed Carlo Acutis (beatification on October 10, 2020), and all of the Eucharistic saints, be the protectors of this Eucharistic crusade. For, as St. Peter Julian Eymard reminds us, the irrevocable truth is this: “An age prospers or dwindles in proportion to its devotion to the Eucharist. This is the measure of its spiritual life, faith, charity, and virtue.” Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament pray for us! All ye holy angels and saints pray for us!! Hello Everyone: Today in the Carmelite calendar, it is the feast day of St. Elijah. The Prophet of Carmel, St. Elijah, has always been regarded by the Carmelites as their Leader and Founder – a tradition which Holy Church has confirmed in granting to the Order a Proper Mass and Office of the saint on July 20th and in permitting the erection of his statue in St. Peter’s Rome, among the Founders of Religious Orders. Innumerable monasteries have been established in Europe and over time - around the world. It is this spirit of Elijah, that burning zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls that consumes the Carmelite nuns and friars to appease the wrath of the Lord. Another beautiful aspect of the Carmelite Order, especially today, is that we are to pray for the Second Coming of Christ and for Elijah and Enoch to return at the time of the Antichrist which we see signs that this time is not far off. We can continue the prayers of the early monks on Mount Carmel who dedicated themselves to pray for the FIRST COMING of Christ --- We now must pray for the time of CHRIST’S SECOND COMING! This is an exciting calling for us and the Prophet Elijah has a part in it! (Rev 11:2-6) I am not finished with my posts on the life of St. Elijah but I will conclude with these facts about the end times. This post on his feast day is a little break in the middle of this study to exalt the great man of God - St. Elijah! I should have started earlier in order to finish it today on his feast day but hopefully we will finish before July is over! I will end with the relationship St. Elijah has to St. John the Baptist to make our study complete. There is something special about this Prophet Elijah who was privileged to be seized by angels and carried aloft in a chariot of fire to remain alive in his mortal flesh even to our day and beyond it, until the time when he will descend on earth to be a martyr for the Faith which may happen very soon! It was God’s Will that he who had been in such union with God in his preaching and in his courage during tribulation that he should be conformed to Him in His Ascension. We get to look forward to his coming again at the time of the Antichrist with Enoch. They will experience death, resurrection and ascension just before the ruin of the Antichrist, “whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the spirit of His Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.” 2 Thess 2:8 The life of Elijah while on this earth was so filled with God. This was beyond what many of the Prophets experienced. His piety, courage and contempt for the luxury of the courts of earthly kings, his fearlessness in carrying out the commands of God make him a great example for these times when Satan is unleashed like never before. Elijah is, by his great example of austerity and prayer upon the sacred slopes of Mt. Carmel, a Godly model to all Carmelites who make for themselves a solitude of love and zealous prayer in the midst of this cold and indifferent world. The call for all Carmelites is to promote the interests of God’s kingdom during their vigils of prayer for the salvation of souls and for God’s glory. We can focus today on prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for that final battle against Satan and for the Second Coming of Her Son Jesus Christ!! May all Carmelites today, honor the greatness of this amazing Prophet who will be visiting us very soon. May we prepare for him with our prayers, fasts and good works. May we look forward to this day with great hope and joy at a time when evil, sadness and despair are all around us. Let us be beacons of light and the salt for all those around us. Let us repeat the words of Elijah from the First Book of Kings, 19:10: “With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of Hosts.” These words perfectly express the life of the Prophet Elijah, yet for those of us who wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, this motto also perfectly conveys the mission to which we are each called. Please read the post at the link below as well--- God bless your day!! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us! St. Elijah, pray for us! Hello Everyone: This article is taken from 1Kings 18:17-20 Well, Obadiah had to go back to King Ahab to tell him that he saw Elijah and that he is to go out to meet him. Of course, a proud arrogant hateful king is not going to be happy with that. He meets him with a bit of disdain and anger greeting him with: “So you are the trouble maker in Israel! You are the one who has brought this dreadful drought upon us. You are to blame for the awful famine!” As evil as Ahab was, Elijah was not intimidated at all. He had been sent by God to stand before this atrocious monarch. He would face his fury. Elijah looked down at Ahab and retorted, “It is not I who has troubled Israel but you. Both you and your family before you have chosen deliberately to forsake the laws of the Lord. And instead you have followed the falsehood of Baal.” It was a straightforward statement of fact. It could not be denied or debated. Ahab could not defend his deeds. He stood fully exposed to his evil. God’s wrath of a drought and famine fell on Ahab’s shoulders for his sins. Corruption and purity are not compatible. Righteousness and wrongdoing polarize each other. Falsehood and truth repel one another. As God’s people, we simply have to see this and not follow the ways of the world that are steeped in sin. Paul put it like this in 2 Timothy 3:12, “All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” And Our Lord declared to his disciples just before his death, on the way to the cross, “If they (the world) have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” John 15:20. The world is forever looking for someone upon whom they can pin the blame for the disasters that overtake them. If it is not God Himself Who is charged with the blame; then it will be His people. The profound truth is this. Every law, every edict, every command, every guideline for proper and appropriate behavior given to men by God has been bestowed upon us for our own well being and properity. He always has our own best interests in mind and when we go against God’s commands and His Will, there will be consequences to help us see our error; and hopefully we will repent and turn back to His ways. Any man, woman, family or nation that disobeys those laws, who repudiates and rejects them willfully, soon discovers to their sorrow that it is not only the laws of God that are broken but also themselves. In violent disregard for the commandments of God, Ahab led Israel into deception and debauchery. The whole nation was sold out to the false gods of Baal and Ashteroth. Their whole society was rotten with immorality, greed, violence and malicious materialism. They were a people now mired in the muck of man-made humanism. God had to bring them back. (Sound familiar?) Elijah was not content just to charge Ahab with these calamities but to have a face-to-face confrontation with all the false prophets of the heathen gods who had victimized his people. (Looks like we need Elijah to come again!) He challenged Ahab to summon all the devotees of Baal and Ashteroth to the summit of Carmel. There had been some 450 of Baal’s false spokesmen and at least 400 equally despicable parasites who pandered to Ashteroth who were supported by Queen Jezebel who wanted to see the death of God’s influence in Israel. (Nothing changes – A repeat of history here!) Elijah was determined to exorcise and eradicate all the evil forces at work in his beloved homeland in a single daring, dramatic confrontation. He had been away for three long years. During his absence, the voice of God had been silenced in Israel. The worshipers of these false God’s permeated Israel. Atrocities of every kind, identical to what we see in our present day were present. Satan still tempts man in the same ways even 2900 years later! Israel was just as slimy as what we see today and she had to be delivered from utter destruction. The place for this confrontation was to be Mount Carmel with its magnificent setting overlooking the blue Mediterranean. It was the most favored and fruitful spot in the whole of Palestine. On Carmel, the soil was unusually rich and productive. This was a most curious spot for Elijah to choose to have his confrontation because he made it easy for a false god like Baal to call down rain there. It was a mark of Elijah’s enormous faith in God that the prophet did not even reconsider the choice of site for the divine duel. Now was the time for Elijah to have this dual against the enemy on Mount Carmel. His confidence would be in the Lord to conquer the enemy and confirm his power. SUCH FAITH! Lesson for us: We see the exact same scenario today. The earth everywhere is inundated with complete perversion and sin against the True God. God will not stand for this and yet in His infinite wisdom, He knew it would come down to this. It is in Revelation - all that we see before us now. It is time to be like Elijah and know that God is God and will protect us and/or give us the graces to endure all that lies ahead for those Christians that will be persecuted like their Master. And when this current dual is over and God is shown triumphant - there will be peace! For us followers of Jesus Christ, the result is eternal life with our Creator, Lord and Master. Let us pray for the conversion of poor sinners, Let us continue the Reparation prayers taught at Fatima. Let us wear our Brown Scapular and consecrate ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Pray for us! St. Elijah, Pray for us! Hello Everyone: I did just post another Elijah article just below this one for today. I had to post this. This is more take-over - more over-reach of our rights as citizens. More power to the global elites. They are moving so fast with this COVID cover - we can hardly wake up to a new day and something new is thrown at us. I know they have alot to do to transform the entire world into a New World Order with complete control within 10 years but they may be done quicker. The following is taken from Dave Ramsey - a financial advisor that many are familiar with - at least in the conservative world. These points are very sobering. I have added some that I thought of as well. I hope there is pushback but....... the Fed has already stopped making new coins since June 15th of this year to stop circulation. Here are the points worth thinking about....... A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means: * If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through. * Your child can’t go to help the local farmer or a neighbor with an odd job to earn a bit of summer cash. * No more cash slipped into the hands of a child for a reward or from their grandparent when going on holidays. * No more money in birthday cards. * No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning. * No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting $20 a week away for. * No more little jobs on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table. * No more charity collections or throwing a few bucks in the Church basket. * No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return - garage sales. * No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones at weddings/funerals etc. What a cashless society does guarantee: * Banks have full control of every single penny you own. * Every transaction you make is recorded. * All your movements & actions are traceable. * Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & many passwords. * You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every dollar in your possession. * The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase. * If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * May we savor the little time we have this summer with some freedom and some use of our cash, although stores are posting signs already to not use cash. Pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have the choice! God bless your day! Hello Everyone: This is from 1Kings 18:3-16.We have now come to the time when Elijah sets out to get back to King Ahab. He first met up with Obadiah who held the highest placed civil service job in Samaria. He was next in rank to the king and had responsibility in governing and administering all the affairs of the royal household. One could also say that he was a so-called “secret Christian” for he skillfully sheltered a hundred prophets of God in the subterranean caves away from the wrath of Jezebel at the time of this drought. As Obadiah was out searching for some water and grass land for the king’s horses, he met face to face with Elijah. Obadiah was overwhelmed and fell to his knees saying, “Art thou my lord Elijah?” (1Kings 18:7) He replied, “I am Elijah. I am alive. I am here. Go and tell your lord Ahab.” He knew that Obadiah was riding the fence with divided affections and divided loyalties. The time had come to call his bluff. Whom did he really serve? Obadiah has now found himself in a frightening bind. He was caught between the spiritual monarch and an earthly king, both of whom he had tried to serve in fear, but neither of whom he totally followed. (sound familiar) He claims to serve both man and God, but he actually does neither, but lives only to serve his own selfish, self-centered best interests. He is concerned primarily with his own survival. Such individuals the Spirit of God finds reprehensible. They are neither hot nor cold. They are nauseating. Elijah reassures him of his word in not disappearing and causing Obadiah his head with these words, “As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely show myself unto him today,” (1Kings 18:15) Now Obadiah is moved by faith and takes Elijah’s words as reliable. Taking his life into his own hands he hurries off to find Ahab. The impact of Obadiah’s report was sufficient to compel Ahab to come and confront his opponent. Something about the sincerity, earnestness and intensity of Obadiah’s obedience to Elijah’s command had repercussions. Ahab went out to meet Elijah. The influence and power of God now was already being felt and it was soon to be felt in the entire nation of Israel! Through Obadiah, Ahab and Elijah were again to meet. It was the prelude to the mighty events soon to happen on Mt. Carmel. Obadiah’s obedience was a part of the great victory to come on Mount Carmel. Lesson to Learn:
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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