Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Well, we are almost in May, the month of Mary; and we have just passed the feast of St. Louis de Montfort (April 28th). It is only right that we should quote some wisdom and prophesies of St. Louis de Montfort today to understand better what we are living today. He states: "It is by Her that the souls who are to shine forth especially in sanctity have to find Our Lord. He who shall find Him shall find life, that is Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. But no one can find Mary who does not seek Her, and no one can seek Her who does not know Her. It is necessary, then, for the greater knowledge and glory of the Most Holy Trinity, that Mary should be more than ever known." St Louis continues: "Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, in might, and in grace in these later times." In mercy, he says, to bring back the strayed sinners. In might, against the enemies of God who shall rise in terrible revolt against Him. In grace, to sustain the soldiers and servants of Christ who shall battle in His service. And lastly, Mary must be terrible to the devil and to his crew, as an army raged in battle, principally in these latter times, because the devil, knowing he has but little time, and now less than ever, to destroy souls, will every day redouble his efforts and his combats. He will presently raise up cruel persecutions, and will put terrible snares before the faithful servants and true children of Mary, whom it gives him more trouble to conquer than it does to conquer others." Let us be confident that God has given His Mother such power over the devil. De Montfort tells us, that Satan "fears Her not only more than all the angels and men, but in a sense more than God Himself. Not that the anger, the hatred and the power of God are not infinitely greater than those of the Blessed Virgin, for the perfections of Mary are limited; but Satan, being proud, suffers infinitely more from being beaten and punished by a little handmaid of God, and her humility humbles him more than the divine power." The battle between the devil and our Blessed Mother has been going on for centuries. It is a battle for souls. The devil is trying to lure all of us into the lowest depths of hell. Mary is trying to lead us to Heaven Today, according to De Montfort, the devil is more active than ever before because he has little time left. As a consequence, the Blessed Virgin Mary is making Herself better known to us, so that we might resist the devil and enroll on Her side. The battle seems to be approaching a great climax. The saint's words about Mary's power over the devil are consoling ones for these trying days. Satan may rage and roar at us. He may persecute us openly or subtly, but he cannot harm us so long as we stay by Mary's side. And for all those who seem to have lost their way; we can pray with confidence to Her to bring them back. We must pray with confidence that Our Good Mother loves them more than we do and She will do all in Her power to bring them back to Her Son. May we walk in this confidence! Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... "I have chosen you that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain". Being Mary's own means asking Her to teach us to live like Her on earth so that someday we can be with Her in Heaven! We are to ask for Her help in imitating Her virtues each day....striving to fulfill the Will of God as She did. Let us make an offering at the beginning of the day of all our words and works, begging our angel to steep them in the Precious Blood of Jesus. If we make a great start to our day with prayer, begging our angel to help us to draw closer to Jesus through Mary, how precious will our life become to God. We can renew this offering frequently during the day. By living the Fatima message, we are to offer the prayers of reparation taught by the angel very frequently.....making them a habit to appease the just anger of God for the many sins committed each day by so many in the world. We do not know the day or the hour when we will be held accountable for our every word and action. We will never know the value of our good words and actions until Jesus leads us through the Courts of Heaven to the throne of the Eternal Father, to place the crown of glory upon our head. Do we think of this day? Do we yearn for this day away from this exile which in reality is so very short compared to eternity. It should be our daily motivation to one day be in Paradise; as we are helping to save souls for Heaven with our prayers. Let us look forward to that rewarding day and not be so consumed with the troubles of the world and the Church. We may often feel weary of this sad time of struggle, we may be caught up in the darkness going on around us, we may be crying over souls that seem lost. We cry so many tears in this valley of tears; but Mary is at our side to guide us to Her Son and present our petitions. May we live in confidence that She will present our prayers and help those in great need! She has been appointed our Mother by the good Eternal Father and given to us by His Son Jesus at the foot of the cross! Let us run to Her. Let us take Her hand DAILY! Let us live in imitation of Her and do as St Louis De Montfort has asked do all in and for Her! We have the Blessed Mother, our angel appointed to help us, as well as all the saints ....... routing us on to victory! Let us live in hope of a better world and pray for the grace to be faithful and persevere in our work toward holiness in order to belong truly to Our Blessed Mother and to please God and save many souls from being eternally lost. We must love Our Lady's work, and daily ask Her to make us understand its spirit so that we do not grow weary. We must thank Her for having called us to Her own special work of Reparation and tell Her we would rather die than mar, by our imperfections, the work to which She has called us to do through Her message at Fatima. Let us begin with Mary, live with Mary, pray with Mary, offer all to God through Mary and one day She will come to take us Home on our last day of exile here! Let us persevere in holiness by making many Spiritual Communions if we can not go to Mass. May we never neglect the prayers taught at Fatima. May we try to keep the presence of God with us constantly so that we will not sin in word or deed. May we be faithful to Our Little Office of the BVM because it gives honor to the Queen we serve and it makes up for all those who neglect the Divine Office or the Little Office. May we make little sacrifices as best we can each day to mortify ourselves in order to draw closer to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. And finally, may all of this lead us to a life of hope in the eternal life with all the angels and saints in the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity and our good and holy Blessed Mother........OUR FINAL DESTINY!! May we pray for each other that NONE of us be overwhelmed at the troubled waters we are sailing in; but keep focused with GREAT FAITH in the Heart of Christ to be our guide to Heaven......Mary, Star of the Stormy Sea, pray for us!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Like Fr. Frederick Faber, Mother Mary Potter is one of my favorite English authors of the Catholic Faith. She started an Order of Sisters in the late 1800's called, "The Little Company of Mary" in order to tend to the dying. Fr. Faber was her spiritual director. They both had a great devotion to the Blessed Mother and did the St. Louis de Montfort Consecration. (I will post below a link to the prayer and I am sorry I did not do that yesterday for you but you could find it elsewhere on this website). Mother Mary Potter writes from "The Queen's Highway", written for her sisters; "We should welcome all events and adverse circumstances as opportunities of showing to God that our wills are united to His. We hope to have the desire on this earth that His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This was Mary's perfection as she stated: "Be it done to me according to Thy Word." This she said ALL throughout her life. We first hear of it at the Annunciation. She said yes to God's Will and continued to throughout her life on earth and now in Heaven." How beautiful was the moment when Jesus came to earth and found his home in Mary's Immaculate Heart and in her virginal womb. It is a great meditation to think of how Mary was not only to perform the duty of Mother of God and Mother of us all but ALSO to offer to God continuous and perpetual adoration of the Real Presence of Jesus. She had to be created perfect in order that her perfect, constant love was always given to Jesus without a moments rest. How many times are we NOT conscious of the fact that Jesus is truly present NOW in the tabernacles around the world. NOT SO for Mary, She kept His Presence before her mind perpetually. This should be our own practice the Presence of God continually in order that He be given thanksgiving and homage ALWAYS; especially for those who do not and for all the crimes committed against Him! Mother Mary Potter continues.... "The Spouse of Jesus has ever to sing and make melody in her heart. She is to chant God's praises for ever! She is to sing of the glories of God. She is to speak telling words of love, to bring peace on earth to men of good will. Each Community fills the Garden of Jesus with beautiful beds of flowers, and every individual flower blossoms and sends fragrances of love and adoration to Jesus in imitation of Mary." We can all attain to this perfection of being a fragrant flower of Adoration for Jesus in imitation of Mary because.... with God...nothing is impossible. He wants more than anything else for us to live in imitation of our Holy Mother Mary in Her love for Jesus and to imitate Her many virtues. We must, like Her, correspond to the graces that God wishes to send to us. May we always confess when we know that we have squandered His grace so that we may be mindful and diligent to live more magnanimously for His Heart and Kingdom. We must strengthen ourselves with the Bread from Heaven and pray continually like Mary so that we can be called Her children...truly living in imitation of Her for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. This is the true essence of living the "Consecration to Jesus through Mary"! May we ask for this grace daily so that we put kindling to the fire which will be set on our hearts today upon making this consecration! Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us! Good Jesus, supply your graces into our souls as we make our Consecration to You through Mary today! The following prayer was recommended by St. Louis de Montfort for those who make the might want to consider adding this as you can. God bless!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy which falls at the end of the Easter Octave. Through the glory of Easter, we celebrate and enter into the paschal mystery, proclaiming the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the below link is the relationship of this feast with the request of the feast of Corpus Christi at the end of the Sacred Heart Octave. Both are asked for by Our Lord Jesus Christ for greater love of His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. With the horrible statistics of so many Catholics NOT believing in the Real Presence; we need both of these feast days to instill love and understanding of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The message of Divine Mercy is found in the mystery of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is nothing less than Jesus’ complete and Personal gift of Himself to us – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – under the appearances of bread and wine in the consecrated Host. Jesus hides His immense glory, beauty and dignity in the Blessed Sacrament because He wants us to come to Him in faith that we may love Him for Himself. “O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I Trust in You.” (St. Faustina diary, 187) Jesus explained that each person coming before Him in the Blessed Sacrament represented all humanity and that every man, woman and child on the face of the earth experiences a new effect of His goodness, grace, love and mercy for EACH Holy Hour made in His Divine Presence! In the words of Jesus to St. Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament: “I desire that Adoration take place for the intention of imploring Mercy for the whole world.”(St. Faustina diary, 1070) How can we come to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and implore His mercy with hearts empty of self and full of love and honor for God? We can find our help in our Blessed Mother as guide. She has given Jesus constant Adoration from the moment He was conceived in Her womb whose feast of the Annunciation we celebrate tomorrow. She is our model and our constant companion in Adoration. When we adore Her Son, She is there praying with us. When we go before Jesus on the altar, we always find Him with Mary His Mother. The Heart of Mary is the door through which leads us directly to Jesus. She is the gate through which we enter His Sacred Heart which pours forth the graces of Divine Mercy. St. Faustina in her diary talks about the help that Mary gave her in her love for Jesus in the Eucharist, “The Mother of God is instructing me in the interior life of the soul with Jesus, especially in Holy Communion. It is only in eternity that we shall know the great mystery effected in us by Holy Communion. O most precious moments of my life.” (St. Faustina diary 840) It is through our faithful reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion that we can obtain the graces that Jesus has for us to imitate Him in this world. “When the priest exposed the Blessed Sacrament and the choir began to sing, the rays from the image pierced the Sacred Host and spread out all over the world. Then I heard these words: “These rays of mercy will pass through you, just as they have passed through this Host, and they will go out through all the world.” (St. Faustina diary 441) Greetings in Jesus and Mary... This video below is perfect for our preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary...April 8th (the date given to us since March 25th was in Holy Week). This video says it all so I will let you go to the video put out today by Sensus Fidelium which is only 28 minutes long. God is good to give us these great consolations that God is in charge and that there are many graces and helps put in our hands for these days. Today is First Friday, tomorrow is First Saturday, Sunday is Divine Mercy and Monday is the moved feast of The Annunciation. May we pray and repent for the sins of the world.....which are many! GOD DESERVES OUR LOVE AND THANKSGIVING...LET US GIVE IT TO HIM....AND FOR ALL THOSE WHO DENY HIM THEIR LOVE!! May the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary come so that Jesus may reign on the hearts of all men! Our Lady of Fatima and the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Blessed Easter Tuesday to all of you!! I should be writing about something more edifying for our souls today but it seems the hype of this solar eclipse intensifies with each passing day. I was shopping yesterday and the music was interrupted with an ad from the store about buying solar eclipse glasses. SERIOUSLY! Since when? Since when did we travel to see a solar eclipse, shut down schools on the day of an eclipse, stop trucks in Texas on the day of the eclipse, call for the National Guard, declare State of Emergencies in various states, tell citizens to stock up on goods and fill up your tanks?????? WHAT IS GOING ON????? Well, I did a bit of research and found these videos that are more credible than all the hype of a rapture (which Catholics do not believe by the way). We are NO DOUBT inundated with demons on this planet. You hear people say, "I think, they are right! Hell IS empty! ALL THE DEMONS HAVE MIGRATED TO EARTH!" We are in a Spiritual War like we have never seen in all of human history. (AND it will get worse). This is a time to make my pitch to MAKE THE ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CONSECRATION.....TO JESUS THROUGH MARY......NOW!! We need Her NOW more than EVER!!! She is the one appointed to crush Satan's head. We better get prepared for battle!! Well, below are the videos I found. You may want to listen to each a couple of times. They are not long but there is so much in each and they both make complete sense on WHY the hype. It looks like a modern day Tower of Babel is trying to be created. Now there may be consequences to the actions told in these videos BUT I am not closing the door that our government ALSO may use this opportunity to give us blackouts and grid down scenarios in various parts of our country. And when/if they happen, we will not know if it is because of CERN or NASA...or our own government. I pray that the day will be uneventful...that it will truly be just a wake up call for all to repent and turn back to God before THE horrible chastisement. The first video below is regarding THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE, April 8, 2024. The second video is an old video regarding THE SOLAR ECLIPSE, August, 2017. We need to pray and make reparation for these crimes against God and His humanity. That is what we can do. The reparation prayers taught at Fatima were for our day. May we seek Our Lady's help in this crazy time and may we pray for the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart so that Jesus may be seated on the thrones of ALL OF OUR HEARTS! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!! For those who need to see what CERN and NASA are are THEIR websites Information on CERN
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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