Hello Everyone: I hope Lent is going well for all. Tomorrow is Friday already and we are half way through Lent already! I thought I would touch on this message of La Salette because it is approved and forgotten. It helps us to understand what is going on around us, what to expect later down the road and how to live through it. I have put a link below for all to read. There is more to be found on the internet if you are interested but this has the important messages. Also, I have read the book, "The End of the Present World and the Mysteries o the Future Life" by Father Charles Arminjon. They are talks about the four last things (Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgement) that he gave for the penitential times of the year such as Lent and Advent. This is perfect reading for Lent! It was read by St. Therese before she entered the convent and it helped motivate her to say - "When I die, I will let fall a shower of roses!" When she read in this book that the love of people would grow cold for God and each other - she wanted to help. We should want to help! We see coldness all around us - starting with our own families, church, communities, government and world. We see our own "Pope" now refusing to allow the faithful to kiss the Papal ring. Where does that leave the popes that will follow him if he unwinds everything. He is a destroyer of the papacy - plain and simple! We need to pray like we have never prayed before. We are living in a time when people are living in their bubble of indifferentism and not preparing for what is to come to all of us by being magnanimous in prayer and sacrifice. We all need to take heed to the words of Our Lady in the message of La Salette. She is asking us to be magnanimous in our efforts. I hope this message gives a boost to your Lenten commitment to be just that - magnanimous for Jesus Who is magnanimous for us! Enjoy and may God bless us through the prayers and intercession of Our good Queen and Mother!! St. Therese pray for us!! PS - There is a shorter version of the book with only 196 pages - make sure you get the full book at 336 pages. God bless!
Hello Everyone:
Just three days away from the Consecration To Jesus Through Mary - found under Formation on this site. Posted there is to be found the Document to Print for your Consecration Prayer. I am posting here a conference done early this month in California by TIA on the messages of Our Lady of Good Success. An approved apparition from the 1600's in Quito, Ecuador. This is a very enlightening talk and it relates to St. Louis deMontfort and his prophecies as well. This is a great talk for those renewing or making their Consecration for the first time. It gives us a purpose and a hope for this great act in our lives. You can find more on the website - Tradition in Action as well as the books on this great devotion. I hope you enjoy this and take away from it the desire to be a true soldier of Christ and to embrace our cross for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. May we be heroes for Christ through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother. This is an exciting time to live but we need Our Lady in order to be able to stand at the foot of the cross. Many are running in fear and are too cowardly to stand with Christ. Holy Mother Mary - give us the strength as you did to St. John and the holy women who walked the Way of the Cross with you. We pray to You to give us this same courage and love to be truly united to the suffering Jesus! Good St. Joseph - take our Consecration and present it to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls during this time of great turmoil in the Catholic Church. Our Lady of Good Success -- pray for us! Hello Everyone: We are almost at the end of our study and prayer for our Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. I have been listening to The Passion and Death of Jesus given to us by Anne Catherine Emmerich on CD. The details of His death are so HORRIFIC - I have always tried to do the Way of the Cross all of my life by trying to understand the intensity of His sufferings for us. IT IS SO VERY SAD and so HORRIFIC. When I was young and more naive than I am now - I could not understand why it was so horrific. I am beginning to understand now. We all know that the mystery of suffering is to repair for sin. Jesus suffered for all the sins of the world - and as we grow older and see so much sin before us we can get a glimpse of why - it is HORRIFIC. I know my title seems out of place for speaking about the Passion of Jesus but not really. The sins of the world as Our Lady of Fatima came to warn us would lead to world wide errors from Russia (If we did not have Russia consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and if people continued to offend God and if they did not pray the Rosary). Looks like we struck out on all three and now we may be facing worldwide Communism. Someone sent me a link from LifeSite News regarding a letter that a father writes to his children regarding the horrifying state of sin in the world - (Link below). I read this thinking that my children have heard all of this and I do not think it would WAKE THEM UP. I began to think - WHAT WOULD? I pulled a few books off my shelf in my library. I have a book titled - "When a Nation Forgets God" by Erwin W. Lutzer. It is about what Germany looked like before Hitler came on the scene. WE ARE THERE! It is 141 pages - an easy read. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT. Also, regarding the state of America, there is a book titled, "None Dare Call it Treason". It is about the changing of America that has gone on for decades yet ---- None - dare call it treason!! We see it in Washington now and still --- none - dare call it treason! I also have two videos below. One is new from Dave Hodges - Common Sense Show about how the enemy has entered in and we are now in present danger in America. Also, there is a video from Bishop Sheen regarding communism. (This is one reason why he will never be canonized - he spoke against communism which the Vatican stands with now through the UN and Agenda 2030) What can we do? We can teach our children the truth - pray that they may wake up and pray the Rosary daily with your families. Consecrate yourselves and your family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Remember -- She said that in the end Her Immaculate would triumph. Keep Catholic. Keep to the Sacraments. Stay close to the cross of Christ and to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. God is in control. It is an exciting time to live and bear witness for Christ! Who knows - we may be blessed to be martyrs for the Faith! ( If we are - may we remember that the next life is eternal so do not be afraid and embrace your cross in imitation of our sweet, suffering Jesus!) God bless and may Our Blessed Mother watch over and protect us! Hello Everyone: Happy Feast Day of St. Joseph! I have posted a written piece taken from a lecture given by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira for young TFP members. The author was not able to review it prior to his death. Originally published in TFP Newsletter (1986), vol. IV, no. 17, p. 6. This is a very beautiful lecture on St. Joseph with hidden mysteries. Enjoy and may St. Joseph pray for us and the entire Church!! "To have an idea of what Saint Joseph—the Patron of the Church—was like, we must consider two prodigious facts: he was the foster father of the Child Jesus and he was the spouse of Our Lady. The husband must be proportional to the wife. Now who is Our Lady? She is by far the most perfect of all creatures, the masterpiece of the Most High. In her is the sum total of all the virtues of the angels, of all the saints, and of all men until the end of time. Even when we consider her in this light, we still have only a shallow idea of the sublime perfection of the Mother of God. But a man was chosen from among all men to be in proportion to this eminent creature. He was proportional, naturally, in his love of God, in his wisdom, in his purity, in his justice, in all the virtues. This man was Saint Joseph. * * * There is still something more unfathomable: the father must be proportional to the son. A man who would bear with dignity the honor of being the foster father of God was needed. There was only one man, created especially for this role, with a soul adorned with all the virtues entirely at the height necessary for such a sublime mission. This man was Saint Joseph. He was in proportion to Jesus Christ; he was proportional to His sublime Mother. What grandeur there is in this! We cannot imagine how far he transcended the rest of men. The human vocabulary does not have the words to adequately express the depth of his penetration into the most holy soul of Our Lady and the degree of intimacy with the Word Incarnate. It is customary to represent Saint Anthony of Padua holding a book upon which the Child Jesus is seated. The saint is enchanted because the Child Jesus has rested for a few moments in his arms. We look admiringly at Saint Anthony because he was blessed to have been singled out for this indescribable honor! Yet how many times more did Saint Joseph hold the Child Jesus in his arms? It was Saint Joseph who had sufficiently pure lips and a sufficiently grand humility to undertake the formidable task of responding to God! Let us imagine the scene: the Child Jesus comes to him and says, “I would like your advice. How should I do this?” And the Patron of the Universal Church, a mere creature, knowing it is God asking the question, gives the advice! If you can imagine a man who had sufficient wisdom and purity to rule over God and the Virgin Mary, then you will be able to comprehend the sublime virtue of Saint Joseph. * * * We are speaking of the grandeur of Saint Joseph. Now, how did the men of his time react in face of this grandeur? The Scriptures say: “And she [Mary] brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). The words “there was no room for them in the inn” encompass a bitter truth: it is especially difficult for men to accept that which is grand—a fortiori, that which is divine—because of their petty selfishness. We often think that men take pleasure in dealing with things that are important, high, sublime. Some men do enjoy such things, but only superficially and selfishly. For men are not greatly attracted to grandeur; they are attracted to mediocrity, especially if it includes a mixture of good and evil where the evil predominates. There is a profound tendency in man for the trivial, for the banal, for that which is contrary to the grandiose, to the sublime. So we can understand why men were not willing to make room for the Holy Family. There was no room, particularly because Our Lady would have conserved, together with a demeanor of sublime kindness, an air of great majesty. As Saint Joseph would have maintained a similar aspect, they were obviously an eminently distinctive but poor couple. This was the most profound reason for the refusal. Distinction is accepted when it is accompanied by wealth, for the latter pardons the former. And the interest in making money incites flattery, which takes the place of respect. But when someone of great distinction and salient virtue knocks at the door—above all, if he is poor—then there is no room. It would take only five minutes to arrange accommodations for a mediocre friend or for a moneybags who possessed nothing but wealth…yet accommodations that could easily have been arranged were refused to the Holy Family! But suppose they had known that Our Lady was about to give birth to the Child Jesus? They still would not have received her. It is fitting to remember the famous apostrophe of Donoso Cortés: “The human spirit hungers for absurdity and for sin.” The Child Jesus resembled Our Lady. She was the prefigure of the Redeemer. Saint Joseph also looked like Him. Those people did not want Our Lady, nor Saint Joseph, nor the Child Jesus. They hungered for baseness, vulgarity and wealth. The result: this is the first refusal of the Hebrew people. This is the first time Our Lord, already on earth, knocks at the doors of men through the voice of Saint Joseph and is refused. Saint Joseph—prince of the House of David, prince of a royal family that, although dethroned and decadent, was at its apogee because from it was born the Hope of the Nations—knocks at the door and is rejected! But in this rejection is his first glory. He represented something that the vulgar and prosaic spirit of the Jews detested. He took the first step of his martyrdom: he led Our Lady to a cave suitable only for animals, where the Child Jesus was born. To this glory—which was certainly a negative one—were added many others: the glory of being considered a person of no consequence although all public honors were due him; the glory of taking upon himself all the humiliation, all the ignominy and all the weight of the opprobrium that was to fall upon Our Lord. From the very beginning, he had the special bliss of being refused for his love of justice and his grandeur of soul. This is a forgotten, though salient aspect of the moral physiognomy of the Patron of the Church, whose virtue, especially rejected by modern man, induces us to say: Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur, pray for us!" Hello Everyone: I wrote the last article on ways to resist evil. This article is related but WORSE! Did you just buy Girl Scout Cookies? You may not next year. This one young mom in the video posted below did her homework after she felt there were some red flags. There is such a silence to all the evil our OWN CHILDREN OF USA are being indoctrinated in schools and in activities they are involved in. The smoke of Satan has made its way into the many cracks of our society and in the world. We need to be aware and speak out against this and hopefully work against not only with our prayers but our actions. This video is an hour but please listen - it is about our children - EYE OPENER! Also - I have posted the last week of our study and prayer for The Total Consecration of Jesus through Mary under Formation. God bless all and have a blessed St. Patrick's Day! Hello Everyone: I hope Lent is going well for you! Happy Friday in Lent! I wanted to touch on a tangible way to combat some of the evil which is going on in our country (and in the world). This website is for reparation and prayer but we can take it a step further. Below are a couple of ways. If we are poking our heads into the news this Lent, we have seen "Catholic" politicians donned with their Ash Wednesday ashes. These politicians are promoting and standing for abortion, infanticide, same sex "marriage" and the like. We can not stand back and watch. There are organizations fighting against these. I have posted two below that you may already be involved in or wish to be. I have posted a recent letter from TFP - Tradition Family Property for you to review. Their Student Action brings forward different attacks on Mother Church and asks us to sign petitions. This has been helpful. I have posted a link to their site as well as this latest letter asking for a signature so that you may also sign and get on their mailing list (if not already) to make a difference. Also, the ACLJ - American Center for Law and Justice has done amazing things to combat the devil in this country. It is worth donating to because they are truly helping - Again - I have posted a letter and a link to their site. Make this a holy Lent - Give alms where evil will be combated. God bless all! FROM THE TFP - TRADITION FAMILY PROPERTY STUDENT ACTION letter dated March 13, 2019 Thank you so, so much for signing the petition: Support Catholic School Under Attack for Refusing to Enroll Child with Same-Sex Couple. Every single voice counts in this spiritual battle. So I'm writing to ask you to share this urgent petition with all your friends who might be willing to participate in this worthy effort. Even your entire address book. Simply send this message to your friends. It's that easy. I'm counting on you because I can't do it alone. May God bless & reward you for the extra help. John Ritchie TFP Student Action Director www.tfpstudentaction.org P.S. -- You are in my prayers. ACLJ - AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE letter dated March 13, 2019 A federal appeals court just delivered a stunning blow to Planned Parenthood. In a remarkable 11 to 6 decision, the entire 6th Circuit Court of Appeals set a precedent allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood. This is a blistering defeat for Planned Parenthood and its seemingly unlimited stream of taxpayer funding. The court agreed with the arguments we made in our amicus brief - that Planned Parenthood does not have a constitutional right to our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions a year - that's more than 900 a day. This is on the heels of our major legal victory before a judge in New York (the same state that expanded abortion to the moment of birth), stopping the abortion lobby's attempt to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers. Next, we're preparing a lawsuit against New York about its expansive abortion law. Now, more than 20 states have filed a lawsuit against a federal rule that would defund $60 million more of Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding. We're preparing a critical amicus brief in this case to defund the abortion giant. We can win. We are beating Planned Parenthood, but we urgently need your support. Have your gift DOUBLED today through our Matching Challenge. Chip in $5 and it becomes $10; $20 becomes $40. Have Your Gift Doubled to Defeat Planned Parenthood in Court. Jay Sekulow ACLJ Chief Counsel Hello Everyone: March 10th started the Novena to St. Joseph whose feast day is March 19th. Since this is a Carmelite website, we are very happy to share that St. Teresa of Avila was a great devotee of St. Joseph. She was privileged to know that St. Joseph helps us grow in holiness through devotion to him. She states, “I have never known anyone who was truly devoted to him and honored him by particular services who did not advance greatly in virtue, for he helps in a special way those souls who recommend themselves to him.” "His great help is even more than asked for or expected," she explained: “I cannot call to mind that I have ever asked him at any time for anything which he has not granted; and I am filled with amazement when I consider the great favors which God hath given me through this blessed saint, the dangers from which he hath delivered me, both of body and of soul.” And who knows better than the Spouse of St. Joseph – The Virgin Mary! The following are very important words of Our Blessed Mother, Herself, to Ven. Mary of Agreda reported in her famous book Mystical City of God: “The whole human race has much undervalued the privileges and prerogatives conceded to my blessed spouse and they do not realize what his intercession with God is able to do. I assure you, my dear child, that he is a greatly favored personage in the divine presence and has immense power to stay the arms of the divine vengeance. I desire that you be very thankful to Divine Goodness for vouchsafing you so much light and knowledge regarding this mystery, and also for the favor which I am making you by revealing this. From now on, during the rest of your mortal life, see that you advance in devotion and in hearty love for my spouse, and that you thank the Lord for having thus favored him with such high privileges and for having given me such great joy in the knowledge of all his excellences. In all your necessities you must avail yourself of his intercession. You should encourage many to venerate him and see that your own religious daughters distinguish themselves in their devotion to him. Whatever my spouse asks of the Lord in Heaven is granted upon the earth, and on his intercession depend many and extraordinary favors for men, if they do not make themselves unworthy of receiving them. All these privileges were to be a reward for the amiable perfection of this wonderful Saint and for his great virtues; for the divine clemency is favorably drawn forth by them and looks upon Saint Joseph with generous liberality, ready to shower down its marvelous mercies upon all those who avail themselves of his intercession. “ So after these very uplifting and encouraging words of Devotion to St. Joseph, may we keep him in prayer as we continue this month of March devoted to him. Below is a prayer used at the St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit Michigan along with a schedule of Masses and homilies given during this Novena before his feast day March 19th. Good St. Joseph – pray for us now and at the hour of our death! Hello Everyone: Well - Ash Wednesday has come and gone. We are now into the 4th day of Lent already. I have posted the information on the 3rd week of the Total Consecration under Formation. This too is going fast as we are in the middle of our study and prayer for this Consecration or Renewal to be done on March 25th. I have the privilege of some meditation books that my now deceased mother purchases at a book sale quite a while ago (copyright 1945). These are written by a Capuchin friar for all the days of the year. I will share with you some of the great helps he wrote for this great season of Lent. Below are some excerpts taken from "Meditations" written by Fr. Bernardine Goebel, OFM Cap. Enjoy! PRAYER "Prayer is the most natural expression of our relation to God as His children. It is a sacred privilege of the redeemed children of God. According to St. John Baptist Vianney " prayer should be as much a matter of course as breathing." But how little is this true of ourselves! We are so occupied by our daily cares. We need to raise our hearts and mind to God in little prayers throughout our day in order to preserve our union with God. It is through prayer only that exterior mortification receives its inner-most power of renovation and its higher consecration. Prayer endows penance with power." THE ALMS OF MINISTERING CHARITY "The object of all penance and prayer performed during this holy season of Lent is :God's mercy. However, we shall find it only if we ourselves show mercy and charity towards our fellowman, for herein genuine fasting is made pleasing to God and is rendered perfect. Not only are we called to minister charity but also to have forgiving charity. "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you, so that you may be the children of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun rise on the good and the evil, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." (Matt 5:44) This forgiving, indulgent and patient charity is a Lenten sacrifice which assures us God's indulgence and mercy in greater measure than any exterior mortification." SPIRIT IN WHICH WE SHOULD FAST "Rend your hearts and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God; for He is gracious and merciful, patient and rich in mercy". (Joel 2:13) The mortification of the outward man, therefore, must be accompanied by interior detachment from sin, by the spirit of true repentance, and must be the expression of the latter. Without breaking with sin penance would be meaningless. The first point of our Lenten fasting should be to reawaken sincere sorrow for our sins, especially for our principal and habitual fault, and to resume an energetic war against it." "Our penance during the season of Lent must be a heroic fighting and dying with Christ. For this reason the Church presents to us in her liturgy the gigantic battle of Christ with the prince of darkness; first of all, the interior element of this battle and then, during Passiontide, its culmination in His actual Passion and death. It is above all the loving immersion in the Passion of the Lord which will animate us, as nothing else can, with the desire to suffer and die with Christ by means of genuine penance. The meditation on the Passion must be particularly dear to us always but especially at this time." "We adore You O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your Holy Cross - You have redeemed the world." Hello Everyone: Happy Feast Day! The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the blasphemies and outrages of the ‘revolutionaries’ of that time, the blasphemies of atheists, freethinkers and Masons, and for blasphemy and the profanation of Sundays by Catholics. Oh how this devotion is needed in the Church today as these errors are so prevalent all the way up to the top. We read in Sr. Marie de St. Pierre's autobiography: “Then He unfolded His Heart to me, concentrating therein the powers of my soul, and addressed me thus: ‘My Name is everywhere blasphemed; even little children blaspheme it.’ And He made me understand how that dreadful sin pierced and wounded His Heart more than all other crimes. “By blasphemy, the sinner outrages Him to His Face, attacks Him openly, and pronounces upon himself his own judgment and condemnation. Blasphemy is a poisoned arrow, wounding His Divine Heart continually. He told me that He would give me a “Golden Arrow” with which to wound Him delightfully and heal the poisonous wounds caused by sin.” Our Lord then dictated to Sr. Marie the following Golden Arrow prayer, assuring her that every time she said it, she would lovingly wound His Heart. The Golden Arrow Prayer May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified in Heaven, on earth and in Hell, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Our Lord told Sr. Marie on March 16, 1844: “Oh if you only knew what great merit you acquire by saying even once, ‘Admirable is the Name of God!’ in the spirit of reparation for blasphemy.” Promises of Our Lord to Sister Marie de Saint-Pierre * “By My Holy Face you shall work wonders.” (October 27, 1845) * “All those who honor My Holy Face in a spirit of reparation will thus perform the office of the pious Veronica.” (October 27, 1845) * “According to the care you take in making Reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemies, so will I care for yours, which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint on it My Image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the baptismal font.” (November 3, 1845) * “Our Lord has promised me for all those who defend His cause in this Work of Reparation, by words, by prayers or in writing, that He will defend them before His Father. At their death He will purify their souls by effacing all blots of sin and will restore to them their primitive beauty.” (March 12, 1846) * “By My Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners. Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you. No one can know how pleasing the sight of My Face is to My Father!” (November 22, 1846) * “Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His Divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His Holy Countenance.” (January 21, 1847) Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us! Good St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, pray for us! Good St. Veronica, pray for us! Good Sr. Marie de St. Pierre, pray for us! Hello Everyone: We are on the last day for study and prayer in the first phase of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Tomorrow starts "Knowledge of Self". Information and instruction are posted under "Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary" on this website. Today is also the eighth day of the Novena to the Holy Face. A very powerful Novena with many promises attached. I will post these promises on Tuesday - the actual Feast Day! A great Carmelite devotion which I wish the entire world would embrace because of its many graces. (Sadly, it is not even practiced and known in most of the Carmelite Order communities) Wednesday officially starts Lent. Ash Wednesday is a day we remember where we came from and where we hope to go. This is perfect for this week of "Knowledge of Self". I pray that we all have a very very prayerful Lent. As mentioned in the last post - there are many things to pray for and prepare for. To begin Lent, I thought I would mention a very great and holy American (Irish immigrant) --- Father Patrick Peyton. He led the Rosary Crusades through America and into the world from the 1940's through 1960's. He was an amazing saint - soon forgotten. Our American Bishops should use and replicate his example in order to draw graces down on this country. Below I have posted a little piece of wisdom from his book "The Ear of God - Prayer is the language of man to God". I recommend this book - if you can find one on the internet. This little segment, I thought was appropriate to begin Lent as we try to spend more time meditating upon the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy! "It is told in the Bible that a cripple, going afoot to a city, had fallen by the road and could not rise, and that Christ found him, lifted him up, refreshed him, and gave him a stout stick of white-thorn wood, that he might assist himself on his journey. You do not recall this story in the Bible? It is the whole story of the New Testament. For the cripple, of course, is man, the city is God, and the stick is of the wood of the Cross. How wonderful, then, that out of the mouths of atheists we hear it said: "Religion is a crutch." By the mercy of God, His atheists are preaching the Gospel! They do not understand what they say. Yet when an atheist says that religion is a crutch he quite consciously attaches to it powers of encouragement and consolation in earthly life for those who believe in it, although at the same time he denies the end for which it is given, which is eternal life in God. He cannot see the city, and so he cannot use the crutch. There is no doubt that atheists have seen striking evidence of prayer's effectiveness. They have seen men refreshed by it, strengthened; they have seen fear turned to courage by it, discouragement to hope, torment turned into peace, and some atheist doctors go so far as to admit that they have seen prayer improve the physical condition of the sick. But atheists explain these things entirely by the power of mind over matter. They say that confidence is half the battle, whether that confidence be in God, luck, or the doctor, and they explain that through the act of prayer the religious man renews his confidence that a Supreme Being is looking after him. It is not the power of God that these atheists deny; it is only the existence of God. So it is not when we cannot see the city (God), but only while we will not see it, that we cannot use the crutch." written by Fr. Patrick Peyton - "The family that prays together, stays together." |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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