Hello Everyone: Blessed Feast Day to All! This is one of the glorious feasts of the Church. We celebrate today the great gift of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The gift of Himself that He gave to us on Holy Thursday before His Crucifixion. The gift before His Death on the Cross is significant - it is His ALL - His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity given to us and left for us through His holy priests. What more could He give to show us His Love? Corpus Christi is celebrated on a Thursday because it was the day Jesus gave us the gift of Himself on Holy Thursday. I chose this image of St. Margaret Mary Alocoque because it was during her Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that He came to her to ask for Hours of Reparation before the Blessed Sacrament to be done on Thursday evenings from 11 PM to midnight; the hour that would commemorate the time of this great gift on Holy Thursday. Why Reparation? He showed her His Heart on a throne of flames, crowned with thorns, and surmounted by a cross, and thus addressed her: "Behold that Heart which has loved men so much, and which has spared Itself nothing; and has even gone so far as to consume Itself, thereby to show them Its Love; but in return the greater part of men only show me ingratitude, and this by the irreverences, tepidity, sacrileges, and contempt which they offer me in this Sacrament of Love; and that which I feel the most accutely is, that they are hearts consecrated to me." This is very sad and so relevant even today. Let us with Our Lady and St. Margaret Mary make reparation today and every day for these injuries done to Our Lord. We know of so many injuries: The tabernacle put in an inferior place; communion received in the hand; standing instead of kneeling before Our Lord; sacrileges Masses; people and priests receiving Our Lord with mortal sin on their souls. We hear today of the rights of man in receiving Our Lord even steeped in sin. This is proof that they do not believe in the Real Presence - What about Our Lord? Is He not there? Is He not offended? We have placed ourselves over the past 60 years (or more) before God. It is time to make reparation for this and to honor Jesus the way God the Father wants us to - WITH PROFOUND REVERENCE - WITH UTMOST REVERENCE! Let us go to Mary and seek the necessary graces to love God above all things. Let us receive Jesus after inviting Her into our hearts. Let us pray with St. Gertrude her prayer to Our Lady--- Have a blessed Feast Day and may the prayers of our Holy Mother Mary and all the Saints pray for us and all priests to be true lovers of Jesus Truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
Hello Everyone:
Tomorrow starts the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a very powerful Novena before the Feast Day which is June 8th, Friday. This feast always falls within the Octave of Corpus Christi. The relation of the Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi are one and the same. Therefore, Jesus specifically asked that this feast of the Sacred Heart be placed where it is to St. Margaret Mary to show mankind that the love He bears for mankind is found in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. This is very beautiful and should increase our love for the Sacred Heart and for Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Below is a link to print up your Novena to the Sacred Heart. God bless! Hello Everyone:
We pray for all those men and women who have given their lives for our freedom today in a special way. May we always give them our respect and love to all those who have sacrificed so much for this country and for the freedom in other countries to allow mankind to serve God above all things. We have so many heroes to study, meditate and ponder their heroism. Let us look up one hero and come to appreciate their lives and example! Here is an article about fallen chaplains - I hope this will be an inspiration to lead you to find more heroes - God bless these men and women! Hello Everyone: We are in the Memorial Day Weekend and I will write to commend and honor our fallen soldiers as well as the soldiers of Jesus Christ who gave their lives for the Church. Today, we will focus on the enemy. After all, we would not have fallen soldiers or martyrs if there was not an enemy. And one of the most dangerous things is to not know who your enemy is. Therefore, Our Lady came to warn us and we have not taken heed to our good Mother's warnings. At Fatima, Our Lady warned that if Russia was not consecrated, it would spread its errors throughout the world. Have we seen this? Do we still see this? Let us examine some information below which is footnoted in order to become aware, if not already, to the fact that the enemy has infiltrated the Catholic Church and we need to resist it and make reparation and pray that God will restore the Church with the help of Our Lady who will crush the head of the serpent. Let us examine the following: Pope Leo XIII, Dall’Alto (# 2), Oct. 15, 1890: “It is needless now to put the Masonic sects upon their trial. They are already judged; their ends, their means, their doctrines, and their action, are all known with indisputable certainty. Possessed by the spirit of Satan, whose instrument they are, they burn like him with a deadly and implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and of His work; and they endeavor by every means to overthrow and fetter it.”1 Pope Leo XIII, In Ipso (# 1), March 3, 1891: “Nevertheless, it grieves us to think that the enemies of the Church, joined in most wicked conspiracy, scheme to weaken and even, if possible, utterly wipe out that wondrous edifice which God Himself has erected as a refuge for the human race.”2 It’s a well known fact that Communists and Freemasons made organized efforts to infiltrate the Catholic Church. They sent large numbers of their own men into the priesthood hoping to weaken and attack her by moving these men to high positions. Mrs. Bella Dodd spent most of her life in the Communist Party of America and was Attorney General designate had the Party won the White House. After her defection, she revealed that one of her jobs as a Communist agent was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries. She said that before she had left the Party in the U.S. she had encouraged almost 1,000 young radicals to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders; she was only one Communist. Brother Joseph Natale, was present at one of Bella Dodd’s lectures in the early 1950’s. He stated: “I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world’s greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent.”3 Bella Dodd converted to Catholicism at the end of her life. Speaking as an ex-Communist, she said: “In the 1930’s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” The idea was for these men to be ordained, and then climb the ladder of influence and authority as monsignors and bishops. Back then, she said: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church. They are working to bring about change in order that the Catholic Church would not be effective against Communism.” She also said that these changes would be so drastic that “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.” (This was 10 to 12 years before Vatican II.) Brother Joseph went on relating what Bella Dodd had said: “The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church… to label the ‘Church of the past’ as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an ‘openness to the world,’ and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church.”4 Freemasons made similar attempts to infiltrate the Catholic Church and elevate their own to the highest levels. The Luciferian secret society, the Carbonari, known as the Alta Vendita, wrote a set of Permanent Instructions, or Code of Rules, which appeared in Italy in 1818. It stated: “… It becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church, and to the pope, with the object of conquering both. The work for which we gird ourselves is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor a year. It may last for many years, perhaps a century… What we must ask for, what we should look for and wait for, as the Jews wait for the Messiah, is a pope according to our wants. We require a pope for ourselves, if such a pope were possible. With such a one we shall march more securely to the storming of the Church, than with all the little books of our French and English brothers.”5 The same Freemasonic document made this striking prediction: “In a hundred years time… bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter, when in fact they will be following our flag… The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience.”6 These organizations and the individuals who belong to them are agents which the Devil uses to attack the true Church of Christ. Ephesians 6:12- “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places.” On April 3, 1844, a leader of the Alta Vendita named Nubius wrote a letter to another highly-placed mason. The letter spoke again about the plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church, and the attempt to insert a masonic “pope,” who would promote the religion of Freemasonry. “Now then, in order to ensure a pope in the required proportions, we must first of all prepare a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream… Let the clergy move forward under your banner (the masonic banner) always believing they are advancing under the banner of the apostolic keys. Cast your net like Simon Bar Jonas; spread it to the bottom of sacristies, seminaries, and convents … You will have finished a revolution dressed in the pope’s triple crown and cape, carrying the cross and the flag, a revolution that will need only a small stimulus to set fire to the four corners of the earth.”7 Freemason Eliph Levi said in 1862: “A day will come when the pope… will declare that all the excommunications are lifted and all the anathemas are retracted, when all the Christians will be united within the Church, when the Jews and Moslems will be blessed and called back to her . . . she will permit all sects to approach her by degrees and will embrace all mankind in the communion of her love and prayers. Then, Protestants will no longer exist. Against what will they be able to protest? The sovereign pontiff will then be truly king of the religious world, and he will do whatever he wishes with all the nations of the earth.”8 An apostate priest and former canon-lawyer,9 named Fr. Roca (1830-1893), after being excommunicated said: “The papacy will fall; it will die under the hallowed knife which the fathers of the last council will forge.”10 Roca also said: “You must have a new dogma, a new religion, a new ministry, and new rituals that very closely resemble those of the surrendered Church. The divine cult directed by the liturgy, ceremonial, ritual and regulations of the Roman Catholic Church will shortly undergo transformation at an ecumenical council. May we pray to Our Lady of Fatima for Church Leaders who are willing to lead us back to God. May the faithful pick up their rosaries and pray to Our Lady to crush the head of the serpent. Our Lady of Fatima - pray for us! Holy Martyrs of the Faith - pray for us! Check out the link to info on Socialism below the footnotes. - God bless! ____________________________________________________________ 1 The Papal Encyclicals, by Claudia Carlen, Raleigh: The Pierian Press, 1990, Vol. 2 (1878-1903), p. 226. 2 The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 2 (1878-1903), p. 237. 3 Statements of Bro. Joseph Natale relating what former Communist Bella Dodd said. 4 Statements of Bro. Joseph Natale relating what former Communist Bella Dodd said. 5 The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. 6 The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. 7 NUBIUS, Secret Instructions on the Conquest of the Church, in Emmanuel Barbier, Les infiltrations maconiques dans i’Eglise, Paris/Brussels: Desclee de Brouwer, 1901, p.5).part of this also in Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, Cranbrook, Western Australia: Veritas Pub. Co. Ptd Ltd, 1984, p. 15-16. 8 Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 133. 9 Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, Cranbrook, Western Australia: Veritas Pub. Co. Ptd Ltd, 1984, p. 42. 10 Dr. Rudolf Graber, Athanasius and the Church of Our Time. 11 Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, p. 42 Hello Everyone:
Tomorrow is the great Feast of Mary Help of Christians. Our Lady has so many beautiful titles - all worth honoring - all worth understanding. Here is one that we can all relate to because we all need help and we need it desperately. Below is a talk done by Professor Plinio Correa de Oliviera on this particular feast. It is beautiful because it talks about the great help that Mary gives us in times of trouble and in war. Many do not believe in war AT ALL - for any reason! If Our Lady did not believe in war - she would not have helped them. We must be true soldiers of Jesus Christ and when our Faith and its freedom to live and express that Faith to God are compromised or taken from us - we must fight to restore it so that our generation and those after us will be able to live for God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You can be sure that when Our Lady is asked to help us - She will come to our aid - especially knowing that the enemy is striking at the freedoms we have to love the Most Blessed Trinity. Enjoy this true story and the Professor's insights! God bless!! "Descriptions of the Battle of Lepanto based on the Catholic chronicles of the time do not mention an important fact found in the Muslim sources. The latter report that at a certain moment during the battle when the Catholic forces were being defeated, the Turkish fleet saw a majestic and terrible Lady in the sky. She was looking at them with such a menacing gaze that they could not bear it, lost their courage, and fled. The battle taking place was the greatest naval battle in History to that date, and all Christendom waited in understandable suspense for its outcome. In a certain sense, the future of Europe was being decided there. Protestantism had created a fracture in Christendom, and religious wars were springing up everywhere. Because their forces were needed on various fronts, the Catholic nations probably could not have faced a Muslim invasion into southern Italy, which would have been the normal consequence if the Battle of Lepanto had been lost. If Italy were invaded, in a short time the Pope would have been forced to leave his Papal Territories to avoid becoming a prisoner. Most probably, no one would have been able to stop the Turkish impetus into Western Europe. In that immense battle, three Catholic powers were involved: Spain, the most powerful nation of the time; Venice, which was very wealthy and had a considerable naval force at that time, and Genoa. There was also a small papal fleet, everything Pope Pius V could muster together to add his material strength to face the common enemy. In this atmosphere of general suspense, the battle took place. Descriptions of the time report how terrible it was. Catholic soldiers were jumping onto Muslim ships; Turks were entering Catholic vessels – one side killing another with tremendous carnage. Ships were sinking here and there; soldiers and knights in armor floated briefly in those turbulent waters, then sunk into the depths to meet death. Canons roared, shouts of rage and despair were heard above the din; a terrible uproar and enormous turmoil everywhere. Amid all that confusion, two men were praying to Our Lady to give the victory to the Catholics: on those turbulent waters, there was Don Juan of Austria, the commander of the Catholic Armada; and in Rome, there was St. Pius V. You can imagine the profound calm and great self-control necessary for a man who, in the apex of the battle with men fighting on all sides of him, could nonetheless discern the general line of the battle and note that it was going badly, even though the Catholic soldiers were fighting as well as possible. Then, remembering the teachings of our Faith, he determined to fight to his last breath of life for the cause of Christendom, still with the hope that Our Lady would intervene. That is to say, a person like this – and such a person was Don Juan of Austria – trusted against all trust. Against all human possibility, he expected Our Lady to intervene. In fact, she did intervene. She appeared in the sky to threaten the enemy, and the Mohammedan navy fled. But the Catholic warriors did not see her. She did not appear to them. The Catholics had the merit of practicing a blind confidence, a pure act of faith. Only when the enemy later reported the miracle did they realize that she had helped them in the worst hour. The Catholic knights, principally those in command who perceived the general line the battle was taking, had to seriously consider that they would either die or be made prisoners and slaves of the Turks as a consequence of their defeat. But they trusted in Our Lady that she would prevent the cause of Christendom from perishing. This represented an extreme confidence on their part. At that same time, St. Pius V was also praying at the Vatican. He was in a meeting about Vatican financial balance sheets, an important matter since it implied mortal sin should someone have stolen money from the Church. Therefore, St. Pius V had to vigilantly analyze the figures to avoid being an accomplice to such a sin. Suddenly he stood up, probably moved by a supernatural inspiration, and went to the window of the room to pray the Rosary. As he prayed, he received a revelation that Don Juan of Austria had won the battle. He returned to the table and said: "It is not time to talk about business; our great task at present is to thank God for the victory He has just given the Catholic Armada." The news of the Papal revelation spread throughout Rome and the people began to celebrate. Some might have doubted the revelation and asked: “Is it really true?” Then, in a few days, a messenger arrived and gave the official report. The Pope listened attentively to the account, without any agitation, with his customary grandeur and benevolence. Then, a great feast was celebrated in Rome, the bells of all the Churches of the Eternal City rang. From Rome the news spread to all Italy, and then to all Christendom. This was the great joy for the victory of Lepanto. Is there an application for us? What was the greatest heroism of the knights of the battle of Lepanto? It was not the courage to face the Turks. Certainly, to face enemies in a battle one needs courage, but you can find such courage in all battles of History. In my opinion, the greatest heroism of those Catholics who fought at Lepanto was the heroism of believing that the battle would be won by Our Lady at the moment when everything seemed lost. That act of confidence was not an imprudent or unwise act, a kind of resignation to accept whatever would happen. It was an act of fidelity to a certain interior voice of grace that invited each one to confide and pray that she would give the victory. The good cause throughout History often finds itself in a situation similar to the Catholics at Lepanto. Everything seems lost humanly speaking, but Our Lady puts in our souls a hope that she will win the battle for the greater glory of God. Then we need to trust this voice against all probabilities and appearances to the contrary. Many times, defeat seems inevitable, and the temptation is to say: “She promised, but it has not happened. To the contrary, everything became worse.” Real heroism is to trust even in the worst of conditions. It is to refuse to cede to the temptation, and to reply: “The worse it becomes, the closer we are to her intervention, because Our Lady does not lie, and I know that this voice that speaks within myself is hers.” Is there any criterion to know when an interior voice comes from Our Lady or not? Yes, there is. When the perspective of some future thing leaves us depressed, discouraged, and with the desire to give up, then this outlook normally comes from the Devil. On the contrary, if the perspective of doing a very difficult thing that would normally cause fear, nonetheless produces enthusiasm, gives us strength to practice virtue and inspires us with the hope of victory in an almost impossible situation, then probably it is the voice of the grace speaking in our souls. Does grace act only this way? No. Often grace inspires resignation. Our Lady can ask us to be conformed to a defeat. Then she gives us strength to endure the suffering of the defeat. St. Therese of Lisieux, for example, received such a grace to prepare herself for death, and afterward, she went to Heaven. The two perspectives are different. When Our Lady wants to give a victory, she prepares us for that, and not for death. This is confirmed by the reaction of St. Pius V after he knew the victory of Lepanto. He turned to God and repeated the prayer of the Prophet Simeon: “Now thou dost dismiss thy servant in peace, O Lord, according to thy word, because my eyes have seen my salvation.” That is, “That special thing for which I was born, the victory I had expected for Thy glory, has taken place. With this, my mission is fulfilled. Now Thou can take my soul for I have nothing else to do on this earth.” The great St. Pius V had heard the same interior voice as the knights of Lepanto. In this case, the words of Our Lord apply: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). The voice of Our Lady speaks to our souls and tells us firmly: “Catholic Civilization will be restored, the Reign of Mary will be established on earth.” This is the voice that gives us courage to fight against all the enemies, in the worst of conditions, and all alone. There is no doubt that this voice is authentic. What happened in Lepanto with those knights and soldiers will also happen with us. We will have the victory of Our Lady. This is, in my opinion, the interior message Our Lady Help of Christians gave in that battle, and gives us today. Let us ask her to give us the necessary graces to be faithful to it. " Hello Everyone: May we begin with a prayer: Come Holy Ghost into our minds that we may know the things that are of God. Come Holy Ghost into our hearts that we may love the things that are of God. Come Holy Ghost into our souls that we may belong only to God. Sanctify all that we think, say and do, that all will be for the greater glory of God. Tomorrow is the Feast of Pentecost! What does this mean? It is called the Birthday of the Church because the Apostles with the presence of Mary become infused with the love and tender gifts of God through the indwelling of the Spirit in a very powerful way similar to that of our Confirmation in order that they may love the Faith, teach the Faith, defend the Faith and die for this Faith! We receive Sanctifying Grace at the Sacrament of Confirmation and it is the greatest gift of the Holy Ghost! It gives to the soul a resemblance to God, corresponding to His infinite sanctity, and imprints upon it the supernatural likeness of God. Through grace, the soul is clothed in such heavenly beauty that, in comparison, all earthly beauty seems vile. The value of Sanctifying Grace cannot be expressed. St. Thomas Aquinas says, “The least grace outweighs all the riches of this world.” This is astonishing since it seems that all those around us including our own family members and friends would rather seek the things of the world than to seek and ask God for the greatest gift in the universe – Sanctifying Grace!! So what is this Sanctifying Grace that we should seek above the empty treasures of this world? Sanctifying Grace makes us a friend of God. If we die in this Grace – we will be happy FOREVER IN HEAVEN! This should be everyone’s goal! We will become partakers of His Heavenly Kingdom! Now, since all the treasures of Heaven and earth are comprised in God, and God is of infinitely greater value than anything created, it makes perfect sense that if man receives God Himself as a reward for Sanctifying Grace, he must have gained infinitely more than all the treasures of the world! The soul is elevated so high by Sanctifying Grace that it becomes a true child of God. “Behold what manner of charity the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called, and should be the sons of God.” (1 John 3:1) This is the knowledge that led the saints and continues to lead the saints to give their whole lives to God in His service on this earth so as to be happy with Him in the next. Nothing compares! The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Love, proceeding from the Father and the Son. The dispensing of Sanctifying Grace is the great work of God’s love. Hell and all its inhabitants try to rob us of this precious jewel, for the fallen angels realize its value and do not want us to share in it. How often we sell this precious jewel for a trifle found on this earth!! May we pray for the grace to NEVER sell this precious jewel for mortal sin. May we pray for the grace to know that this jewel makes us richer than all the wealth the world can give. May we place ourselves into the hands of the Spouse of the Holy Ghost – Mary. May She protects us from the wiles and deceits of Satan who labors daily and LONGS TO ROB US OF THIS TREASURE!! Are we unhappy? Are we still seeking happiness? Are we not content with life? Are we anxious or fearful? The means of happiness lies in all Christians going about each day seeking the means of acquiring Sanctifying Grace with greater zeal than the worldlings go about seeking money and worldly treasures! May we go forward seeking means of Sanctifying Grace through prayer and the Sacraments of the Church in order for the Blessed Trinity to dwell within our souls more and more each day so that we become living temples of God both NOW AND FOREVER! Don’t you want the God of Love to dwell in you? PS – Please read the post for “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” on Mary – Spouse of the Holy Ghost. God Bless you and your endeavor to find the God of Peace and Love. Mary, Spouse of the Holy Ghost - pray for us! All ye Holy Angels and Saints - pray for us. Hello Everyone:
This article is on the Third Secret - As we all know - The Vatican "revealed" it to us in the year 2000. Many speculate that this was not it at least in its entirety. Even Mother Angelica stated that there must be more. Pope John XXIII was suppose to reveal it in 1960 but did not - He stated that it may never be revealed. Therefore - it must be pretty terrible. Some speculate that since Our Lady wanted it revealed in 1960 and Lucia said it would then be more understood at that time, that it must pertain to the troubles in the Church since the Second Vatican Council. No one can deny the great loss of faith, vocations, seminaries, convents, churches all over the world - priests, sisters - faithful! Below is taken from the writings of the late Professor Plinio Correa de Oliviera. Some food for thought and I hope it is helpful - God bless! "In 1917 Our Lady could have told Lucy to reveal the secret at that time. But she did not, because this would have damaged the Church. So, in the secret is something that was harmful to the good then, and is harmful to the evil today. What would that be? A probable answer to this question could be the decadence that has entered the Catholic Hierarchy today as a chastisement of mankind. If this situation would have been revealed in 1917, it would have caused scandal and countless apostasies. But if it were revealed now, it could certainly damage Progressivism. Imagine if this were the secret: “My children, in the near future a time will come when a weakened and disoriented Communism will lose its influence over public opinion, but it will be supported and re-installed by the Pope, Cardinals, countless Bishops, priests, and religious men and women. You must resist them! To fight for the Papacy and the Hierarchy is to fight against the bad orientation they are giving the Church.” This could be the secret. Isn’t it true that this could produce an extremely healthy reaction among Catholics and in Russia that could change the situation? I certainly think so. A mystery shrouds the Fatima secret ...... I think the enemies could very well invent a false secret. The only guarantee we have for this not to happen is Sr. Lucia's witness. (We must add here to his writing that we now have speculation that an imposter Lucia was put in place to support the Second Vatican II changes - See "Tradition In Action" website about two Lucias) In one of his famous dreams, St. John Bosco saw the enemy entering the Vatican; the Pope, followed by a multitude of Bishops, priests, religious men and women were leaving the Vatican, immersed in a cloud of smoke that became increasingly dense. The Pope was acting like a mad man in the dense fog of smoke. Then, an Angel appeared and spoke to the Pope, advising him to fight against the invading enemy. The Pope followed the counsel and returned to the Vatican. The smoke disappeared, and the enemy was defeated. One is induced to ask if this dream has a symbolic sense. Does it represent a Pope who abandons the Catholic cause, and the Church that enters a period of confusion and obscurity? The question is: Is the secret of Fatima related to such a situation? If it is, then instead of a policy of flight and conciliation, shouldn’t the Vatican adopt a strategy of a strong fight against the enemies of the Church who are within? You can see how the dream of St. John Bosco and the secret of Fatima may be harmoniously linked. I end these comments on the mystery of Fatima by suggesting that you pray to Our Lady to find a way to reveal her secret." Professor Plinio Correa de Oliviera Hello Everyone:
We wish to honor all mothers who give sacrificial love to a cold world. We especially want to honor Our Queen and Mother! We thank Her for saying yes to God in giving us Jesus and sharing in all the pains and sorrows to bring about our Redemption! We thank Her for the prayers and guidance over these centuries. We thank the Eternal Father for knowing that we need a Mother and for giving us such a perfect Mother. May Our Queen and Mother receive love today and always from ALL OF US for WE ALL BELONG TO HER! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY - MARY - MOTHER OF JESUS AND MOTHER OF US ALL!! WE LOVE YOU AND WE THANK YOU!!! GIVE US THE GRACE TO ALWAYS BE OBEDIENT TO YOU FOR YOU KNOW WHAT WE NEED TO BE PLEASING TO GOD! Hello Everyone: Today starts the Novena to the Holy Spirit through and with Mary. Below is the Prayer and I have a button below it so that you can print it easily. God bless! PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT:
O Holy Spirit, You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are the Spirit of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and equal to them. Them in all things. I adore You and love You with all my heart. Teach me to know and to seek God, by whom and for whom I was created. Fill my heart with a holy fear and a great love for Him. Do not let me fall into sin. Increase faith, hope, and charity in me and bring forth in me all the virtues proper to my state of life. Help me to grow in the four cardinal virtues, Your seven gifts, and Your twelve fruits. As a Traditional Lay Carmelite, give me the grace to offer prayer and reparation in imitation of Our Lady. Please guide our group toward doing the Will of God and seeking to give Him all the glory and honor by living the Fatima message as Our Lady had requested. Help us to know what we should do each step of the way. We ask the help and intercession of Blessed Fr. Marie-Eugene. We, as Traditional Lay Carmelites of Fatima, want to do the Will of God in all things. We want Our Lady of Fatima’s message to get to others in order to win for God more souls and to offer the Hearts of Jesus and Mary the reparation that is needed in this fallen world. We beg your intercession to ask God through Our Lady to give us the guidance we need to proceed further with our love and commitment to this calling. We ask you to take our little work of living the Fatima message by way of Carmelite Spirituality and present it to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and beg them for the graces of discernment of our future steps. Pray for us to be guided by the Holly Spirit in doing the Will of God in imitation of Our Lady of Fatima. Hello Everyone:
I posted an article just below this one but when I read this I had to put this great news here as well. I try to stay away from the idea of a news site. We have enough of those. This is taken from Rorate Caeli website and is worth reading and rejoicing about. May we keep this greatly needed community of male Carmelite hermits, as well as the Discalced Carmelite Sisters who are not far from them, in our prayers. May Our Lady call many men and women to live the Carmelite contemplative life. |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 42 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 6 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
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