![]() Hello Everyone: This post is difficult to write - my screen has been blanking out as I write it! I hope I can get through this! Notice the image above of the remains of a city in California still has trees? The houses are pulverized and the cars are melted - WOW! THESE ARE THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FIRES ON RECORD FOR CALIFORNIA! I am writing this in relation to the warnings given by Our Lady to repent and pray! We are so wrapped up in the holiday season upon us that it is a good time to remain in our cozy warm bubble and not look out at the war going on around us. War! What War? Well actually - it has been happening gradually for a while - it is just truly in our face now. Here are the California fires - I ask you to look this up. Many I know - family and friends know nothing about Agenda 21 (Agenda To One (world order) or Agenda 2030. LOOK IT UP! READ THE DOCUMENT! Are you paying attention to China? They are giving us a preview. It is coming and coming fast. Our Pope is in line with them - that is why we are not hearing the main stream media crying about the sex scandal mess right now. It is controlled by a secret elite and Pope Francis must remain a leader in this agenda bringing us a One World Religion. (Yes- making us true Catholics go underground!) I know this sounds scary, weird and well - darn right crazy! But we are about to see the Reign of the Antichrist take shape before our eyes - and soon! Here are three presentations for you to watch and think and pray about! Share and tell people to wake up from their slumber and PRAY like they have never prayed before. Get educated and most importantly get and remain in the state of grace. Help family and friends as well. Below is some good info on what is happening - Please share and pray! May Our Lady watch over and pray for us!!
![]() Today is the feast of The Miraculous Medal, once known as the "Medal of the Immaculate Conception” but because of the many miracles that were occurring, it is now known as the "Miraculous Medal". It is obvious that when the Good God allows a saint to die incorrupt - that there is a message we should be attentive to. St. Catherine is one of these saints - the Miraculous Medal is one that the Good God wants us to pay attention to and wear. Do you wear one? Do you put them on your loved ones? This is another gift which is given at a time when the world is in need of extra helps and graces. (The video below helps us to understand this greatness - this article just gives a brief history.) In the year 1830, in Paris, France, Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure. The Lady spoke, "My child, the good God wishes to entrust to you a mission." She told Catherine that she would have to endure trials in carrying out the mission, but she would have consolation in knowing that she was working for the glory of God. The Lady continued, "The times are evil. Sorrows will come upon France; the throne will be overthrown. The Cross will be thrown down and trampled. The Archbishop will be stripped of his clothes. Blood will flow in the streets. The side of Our Lord will be pierced anew. The whole world will be afflicted with tribulations." The Virgin appeared sad and could hardly speak as she said this. But as if giving a remedy, she pointed toward the foot of the altar and said, "Come to the foot of the altar. Here graces will be shed on all who ask for them. Graces will be shed especially on those who ask for them." The mission that God wanted to entrust to Catherine was made manifest to her on November 27, 1830. It was the mission of making and distributing the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, now known as the Miraculous Medal. Around the oval frame of the medal we read the words, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you." In this brief prayer we find the truth of (a) the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and (b) Mary’s intercessory power with God for us who ask for her aid. On the reverse side of the Medal we see a Cross, the symbol of Christ’s Redeeming Sacrifice on Mount Calvary for the salvation of the world. At the base of the Cross is a bar, which symbolizes the foot of the Cross. Intertwined with the bar is the letter "M" symbolizing the Mary’s intimate involvement at the foot of the Cross with her Son’s Redemptive Sacrifice. Since the Cross is the symbol of Christ’s Redemptive Sacrifice, we can also see a Eucharistic symbolism on the Medal. In all of the approved apparitions of Our Lady there is a Eucharistic thrust. She usually asked for a church to be built, in which the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Blessed Sacrament always have prime place. Mary always leads us to Jesus, and Jesus is especially present in the Eucharist. The two Hearts are surmounted by flames, symbolizing the burning love with which Jesus and Mary accomplished the work of Redemption, each in their proper way. Catherine heard the voice telling her, "Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces. They should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence." Many miracles have occurred since Our Lady gave us this great help. By wearing it, we are asking Her to watch over us and to lead us to Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and away from our present sins. November 27th is the Feast of the Miraculous Medal. May we again turn to Our Lady during these trying times and place blessed medals on our loved ones. Maybe we could distribute them as gifts during this Christmas season. ![]() Hello Everyone: Today's Gospel , the Last Sunday of Pentecost, is to help us bring to our minds the objective truth that - we are all going to die. Here is a homily - again, found on Sensus Fidelium site. I hope it is helpful to be meditated on. It is not only helpful in its reflections but at the end gives us advice on what we need to be practicing. - Pass it on! God bless! ![]() Hello Everyone: Today is the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple. I am going to repeat some of what I stated last November for this Feast Day because it is worth repeating. First, a bit about the feast day itself. Mary, at the age of three, in the presence of her mother, St. Anne and father, St. Joachim, presented Herself in the temple to God. She gave Herself entirely to Him. She thought only of loving and pleasing Him by being perfectly united to His Holy Will. Can you imagine if everyone God created did the exact same thing – what a world we would be living in? Of course, we do have throughout all of history many saints who have come close. We have saints who at a young age gave themselves to God in a quick and sure way, knowing that God is everything and that nothing else matters. We also have saints who did not figure it out until much later. Look at St. Augustine who lived a life of leisure until later in life when he made the statement: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, O God!” How many of us each day try to find our Heaven on earth without God even though we know – God can only give us this peace and love that we are all searching for. As for ourselves, we may rationalize our actions by stating, “Oh, he was a saint and I am not.” Or “Of course Our Lady did that – She had no sin on Her soul!” The truth of the matter is, God has given us everything we need to be saints. His Sacred Heart has all the treasures held within it that are necessary to make ALL OF SAINTS! His Heart is known as the burning Furnace of Charity! Our Lord has come to many saints telling them to ask Him for the graces that no one else asks for because He is hungering to give them to us. St. Francis De Sales says that we are not saints because we do not want to be saints. Once a person has desired to be a saint and has prayed for the graces to be that saint, God answers this prayer with the condition that we persevere in prayer. Our Lady is eager to answer as well. There is a warning with this prayer though. In order to fill your soul with these graces, there must be room. If you do not make room yourself by taking the weeds from the garden of your soul, then Our Lady will have to pluck them out for you. She will allow trials to come your way in order to purify the soul in answer to your prayer. When the trials come, know that if we surrender to God’s Will and accept this purification, the room will be made for grace and virtue to flourish. If we resist and resist, then the process will be slow until we learn to surrender like a child in the arms of a tender Mother who knows what is best for that child. What has been just described is what our Consecration to the Immaculate Heart can do for us. Being the Mother of Jesus, She has a special right to all the gifts of Her Son. The Church teaches that She is the Mother of all Graces. She distributes them to Her children from the Heart of Her Divine Son. Therefore, let us give ourselves to Our Mother so that She may teach us the sure way of surrender to the Will of the Father. Let us ask Her to teach us how to give of ourselves completely to God in love and in service. Let us meditate on the greatness of Mary’s love and service during the years She spent in the Temple always increasing day by day in Her resplendent virtues and graces. As Mary presented and offered Herself to God in the temple with promptitude and without reserve, so let us also present ourselves this day to Mary without delay and without reserve; and let us ask Her to offer us to God, who will not reject us when He sees us presented by the hands of our good Queen and Mother, who is the living temple of the Holy Ghost, the delight of Her Lord and the chosen Mother of the Eternal Word. May we not forget to offer prayers of thanksgiving to our Eternal Father for this great Mother and Queen! Thank you Eternal Father, Son and Holy Ghost for the great gift of our Queen and Mother! And thank you Holy Mother for giving yourself wholly to God for His glory and our salvation. We love you! ![]() Hello Everyone: When did all this Disorientation begin? Well, we know Satan has always attacked the Church from its beginnings but as stated in previous articles, the Popes have kept an eye on the enemy, in particular - modernism and freemasonry, for almost a century before Vatican II. They openly spoke against the enemies of the Church. BUT, since Vatican II – we have taken on a more tolerant attitude for these enemies which caused a laxity that has caused – well – all hell to break lose. Read on. Ever wonder why the Third Secret of Fatima was not revealed in 1960? It is obvious to our eyes now that even if no one leaked its contents, that it was a warning that Our Lady had intended for the world. We do not need much intelligence to figure that one out. The “Third Secret” revealed by Pope John Paul II released in June 2000 was misleading by either not being completely true or missing the main ingredient. Even Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger admitted that what was released was an “interpretation” that contained none of the specific words or statements given by Holy Mary to Sr. Lucia. What was released was not what the Blessed Virgin said in Her own words. Even Mother Angelica said “I believe we did not get the whole thing”. Why the deception? The first Two Secrets were released to the public by Sr. Lucia’s bishop in 1941. The Third Secret of Fatima was submitted to the Bishop of Leiria in 1944. Our Lady asked that the Third Secret be made known to the faithful at the latest by 1960. It was presented to the Holy See in 1957. The Virgin had asked that the Third Secret be made public in 1960 because, as Sr. Lucia told Cardinal Ottaviani, “in 1960, the Message will appear more clear.” As is now well known, Pope John XXIII had read and refused to make public the Third Secret in 1960. What occurred in or around 1960 that would have made “more clear” the message that was contained in the Third Secret? Well – let us think hard on that one! Let us say that the Third Secret addressed the state of the Church or at least that of her hierarchy. Wow – what timing – what big in the Church was about to happen? Pope John XXIII announced in January 1959 his intention of summoning a Second Ecumenical Council of the Church (Vatican II). In June 1960, he established 10 commissions to formulate the subjects and protocols that would be taken up at the Council. The Council itself was to begin in the autumn of 1962. Pope John XXIII did not live to see the Vatican Council to completion. His cause for canonization was opened on 18 November 1965 by his successor, Pope Paul VI, who declared him a Servant of God. On 5 July 2013, Pope Francis – bypassing the traditionally required second miracle – declared John XXIII a saint, based his virtuous, model lifestyle, and because of the good which had come from his having opened the Second Vatican Council. He was canonized alongside Pope John Paul II on 27 April 2014. It makes perfect sense that there is correlation between the warnings of the Third Secret and the events of Vatican II itself. It triggered the “Diabolical Disorientation” that we see so clearly today. AAALLLL THIS TIME SINCE – SO MANY IN THE CHURCH JUST WANTED TO KEEP A BLIND EYE AND TRUST THAT WE WERE GUIDED WELL – AND JUST BE OBEDIENT – EVEN IF IT WAS AGAINST TRADITION!! Even when Pope John XXIII, who should be obedient to Our Lady and reveal the Third Secret, said that he believed it would NEVER be read! WOW – what was so terrible that it would NEVER be read! AGAINST OUR LADY’S WISHES??? Nice display of heroic virtues – no wonder he was canonized a saint without a second miracle in this Freemasonic controlled hierarchy! Cardinal Manning of Westminster, England, at the time of the First Vatican Council, said, “To convoke a General Council, except when absolutely demanded by necessity, is to tempt God.” He also said, Each Council was convened to extinguish the chief heresy, or to correct the chief evil of the time.” Let us examine what Cardinal Manning suggests in order to understand why the “Diabolical Disorientation”: Number One – What was the chief heresy of the time? Modernism! Did we seek to extinguish it? NO – it was exalted and actually used to change EVERYTHING THE FREEMASONS COULD GET THEIR HANDS ON!! EVERYTHING! Mass, Sacraments, Rite of Blessings, Calendar, Divine Office, Constitutions of the Orders, Code of Canon Law, Catechism, etc. etc. It’s a New Church – Novus Ordo! Of course this was not all done in the Council – it gradually followed after the documents were written in a very ambiguous way. Number Two – What was the chief evil of the time? Communism! Did we seek to extinguish it? NO -NO- NO! There was a Vatican Moscow Agreement done in Metz France, Aug. 1962 just before the Council. (The Council opened in October 1962). If Vatican Council II “abstained” from dealing with Communism and Russia, then the Russian Orthodox (and Communist spies) would come to follow its words as observers. And Pope John XXIII secretly endorsed such a promise and would not condemn Communism. (Another example of heroic virtue) In exchange for silence, the Church would allow herself to be infiltrated by agents of the most frightful and overbearing persecution in history. The existence of this verbal agreement, sealed between the Vatican and the Kremlin in August 1962, is solidly established. The Communist press made allusion to it almost immediately. In January 1963 in “France Nouvelle,” central weekly of the French Communist party, Jean-Claude Poulain wrote: “The Church can no longer satisfy itself with coarse anticommunism. She has even taken the promise, on the occasion of her dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church, that there would not be any direct attack against the Communist regime at the Council.” That horrible transaction, concluded between the Vatican and Moscow, explains the maneuvers, the fraudulent actions, the back-handed blow of the high authorities of the Church, so that the Council would not condemn Communism. “The (so-called) greatest Council of all time,” the Abbé de Nantes writes, “was therefore going to stay blind and deaf to the biggest phenomena of inhumanity of all times; world expansion of Bolshevism. Thus the Council underhandedly imparted to it a decisive help.” - The Pact of Metz, otherwise known as the Vatican-Moscow Agreement has been the main obstacle to the Popes' performing the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary-----a consecration that would have caused the conversion of Russia and would have prevented the present scandals the Church now suffers. (THINK ABOUT THAT ONE FOR A MINUTE OR TWO!!!) (Just a little side note: At the Council, there were good Fathers of the Church who gathered over 300 signatures to address the issue of Communism in the documents without knowing at the time of the Vatican Moscow Agreement. The petition was discarded and completely ignored) It is well known what Pope John XXIII said when asked why the Council was needed. His answer: “I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in.” Did this “heroically virtuous” Pope not understand that the world is always in conflict with the Church and her Head, Jesus Christ? Right from its first writings, Vatican II demonstrated a flaw that dramatically set it apart from all past General Councils. The writings and documents produced prior to Vatican II employed exact diction and syntax directed to conclusive ends, so that there was no mistaking the message conveyed. Vatican II on the other hand has become notorious for its considerable production of documents, both conciliar and post conciliar, fraught with murky terms, ambiguous statements, and circular, non-conclusive logic. We know now and cannot deny that the Church is in a time of terrible testing, if not chastisement. We must remember that God allows bad shepherds as a punishment directly related to the disobedience of those claiming to be His followers. However, evil must be confronted and exposed resolutely so that God is not offended and souls are not lost. We must do our share and we must do as Our Lady came to ask at Fatima. Contrary to what is taught in this tolerant, accommodating Novus Order Church – we are to be Church Militant! We are to defend Tradition - true Church Teaching! Consecrate ourselves and families to Her Immaculate Heart. Pray the Rosary and frequent the Sacraments. Offer prayers of Reparation taught by Her and offer sacrifices.( ![]() Hello Everyone: Today we remember all those Carmelite souls that have gone before us. May we not only pray for them today but ask them to pray for us as we journey toward Heaven to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother. On this day, the Order remembers in prayer, and confides to the loving mercy of God, all the members of the Carmelite Family who have died. On it we remember all members of the First (priests and monks), Second (nuns and sisters) and Third Orders (laymen and women) who have passed from this life and are not yet admitted to the Beatific Vision. I ask you to pray for them in union with both the Carmelites of the Traditional Observance and the Discalced Carmelites. Prayer: Lord, You are the glory of those who serve You. Look lovingly on our departed brothers and sisters, united in following Christ and His Mother by the waters of baptism and the bonds of Carmel. In your mercy grant them everlasting sight of You their Creator and Redeemer. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for them. ![]() Hello Everyone: Today, in the Carmelite calendar, the Carmelites celebrate the feast of all the many Carmelite saints: saints like St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila (the two great reformers of Carmel), St. Thérèse of Lisieux (“The Little Flower”), the newly canonized St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), St. Simon Stock (who received the scapular at the hands of Our Lady, a sign of her guidance and protection), all of whom are very famous, and some of whom are counted among the Doctors of the Church. But, there are many others who are celebrated as well including St. Mary Magdalene dei Pazzi (excerpts found in the Divine Intimacy meditation classic), Bl. Titus Brandsma (the Dutch priest martyred at Dachau for his strong opposition to the Nazis), St. Andrew Corsini (known as the “Apostle of Florence” who was wild and dissolute in his youth but lived a life of great mortification thereafter), St. Mary of Jesus Crucified (who played an important role in the identification of Emmaus due to a private revelation), St. Teresa of St. Augustine and the Martyrs of Compiegne (16 in all, guillotined during the French Revolution), the Prophets Elijah and Elisha, St. Albert of Trapani (whom St. Teresa of Avila had a great devotion to), St. Margaret Redi (whose spirituality was to remain hidden and appear just like everyone else despite her heroic virtue and who has also been quoted in our Divine Intimacy excerpts), St. Angelo Paoli (particularly devoted to the poor and to the Passion of Christ), St. John Soreth (who formally established the first convent of Carmelite nuns in 1453), Ven. Mary Angeline Teresa (who founded the “Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm” in the U.S.), third order Carmelites, and the list goes on and on! All these saints became, as St. Elizabeth of the Trinity famously put it, a “Praise of Glory”. These saints are an inspiration to many, especially to those in the Carmelite communities. What they had in common is that, hidden in Christ, they climbed Mount Carmel, the Mountain of the Lord, and became transformed in Christ … and holy in the process. Besides being set apart for God, they shared a love for the Church and for the Carmelite order, a love for our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Carmel, and a deep understanding and appreciation for the Cross as both the instrument of our salvation and the manifestation of God’s merciful love for us. They sought to emulate this humble love that is patient and forgetful of self, a love which bears all things for the sake of the other, a love watered by self-denial and prayer. Thus, they began, in their lifetimes, to experience heaven on earth, an eternity begun now and in progress! May we pray to them today and ask Our Lady, Queen and Mother of Carmel to pray for us as we journey closer to Her Son each day! Our Lady, Queen and Mother of Carmel, pray for us. Holy Carmelite Saints, pray for us. ![]() Hello Everyone: Today is Nov. 13th and is the day before The Feast of All Carmelite Saints which always falls on Nov. 14th. If you are trying to live this Old Rule, today would be a fast day. I stumbled on this presentation on Youtube. It is about poor Archbishop Vigano. Again, this is another proof of the power of Freemasonry in the current Church. It is very frightening and it has been if full force for many decades - only now we are seeing it being brought into light. This is less viewed as a conspiracy theory now that we see the ugly fruits of its work. I advise all to see this and to again pour our hearts out to Our Lady in acts of Reparation so that we can live as Carmelites in imitation of Her. We need to offer prayers of reparation and acts of sacrifices to comfort the Heart of poor Jesus. God bless! ![]() Hello Everyone: First – how very sad for our country that the elections did not go very well. I firmly believe that the voting is tampered with. It was true when Trump won as well – he would have won by a greater number but they did not take into consideration that the number of "deplorables" was so high! Therefore, Hillary received more than she actually got! I firmly believe that! They ANTICIPATED a large turnout this time though. I believe certain states were targeted for tampering and my state of Michigan was one. DISGUSTING! If you do not believe me – Google George Soros and voting machines. If you were this evil, Godless man, wouldn’t you do the same. On to the article of the day ---- Below is a copy of an article from "Lifesite News" written on Nov. 2 by a Mr. Peter Kwasniewski regarding the Novus Ordo Funeral Mass vs. Traditional Requiem Mass. EVERYONE needs to read this and let this sink in. Life after death HAS NOT been taken seriously in the Church and rightly so ----- the Freemasonic infiltrators want it this way. In fact, they themselves asked Pope Paul VI to allow cremation at the time of the Second Vatican Council. It use to be under penalty of excommunication if you chose cremation – not anymore! No big deal you say – well when you read the article below – you can see how even this leads to an understanding that the fate of EVERY soul is the same – we all enter into a “BETTER” world of no suffering! This has always repulsed me and I must agree this article is long overdue. Here it is: “Once upon a time, a very important person in my life died. I attended the funeral. It was a Novus Ordo canonization ceremony, conducted by a priest and three women in skirt-suits ministering in the sanctuary. (At my mother’s – there were two such women – not three) Everyone at the funeral was dressed in black—except for the priest, who was wearing white. The disjunct was glaring and tasteless. The contrast between the deep human instinct of mourning, which can be said to be an ineradicable part of the sensus fidelium, and the crackpot liturgical reformers who introduced white as a color for Masses for the dead, was never so obvious to me. The day before, however, my family and I had gone to a traditional Requiem Mass, sung by a priest friend. The contrast was not just profound, but shocking. Between that day and the following, we were emotionally suspended between two radically different offerings for the dead: one that took death with deadly seriousness, that cared about the fate of the departed soul, and allowed us to suffer; another that shuffled death to the side with platitudes and empty promises. The contrast between Friday’s black vestments, Dies irae, and whispered suffrages and Saturday’s stole-surmounted white chasuble and amplified sentiments of universal goodwill seemed to epitomize the chasm that separates the faith of the saints from the prematurely ageing modernism of yesterday. I found myself thinking: The greatest miracle of our times is that the Catholic Faith has survived the liturgical reform. A correspondent once wrote to me about his own similar experiences, and I would like to share his reflections. I’ve just returned from my grandfather’s funeral. He was a fallen man, whose hope of salvation rests only on God’s infinite mercy and many of our prayers—a reality which was lamentably absent from the prayers and ceremonies of the new order of Christian Burial as I experienced them. I can’t tell whether the priest was selecting only the most sanguine of the options in every case, or whether he was reading the proper prayers constituting the rite, but I was appalled (no pun intended) throughout to hear absolutely no mention of purgatory, atonement for sin, or even the shadow of a doubt that the deceased is already in heaven. Instead, from beginning to end, we were bid to rejoice that the soul of Grandpa stood even now in the light of God’s face. The overwhelming impression received—even without the tincture of an overly saccharine homily about the sure and certain hope we can have of our salvation—was that N. already sang with the angels, that thus no mourning is necessary, and all prayers for his repose would be superfluous. In fact, the almost off-handed blitheness and platitudinous manner with which the need for tears and mourning was dismissed, in light of his sure salvation, was really quite offensive. As if to say, “Death’s really not such a big deal, after all.” Of course, the white vestments and pall only added to that impression, so that I was overwhelmed with the sinking and sickening feeling that here, too, the new funeral rite offers us a symbolically denuded, sensitively reconstructed, sterilized and therapeutic experience of Christian mourning that refuses to quake in the face of awesome metaphysical realities, in the face of the fearful judgment seat of Christ (as the Byzantine liturgy puts it). In short, I felt cheated out of a good mourning. If this is all we get at death, is the Christian life really worth living? Is it really so heroic to die in the faith, if our mourning is so prosaic and our fate so predictable? My father and I declared afterwards, in the presence of witnesses, that we are to be given a traditional funeral at any cost! The primary purpose of the traditional Mass for the Dead is to pray for the soul of the departed, that it may be saved and, if in need of purification (as the vast majority of saved souls will be), may be delivered soon from the fires of Purgatory. Hence the ancient Requiem Mass focuses all of its attention on the faithful departed. There is no homily; gone are blessings of certain objects or of the people; a special Agnus Dei begs for the repose of souls; the Propers are a continuous tapestry of prayers for the dead; and so forth. The way that modern funerals have been turned towards the emotional relief of the living and the “celebration” of the mortal life of the deceased is, in reality, a double act of uncharity: first, it deprives Christians of the opportunity to go out of themselves in love by praying for the salvation of their loved one’s soul, the opportunity to exercise a great act of spiritual mercy rather than being the passive recipient of an act of spiritual mercy; second, it deprives the departed soul of the power and consolation of collective prayer on its behalf. It is bad for the dead and bad for the living. Of course, all of this presupposes an orthodox understanding of the Four Last Things, which can seldom be assumed of clergy or laity. How, how often, and how much we pray for the dead makes a real difference, according to the tradition of the Catholic Church. Prayer, including the offering of the Holy Sacrifice, is a particular human action that takes place in time and space, and therefore has an effect proportionate to the intensity with which it is performed and offered to God. Hence, that we pray intently and frequently for the souls in Purgatory is good for them and good for us. To be able to do so, we must believe in what we are doing, be reminded of its meaning and its urgency by the very prayers themselves, and have suitable opportunities at our disposal. The postconciliar church has deprived Catholics of all of these things to one degree or another, and it is only now, in the spreading rediscovery of liturgical tradition, that we are beginning to see the return of earnest prayer for the dead at traditional Requiem Masses. What, then, are we to do? We must restore the Requiem Mass whenever and wherever possible. We should give priests who can celebrate it stipends and intentions. We should make sure our Last Will and Testament includes specific instructions to have a traditional Latin Requiem Mass offered for us, and leave some funds for it. (It should be noted that any Catholic is permitted to ask for and receive an Extraordinary Form Requiem Mass, as this booklet from the Latin Mass Society of England & Wales explains in full.) We should attend Requiem Masses when they are offered in our vicinity and pray earnestly for the dead, as we hope someday our loved ones will do for us. "Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them." Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us! ![]() Hello Everyone: Tomorrow is voting day. I pray that God will spare us from those who seek to turn this country over to the globalists. Of course, we must pray! Pray the Rosary! This time is filled with sin like we have never seen. We are all so sick of reading and hearing of it that justice seems imminent. No matter how it turns out tomorrow - there will be hatred and anger. This country is divided and is in great need of repentance and prayer. USA as well as the world is LOADED with sins! Look at our leaders right now in the Roman Catholic Church. Please listen to these links below and PICK UP THAT ROSARY AND WEAR THAT SCAPULAR!! Let us remember WWII which was ALLOWED by God (as Our Lady of Fatima tells us) to chastise the world for its crimes. How is the world NOW compared to that time? We do not even want to compare. Let us listen to Our Lady and offer Reparation, the First Saturdays and offer daily offering of prayers and sacrifices. |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
February 2025
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