Greetings in Jesus and Mary! I pray all are many are getting sick now more than when we were in lockdown a year ago...and we have more than half of the population injected with the protector of the virus....hmmm...could it be that there are more variants being produced. Time will tell what kind of fall and winter we will have...God only knows and God is ALLOWING this to happen. Today, September 29 starts another Novena (which is to just to increase the number of Rosaries said each day) Our Lady of the Rosary...We will be overlapped with St. Therese Novena but I am sure for Carmelites ....this is OK. This Carmelite lay community (mostly made up of internet users) is entwined with the message of Fatima. That is our live and teach the Fatima message. There are so many lessons to learn and so much reparation to be done. Fatima takes us to the end...Our Lady of Fatima said, In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph. This is our hope! Until then, we must suffer communism - worldwide. WHY? It is because Rome and its Pontiffs throughout the past 100 plus years have NOT consecrated Russia to Her Immaculate Heart with its Bishops. It will be done...she said....but late...(too late). (It could have been promptly) We are seeing worldwide global communism take hold so very quickly throughout the world and even in our own Catholic Church. I have looked up some history on how it took hold in Russia after 1917, Here are a few words that may sound familiar for our day today....taken from the site.. "Once on the road of terrorism, the State necessarily becomes estranged from the people. It must reduce to the possible minimum the circle of persons vested with extraordinary powers, in the name of the safety of the State. And then is born what may be called the panic of authority. The dictator, the despot is always cowardly. He suspects treason everywhere. And the more terrified he becomes, the wilder rages his frightened imagination, incapable of distinguishing real danger from fancied. He sows broadcast discontent, antagonism, hatred. Having chosen this course, the State is doomed to follow it to the very end. The Russian people remained silent, and in their name — in the guise of mortal combat with counter-revolution — the government initiated the most merciless warfare against all political opponents of the Communist Party. Every vestige of liberty was torn out by the roots. Freedom of thought, of the press, of public assembly, self-determination of the worker and of his unions, the freedom of labor — all were declared old rubbish, doctrinaire nonsense, “bourgeois prejudices”, or intrigues of reviving counter-revolution. Science, art, education fell under suspicion. Science is to investigate and teach only the truths of the Communist State: the schools and universities are speedily transformed into Party schools. Election campaigns, as for instance the recent re-elections to the Moscow Soviet (1921), involve the arrest and imprisonment of opposition candidates who are not favored by the authorities. With entire impunity the government exposes non-Communist candidates to public insult and derision on the pages of the official newspapers pasted on bulletin boards. By numberless stratagems the electors are cajoled and menaced, in turn, and the result of the so-called elections is the complete perversion of the people’s will. Gross and barbaric contempt for the most elementary human rights has become an axiom of the Communist Government. There is too much to say on Communism…We are living it now and it will get worse. Hard to believe America could become Amerika but it is almost complete. No more freedoms.....soon to have no more property, no more right to go to church and no more right to your own money. We already have no right to our own body! Enough said…below are some videos if one needs to see what I am saying is true. May we be faithful to the weapon Our Lady told us to use in order to bring peace to the world …THE ROSARY! On this website under Devotions, there is a link to The Rosary with many stories of its efficacy. I hope you browse them during this time of our Novena before the feast day of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7th! May Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I hope all are well. The light of God in this world is growing dimmer by the day. I can not help but think of St. Therese during these times, not only for the priests but for the people as well. She had in her heart a strong desire to set the world on fire for the love of Christ. She wanted to plant the cross of Christ on every soil of the earth so that we may be a giant flame of love for God and His Goodness. It saddened her sweet little innocent soul to read in the book - "The End of the Present World" by Father Charles Arminjon (link below) that the love of God would grow very cold in the end times. It makes sense that she should be known as saying: "WHEN I DIE, I WILL SEND DOWN A SHOWER OF ROSES FROM THE HEAVENS, I WILL SPEND MY HEAVEN BY DOING GOOD ON EARTH.” At this time when the love of God is growing cold, we should turn to St. Therese and beg her to pray to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for us and our families and the entire world. May the flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart (which is Jesus) ignite the world through Her prayers, the prayers of St. Therese and that of all the saints. Here is a Novena to St. Therese to use each day starting Sept. 25 until October 2nd - Her Feast Day being October 3. The first novena option is the 24 Glory Be Novena (honoring the years of her life) which I find beautiful. If we were to meditate on just this little prayer - it would be enough! Say each one with reverence for all those who do not give love to God - it will bring tears to your eyes! I will try to post as much as I can about this amazing saint until her Feast Day. God bless and may we pray that she will ask the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to send down trillions of roses so that this cold earth may be imbued with God's Love! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Therese - pray for us!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... The news each day gets more and more depressing. This globalist plan being implemented with a new kind of warfare against humankind is very sophisticated and is getting more and more intense. It seems as though there is no hope. There is always hope in Jesus Christ! With God all things are possible. He has given us a Mother to help us in this journey and She is called our life, our sweetness and our hope. Has God not declared that there are enmities between the serpent and Mary, and that although Satan should cause a third of the angelic host to lose paradise, She will crush his head? Bringing forth the Mystical Body of Christ, Mary’s role is to lead each of its members to Heaven. This is how an absolute reign of Christ is established because Satan is defeated. This is the secret of Mary that Satan hates: She has the power, by God, to lead us to Her Son Jesus. The serpent will not suffer his head to be crushed without fighting. “And the dragon was angry against the Woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ”. Apoc. 12:17 Mary will enable us to keep the commandments because that is how She keeps Her promise of Salvation; and we have the testimony of Christ which is Salvation because that is also Her promise. At death, Satan struggles to win our soul one last time but he is powerless against us as long as we have recourse to our good Queen and Mother. “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” Knowing this wonderful Truth of the Church, how can we not love and serve Her? Will we not join with Her in that mission of prayer that brings us our salvation through Her? She has asked us for a daily Rosary to bring peace into the world. Can we not give Her this 20-30 minutes of our day? Satan has declared war upon the Church and the world. He is spending millions to propagate world-revolution, to preach atheism and to subvert the Christian culture. Will we just sit back and not listen to Our Mother who is so attentive to us? Satan hates us, the seed of Mary, and he may try to drown us in a river of most powerful temptations even in threats of martyrdom as many have had to withstand; but we have been placed by God, through our devotion to Mary, under Her Mantle. Just as Noah was providentially placed in his ark against physical waters; we have been placed in the ark of Mary. Mary is that happy ark, says St. Bernard, “in which those who take refuge will never experience the shipwreck of eternal perdition.” Also, St. Alphonsus remarks that “just as at the time of that deluge even brutes were saved in Noah’s ark, so under the Mantle of Mary even sinners obtain Salvation; and therefore let us enter this ark, let us take refuge under the Mantle of Mary and She will secure Our Salvation.” Out of love and gratitude, should we not ask Her what it is She wants from us? When one consecrates himself to Her in the most perfect way so as to be a pleasing son or daughter to Her; She will share with you the thirst of Her Divine Son for souls imparted to Her on Calvary. Mary’s Immaculate Heart burns with a longing to save souls. We will hear in our hearts once we give ourselves to Her.... “My Son thirsts and since He has made me Mediatrix, I thirst also!” It was made known at Fatima and other approved visits from Her that our prayer is needed for the necessary reparation and expiation of sins and for the winning of many souls. We have work to do and we can feel useful in doing it at a time in history when hope seems so far away. Our Lord Himself told St. Mary Magdalen dePazzi: “Oh, see how most men are within the grasp of the demon! See how his jaw is open to devour them! Far from avoiding it, they go and cast themselves in, and there is no one who will escape if My elect do not save them by their prayers.” Mary has marked us for Her elect. Our Lord, being the Head of that divine Body, the living Church, He has made His Mother the neck and us the members. Our Lord Jesus’ Sacred Heart is the Driving Power and Mary’s Immaculate Heart is one with It so that we, Her children, may be one with them. This is our vocation, our apostolate, our purpose – to love God above all things and to win for Him many souls from the clutches of Satan. By entering into union with Mary during the course of our day with our prayers, we release the graces which God has enclosed in Her Heart for the world. This torrent of graces which we can help procure from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary can engulf the world and cause it to be said: “and the earth helped the Woman, and the earth opened Her mouth, and swallowed up the river which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” Apoc. 12:16 Yes, our prayers of union with Mary can cause that rain of Grace from Her Immaculate Heart to satisfy the thirst of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by saving souls! As we approach the month of October very soon, let us be diligent in picking up our Rosary (our weapon) and defeat the enemy by winning souls for Heaven so that in turn on our death bed, Our Mother will pray for us at the hour of our death. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary ...pray for us! JESUS MARY I LOVE YOU.....SAVE SOULS!! (Throughout our day!) ALSO - ALL of the Fatima Reparation Prayers! Take Care and God bless and remain hopeful....we have the means, the weapons and the guarantee that Christ has already won the VICTORY! Let us win for Him many souls....each and every day! Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I am posting this today after hearing of a fellow parishioner from a parish I belonged to 20 years ago. She has a step-daughter, in her 30's, who was pregnant with twin boys. She agreed to taking the jab just before delivering her babies. The twin boys are close to being six months old died this week from heart failure and the other is on life support but may have died as I am writing this. Both will have died from the same thing...could this be the spike protein that comes from the jab that is killing many teens and children with myocarditis - heart inflammation? God only knows, but this is a pretty big coincidence. One twin could have an issue ....but both? Healthy pregnancy, healthy birth, healthy baby boys.....and now this? This is very tragic for the parents who have just learned to care for them and love them. Please pray for Jessica and Kevin for God to heal their hearts and not allow this mother to die from guilt. Their boys names are Luke and Gabriel, who were baptized. Thanks be to God. This will NOT stop. We heard so much when COVID came about the deaths and the deaths falsely called COVID but now we have silence on these deaths from the jab. I risk having this site taken down or censored with this...I know my provider is out of San Francisco --- so we know who owns them. Please pray....Jesus, Mary, I love souls! We need to save souls for Jesus! Keep the Fatima prayers of reparation prayed each day. There is so much death and suffering that is not being reported all over the world right now. We are in WW3 and it is not over. This is not a conventional war....but a technocratic sophisticated war with the same outcome of death and destruction. We MUST pray for guidance and strength to get through this. Below is a link with info from Lifesite News on exemption resources for those who need it ....which will be all of us very soon. For those who did get it...they will be considered unvaccinated as soon as they reject all the boosters coming. YOU TOO...will need exemption papers if this continues and if they honor them before we become a full-blown Communist Nation. Take care and God bless everyone! Remain in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for refuge! Greetings in Jesus and Mary..... Hello everyone...hope your day is filled with God's grace. If you listened to yesterday's videos on my post, they are a bit saddening. I did write the article with great hope...I hope! Hope is a great virtue and it is what keeps us going! Faith, Hope and Love are essential to being a Christian and living in this world. I had to post this article with a link to Ann Barnhardt's latest post on original sin. She writes her article in a very convincing way and I just had to share it. This was given to me by one of my friends to read and it does have to be shared. It really does a great job convincing all those who truly fight with the idea of....Were we all really born with original sin on our soul?? Do we even have a soul?? I think this article does a great job of explaining this and the love that God the Father has in extending to all of us His Mercy. Please read the below link and share with all those who are questioning this. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. As stated in a previous article regarding our sorrowful Mother ... this indeed is a sad time for the Church and therefore for Our Lady. The satanic plan of the infiltrators and the blueprint of destruction "Alta Vendita" is all coming to fruition. We are to see yet another destructive Synod happening next month - October. He just informed the world that the Latin Mass is divisive and must be abolished... who knows what will be said and done at this new synod. Pope Francis has not responded to our pleas for explanation of his heresies and scandals before and he will not now. We are seeing before our own eyes a greater crisis than Martin Luther's break from the Church in starting Protestantism. This has been the cry of the faithful who knew their faith way back in the 1960's and wanted no part in the Second Vatican Council or the "New" Mass; but at that time, the Hierarchy called them schismatics (for wanting Tradition). The fruits of Modernism and the Freemasonic infiltration to destroy the Church are coming to a head. Only God knows what will come next. In the meantime - what do we do? We certainly do not just sit back and watch. We need to make reparation like it has never been done before. We need to seek and do Holy Hours, Latin Masses (while we can) and many many Rosaries! And we need to keep company with the sorrowful Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We need to turn to them and consecrate this mess and all of our families and lives to these two Hearts which beat as one for the love of God and the salvation of souls. We live with confidence that in the end - "The Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph!" She told us so - we can be sure of it! God is God and He has already won but we need to help Him win souls!! We must live in anticipation of the glorious hour of victory OVER Satan! In the 4th Chapter of "The City of God – The Incarnation" by Mother Mary Agreda, Our Lady has stated in the instructions these following words: “When I turned from the consideration of this most liberal condescension of the Most High, to the perception and understanding of the foolish hard-heartedness of the sinners, my soul was pierced with an arrow of mortal anguish – which remained for life. Many times the Most High in order to heal the affliction and consternation of my heart in this sorrow, sought to console me by saying, “Accept Thou, my Spouse, the gifts which the blind and ignorant world in its unworthiness despises and is incapable of receiving and understanding.” "Be now my companion in the sorrow which I suffered and which is so little noticed by the living. In order to imitate me, you must deny yourself, forget yourself entirely and crown your heart with the thorns of sorrow at the behavior of mortals." "Weep in seeing them laugh at their eternal damnation, for such weeping is the most legitimate occupation of the true sorrow of my Most Holy Son." And from the Sacred Heart of Jesus we have the words from Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary: “And He showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin into which Satan hurls such crowds of them, that made Him form the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure for Him all the honor and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which this Heart is the source. He should be honored under the figure of this Heart of flesh, and its image should be exposed…He promised me that wherever this image should be exposed with a view to showing It special honor, He would pour forth His blessings and graces. This devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan which He desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them into the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.” ******************* “O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore You profoundly. We offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the offenses, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we beg the conversion of poor sinners.” Greeting in Jesus and Mary...
Blessed Feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross! There is a beautiful talk taken from Sensus Fidelium with a link below for all to listen to. This was posted 2016 but it seems that it was given a few years even earlier because the priest talks about Pope Benedict and Pope Francis was Pope since 2013...but this is pertinent info regarding the cross and its history of finding the true relic and its relationship to the Mass. Here are some words from one of the articles written on this website under "Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary" for the Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows. I hope you will navigate toward these articles to understand a little bit more of Our Lady's Sorrows...most info is paraphrased from the book, "The Foot of the Cross" by Father Frederick Faber. Most of us do not know what crosses we will meet today; sometimes we cannot guess. But we know that if we meet Jesus we will meet a cross. Some men meet Him and turn away. Some see Him far off, and turn down another road. Some come close up, and leap out of the way as if He were going to harm them. Some pass by and pretend they do not know Him. During these past centuries, He has had very few honest greetings. Some follow Him and in sullenness of servile obedience, they drag their cross. Few kneel down and take the cross off His back and shoulder it with love and walk by His side, singing psalms with Him, saying, stay with us, because it is toward evening and the day is now far spent. We can only carry our crosses one way…heavenward. They keep our faces in that direction. As Father Faber says, “They push us uphill like the needle on the compass always pointing up.” Jesus and Mary are going one way…the road to Heaven. Yet, the road that they were traveling led to Calvary. No one’s face is toward Heaven when it is not toward Calvary. At the next turn of the road in life…there is usually a sorrow. How are we to look at that sorrow? Will we unite it to the cross of Christ or will we drag it….or worse…reject it. Let us do now what Mary did then…look at Him who is on the road before us, and see how the beauty of the Sacred Heart is the burning furnace of Eternal Love drawing us ever closer to Him until we are finally Home! Blessed be the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary...
We are only three days away from the Feast of the Exultation of the Cross and then comes the Feast of the Sorrowful Mother. I just saw that Taylor Marshall posted a short five minute video of Mel Gibson talking about the new coalition... "Coalition for Cancelled Priests" which I believe was started just this past July after Fr. Altman was cancelled for being a traditional priest. Please listen to this five minutes...posted in the link below. Does anyone know what this image is that I posted here? This is....Papa Bergoglio's Papal Audience Hall Building at the Vatican completed in 1971 during the pontificate of Pope Paul VI. One of the fruits since the Vatican II council. Yes, this is pathetic...he gives his addresses from the center which looks like he is speaking right through this serpents mouth or maybe the serpent is speaking through his mouth. Quite unbelievable what we are witnessing and experiencing these days. I put this here because as I have mentioned multiple times.... Papa Bergoglio and the Vatican since the Second Vatican Council have been working for the United Nations agenda for a World Government. He will not only cancel the Latin Mass and its priests...he will fully dismantle the Catholic Church for a one world religion ...(at least physically...we will be the Church will never die!) So if God gives Judgement upon the world soon and Rome gets destroyed will know why. Focusing on the world's woes...we have all received the message from our imposter president...that we are to obey his treasonous crime against our nation, its people and the Nuremberg Code. This is a global is happening not only here but around the world. What is actually in those anyone's guess but there is a 99% chance that it is of demonic origins. That is pretty obvious. What to do about the crime, sin and evil that we see everywhere. Again, the same response....promote the Brown Scapular, pray your Rosary as much as you can and frequent the Sacraments (while we still have them.) Below is a video regarding the Rosary as well as the Mel Gibson 5 minute talk. May we keep praying...Reminder to go to the link on this website for "Consecration to Jesus through Mary" for more talks on the dolors of Mary before Her Feast day. May Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for all of us. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon all of us. Greetings in Jesus and Mary: (NEW NOTE: I have posted the Novena for Our Lady of Sorrows under Formation: "Consecration to Jesus Through Mary"... where you can also find EACH DAY OF THE NOVENA A POST ON EACH DOLOR OF OUR LADY...Take care and God bless!) Hope all are well...we have sun today and it was forecasted to rain. What a beautiful treat on this glorious Sunday! Thank you God! I just came back from Mass and learned from our Pastor that a priest from the Society of St. Pius X just passed away early Saturday in a hospital from COVID and that he was treated with Remdesivir. (Please pray for the soul of Father Dominic and may his soul rest in peace!) There are other successful treatments ... but the successful treatments are NOT the protocol of many hospitals. There is a Dr. Ardis who explains how Dr. Anthony Fauci KNEW the experimental drug Remdesivir was DEADLY (causing kidney failure), yet he mandated it anyway as the ONLY "allowed" treatment to be used in American hospitals. Dr. Ardis also explains how the FDA knew months before the experimental "vaccines" were used that they were also deadly and would cause all manner of terrible diseases. SOURCE: There is a link below of a woman's first hand experience in a hospital for her husband who they wanted to put on a ventilator and she said no and demanded different treatments...he walked out in three days with her requested treatments! YOU MUST SEE THIS AND DEMAND DIFFERENT TREATMENT. DO YOUR HOMEWORK SO THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO YOU! Unfortunately, this fall and winter will be stricken with many variants because the vaccinated are shedding them. (listen to first link below) If you or any of your loved ones or family or friends comes down with this, it is critical to act immediately even if you think it is just allergies or a cold. Find a doctor who will give you Ivermectin and learn how to USE IT take it RIGHT AWAY. Keep some on hand to do so. If it is taken right away, it keeps from replicating in your body and getting to your major organs. Check the American Frontline Doctors Website (link below). They have a number to call to get a doctor who will give advice for a small fee and you will be able to get prescriptions as well. If you think you are at risk with health issues or them now to be given something to take as soon as you get sick and not have to wait. Take supplements now and stock up on them as they will be harder and harder to get. Vitamin D3 deficiencies have been the number one prerequisite of death for people found with these variants. You can get your levels checked at your doctors or at least take the minimum amount be increased as soon as you are sick... Below are some videos to help with this info. There is a critical video in the first link just released today by a Christian doctor from Trinidad. He has an accent but what he has to say is CRITICAL TO ALL OUR EARS! We can not be uneducated about what is going on right now. Keep close to Mary and take care of yourselves spiritually, physically and emotionally. Stay educated and keep praying for knowledge, comfort and grace. Love all of you and may we keep each other in prayer!! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... Hello Everyone. I pray you are keeping close to Mary during this Novena before Her birthday and may we seek Her help until we are all called home. This is going to be an interesting few years and we will need Her help to get through it. Archbishop Vigano has just come out with a letter on the "Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order". This letter is quite long so I will leave a link below from Lifesite News where I just read it. I will reprint the conclusion so that we can see where this is going and how we should react. If you have not read my article from yesterday, it is below this one and is related. Conclusion of his letter: "Allow me to conclude this reflection with a brief spiritual thought. Everything that we know, discover, and understand about the global conspiracy currently unfolding shows us a tremendous reality that is also at the same time sharp and clearly-defined: there are two sides, the side of God and the side of Satan, the side of the children of Light and the side of the children of darkness. It is not possible to come to terms with the Enemy, nor is it possible to serve two masters (Mt 6:24). The words of Our Lord must be engraved in our minds: “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters” (Mt 12:30). Hoping to build a world government in which the Divine Kingship of Jesus Christ is outlawed is insane and blasphemous, and no one who has such a plan will ever succeed. Where Christ reigns, peace, harmony and justice reign; where Christ does not reign, Satan is a tyrant. Let us consider this well, whenever we have to choose whether to make agreements with the adversary in the name of a false peaceful coexistence! And let those prelates and civil leaders who think that their complicity only affects economic or health issues, pretending not to know what is behind all this, also consider this well. Let us turn to Christ, Christ who is the King of hearts, of families, of societies, and of nations. Let us proclaim Him as Our King and Mary Most Holy as Our Queen. Only in this way can the wicked project of the New World Order be defeated. Only in this way can the Holy Church be purified of traitors and renegades. And may God listen to our prayer. + Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop 28 August 2021 S. Augustini Episcopi et Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris Take care and God bless! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Categories |