Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Before we dive into the topic I bring forward, I would like to emphasize that we are now in the season of Advent. A time of reflection on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ! May we have a blessed Advent with much reflection and prayer in a very cold world. Well...we are speeding toward a world where it will be easy to prosecute Christians for their beliefs and conservatives as well. If you are not "woke" are not allowed in society. You Pope Francis says..."going backwards"....if you are a traditionalist that believes in the words and traditional practices and beliefs of the Bible. We are again facing an attack. We were pummeled with the proposals on voting day which extended abortion crimes and various crimes against our children. Now the attack is on marriage itself. They, the globalist elites, want to completely dismantle society to usher in a new technocratic, cold, Godless society without love and without family. The Senate will convene TODAY at 5:30 p.m. ET on HR 8404, a measure that will impose same-sex marriage, and force states to honor and obey California’s insane pedophilic child bride laws, along with just about every other perversion of “marriage” you can imagine. Two weeks ago, 12 Republicans joined 50 Democrats to move HR 8404 forward on a thin promise that a religious accommodation amendment might be added to the bill. But that amendment is so weak that even the radical LGBTQ group “Human Rights Campaign” isn’t opposing it. The debate on amendments begins today, and this week the Senate needs another 60 votes to continue HR 8404. We CAN stop this bill. The senators MUST hear from ALL OF US. Neither you, your business, your pastor nor your church will be safe from HR 8404 respecting the truth about God’s design for gender and marriage. Some information regarding this bill........... HR 8404 forces every state to honor and obey any definition of “marriage” that any state can dream up. First, HR 8404 will federalize same-sex marriage and establish a public policy that gender is irrelevant—and thus empower the transgender movement. Second, HR 8404 goes far beyond same-sex marriage because it empowers one state to set national marriage policy—including pedophilic “child bride” marriages, incestuous marriage and more. Third, even the bill’s co-sponsors admit a so-called “drafting error” opens the door for polygamy, but the Senate has not fixed the “drafting error.” Fourth, while a “religious freedom” amendment has been proposed, it is so weak that even Human Rights Campaign, a pro-trans child mutilation group supports the measure. If only one state allowed child brides, this same bill would force the other 49 states to immediately honor those as well! This is a Pandora’s Box. This bill goes far beyond just a “repeal” of the Defense of Marriage Act. Instead, it will force every state under the threat of law to recognize any and all marriages. One state can dictate the policy for the entire nation. This is a federal law enslaving all 49 states to the bad laws of just one state. And there are no religious exemptions included in this law. A healthy marriage is the foundation of society that teaches children how a man and a woman should interact and care for each other. But this bill will attack and destroy the foundation of our nation, which is critical to any society that cares for its long-term stability and health. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Greetings in Jesus and Mary... This is a day of Thanksgiving...of being thankful! As the world grows colder, this virtue is diminishing more with each generation. This is a day when we should get together with family and friends and ponder over all the gifts we so enjoy. We need to thank God for the past year and beg Him for the grace and blessings to get through the next. Today is also a feast day on the Carmelite calendar...the feast of St. John of the Cross. It is a great blessing to have this feast on this day. We can ask St. John for the graces to be truly thankful for all that God has given to us. May we ask St. John for a great love of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus which was shed for our salvation. Below is a homily that makes it clear that in ALL things we are to give thanks. Our greatest gift from God of course is Jesus truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist and all the sacraments of our Catholic Church. Jesus shed His Most Precious Blood to show His love....we can show our love with our gratitude. May we pray for our family and friends who are distant from us and from God.....sometimes distant in miles and sometimes distant in love. May God bless those with the necessary graces, who do not give not give not show appreciation for all that God has given to us and continues to give us.... As Carmelites, let us thank the Eternal Father for all that He has given to us through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother of Carmel! Blessed be the Most Precious Blood of Jesus...shed for all of us out of love!!! Jesus, we love You and thank You for Your LOVE! St. John of the Cross....pray that we may be thankful! Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you! fGreetings in Jesus and Mary.... I have been holding off on this post for awhile but since we are in the week where Papa Bergoglio is to give us a NEW TEN COMMANDMENTS....we need to see what is coming beyond this sacrilege that needs our reparation prayers.....A chastisement ALLOWED by God....famine, war and pestilence..... Where I live, I have been blessed with many local farmers markets, produce markets and orchards. As I was purchasing the last of the produce at my local seasonal market; I had a conversation with the daughter of the owner about the coming food shortage warning. She said that her dad was told by three local farms which supply most of their produce that they must close down and will NOT be supplying produce come Spring/Summer of 2023. He has no idea where he will get produce to sell. The statement....."WE WILL NEVER GO BACK TO NORMAL" when Covid was launched on the now here. They are manufacturing shortages of food with burning down food factories, culling chickens and turkeys because of positive PCR tests for bird flu.....healthy birds are being culled in the MILLIONS. Large numbers of cattle have died from the manufactured drought. Farmers are paid to NOT FARM. Gates and China are buying up farm land. Seeds are scarce. (Link Below) They are manufacturing a fuel shortage to halt the world. How convenient that all these shortages are after COVID and if you remember.....they pushed for the idea of shortages FROM THE START so that we can get use to this manufactured collapse. (Link Below) As the United States is preparing to enter a significant and purposeful recession that could eventually trigger a full-blown depression, the Federal Reserve has announced a “digital currency pilot program” at all 12 of its banks — currency that the government will be able to “program” in a way to control personal spending habits and behaviors. (Link Below) THEIR GOAL......Last discussed at the World Government Summit 2022 which is an annual meeting of elites from around the world, taking place in Dubai. During the meeting, world leaders discussed global governance processes and technological advances, among other things. (Link Below) Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I should have written something on November 15 for Carmelite All Souls day. I hope you were able to go to Mass that day and offer prayers for our deceased Carmelites. Also, yesterday was the feast of St. Gertrude who gave us the beautiful prayer for those in Purgatory... May we keep all Holy Souls in our prayers this month and always! "Eternal Father I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus in union with the Masses celebrated throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Amen." BELOW IS POSTED FROM LIFESITE NEWS...Dated Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022........ Women around the world are joining together to pray a Rosary on December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to honor Our Lady and better imitate her example. The initiative was launched in Colombia and is gaining interested participants through Instagram. So far, the group’s social media page, titled Women’s World Rosary, has 2,741 followers. “We are called to be representatives of our Blessed Virgin Mary, in every word, every act, in every place where we can influence,” the group wrote on its Instagram page. Women’s World Rosary has been promoting the event through advertisements adorned with images of Our Lady and announcing the participation of individual countries. Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that “women from more than 25 countries have already confirmed their participation, including women from Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Uganda, Uruguay, and Venezuela.” CNA added that “this initiative aims to publicly unite women in defense of churches (often vandalized by abortion advocates in Latin America), life, motherhood, the family, and to proudly say to the whole world ‘we are daughters of the Blessed Virgin Mary and we want to follow her example.’” The effort also emphasizes God’s peace and promotes the value of every human life. During the past few months, Catholics across the globe have joined together to pray the Rosary for various intentions. On October 9, the International Week of Prayer and Fasting (IWOPF) concluded with a nationwide rosary offered for the conversion of the United States to faith in God. Shortly after, 770 groups across Canada participated in hundreds of Rosary rallies asking for Our Lady’s intercession for the country. In South Africa, thousands of faithful Catholics gathered to pray the Rosary in public places for their country and to celebrate the anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the Sun on October 13. More recently, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in San Francisco led a “rosary for peace” on Election Day, November 8, and encouraged all Americans to pray through “Our Lady’s intercession with the Prince of Peace, who suffered much violence for peace in our day, and eternal peace.” May we join in on this crusade of prayer for the world in imitation of Our Lady and through Her intercession may we beg for grace upon the world to obtain a miracle of peace and order from the Most Holy Trinity! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary ...pray for us! Greetings in Jesus and Mary!! I am finally back. We had internet in the woods will do that. We are up and running again and we also have a few inches of beautiful white cold stuff on the ground since I last posted here. Winter has arrived. A few things have happened since I last posted here. Papa Bergoglio is still driving at full speed to dismantle the Church. God help him to convert. The Socialists/Communists have again used their system against us to take away our votes. There is so much to pray about. May we make much reparation for all the pro-death proposals that the so called Democrats rammed through across the nation. I can't imagine that the majority of Americans want death to babies...but it looks like we voted that way. Something doesn't add up but it is clear that 2020 had the same problems with the system and we saw these same anomalies before our own eyes this time as well. They don't even care to hide it because they have not only compromised the media but also our legal system as well. This is 1984 in real time. How will America react? Not sure. My job is to offer reparation for these immense dangers and all of these changes that are meant to transform our nation and world. Chastisement is around the corner and I am not sure how much time we have left before that happens or what the scenario will look like but I DO TRUST IT IS ALL IN THE HANDS OF AN ALL KNOWING ALL LOVING GOD WHO IS JUST AS WELL AS MERCIFUL......AND I REMAIN FAITHFUL TO HIM AND HIM ALONE!! (Now and Forever) This leads us right into today's feast. The Feast of All Carmelite Saints! We need to focus our attention on becoming St. Teresa of Avila said...."Let us be true friends of Jesus because He has so FEW OF THEM." If we have been called to give an intense life of Love and Prayer to God, then we better give it our best shot. We need to make up for so many who do not say..."I love You to God" in and day out! AND THERE ARE MILLIONS!.....FOR CENTURIES! This should encourage us to be TRUE LOVERS OF GOD!! Let us be truly obedient, self-sacrificing lovers of the One Who First Loved Us! There is so much coldness in the world and it is intensifying.....may we listen to St. John of the Cross and ...."Put love where there is no love!" Let us throughout our day be as "new" lovers who throughout their day keep their thoughts on the one they love. May we be in union with Him each minute...May we offer our every move to Him. I will post below the link from this website that has daily prayers to say....may we memorize them and say them with pure love in our hearts. First, may we try to receive Jesus at daily Mass and if we can not go to Mass....let us offer Spiritual Communions...even many throughout our day. St. Peter Julian Eymard called Spiritual Communions...kindling for the fire. When we see the fire die down....throw kindling on the fire to keep our love for Jesus vibrant. May we be obedient to Our Blessed Mother and pray the Rosary daily....May we pray Her Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary faithfully (offer this in reparation for the religious who do not and in respect of Her love)...May we wear Her Brown Scapular faithfully and share this knowledge with others even if they reject this advice...maybe someday they will not! It can be a seed planted that Our Lady can nourish with grace! Let us walk in Faith, Hope and Love as true friends of Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother. May we live in imitation of Her as true Carmelites....always in the presence of Our Lord in His service and Love! God does not force anyone...says St. Teresa of Jesus, "but to those who follow Him, He gives them to drink in many ways, so that none may lack comfort or die of thirst!" May we fortify ourselves for the fight and help nourish others with our prayers of reparation. "O Mary, you gave Jesus to the world in silence and retirement; unnoticed, you shared His whole life, His works, His Passion. Teach me the secret of the interior apostolate of prayer and hidden sacrifices, known to God alone....make us saints!" Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, OCD (pray for us) Our Lady of Mt. Carmel...pray for us! Carmelite Saints....pray for us here on earth!!! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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