![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I will begin with a thanks to all of you who may have said a prayer for my daughter Theresa who was expecting on Feb. 11th. She gave birth to a baby boy Emeric at 9 PM that night. Praise be to God and the prayers of our Blessed Mother....may Our Lady grant the parents the grace to baptize him (and his sister) in this Jubilee Year. There is a St. Emeric. He was the son of St. Stephen in Hungary and both were canonized together as St. Emeric died young at 24 from an accident but there are reported miracles at his grave site so he was deemed worthy of canonization with his father. Now to the headlines.....A link is below informing us of Papa Bergoglio's recent trip to the hospital today because of his on-going bronchitis. As we know, he has a part of a lung missing from an operation in his 20's. Being 88 with this condition is miraculous. He has had on-going breathing problems and loss of balance for the past few months. (details in the article linked below). This post is to ask all to consider praying for his conversion before he is called to the next life. He must answer for alot and we must pray for his repentance and make reparation for his actions. There is no doubt about that. We have solid evidence that he has made many decisions that are the result of multiple souls lost. May we be consumed with daily prayers and rosaries for him as the probability of see him being taken from us this Jubilee Year are great. May we also pray for a holy replacement. I am sure that they already know who is going to replace him; but God is in charge. If we are to suffer still with a lack of leadership......know that it is allowed by God as a chastisement to His Church that has turned away from Him and deserve more pain for reparation. May we live in the hope of the reign of the Immaculate Heart and a renewal in the Catholic Church that will come.......some day! We may not deserve to see this immediately but may we endure the sorrows and pains that it will take to repair for our past sins before we see this glorious day! Our prayers, sacrifices and penances can bring this day closer! If some may wonder why I always call him Papa Bergoglio, it is because I am convinced that he was never canonically elected as our Pope. I am not in a position to say what that means. I only know that we are to be faithful to the TRUE TEACHINGS of the Catholic Faith....to pray with great charity for him and to wait to see what God has in store for His Church which He has not abandoned....nor will He. The Remnant Catholic Church may be very small now but it DOES exists! We may very soon see a time where we have to go underground. We know that we have many apostate Bishops and maybe another Apostate Pope soon. We may have to go underground to have holy priests offer the Latin Mass and give us the sacraments as in the days of old under similar circumstances to certain regions of the earth......we may NOW see a global underground! May we be prepared for this day....physically, spiritually and emotionally! I encourage all to read about the Catholics who endured the Reign of Queen Elizabeth 1. The heroic Catholics who opened their homes to Latin Masses and were punished, if caught, along with the priests who came to offer the Mass. GET YOUR HOMES AND HEARTS READY!!! Below is a video of how to set up for Mass...pay attention to what is used and you may want to consider obtaining these things in your home now before it is too hard to obtain later. Many Catholics are already prepared for this day! "O Heart of my dearest Jesus, most worthy of my love and adoration, with an ardent desire to atone for the great and numberless outrages committed against You, especially in the Blessed Sacrament, I offer and consecrate to You, in union with Mary and through Mary, my heart with all its sentiments, love and affections. O Holy Mother of God, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray that my union with my indwelling God may daily grow more and more intimate, and that the Holy Spirit may here on earth transform me in and through Your Immaculate Heart into a living image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eternal Father, give me the grace to be inflamed with the fire of Divine Love, and to love Mary ardently, as Her most devoted children have ever loved Her so that She may lead me to Your Son Jesus Christ in the most perfect way." O Most Holy Trinity, please give graces to Papa Bergoglio to make a death-bed conversion before you call him to his judgement. May Our Lady intercede for him so that She may beg you for the graces needed for his repentance and conversion to Your Love. We ask this through the merits of Your Son Jesus Christ and of Our Holy Mother Mary. Please be merciful to his soul. Amen.
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I have been away from this website for awhile and I apologize. I live in the woods and depend on a small device for my internet service because satellite does not work well out here. Well, my device went bad and the service to get it replaced was bad. I was beginning to think the worst. BUT I AM BACK! There is a great Verizon rep here in town locally and could help me far better than the reps on line. Blessed Feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes - one day late! Our Lady came to give us the message of prayer and penance. It is a message for today as well! I was fortunate to get to Mass at the Carmelite Monastery even though we were getting snow and the roads were not good.....Our Lady protected me and got me there with a little extra time. Thank you, good Mother! This is the Jubilee Year now with many graces available to all of us. We need to get MORE serious and take advantage of these graces with more prayer, fasting, pilgrimages (plan one! Even if it is local), Eucharistic Adoration and many more Masses - especially at those locations designated by your diocese for Jubilee indulgence locations. (Each diocese has a list - check it out). We have some heartbreaking news from Michael Matt from the Remnant (link below). This is pertaining to the activities in the Middle East and Trump's involvement. USA was involved to a huge degree (158 billion in military aid since 1948) before Trump got in and is now asked to keep the ball rolling. We are run by the Zionists here in America and have been for years. Listen below! America first or Israel first??? Also, there is bad news for Detroit's newly appointed Bishop! Article below from Lifesite News. This will not be good for those who wish to be true Catholics by attending the Latin Mass. Heaven only knows what he will do to that after you read this woke article below. I moved farther north from the Detroit Diocese. so I am no longer a part of it. although I am still registered at the St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit so that we can participate there while we visit our adult kids who still live there. Also, I hope to be buried from that parish someday.....God willing! We know that God is in charge! All things happen for a reason but we need to increase our prayers so that the just chastisements coming to the different parts of the world will be mitigated or lessened. Especially pray for the salvation of souls with the prayer.....Jesus, Mary, I love You, save souls!! I am praying that with the USCCB being defunded by the US Federal Government that we will see less activity by our woke bishops. I pray God is allowing this to wean away from the troubles that have erupted since Vatican II and make room for us to go back to Tradition and the True Catholic Church. May Our Lady lead us back to Jesus and away from illegal immigration and climate change! I hope to write more this week from my studies and readings and to make up for lost time. May all of you have a blessed day and keep all of this in prayer. May we live for GOD ALONE as Our Lady did and beg Her to teach us how to pray! Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us! PS --- My daughter Theresa is expected her third child (a boy) any day now. Please say a little pray for a healthy delivery, mom and baby. THANK YOU! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... With so much in the same day, we should have a novena that incorporates all in one prayer. We will have to work on that. I am posting below a novena to Our Lady of Good Success. This entire set of prayers is to be prayed daily....we can add the ejaculatory prayer..."Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your flame of love to all of mankind." * Hail Mary Most Holy, Beloved Daughter of God the Father Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request)... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your flame of love to all of mankind. Saint Michael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Admirable Mother of God the Son Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your flame of love to all of mankind. Saint Gabriel, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request) ... Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your flame of love to all of mankind. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... Saint Raphael, pray for us. * Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity. St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us. Our Lady of Good Success, thou who art the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request, so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. Immaculate Heart of Mary, please send forth the graces of your flame of love to all of mankind. Hail Holy Queen... ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... We are thanking God this day for the gift of a new President who is hoping to bring this nation back to God and morality. We all know that this is going to take a major conversion of souls and some supernatural protection from the enemies of God. May Our Blessed Mother, patroness of America, pray for us through our daily Masses, prayers, and rosaries! May She grant this miracle from the Most Sacred Heart of Her Son!! Fr Ripperger, a well-known exorcist, has written a prayer for all of us to pray daily as we remember President Trump and this nation and his intent to help this nation. Below is the prayer..... Immaculate Mary, patroness of the United States of America. Queen of Heaven and earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to thee our refuge and hope, knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works, and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of thy Son, we humbly ask that thou wouldst turn thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to thee all of those governing our Republic, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our nation may be accomplished, and that they would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of thy Son. Bind any forces, spiritual or human, that would seek to inflict harm or evil on our country, or those who do good for our nation by their governance. Give grace to the citizens of this land, so that they may merit leaders who will govern according to the Sacred Heart of thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that thou wilt take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. America is Guilty of MURDER - Pray to Stop the Baby Killing in this Country and in the World!1/18/2025 ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... We are soon to March AGAIN in Washington DC on January 24th for the 52nd time in this nation against abortion! We have made little progress in the way of stopping this murder. It seems that we are truly living in a culture of death which has turned away from God and His laws and decided to honor the new trinity....me, myself and I. There is a petition to sign below with information on the Born Alive Act that is to be voted on NEXT WEEK. May we pray for an end to this madness and sadness. God forgive us for these crimes and may the Good God make all these innocent little ones perfect angels in Heaven! WARNING .....THE WORDS BELOW ARE GRAPHIC TESTIMONIES OF THOSE WHO WORK IN HOSPITALS WHERE BABIES BORN ALIVE ARE NOT TREATED AS THOUGH THEY ARE ALIVE! GOD HELP US!!! This message below came to me by email from the Liberty Counsel....... "Babies survive abortions all the time. But as our former client (of Liberty Counsel) Jill Stanek, RN, testified before Congress, unspeakable horror is happening to these living, breathing children from coast to coast. Every day in this country, as Jill testified, fully born and very much alive babies are being thrown into trash cans, even stuffed into Ziploc bags to suffocate, wither, and die. And as our client Sandra Merritt’s videos proved, sometimes those children are butchered alive to garner high prices on the human organ trafficking circuit. In many states across the nation, it is perfectly legal to actively kill a child, or let the child die, so long as the child was originally intended to be aborted. After witnessing a horrific car accident in her youth, Jill Stanek felt a calling to become a nurse. She would spend her career saving lives. Fresh out of nursing school, Jill took a job with Christ Hospital and Medical Center of Oak Lawn, IL. She soon learned there was nothing “Christ-like” about this hospital’s maternity unit. Not long after joining the maternity unit, one of Jill’s co-workers told her something almost unbelievable — living, breathing, newly born babies were being sent down to the hospital’s soiled laundry storage room where the children were left alone until they died. In her testimony before Congress, Jill detailed a series of horrors she witnessed. In one case, a little boy survived an abortion. But rather than treat the child like any other newborn, this child was wrapped in a towel and sent to a dirty laundry collection room to die among the soiled sheets. “I was traumatized and changed forever by my experience,” says Jill, now a former nurse for Christ Hospital and Medical Center. (Lest you think the hospital is “Christian,” think again. It is part of the United Church of Christ — think Obama’s “pastor,” Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who declared that people who are PRO-abortion are “good Christians.”) “I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room,” Jill told the congressional panel. “So, I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived.” Had this child been born after any procedure other than an abortion, he would have been put in a warming bin, given oxygen and a chance to survive. But saving the life of children who manage to survive abortion was not hospital policy Sickeningly, this was not an isolated incident. Jill recounted yet more experiences where children were left to die, or were intentionally murdered after birth.
Instead, Jill testified that “after delivery, the baby, who showed early signs of thriving, was merely wrapped in a blanket and kept in the Labor & Delivery Department until she died 2½ hours later.” This practice of letting children die who are born alive following an attempted abortion became so prevalent that traumatized nurses — many of them mothers themselves — created a “Comfort Room” to hold the babies until their last breath. In any other situation, neglecting a baby to the point of death is heinous and punishable by prison time. But because these atrocities are being committed by abortionists, they are not considered a crime in most states. Worse yet, as our client Sandra Merritt’s undercover videos revealed, many abortionists outright murder living, breathing children, wiping the life out of their tiny, newly born bodies. In abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s case in Philadelphia, he used sharpened utility scissors to cut babies’ tiny spinal cords once they had been fully born. In another case, an abortion survivor was born alive in an easy chair at A Gyn Diagnostic Center of Hialeah, Florida. Undeterred by the breathing baby’s movements and cries, the clinic owner, Belkis Gonzalez, simply cut the umbilical cord and zipped the little girl into a Ziploc-like biohazard bag to suffocate her. This must STOP! When Jill Stanek was fired for exposing the horrors at Christ Hospital, we (Liberty Counsel) defended her. And we continue to defend Sandra Merritt, the undercover journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s baby butchering crimes, from criminal prosecution and potentially 10 years in prison. STOP INFANTICIDE! Congress will vote NEXT WEEK, sometime between Wednesday and Friday, on the Born Alive Act — a measure that would make it a crime to kill a baby born alive. Pass the Born Alive Act of 2025! Sign the petition link below asking Congress to VOTE YES on the Born Alive Act of 2025 — because NO human being should be left to die, or worse yet, be butchered alive. OUR LADY OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY.........PRAY FOR US! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Today is the Feast day of Mother Mariana de Jesus of Quito Ecuador who received the vision of Our Lady of Good Success. The Novena for Our Lady of Good Success starts soon and begins on January 24th. (I will post it below but again when it nears that date) I am posting an image of Our Lady of the Most Miraculous Medal here because of the topic of this article....I will post one of Our Lady of Good Success in a few days! Today was posted a talk by Fr. Ripperger on Youtube about the evil we face today but also the fact that because of this evil.....God is more generous in giving us the necessary graces to combat these seemingly overwhelming temptations IF WE ARE FAITHFUL! We must be faithful to Him in placing Him first in our daily lives with prayer, penance, self-sacrifice and of course frequenting the Sacraments for that sacramental grace which far exceeds actual graces. Receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest means of grace we can receive. If we can not get to a daily Mass, we can make multiple Spiritual Communions throughout our day! Sr. Lucia, in one of her last interviews, stated the same thing ...... that since we are living in unprecedented times; Our Lady has given a greater efficacy to the Rosary than at any other time in history. Also, St. Catherine Laboure who received the messages of the Miraculous Medal was shown by the rays coming from the hands of Our Lady all the graces She will give to mankind. BUT it was also revealed that the rays are coming from behind her hands because this represents the graces that She has which mankind WILL NEVER SEE because they do not ask for them. We also know that the Sacred Heart of Jesus is burning with love for all of us! He died for all of us! He has all the graces we ALL NEED contained within His Most Sacred Heart and we know that there are enough riches contained within that Most Sacred Heart to make ALL OF US SAINTS! St. Francis de Sales stated that we are not saints because we do not want to be! WE NEED TO PRAY....SEEK......AND ASK! These are the conditions to unlock the love contained within the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! WE MUST PERSEVERE AND PRAY AND LIVE IN GREAT HOPE DURING THESE TRYING TIMES!!! WE MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE BECAUSE WE ALREADY KNOW THAT GOD WINS IN THE END! WE ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE! THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DESPAIR AND IT SADDENS THE BLESSED TRINITY TO SEE US IN A PITIFUL STATE WHEN WE HAVE THE RESOURCES OF GRACE TO BE TRUE SOLDIERS OF HIS LOVE FOR OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES, AND THE WORLD! Spiritual Communion by St. Alphonsus Liguori: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us to be saints! Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us on earth! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, show us Your Love and Please Be Merciful To Us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Well - I have a second chance to talk about Fr. Patrick Peyton. I posted on this the Sunday after Christmas because it is celebrated in the Novus Ordo Rite on that day. Now, we are going to review this again because the message is so critical for our families. Father Patrick Peyton is Venerable and we pray may be Beatified only to give him the recognition he needs so that people will listen to his message for the life of the family through the prayers and intercession of our good Queen and Mother Mary! As stated in my last article on Fr. Peyton, I received the DVD ...."Pray" for a Christmas gift. It is about Venerable Father Patrick Peyton. The link is below if you would like to purchase it......every Catholic family should view it....around the world. We need another Fr. Peyton today because the family is in trouble all around the world and it is Our Lady with Her Rosary that can positively help! Below is another video of one of his Rosary Rallies in the UK (BEFORE VATICAN II). This is another example of the Catholic Church before the destruction of the Freemasons. We need a renewal of this strong faith seen in these people! We need to go back to Tradition, the Rosary and Sacraments and God. I pray that after all of you see this video (and the other video of San Francisco in the other article), that you will buy the DVD on his life. It is done so very well and there are miracles in it. There is no doubt that this man is a saint that we in America should be very proud to have and to pray to for his intercession with Our Lady for this nation and the world as we face a true crisis in family life! I mentioned the success to conversions and strength in the Catholic Church during this time when America was watching Archbishop Fulton Sheen's TV show and listening to his radio broadcasts. It was the same time that Father Peyton's Rosary Rallies were going on in this country and around the world. How this would be so refreshing to see happening today!!!! It is only the truth that the enemy of the Church, the Freemasons, inside and outside of the Church decided to do what they could to destroy the progress and the increase of faith that they were seeing and they succeeded with the Second Vatican Council. If you look at the statistics......they plummeted when Vatican II was implemented and continues. Here in Michigan, we lost dozens and dozens of parishes, convents, schools and seminaries. It is that way throughout the world. BUT GOD WILL PREVAIL. May we pray for a renewal....and for the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!! May we pray to Father Patrick Peyton, Archbishop Fulton Sheen and all those who went before us who shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of His Mother Mary! Blessed Feast day to all and may we pick up our rosary and pray it with our families or if they will not join you.....then pray it for them! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary pray for us. Good St. Joseph pray for our men, our fathers, our priests! Dearest sweet Baby Jesus, bless our nation and the whole world! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... I am posting this late in the day of this great feast! I have been ill since Dec. 27th and trying to get well. I have a tendency to get sinus infections and have been trying to keep that from happening as an aftermath of this illness. I ventured out to Mass yesterday and tried to keep my nose and mouth covered from the very frigid weather but I knew that from past experience.......it would be a bad mistake. I am very ill today and went back to my notes on how to handle a sinus infection. Steaming, nebulizers, nasal rinses, supplements. I started at the break of the day and it is now 4:30 PM and I am feeling relief. I just have to keep it all up and stay on an anti-inflammatory diet to get all of this knocked out of me. Sorry for the introduction to this article but I felt I had to explain my delay. Please say a little pray to Our Lady for healing...may She heal many who are ailing right now throughout the world. Epiphany! This day has so much meaning and is filled with such mystery. The three kings followed a star by night to Bethlehem. How often God prefers to teach by night rather than by day. They hardly were able to see it at first but trusted their Divine lead. As they were led to the simple stable, their hearts were ready for the Divine. As they entered and saw the poverty, simplicity and humility of the Holy Family; they supernaturally were filled with the wonder of God! This should be a proof to all of us as to this story's authenticity. This is how God reveals Himself....always! Faith led them on and it was their Faith that helped them to believe that this little Baby was God ..... even in such humble surroundings! They brought gold because He was a King, incense because He was a priest, but also myrrh. This is the way He was to be buried, with a hundred pounds of spices and myrrh. These gifts reflect the purpose of this newborn King. According to the book, City of God by Mother Mary Agreda; the Mother of God received these gifts and offered them to the Infant Jesus. Jesus showed by signs of highest pleasure, that He accepted their gifts; they themselves became aware of the exalted and heavenly blessings with which He repaid them more than a hundredfold. The kings offered Our Lady gems and property as well but she gently refused these gifts. She did return love for love by giving them some of the clothes in which She had wrapped the Infant God; for She neither had nor could have had any greater visible pledges of esteem with which to enrich them at their departure. The three kings received these relics with such reverence and esteem that they encased them in gold and precious stones in order to keep them ever after. As a proof of their value, these relics spread about such a copious fragrance that they revealed their presence a league in circumference. However, only those who believed in the coming of God into the world were able to perceive it; while the incredulous perceived none of the fragrance emitted by the relics. In their own countries, the Magi performed great miracles with these relics. On taking leave of Our Lady, the three kings besought Her from their inmost hearts not to forget them, which She promised and fulfilled; in the same way they spoke to St. Joseph. With the blessing of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they departed, so moved by tenderest affection that it seemed to them they had left their hearts all melted into sighs and tears in that place. When they returned back to their land by way of the star; they converted a great number of souls to the belief in the true God and to the way of salvation. The holy angels, who were witnesses of these holy mysteries, congratulated their Queen, that Her Most Holy Son had been manifested and that His Majesty had been adored by men; and they sang to Him new canticles, magnifying His mercies wrought upon mankind! In the instructions given by Our Lady to Mother Mary Agreda, She says the following...... "My daughter, great were the gifts which the kings offered to my Most Holy Son; but greater still was the affection with which they offered them and the mystery concealed beneath them. " Our Lady stated to her that voluntary poverty is the most acceptable gift and that there are very few in the world who use well the temporal riches and offer them to their God and Lord with the generosity and love of these holy kings. She asked that we ceaselessly offer our love which is the gold; continual prayer, which is the incense and the patient acceptance of labors and true mortification which is the myrrh. Holy Mother Mary, pray that we may offer these gifts daily beginning this Epiphany! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary...... Blessed New Year to all. I have a feeling as many do....this is going to be a different year. God only knows what is in store for the world. I have not checked the news yet today. I know the sun is having some activity which is exceptional and can cause trouble to the planet. God is in charge even though there are men on earth who are trying to be God with all the weather manipulations, the GMO foods, the mandatory gene therapy injections, the transgender mutilations......Does this look like a rejection of God and all of His creation??? We as Catholics know the goodness and power of the true God. We must live in trust and surrender no matter what chastisements God ALLOWS! May we live a live of reparation and suffering in imitation of Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph of Bethlehem. Today commemorates the circumcision of Jesus and the Maternity of Mary. I have been reading from the book, City of God, The Incarnation volume, of Mother Mary Agreda. There are beautiful details of the account of the circumcision in this book. We know that with even one drop of blood of our Savior that this was enough to save the world but He chose to offer EVERY drop of His blood in His Passion and Death on the Cross! But His first shedding was in the circumcision. In the book, it is stated that the priest was the customary one to perform the circumcision on the baby boys. The priest did perform this on baby Jesus but Mary had asked to hold the baby as this procedure was being done. Most, if not all mothers, never would ask for this opportunity as it was too painful to watch. Mary was only thinking of the comfort of Her Son. So Her Womb was not only His first Tabernacle but Her arms act now as the first Altar of Sacrifice by holding the little Lamb of God. 33 years from now, the Lamb of God, will be placed in Her Sorrowful arms again after His complete Sacrifice is finished on the cross. For this Circumcision, She prepared a special linen cloth to catch the blood of this first relic of Jesus' Precious Blood. This linen relic was placed in a special container that was always kept with St. Joseph. It is stated that when Mary ever had to perform her chores that made it difficult to carry the baby Jesus; She would ask St. Joseph to hold the Baby and She would get to hold the relic of the first shedding of His Precious Blood. (This relic was later passed on to the Apostles.) This brings our minds to the scene in the Passion movie (which was also taken from the words of Mother Mary Agreda and Anne Catherine Emmerich) where Mary and Mary Magdalene wiped up the Precious Blood from the pillar after the scourging. BLESSED BE THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF OUR SAVIOR!! Today also commemorates the wonder of the Maternity of Mary as Mother of God. These examples already speak of Her worthiness to be His Mother. May we give thanks today to the Almighty Father for the gifts of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus and the Most Holy Mother of God...Who is also our Mother as well. GOD IS AN AMAZING FATHER!!!! Precious Blood of Jesus, save us. Holy Mother Mary, pray for us. Good St. Joseph, pray and protect God's Church! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I am sorry that I am posting this late. I have been sick the last couple of days and still am not well as I write this. I received the DVD ...."Pray" for a Christmas gift. It is about Venerable Father Patrick Peyton. The link is below if you would like to purchase it......every Catholic family should view it....around the world. We need another Fr. Peyton today. Below is a small video of one of his Rosary Rallies (BEFORE VATICAN II) in 1961. This was the Catholic Church before the destruction of the Freemasons. We need a renewal. We need to go back to Tradition, the Rosary and Sacraments and God. I pray that after all of you see this video, that you will buy the DVD on his life. It is done so very well and there are miracles in it. There is no doubt that this man is a saint that we in America should be proud of and that we should pray to him now! Can you imagine the Freemasons around the world and in America watching the numbers of Catholics grow with Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Radio and TV broadcasts and Father Peyton's Rosary Rallies. BREATHTAKING! You can hear the Lodges around the world and in the Vatican shouting......."WE HAVE TO OPEN THE VATICAN II COUNCIL AND BRING MODERNISM IN TO DESTROY THE CHURCH.....HURRY !" If you look at the statistics......they plummeted when Vatican II was implemented and continues. Here in Michigan, we lost dozens and dozens of parishes, convents, schools and seminaries. It is that way throughout the world. BUT GOD WILL PREVAIL. May we pray for a renewal....and for the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!! Blessed Feast day to all and may we pick up our rosary and pray it with our families or if they will not join you.....you pray it for them! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary pray for us. Good St. Joseph pray for our men, our fathers, our priests! Dearest sweet Baby Jesus, bless our nation and the whole world! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 8 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
February 2025
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