![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... March 1st is the feast day of the Holy Face of Jesus! Now more than ever do we need this devotion of Reparation! I have posted two links below to help us in our devotions to Our Lady of Fatima's message and to the Holy Face of Jesus. We all know that with the local events...war for the world is imminent. We can mitigate some of the suffering from this chastisement by our prayers of reparation. Our Lady of Fatima warned that if Russia is not consecrated....there would be trouble. Here we are! BUT IN THE END HER IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH! May we spend these days of Lent with this hope in our hearts but with a spirit of prayer, penance and reparation. Let us put our trust in God that He will not give us a death that was not already known to Him. He is a loving Father. God is Love! The reality that all sin must be repaired for is a real mystery. Prayer can mitigate this but we must offer up our days, our prayers, our penances. JESUS MARY I LOVE YOU SAVE SOULS!...must be a constant prayer as we see so many now and we will see many more that will die...not ready! Also, in the below video, the priest recommends everyone consider getting an image of the Holy Face of Jesus (possibly with the relic on it). Have the image blessed by a priest. This would be great to have in case we see the day when we can not get to a Mass. Something to consider. May we have a truly blessed Feast Day tomorrow and a blessed Lent...close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! PS...PLEASE CONSIDER THIS PRAYER REQUEST...THERE IS A PRIEST WHO HAS ASKED FOR A 54 DAY NOVENA FOR HIS PRIESTHOOD. HIS NAME IS Fr. Stephen Arabadjis. O Bleeding Face, O Face Divine...be every Adoration Thine! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, pray for us! St. Veronica, pray for us!
![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... This Sunday (tomorrow) starts the very powerful Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus. The Feast Day is always Shrove Tuesday - the day before Ash Wednesday which means the date changes each year. This is a Carmelite devotion that offers Reparation - therefore it is highly recommended to do. I have added a new section under "Devotions" at the top with information on the Novena and various prayers - (link below for easy access). There are so many graces given to this devotion that it can not be more highly encouraged for as many to participate as possible. We need the miraculous intervention of the Most Holy Face of Jesus Devotion! PROMISES 1) By my Holy Face you shall work miracles! 2) By my Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners! 3) Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you. 4) If you knew how pleasing the sight of My Face is to My Father. 5) As in a kingdom you can procure all you wish for with a coin marked with the King's effigy so in the Kingdom of Heaven you will obtain all you desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face. 6) Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His most Holy Countenance. 7) All those who honor My Holy Face in a spirit of reparation will, by so doing, perform the office of the pious Veronica. 8) According to the care you take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemies, so will I take care of yours, which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint therein My image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the Baptismal font. 9) Our Lord promised me that all those who defend His cause in this work of reparation, by words, by prayers, or in writing, He will defend them before His Father, at their death He will purify their souls by effacing all the blots of sins and will restore to them their primitive beauty. The Veil of Veronica is a precious relic of the Catholic Church which is preserved and venerated at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Over the course of years, the Church has permitted certain other images of the Holy Face to be touched to this True Image in Rome and has given to the faithful who venerate them the same indulgences as if they were to kneel before the actual Veil of Veronica in Rome when it is on display. These “copies” of the actual Veil of Veronica bear a red wax seal on the lower portion of the picture. The image here is one such copy which was given to Leo Dupont (early 19th century) and before which he burned an oil lamp as a sign of his love. The Image of the Holy Face of Jesus on the Veil of Veronica is very expressive of the love of the Heart of Jesus for us! See how much He loves us that He would allow Himself to be mistreated so! Yet the image on Veronica’s Veil also preserves the memory of the love which Veronica had for Jesus in braving an angry crowd of people hostile to Jesus. It was Our Lord’s way of showing how pleased He was with her act of courage and devotion. What will Our Lord fail to do for us if we honor Him with a like devotion? How many miracles of grace will He not perform through His Holy Face to touch our hearts and the hearts of our loved ones and draw us closer to Himself? Join us during this Novena to give Him the love and gratitude which are due to Him as our merciful Savior and Redeemer. Below is a little history but please visit the Devotions section on this website for more and for the actual Novena. In Tours, France a young Carmelite nun, Sister Marie de Saint-Pierre (1816-1848), received a series of revelations in the 1840s from Our Lord about a powerful devotion He wished to be established worldwide – the devotion to his Holy Face. The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the blasphemies and outrages of the ‘revolutionaries’ of that time, the blasphemies of atheists, freethinkers and Masons, and for blasphemy and the profanation of Sundays by Catholics. We read in her autobiography: “Then He unfolded His Heart to me, concentrating therein the powers of my soul, and addressed me thus: ‘My Name is everywhere blasphemed; even little children blaspheme it.’ And He made me understand how that dreadful sin pierced and wounded His Heart more than all other crimes. “By blasphemy, the sinner outrages Him to His Face, attacks Him openly, and pronounces upon himself his own judgment and condemnation. Blasphemy is a poisoned arrow, wounding His Divine Heart continually. He told me that He would give me a “Golden Arrow” with which to wound Him delightfully and heal the poisonous wounds caused by sin.” Our Lord then dictated to Sr. Mary the following Golden Arrow prayer, assuring her that every time she said it, she would lovingly wound His Heart. THE GOLDEN ARROW May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most mysterious and unutterable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified in Heaven, on earth and in under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Our Lord told Sr. Mary on March 16, 1844: “Oh if you only knew what great merit you acquire by saying even once, ‘Admirable is the Name of God!’ in the spirit of reparation for blasphemy.” ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary.... Today is the traditional feast of St. Bernadette and since I did not make a special post for the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, Feb. 11th; I thought I would honor Our Lady today. I am posting a picture of Our Lady and not Bernadette because the focus is on Our Lady and her message. Bernadette was chosen for her humility....this is the message we can take away from today's feast! I would like to digress a bit and begin by asking all to keep Canada (New France) in their prayers as arrests have been made yesterday for the leaders of this convoy. We are living in a communist world now...yes, we can not just think this is happening in Canada. Since Mr. Trudeau does not work for Canada but for Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset...this will be accepted in the world's media which is also owned by the globalists. Let us continue to pray to St. Joseph, patron of Canada and his spouse, Our good Queen and Mother! (Our Lady of Fatima predicted this communism!) Back to Lourdes, France. The message I like to focus on is the fact that Our Lady came and claimed: "I am the Immaculate Conception". This is still a controversial topic among both Catholic and Protestants alike - even though it is a dogma of our faith and therefore - one is obliged to believe it. In 1858, in the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes in southern France, Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a young peasant girl, starting on Feb. 11 through July 16th (Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel). She began by praying the Rosary with Bernadette (only Bernadette prayed the Hail Marys). Our Lady had asked that penance be done and told Bernadette that She did not promise her happiness in this life – only in the next. She told her to drink from a fountain in the grotto, where we now have a spring of miraculous water for all the Church to benefit. Our Lady revealed Herself as the Immaculate Conception on March 25th (Feast of the Annunciation) and asked that a chapel be built on the site of the vision. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception had just been given to the Church by Pope Pius IX just four years prior in 1854. We may conclude that this apparition was meant to help the skeptical faithful to accept the True Teachings of Mother Church. It is very feasible that controversy ensued even among the so called "scholars" of the Roman Catholic Church when this dogma was proclaimed. It is exciting that Our Lady had to come and straighten them out. Also, in order for all to believe, God permitted a miraculous spring in which many are healed. Let us not forget that God even allowed the body of St. Bernadette to be left to us fully incorrupt as another sign that the message given by Our Lady is true and needed very much for today! May we not forget to pray our daily Rosaries and offer much reparation for the sins of the world - for abortions and for all crimes committed everywhere inside and outside the Church.....especially against communism. Our Lady wants our prayers and sacrifices to help Her win souls for Christ and His Church. Let us not be indifferent to Her plea and may we not fail Her and truly strive to be Her devoted children. Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette - Pray for us!! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I pray all of you had a very holy Feast Day yesterday of Our Lady of Lourdes! May our Blessed Mother pray for all of us at this time. We have so much going on in the Church and in the world to pray for. I spent some time with my sister yesterday going over some misunderstandings that we had encountered in the past. Life is short and we all need to act and focus like this could be our last day! While with her, she mentioned that a neighbor suddenly died. She was due to have some surgery and speculation is that she was advised .... like everyone else who is about to get any medical treatment whatsoever......to get the jab. I have heard and read about adverse reactions and/or death due to the mandatory jab for a medical procedure to be given .... and then to find out that the person never lives to see the procedure. Below is a link of a story on "The Children's Health Defense" of a poor mom who has a 6 year old that was due to have a procedure but the doctor recommended a jab for the 6 year old and now the child has myocarditis and is in poor health. (link below to read) There are also many stories of young pregnant moms who were told by their doctor to get the jab to avoid the "deadly disease" that is 99% curable with treatment....that it is advisable to get the jab...AND THEY TRUSTED THEIR DOCTORS. These are woman who will not take Tylenol or a glass of wine or eat bad food because they want a healthy pregnancy....yet....they elect to take an untested experiment concoction that does not even prevent the "disease". They take the two jabs while pregnant and either lose their babies before term or give birth only to see the death of the child soon after by myocarditis or other ailments which have been numerable. I wrote before of a young mom who just before delivery took the jab as recommended (not forced). She delivered two healthy boy twins! Four months later.....they both died from myocarditis. (Picture above is the mom and dad of these twins saying goodbye to one of the boys before death) THEY LOST BOTH OF THEM AT ONCE WITHIN DAYS OF EACH OTHER...after loving them and getting close to them and treasuring them. I am not sure of the parents mental health right now but there is a journalist out of Australia (link below) who talks about so many babies dying and mothers committing suicide over the little ones deaths....these moms felt responsible for not educating themselves by becoming an "anti-vaxxer" "conspiracy theorist" "nut-job". How the media has used propaganda to make people afraid of finding out the truth and to be truth seekers in order to avoid this name calling....name calling works apparently! I know....I have family members that will not see the actual proof of SOLID evidence which I can put before them! My point in this article is to make all of you aware that ...the jab does not work....it does not do what we all want it to do....and worse....it is killing people....and even more worse...doctors and nurses are seeing this with their own eyes and STILL pushing for people to inject this into themselves OR THEIR CHILDREN. This has to be by coercion and/or bribery. How can they take an oath to do no harm to their patients and continue to push this as safe and effective. We are living in a genocidal psyop. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEDICAL PERSONNEL ALL OVER THE WORLD WHO WILL HAVE TO ANSWER FOR THEIR LACK OF LOVE AND ATTENTION TO WHAT IS GOING ON! THIS IS A DANGER TO THEIR ETERNAL LIFE! PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN DYING AND BEING INJURED.....JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU....SAVE SOULS! PRAY FOR THE PARENTS WHO ARE LINING THEIR CHILDREN UP FOR THESE JABS WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IS BEING INJECTED AND HOW IT WILL DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD! Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us! Our Lady, Consoler of the sick and dying, pray for us! ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I am writing today to not only share my joy for Canada and its heroes at their Capitol in Ottawa; but to ask for your rosaries not only for them but for the world. May Our Lady help to crush this tyranny and communism which has spread throughout the world right now. I am posting a link below of a talk by John Henry Westen from Lifesite News about what is going on right now in Ottawa. I have been wondering if there were any Rosary Rallies on the spot...and this video shows and states that there are...YEAH!!! and it has been going on from the start. I am so thankful to God that this is happening as we should be seeking first the help of God through the prayers and intercession of our dear Mother who cares for us. I would like to ask each of you to consider adding a rosary each day for this purpose of freedom in the world...and please share this message while we can. We want total freedom but if even some of the tyranny is mitigated by our prayers and by the hand of God...we must be thankful as God in His infinite wisdom knows what is best for us. The world has been a wayward people who are deserving of a large chastisement for the crimes which are innumerable within the Church and within the world. May God have mercy upon us! May we walk in hope grasping the hand of our good Queen and Mother and beg Her to intercede for us. May we pray for peace, freedom and the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart so that Jesus may reign in ALL of ours. Take care and God bless all of you...keep Canada in prayer as well as the MANY countries following their lead and even waving the Canadian flag in solidarity for FREEDOM. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for all of us. ![]() Greetings in Jesus and Mary... I should be addressing the message of Our Lady of Lourdes as we approach her feast day soon, February 11th; but with all this talk of Russia…I have to address the messages of Fatima and what Our Lady came to warn us of ---ONE MORE TIME….. Is the message of Fatima over? Did we see everything Our Lady came to warn us of? Can we still profit from the message of Fatima? Lucia, the eldest of the seers, was left here on earth to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and as trustee of the third secret. The other two visionaries were taken to Heaven one year after the apparitions. The first part of the message given to us by Our Lady was the vision of Hell, where, Our Lady told the children, many souls were falling and that there was no one praying for them or making sacrifices for them to avoid such a fate. The second was Our Lady’s warning that when WW1 ends, there would be another and WORSE World War. If man did not convert, Russia would spread its errors of Communism throughout the world and the world would suffer a great chastisement. The third part, generally referred to as the third secret, was to be revealed to the world in 1960, Sister Lucy said, when its meaning would be more clear. John XXIII opened the sealed message, read it, and refused to reveal it. Acting in direct contradiction to the command of the Mother of God, he said, “This matter is not for our times.” Naturally, faithful Catholics perturbed over the drastic changes in doctrine and tradition set in motion by Vatican Council II thought the message would be about this crisis. Their suspicions were confirmed by high-ranking Prelates who did read the third secret and affirmed that it revealed both a crisis in the Church of great proportions and other catastrophic events. Then, in 2000, the secret was supposedly released in full, along with an “official interpretation” by Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone. What was the secret? It was a confused text about a man in white walking up a hill among crosses who was shot and killed, being “officially” interpreted by Ratzinger and Bertone to symbolize the failed attempt on the life of John Paul II in 1981. With this, Ratzinger and Bertone tried to declare Fatima and its third secret a “past event.” They imagined they could close the door on the topic….. We can be told a thousand times that Fatima is over, that the consecration was made, that Russia converted, that there is no crisis in the Church, that there will be no chastisement….but we can see this with our own eyes that this is not so. If the consecration of Russia is made, she said, then Russia will convert and we will see a time of peace granted to the world. Russia has not converted, and even the most simple-minded person can see that we are not in a time of peace. The world is filled with hate and acts of terrorism, and threatened by nuclear and biological weapons. If man does not convert and stop offending Our Lord with sins of blasphemy and impurity, then there will be a chastisement of such proportions that nations will disappear from the face of the earth. It is clear mankind has not converted, and the open affronts to Our Lord are more blatant and cruel. In daily news reports, we can read about the escalating moral crisis, with civil and ecclesiastical authorities showing astonishing tolerance for the sins of homosexuality, abortion, sexual education, and so on. Is the prophecy of Fatima fulfilled or is this just one more lie of the Conciliar Church? While we still have a little time and I mean little time….promote the wearing of the Brown Scapular amongst friends and family members…promote the praying of the Rosary and give them as gifts with instructions. Encourage people to return to the sacraments…especially the sacrament of Confession. Put aside human respect and think of their souls. We must take the messages of Our Lady seriously because many will die without the sacraments and without warning. SOULS ARE AT STAKE! No time to be shy! Our Lady of Fatima --- pray for us! |
AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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