Greetings in Jesus and Mary..,. There is so much happening at lightening speed right now that yes - we need to hold Our Blessed Mother's hand through this or we will be taken up in the storm! Many people today cannot see the truth because they have left God and therefore no longer walk in His grace. Their actions are an attempt to justify their false beliefs and bad habits. At least we have some people waking up about Disney! Their stocks are going down and that must mean we are on to their agenda! Nothing is more heinous and evil than the intentional corruption of the young, yet, that is what is happening with every encounter that our poor youth are experiencing and suffering today. Their parents are no longer living out their Christian Faith; there are video games; social media; peer pressure; all forms of evil entertainment. At this point, the blessings of God have been removed from our country due to grievous sin over the past few generations since WWII. As a nation, we are no longer under His “hedge of protection” (Job1:10). Thanks be to God, there are many God-fearing believers and patriots still left and still praying. Our leadership in the Church and in the Government are very corrupt right now. Our nation generally accepts fraud with much complacency today; although a few are fed up and waking up. The Deep State along with the Deep Church of all denominations, are heavily infiltration by secret societies and have been wrecking havoc and causing much destruction for decades. They perpetuate their ideology through many systems of society and kill all dissent from their evil plans of a total communist takeover of the world known as The Great Reset. It is an ideology of godless people where its fruits are chaos, confusion and death. It is the rotten fruit of Satan’s I will not serve (non serviam). It is the goal of a person who wishes to resist the grace of God. It is the battle of the ages, Satan v. God, good v. evil. Through every century… it always plays out in the same way. God in every form must first be removed from all societies and all organizations because it is the single biggest impediment to the execution of their agenda. They have succeeded to remove it from education, from the judicial system, from the medical system, from the government system and finally from the family. The term The Great Reset is about restructuring the world in a new image of the global elites to totally control the affairs of people, and ultimately give us all a social credit score and put us in a digital cage….namely a technocratic communism! The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, secret societies, the world’s largest banks, managed funds larger than the GDP of most all nations on earth, governments, tech giants, multi and transnational corporations are working in unison, and could pull the switch any day to create a dystopian nightmare for citizenry of the world that is barely believable. If a nation bucks the community of nations by stepping out of bounds with independent practices, they will be cut off from trade and bank funds, sanctioned, vilified, and excommunicated and treated as an outcast. Many countries have already experienced it. The globalists have a simple but powerful formula. If a country will not be under globalist-approved central bank control, it will be invaded and dissolved as a country. Being in unity with the community of nations is the preeminent and primary rule for sovereign survival today. The piracy of our climate and the push for green energy is one very big avenue of the globalist plan to institute carbon credits and force digital technology surveillance for all people of the world; creating a communist world that forces us to depend on them while forcing God out. Technology and government are in lockstep on the methodology and the programs to implement this Great Reset. The plan was hatched decades ago. They want to rule on communist terms—by any means necessary. If you disagree, they will cancel you, and thus crush you into obscurity, poverty, and oblivion. There will be one winner and one loser in this fight. The USA is no more….the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Christianity are obsolete and have no place in this modern new world. The communist globalists claim that these documents and all religions are outdated and have been a huge failure, and their goal is to destroy them by any means. To facilitate the destruction of America, millions of migrants are illegally crossing because their plan is an open border to weaken our economy, bring in crime and destruction and to destroy our nation’s sovereignty. Western Civilization is intentionally being deconstructed in real time. It is on such a scale few can even believe it is thinkable, never mind happening. Marriage and family have also been under attack since WWII with a pagan godless agenda as well. Moral relativism over the years has allowed the venomous cancerous destruction of families at the legislative level. It is the communist way and found in their manifesto to create division. They not only want to divide families but also want to divide whole societies with their maniac push for Critical Race Theory (CRT) to indoctrinate youth, to become global citizens and servants of the state. If you are anti-God….you are anti-life! They claim that there are too many people in the world. This idea helps push the concept of sustainable development: thus the need to depopulate by limiting growth. The Great Reset began its vigorous momentum with the virus in order to lockdown the world and instill fear among the people, and take away basic human rights. We have seen many dominoes fall against our freedoms since the big C virus! They will continue for as long as God allows this chastisement to go on! As we progress into the near future, we find ourselves presently in the mother of all battles. You will either be in on their demonic plan or out of it by standing with God and His Laws depending on your response to government dictates. Tough decisions will need to be made by families. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). We are strangers living in a strange land. Navigating in these times for a believer will be difficult, so we must remain faithful to God and His Teachings for peace of soul….and eternal salvation! This will become paramount to maintain the mental stability and equilibrium to function. Yes, there is great hope, and we need to hold the hand of Our Lady with many Rosaries and continue to wear Her Brown Scapular in order to weather this tremendous storm on the world right now. Let us remember that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph and there will be an era of peace….until then…we must endure pain and suffering and possibly death for the world to be chastised for its many crimes…and there are many. Let us pray for the chosen ones that will live through this and enjoy the era of peace before the time of Great Tribulation that will follow in these end times of the world. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be our refuge and our hope! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Bonus Video on why the push for the vaccine..... All of this is from Hell.....Satan has his hour.....God has His day....TRUST IN GOD AND KNOW THAT HE WINS IN THE END....All of this is to help us be aware and to PRAY! Especially pray for the Reign of the Immaculate Heart---SHE NEEDS TO CRUSH him!!!!
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AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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