Hello Everyone: We are almost at the end of Easter week. I have been reading "City of God" by Mother Mary Agreda for these special days. I have posted below the Instructions that Mary - Our Mother has given to Mother Mary Agreda that will be very fruitful for all of us. I have another post under - Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary from this same book - Enjoy and God bless!! "My daughter, the instruction which I shall give you in this chapter will be also an answer to your desire of knowing why my Divine Son appeared at one time as a gardener, at another as a stranger, and why He did not always make Himself known at first sight. Know then, my dearest, that the Marys and the Apostles, although they were followers of Christ and at that time privileged and perfect in comparison with the rest of men; yet they had only arrived at a low degree of perfection and holiness and not far enough advanced in the school of their Master. They were weak in faith and in other virtues; they were less constant and fervent than was due to their vocation and to the graces they had received. The little faults in souls favored and chosen for the friendship and familiar communication with God weigh more in the scales of his most righteous equity, than some great ones in other souls not selected for these privileges. Hence, although the Apostles and the Marys were friends of the Savior, yet, on account of their faults and their weaknesses, their lukewarm and faltering love, they were not prepared for the immediate effects of the full knowledge and presence of their Master. In this paternal love He therefore created in them the proper dispositions by enlightening them and enkindling them with words of eternal life before He manifested Himself to them. When their hearts had been thus prepared by faith and love, He made known and communicated to them the abundance of His Divinity together with other admirable gifts and graces by which they were renewed and raised above themselves. When they had enjoyed His favors, He again disappeared, in order that they might desire so much the more earnestly the sweetness of His communications. This was the secret of His appearing in disguise to Magdalen, to the Apostles, and to the disciples at Emmaus. The same course He pursues respectively with many other souls, whom He chooses for intimate converse and communication. By the consideration of these admirable tactics of divine Providence you will be instructed and reprehended for the doubts and incredulity with which you have so often met the divine blessings and favors of my Son. You will learn that it is time you moderate your constant fears, lest you pass from doubt to obstinacy and to lowness of heart in giving thanks. You will also draw a very useful lesson if you worthily contemplate, how quickly the immense charity of the Most High responds to those who are contrite and humble of heart and how ready He is, immediately to assist those who seek Him in love, who meditate and speak of His Passion and Death. All this you see well exemplified in St. Peter, Mary Magdalen and in the disciples. Imitate then, my dearest, the fervor of Magdalen in search for her Master, who did not permit herself to be diverted even by the angels, or leave the sepulcher with the others, or rest until she found Him so full of sweetness and kindness. This she also earned by having accompanied Me through all the Passion with an ardent and unfaltering heart. Similar was also the conduct of the other Marys, who thus merited before so many others the joys of the Resurrection. Next to them the humility and contrition of St. Peter in bewailing his denial, secured the same reward; immediately the Lord bent down to console him and commissioned the women to tell especially him of His Resurrection and shortly after, He visited him, confirmed him in faith and filled him with joy and the gifts of grace. Then before appearing to others, He showed Himself to the two disciples, because, although in doubt, they were conversing regretfully of His Death. I assure you, my daughter, that none of the works of men done with a good intention and righteous heart, shall remain without an immediate reward. For neither fire will in its greatest intensity so quickly consume the driest tow, nor will a stone, freed from hindrance, so quickly fall to its center, nor the waves of the sea rush on with so great an impulse and force, as the goodness of the Most High and His grace to those souls, who are well disposed and have cleared away the hindrances of sin. This is a truth which causes the greatest wonder in the saints, who are made aware of it in Heaven. Praise Him for this goodness and also for His drawing vast good out of evil, as He did out of the incredulity of the Apostles. For through it He manifested His Mercy to them and has made His Resurrection plain to all men, and evident His kindness in pardoning the Apostles. He showed His willingness to forget their faults, His readiness to seek them and appear to them, dealing humanely with them as a father, enlightening them and instructing them according to their needs and the weakness of their faith."
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AuthorBernadette Porter is a Traditional Catholic, a wife of 44 years with 6 adult home-schooled children and 7 grandchildren. A sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God leads me to want to share "The Church's best kept secret" - Mary! Archives
January 2025
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